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SPP CSP PPS PSP SPSS OPP PCP PP PPP SSE RPP ee RPP RP Pea Pe ee MFN OW a. JOURNAL OF FETROLOGY | voumme | sesaex: Adakite-like Lavas from Antisana Volcano (Ecuador): Evidence for Slab Melt Metasomatism Beneath the Andean Northern Volcanic Zone ERWAN BOURDON'"**, JEAN-PHILIPPE EISSEN', MICHEL MONZIER’, CLAUDE ROBIN’, HERVE MARTIN’, JOSEPH COTTEN’ AND MINARD L. HALL‘ ‘ub CENTRE DE BREAGNE B70, 29 PLOUZANE CEDEX, ANCE ‘UKD Er UMR 6s, § RUE KESSLER, 688 CLERMON-FERRAND CEDIX, MANCE *UMUK 6538, UNIVISITE DIE BRETAGNE Ot PALL, MP 00, 2995 BRESY CEDEX, FRANCE ANSIITUTO GuOFISICO, HRY, APARLEADO POSIAL 174 2738, QUITO, ECUADOR, REGEIVED APRIL 90, 2000; REVISED TYPESGRIPT ACCEPTED AUGUST 6, 2001 Etec sampling of he Anticon velco in Eauaer (Nerthre Vici Zoe of he Ades) has eed pre of ake a ks onal fe, i. ws with echnical dacs hse, but at etic, tae of hab mas. Tien main vac gps hace ben distnguhed, carci by eo distinc oe tionary tends, The AND group, mast composed of andes, tes the cee dkitc decisis sch a hgh La/ Yo end ‘SV ratios ond lw hay rr carth coat (HREE) cma The CAK grep, compose of igh Kcndesies an dacs, diplys des prowsned ado ie characteristics, Alhngh he me asc mks of ack up adi inguish on many paced hagas, apache dy shes atthe etn of te AND aud CAK poups it dminaed by dif peop proce. The isi charac of the CAR ck sages hat lation of this group is dominated by lim esalatin-ftonal cepsalization pees within he protic canine! batenest of the cilia, In the AND rp, te abides of incompatible dont, such as Nb or HIRE, sgt hat he sri was proce by « pial meng races in a mane rick x ort ample cau cinapyrnene. Such a mantle wre has ben derma (ernenaly end by edaoned rave smolts) t be pradced ln ubducion ces ah slab ls ac with end maaomate the ante tie. In Ecuador, maga enpted ithe Visto (anki (recladwaet Anten ae) rt ais, ‘sconcaponding suber, Prot addres IRD, Wymper 442. ¥ Coratay AP. 1712487, Quit, Eeuder, Fae! $805 2 504 020. Erma: boedongeent maging that ab malts came maple for the metaroation of te monte wxige hovath the NVZ in Kavador If mane Ky WORDS sting dai mtsmation; Ear AIG Sond INTRODUCTION Tkiswidely accepted that magmas generated in subdction zones are generated in the depleted mane wed, the compotion of sich moti and aed y Inydrou material faxes released om the sblcting pate (Tatum fal, 1986, McCullch Gambic, 1991; Arcus, 1994) In the past few years, strong videnc hs appeared hat i ome vai aes (annchatka, Piipines, Aleutians) Wis enrcimenn can be de ithe to slicate melts or to accu fais, or (© Osrd Unrest Bo 202 SYN = BIBLIUIECA PROYEC 10S wll HN roumavornmotccr | wines | rome Doth (Vogodinski «al, 1904; Kepeshinskas # al, 1996; Sajona a al, 1996). “According to early magma genesis models Ringwood, 1974; Wyllie & Sekine, 1982), slab melting was thought to be possible in subdaction zones and offered an ex- phination forthe genesis of the calealaline serie. Fur- ther, it was experimentally shown (Tatsumi eal, 1986; Brenan a al, 1994; Tatguni & Kogso, 1997) that partial rmeiting of the manile wedge metasomatized by hydrous fluids released from the downgoing slab could explain the main characteristics of subduction-elated magmas and particularly the enrichment of luge iou lithophile cements (LILE), Th, U and possibly light rare earth clements (ERE) over the high field strength elements (HFSE) and heavy REE (HREE). At the same time, a peculiar type of orogenic rock was recognized, fist in Adak bland (Aleutians; Kay, 1978) fand then in 14 other voleanic ares (sce