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.,/ Ident1ncation
of halide ions (Cl , Br and I

. ;; irtcntif) the pn·-..enc-e or c-hlnt 1 1

JJJP · ( <'. br 0111 1<1 nd
reJllents : Test tu be.s. t P:-.t lube '>l ' " locllctc 1011..., lrom the t)H n .., 11!
~e<lui . ,llld, droppn, he l
icJllS : Silver 111trate solullon lJ\gNO d <er. C"te.
,o<Jid•- ). ~olutiow,, 0 r poU,Num chlortcle. potassium bromtd< and pol«•' i um

precedure : R C
l Take three test tubes and label th F .::i F-i
1 ' em as A. B and C
Take about 5 ml of solutions of p t . ·
(21 o assmm chloride in
test tube A. potassium bromide .
. . . m test tube B and
potassium 1od1de m test tube c.
Add 4 to 5 drops of silver nitrate sol ti .
131 . . u on m each test
tubes and stir 1t.
\\ hite L1gltt yellov. Br,ght )e\lo-w
(·H Observe the colour of precipitate formed in each test prcc1p1tatc prec1p1tatc prec1p1t,1te
of AgC:I of AgBr of '\gl
rube and record your observations. L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Identification of halide ions {Cl-, Br and 1 - ionsl

Observation Table :

Test Tube Reaction/ Test Colour o f Precipitate Inference

___A_ _ ,--_K
_ C_l_+_ Ag
_ N_ 0--=3~ ~ ~ - - - - -
_ i_te_ _ _ _ __J Chloride (C_l _)_p_ re_.s e_ n_ t_. _
B KBr + AgN0 Light yellow Bromide (Br-) present.
------+------------+-----_.:. .._________j_ ---

KI + AgN0 Bright yellow Iodide (I - ) present.
_ _ _ __ _ J L - - - - - - ~ -3_ . . L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __L_ _

Chemical reactions :
(A) KCI(aqJ + AgN03(aql
KN03 aql + AgCl(~l ..,..
(Potassium nitrate) (White precipitate of silver chloride)
(Potassium chloride) (Silver nitrate)

(BJ + AgN0 3 raql KN03laql + AgBrbl-!,.

KBr(aqJ (Potassium nitrate) (Li~ht ~Tilow precipitate of silver bromide}
(Potassium bromide) (Silver nitrate)

KNO ,Haq) + Aol -.1,-

(C) KI (aq) + AgN03faql
::-- lS)

(Potassium nttrute) (Bri~ht yellow precipitate of sther iodide)

(Potassium iodide) (Silver nitrate)
(1) Halide ions (Cl-, Br-. r) are precipitated in all the three reactions of above experiments.
(2) In the above experiment. depending on the colour of the precipitates. presC'ncc of Cl . Br and l in the

given solutions are confirmed.

[3) Ele - the periodic table show similar properties.
ments of halogen group 10

ExperimenJ Classify th
3 e chemical reactions into the type (I) combination
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~I) decomposition (iii) displacerncnt (iv) double displacmncnt
. To classify the given chemtcul n " t<'llo . IIIC'lll
;\JjJ'l . ' IIK 11110 lh<· lyp(' (l) 1•0111l>l11.dlo11 (tl) d1·1 ·<Hll)HJSlllrn 1 (IJI) 111 •,p 1·" 1
and (iv) double displacement.
(A) Action of water on quick lime.
(B) Effect of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals .
(CJ Reaction of copper sulphate solutio 11 wi· ti 1 1ron 11111 s.
(DJ Reaction between sodium sulplntc <-
, 11
<Ille m, furn dilorfcf(' :·ml11I lrn1:-. .
· ements : 250 ml beaker rh1·na di s }1, ctslwslos
J{equ1r ' · slH·el, clropp<'t, h:1nl glc1ss l1·st ltt Iws. 1cs 1 111 I><· Il(J(d<·• •
test tube stand, sandpaper, filter paper, burnei/sph II lrnllp,
beroicals: Quick lime, ferrous sulphate crystals, lro11 11.tlls, c·oppc-r s11lplwl<· sol11IJ011, socll11111 sttlplwl<·
solution, barium chloride solution, water.

