Basuel - ICT Gadget Evolution

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Miguel Angelo Basuel EMTECH

12 HUMSS – 6 Mr. Alarcon

1. What makes a gadget popular? What makes it unpopular?

From what I’ve read a gadget can only be popular only when it is both accessible and practical to use.
As technology continued to evolve whether it is in telephony, computing, or video games, it was
expected that as a gadget became easier to use and more useful in everyday life, they became popular
as indispensable tools in everyday life. This is especially the case today where “Internet of Things”
gadgets where technologies at home or at work are integrated to make certain tasks easier, leading to
their popularity. The converse then happens to older devices that were not built to take future
innovations into consideration.

2. Having a better understanding of the evolution of ICT, what trends do you foresee in the coming

The evolution of ICT, similar to my answer in number 1, involves further integration of devices from
different parts of life into one key system. There already exists Amazon Alexa, or patented technologies
by appliance companies that bring many functions in the home into one application that can be
accessed anywhere there is Internet. Other home appliances such as televisions are already smart in that
it can connect to the internet or Netflix. The fact of the matter is that hardware and software will be
able to do many more things with much less space or requirements in many different fields, and with
how technology grows exponentially, it’s only a matter of time before we have A.I.s in our own homes.

Introducing the Dayaw Nemo Pro

Features include:

- Data-signal booster
- Long-lasting battery
- Made from durable materials
- Easily adaptable OS
- Simplified layout

It might be difficult to justify what is basically a souped-up tablet-laptop hybrid, but unlike other
devices on the market, this specific device is made keeping those in hard-to-reach places in mind, both
in terms of distance and ability to connect to any source of Internet. The hardware of the device is made
from durable materials with the inside containing long-lasting batteries, built-in data signal boosters,
and replaceable parts that ensures ease of use and ease of repair, features that will greatly help users
without easy access to repair centers. Meanwhile, the software will be based on a simplified layout that
doesn’t confuse users and applications and an operating system that is open-source and easily
modifiable based on the needs of users. Simply put, while this device might not be profitable, it serves
the purpose of truly making technology democratic and powerful enough to let people regardless of
internet connection or socio-economic standing stand on equal ground in accessing the Internet.

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