Maury # a (1996) for a review]. ‘These rocks, termed “adakiter’ by Defant & Drummond (1990), digplay geochemical characterictics consistent with an origin as melts derived from the subducting ooeanic crust ‘The ever-growing number of locations where adakices are described shows that slab melting can no loager be considered as a rare phenomenon, requiring unusual P-T slab paths to occur (Peacock, 1990; Peacock « al, 1994). Tt has even been shown that slab mets may possibly be involved in are magma genesis without being neccstrly emplaced atthe surface (Maury eal, 1998) “Here we present new geochemical data for an extensive sample set of rocks ftom Antisana volcano (Ecuador). ‘These date suggest that magma genesis beneath this volcano is strongly influenced by silicate melts derived fom the downing mabducing pate. The potential ANTISANA VOLCANO: GEOTECTONIC SETTING AND MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES ‘Subsducton of de Nazca plate beaneat the South Ames~ ican plate is responsible for major Quaternary vleanism in three distnet provinces along the Andes (Fig. 1) the Nortiem Volenie Zone (NVZ) in Colombia an Ecuador, dhe Central Voleani Zone (CVZ) in Sothern Pen and Notthem Chile, and the Souther Voleanic Zone (V2) in Souther Chite Thorpe eal 1982 In Ecuador (Fig. 1), Plo-Quatemary voleanism & rep- event bya peat number of srat-voleanoes spanning 800k of are length. The width of the vleanic chain ranges from 120. at 0°30'S to a lone volcano at is southern termination Aisa volcan iy sated ia the Easter Cordilera at 0°30'S, at che latitude where the volcanic chain is ‘roadet (Fig. 1). With an cevation of 8758, i one of te largest Eoundion volcano. I sand SO kon 3B of Opa and och of ts eupdve history remains tnknown. It constructed on the Cordilrs Orctale Meson Quanroary weanorsedimntny acne ‘morphic basement whoxe meat elevation ranges ete 5000 axed 4000. This bascment i composed of od “Tera vleanic rucs fying upon Mesozoic granites and rmemedimeaiary roca of the Lej viion (Lieriand al, 1998. Antisana is a Quaternary stratovolcano built in at beast ‘wo phases. The soutbeatter part represents the old ‘cic, which encompasses two third ofthe vleano. I is compose of numerous voleanic breoia deposits, tava and pyrochstc flows whose eruptive hbory i totaly ‘known. Glacial crenor fa aromely ere tin ‘dedi. Iseems that the oll edie activity terminated with at least two explosive events as indicated by both ‘stern and southern elders, which ae well expresed in wopography (Fe. 1. Attieana's northwestern lank i young regular cone- shaped edifice representing about one-third of the total ‘volcano, Ie composed of numerous smdar lava Now, probably originating fom the summit. ‘The extremely fresh appearance of the lava flow suggest that they were ‘rupted in Holocene time. Few pyroclastic deposits have ‘bee recognized inthis prt of de volcan, ugarating 8 ra = “Two important monogenetic ava ows seem related to the most recent activity of Antiana volcano; located 2 ew kkometres away tothe north fon the main cific, these ae the Antonia and Poterilos ava low, which are, respectively, 10 and Siam long. They eruped directly through fesures inthe Cordillera Oriental Dase- ‘ment and seem geochemically related to Antisans vol- «ano. Both erupted inthe eightenth century. TRocks auaysed at part of thi study were sampled from all around the volanie edifice (ee Bourdon al, 1999}, including the hardly accessible eastern and tetshern dope and should therefor be reprsenestive ofthe overall Antinana magrnatic history. “The repiof the