(A) Action of water on quick lime

(1) Take about 10 g of quick lime in a clean china dish. UH'
china dish on an asbestos sheet.
(2) Take some water in a beaker. With the help of a dropper add
a few drops of water on quick lime in the dish. Record your

Action of water on quick lime

Observation table :

Reaction/Test Type of rell

Observation Cti()~
1. Water is added to quick lime. d suspension Combinat·
Vigorous reaction takes place an 1011

of slaked lime is formed. A clear solution reaction

down at the
appears when slaked lime sett1es
bottom of the beaker.
2. The noise produced in the reaction. . g the reaction.
Hissing sound is produced d unn
3. The heat is absorbed or evolved during The china dish becomes hot. Heatis evolved.
the reaction.
4 . A gas or vapour is formed during the Water vapours are formed.

5. The state of product is observed. The product is slaked lime.

Chemical reaction : + Heat

CaO (sl + H 20
Ca(OH) 2 (aql
Calcium Oxide (Water) Calcium Hydroxide
(Quick lime) (Slaked lime)

( 1) The reaction between quick lime and water is exothermic in nature.
(2) This is an example of combination reaction.
(3) The clear solution obtained after the suspension settles is called lime water.
Precautions :
( 1) Never put quick lime in water. It may cause the lime water splash out of the beaker and damage eyes
or skin.
(2) Do not touch or dip your finger in lime water.

(B) Effect of heat on Ferrous sulphate crystals

( 1) Take about 10 g of ferrous sulphate crystals in a clean
and dry hard glass test tube. Observe the colour of the
(2) Hold the test tube with a test tube holder. Heat the test
Hard glass
tube gently on low flame of a burner for about 1O minutes. test tube

(3) Note the smell and colour of the gas evolved.

(4) Continue heating till the colour of the residue in the test Ferrous sulphate
tube changes. crystals

(5) Place the hot test tube on asbestos sheet. Observe the
colour of the residue after cooling.

Effect of heat on ferrons sulphate c...,_

atJon table :
ob e rv
Experimental/Test I
Observation I Type of reaction
I. ,1 h<· (JrigimJJ «JlcJtlT <Jf l Liglll grc<:n. 1

f<;rr<JUS ~ulphatc 1~ rH>t<·d. · Decomposition

i. rcrr<JII'-> sulphat< is
hc,1t<:d. Whitt, powdc:r of anhydrous ferrous sulphate is formed.
Finally it gives H rnlxlun· of FciO~r SO and s0
r, Colour changes 3 2
, .) during
On healing It becomes while and finally turns dark brown.
Light Green -> White ➔ Dark Brown.
f4. 'I he colour and smell of --------1
Colourless gas wllh pungent smell.
cv<Jlvcd ga~.
-- -
chemical reaction: 2(FcSO .7H, 0) I'. ► Fe + so + so + 14H 0lgl
4 i 2 O :J(s) 2(g) 3(g) 2
· ,rh t green crystab
Inference ·• Li~. . of ferrous sulphate on heating loses water mo1ecu1es due to breakdown of the
crystal .structure to form colourless powder and on further heating it decompose t 0 give red coloured Ferne
oxide and a mixture of S0 2 and S0 gases (with pungent smell).
This is an example of decomposition reaction.
Precautions :
( 1) Use hard glass test tube for heating the substance.

(2) During heati~~~ - ~~e~ \he_:~~t _t~~-~-~~~~ ~r-~~-~-~~: ________________________________________________ _

Verification of the laws of refraction of light

e -.u1 e the anrr]e

of 1·n c1•ct ence. the angk of refraction. the angle o f crn <'i·geri('<' a n d vt rify the law
on of IJ_c:h t.
Requ .rements : A rectangular glass slab. a drawing board a drawing paper, drawing p in s. pin s . a protrartor

FD1. he drm,in~ pap er on the d rawing board w~ing drawing pins.

2 P ac-e the rectangula r glass slab o n it and mark its boundary with a sharp p e ncil.
~ Ren O\'e the gla ss sla b an d draw a n ormal M 1 N I at the point o . Draw a line AO which makes an angle
of 1nc 1dence (i) o f 30 •with norm a l M I N 1 •
-1 F ....x pin<:; P and P 2 on line AO such t hat th e pins a r e ve r tical and well separated.
5 Replace th e glass slab properly in its original position .
Observe th e jmages of the bases of pins P I and P 2 throug h th e g lass s lab from the opposite side S 2 and
fix t ·o pin s P and P such that the bases of these pins are ex actly in lin e with th e images of the bases
3 4

ofpns P 1 and P 2 .
H niovt prns P. and p .
'J ,I l dlld 111 · I th<'h
• rtr { l< . . d
P,· Hunovt plns p, a11d P . I i s1t1on s hy i:;mall circles . Drnw a line BC Lhrough points p 1 an
2 ,ll1d lht· gl · ..
71 i',lcasure the anl.!,le.s , 111<· Hn rJ , . ,1ss s lab . , loln OB ancl draw normal M N2 at poinl B.
. • ·• g < of ln c• tcl <' nc•t• 2
1BJ Rcpail tht same procf•clun• . . Ill. tll(' angle of I<'fraclion (rJ and thf' angle of emergence (e).
for .tng ll'!:. f .
, find the rc1tio sin i in •· o IJH ldt•11c•p of ,15c and 60 .
(9 1 st n r C'<1c h case' .



I Air
\"' I
Boundary of
the glass slab


l Refracted ray

Air B,
r . angle of incidence I

,. . angle of refraction I ', D

: ~Lateral
e . angle of emergence : ~ ,' ' displacement
N2 / c"
Emergent ray "-

Refraction of light through a glass slab

Observation : The path of the raY ~or angle of incidence of 30°/45°/60° is AOBC.
Observation Table :
Angle of incidence (i) sin i
Sr. No. Angle of refraction (r) Angle of emergence (e) --
I sin r
1 30°
2 45°

3 60°
Inference/Conclusion :
(1l Incident ray AO and emergent ray BC are parallel to each other. The lateral shift is equal to CD.
[This shift depends upon the thickness t of the glass slab, the refractive index of glass and the angle of
(2) The angle of incidence (i) > the angle of refraction (r). This means when a ray of light travels from air
to glass. it bends towards the normal.
(3) The angle of incidence (i} =the angle of emergence (e).
(4) The incident ray and the refracted ray are on the opposite sides of the normal to the surface at the point
of incidence and all the three i.e., the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal are in the same plane.
lbr a gtven pair of media. the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction
JI constant (Snell's law). This constant is called the refractive index of the second medium with respect

ftnt medium.
Ian of refraction of light are verified.
: Pina should be fixed such that they are vertical and well separated .


r~o Q'~ Experimcn~

11 ;
To arrange the metals according .t~
t h e d ecreas order of their react1v1ty

Aim . fo :-,lwl\ till n·r1<·t1011<, of lht 111t l 11 ... Z11. Fl. Cu ,111 d Al \\ ilh till "ilulloll" Clf-, lit" .Zn~O h ~r >
Al (S0 4 ) ,rnd to t1rrc111t.,r till ~r Ill! t 1b 111 <h <1<.t<;IJ1g ore itr o f tht II rr 11 IJ\ II\

Requirements: T< -.1 lllb(<:. fp~( lt1IH ',[,llld. cl1<:.IIII cJ \\ 1(('1, S mrlp lptl forrt p the 111t I 1h Zlrn 11 rn ,
,md t\lu111111111m. Solut1011~ of tht s.1Jt.., Z11~l) . Ji"cS0 • ('u'.-,0. Al (SO l

Pt<<<'" of .ilurn1 11ium P11 r 1s of t lnr

llH Li l st I 1p
I 'H c t's o f f l()ll J>l t'c< ~ of r
111( t 1I S(i IJ) Ill( l,d ~, , IJl m r tt1I Ir Ip

50ml 50ml

Alum111ium ~ulph dl( Zmr :-.ul ph ,ll t

sol11t1011 f t 11 Oil's ~ttlphdtt· Copp< r sulph 1tc
~olut1on ...,0Jut1on
To determine lhc reactivity of metals

( 1) T.ike four flO ml braker'> ,incl lnbt I them d-. Alt11n111iu111 ~ttlpil.11<'. Zmc<:. F'errou sulphate
Copprr ...,ulphate.
(2) Cle,m tlll Uw mrtallil p1rcc'> u..,111£! sandpaptr ,rnd < 11t !lu 111 11110 sm,lll p1rre.!> .
(~3) Add IO ml of solut1011 of Al r~of, S0 1 and <'1150 111 Ill<' l,1htllccl beakers re.spccuv Jy
l. Zn~O
(4) Add two pieces of alumm111m metdl into cnrh btt1krr, 011t,lin111g Znso,. F, SO and Cuso luu
(5) Kerp thr be,1kers urnjJsturbed for about ~O ml nut<..,,
(6) Aflcr dbout 20 minutes. note the chan_ge m colour of 5olut1ons or any other change.
(7) Repeat the stmtlar procedure b) addiJ1g - Zinc plcus to Al)SO ) • F'eS0 and CuSO soJu
1 3 4 4
p1rccs lo Al (S04) . FeSO and CuSO 4 soluUons, Copper pieces to Al (SO ) . ZnSO and FeSQ
2 1
(8) Record ) our obsen atlons.

Snl11 t1n11 • Fcso, CuS0 4
<'lllo1111l':-.1-, 11' 111.iln :,., ( l 11·(11 I 1
eolour of CuSO 1
i' tnl' 1 0 0111 ol Vl'SO
Sl' ltll's I llll•tal <lts,11>1)('·,11s \ 'fl H~ l lrown I
hott 0
7 hl<' · .
t own
(ll ti ll, bt'·i\·
M' I ll1•s
' \l'r. bott
h 011 ml'lal clisappl•ars.
tlo wn al I
t lw colo11rcc J coppc1• µ ,·,rti('ll'L
-~ \
is dispJal't'd . . om ol llit beaker. · set ti<' down al the bot tom \
hon Is displaced . of the bt'ake1. \
Solution Copper is displaced .
I rrmains -
Green colour of ferrous Blue colour of copper
colourless . s ulphate disappears. Iron \ sulphate disappears and \
metal setUes down at the red brown Copper \
botom of the beaker. particles settle down at \
Iron is displaced U1e bottom of the beaker. \
Iron Solution
Solution r~ains
__ __ __ 4\ Copp. e1 ~~splaced_. - - \
remains Blue colour of Copper
colourless. sulphate changes to light I
green coloured FeSO 4 . \
Copper metal is formed \
in the beaker. Copper is
displaced \
Copper Solution Solution remains
Solution remains
colourless. I
Chemical reactions :
[ l) More reactive Al displaces the less reactive zn from zn so solution.
2Al + 3ZnSo 4 ➔ 3Zn + AI (SO )
2 4 3

12) More reactive Al displaces the less reactive Fe from FeSO solution.
2Al + 3FeSO 4 ➔ 3Fe + Al 2 (SO )
4 3

(3) More reactive Al displaces the less reactive Cu from CuSO solution.
2Al + 3CuSO 4 ➔ 3Cu + Al 2 (SO) 3

(4) Zn cannot displace Al from Al 2 (SO) solution.

(5 l More reactive Zn displaces the less reactive Fe from FeSO 4 solution.

Zn + FeSO 4 ➔ ZnSO 4 + Fe

(6) More reactive Zn displaces U1e less reactive Cu from CuSO -1 solution.
Zn+ CuSO-1 ➔ ZnSO 4 + Cu

(7) Fe cannot displace Al from Al 2 (SO) solution.

8) Fe cannot displace Zn from ZnSO -1 solution.

Q} More reactive Fe displaces the less reactive Cu from C'uSO 4 solution.

ft:+ CuS0 4 ➔ Cu+ FeSO 1

~ displace Zn from ZnSO-1 solution. Cu cannot displace Al from Al2(SO1l:3 solution, Cu cannot
1'1p:..ire ft from FeSO 4 solution.
Inferences :
( } \hin1Ullt1111 dbpL1rc , Zn. Cu Lllld Fe from their ..,.ill ~ol u twns .
ZtnC' d1:--µJ.1rt'.':> Cu and Fe from their suJt solutions.
13 Fe l~· ' PLlC't'::-. Cu from n-., s,11t solution.
11 1
-l C 1mo1 Ji-;place Zn. r\1 or Fe from their salt solutions.

-- -
5 J 1'... u,- Ju111m1
- um s more reacuve metal. The react1v1

Zn > Fe > Cu I
. .ty of gn • g order is given below
-· ,en metals in d ecreasm

\1o , rc-.1c.1vr LC'a-.1 reactive
(Reac~1:·u~· m decreasing order) I
Precautions :
( 1) Do not touch any chemical.
(2) L b 1
a e the beakers properly and put them in sequences. It l·s bet ter to label the beakers both with the
chemical names and also by chemical symbol5.
31 It b n·ry important that the apparatus you use must be very clean and dry.
(4 l .-\lwa~ s clean the metallic strips before use with a sandpaper. Use the strips of metals of saine size,
\1·e:;hi and number.

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