NVZ in whic the Antiana volcano is located characterized by » wring lack of intermediate depth schmicty 60k) inthe sbsiuton mone. Ti, the exact positon ofthe dab under Antena vleana Ht pootly contained. Guscher eal. (1909) proposed dat {here tay bea at lab’ beneath the part of the NVZ, sxstiined by the booyancy ofthe abthacting Camepic Ridge. According to thow workers, the alab may be 100m deep under Antiana voleapo and only 80 km under the Gordilera Occidenae. A large uncertainty remains, however, ot the exact location of the akab PROS Fe PP Pee ee PP73)d)d II 7I97'9999999 9990999099 ponent | san LT EASE TH THE Fig a) Location of the NV on the South Anesan comtnet C ‘Eko. perp sce shaded ree itainated om beneath the central part of the Heudorian volcanic segment, GEOCHEMISTRY OF ANTISANA LAVAS “Major and trace element abundances and Se-Na isotopic data for 15 representative lavas from Antisana voleano fare listed in Table 1. Chemical compositions were ob- tained by inductively coupled plasma atomic emision spectrometry (ICP-AES) [except Rb, obtained by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)) at'the Laboratoire de ‘Petrologe de Université de Bretagne Oxcidentae Brest, ance) lotopie data were obtained at the Laboratoire de Géochimie Isoropique de [Université de Clermont- Ferrand (France), “The Antisina lavas range in composition trom very mafic andsites to highly evolved dite. They can be divided imo three types and two main groups. Rock Classification i based on the KO vs SiO, diagram (Fig. 2a) modified from Peccerilo & Taylor (1976) as well as the $:7Y vo ¥ diagram (Fig. 2b) and the MgO vs SiO, diagram (Fig. 20. The distinction of two groups was made to emphasize the existence of two diferent evolutionary Sequences, rather than two distinct petrogenetic groups, ‘as the more basic rocks from both groups share many ‘The AND group “This group is mostly composed of andesites (AND) to- eer with (wo basic andestes playing intermediate 1, Carve Kid.) Lai of Ania vam inthe NVZ of. 'NW.3 fie man: White ase es he i fees te high K,O content (1'5-2-7%). Their MgO contents Trnge between 2.5% and 49%, This group bat iter trediate to high No-O contents (86-44%). The AND {oup mane normalize wace clement patterns play the pica enrichments a LILE and LREE) and de- ples (nv HESE) of aubdaction-reated lavas, although these rock do aot generally display a negative anomaly Jn Ti Pig.) Tn aon, they are characterized by very dow HREE (eg. Yb 077-104 ppm) and ¥ (104-13 ‘pen contents sling in elevated Sr/ (30-72) ane La/ Yb (21-39) ratios typical of adakites and experimentally Simulated sab melt (eg. Defant & Drummond, 19005 Sen & Dunn, 199), Deft & Drummond (1990) pro- poved that adakites are the result of partial meling Groubducting oceanic crn at the armphibolite-eclogi™ transition, before ts detydration. Among AND lavas the more acd samples diplay the strongest adakitc ‘ducacters such higher Se contents, and lower HREE Sou contents, se well higher La/Yb and S1/Y rato. "Nevertheless the AND lavas fern many ways from ‘ypc adie For example, ALOs (16-17%) it not aa Rebs expected for slab mei Commonly ~17%) and 1,0 contcis are mach bigher (15-20%) dn in typical adakites (usually 40% modal pheno ‘ey content, ‘The AND group Among the AND group, HAAS are characterized by a trachytic groundmass always dominsted by plagioclase lhs. These rocks can be extremely rich in plagioclase henocryats, sometimes representing >50% ofthe mode ‘They dipplay the most anorthitic compositions among the Aatsana rocks (up to Ana). Crystals cores (Amy ») and rims (Ang) eat be equally rich i anorthite, ae though they generally display normal zoning. Magnetite is prescotas rounded crystals and no iment was found, Despite the finly mafic geochemical characteristics of theie rocks, no olivine phenocrysts were obverved. Both liaopyroxene (augite) and onhopyroxene (oroazite) ‘cus, although the former is domninae. ¢ € PSS SSREEESEOEEOESSE ODODE Eee Oe ee ee ee PRPeP PC SRP Pe eee eee eS ) OE ee et ee ee ie ee ee de eee ed BOURDON «at | SLAP MELT METASOMATISM BENEATH THE NVZ ft: A "he 0,608) 80,08) Fag 4 Hater wrstion ingame Swing he major ad wae conc! saaos ie the Anians tat Same ated win 2 Fe a te ar eh aha ue ce AND grup Ging HAR) a ted ih te me souwLormemonscy | use | sae | namin an Other rocks fiom the AND group are mostly por- Dhyritic massive lavas, Pgoclae i slightly less anorthite rich than that in the HAA and often displays reversed ong with iar i (ta aid ors Ane). ‘common with the HAAS, dinopyraxene phenoctyat are ‘mostly augite, with subordinate diopside. The Ca-poor yroxenc is normally bronzit, although one hyperthene ceystal was found. The AND group invas (excluding the HAA.) are rich in magnetite and imenite, No amphibole ‘was found in any these lavas, although this mineral phase 's common, and characteristic of typical adakites (Defant & Drummond, 1990; Maury «al, 1996) ‘Among the AND group, ANT 8, which was fom the monogenetic Antsanilla lava flow, displays ‘stinctive petrological characteristics suggesting uly ‘sania interaction with the Cordilera Orientale basc- iment, One olivine (For) and corroded quart: eryatal were found in this sample, suggesting that these are xenoeryats, Ako, some plagioclase crystal display un ‘usually low anorthite contents (Adin) compared with the bulk of the Andsana lavas, The CAK gop ein pay ole ge ae See hegeies aegis pees ee lores ae Sone ce teen niet eae el cles She rare ee Shae ee Sel pect eee ker ete tes Sone eae peaierle cha aes Sheet eee ee ee Se sib Does tog eee pepemerr ey ate pepe cele egae aoe See falorhet anaes Sta ee oe ISOTOPIC RESULTS Fiteen Nd-Sr isotopic measurements (Table 1) were cartied out on Antisina voleanic rocks, spanning the catire range of rock composition (rom low-Mg basic andcites to evolved dacites). These data are presented InP Staph ear mpd aa da featite We op ei de Spee Lay ee ae pape oe Degree eer aera td ella lend pen ae ee aac tere oe cae eel Sees sate canes probs pease es co rage ane ere (S/S <0-7039), Data from the Galipages Tanck, ees oar ree ORT aC costs ne fn es Re Sia 9172 sinc py eee niet Goad eee eee pets henge coer rete gee The De eee ated oo aaa aoe a One ene Sat oS ine copes a ee eee es eres re appa peel wpe fee ee Tce ee ee ee ie ee ee eras eee Mane eee alae eed ce an eee ar precy ee ee Soc eewe ee Soeete ee Soe etapa ae eee dines Toei a ode Ree is, Tan emcees ue on oe ae ere ee pect pfeil Se ee ee erie pbb eonieiien yeaa pores Philippines; Central America). ‘The Antisana rocks Se ereepe re eels ern ecto eee ee aces eae eee pa ep renee = € Peeeeececeac5ua5ungqacqca4@auc@acuauacaoaeouauaaeasena SH bc dm ch Am ON eh gm arg Cait I ee mer er eee ee ede eee ee ait ) BOURDON «al Nd Fig 5 50 ws "30/3 dag (it, 1999, Fk af expe dt free SLAB MELT METASOMATISM BENEATH THE NVZ Seis of Aatiana rrk at witht ofthe NVZ in Yew (E, Bourton, ised, Calgagee septs "Ore (OSC) and tie Lae Pace Kae (LP (Whi as Sprain 1 el cares erin the Atel Vala Zoor (ANZ) Gere sa 14S & Kiln, 1995, ad de Coal Vole onc (CVE, HEACELSS SS" Sek uc, 1 Hameo a 14; Davton 2 98D) ar abe town, Cc, AND gro tan, CAK group TECTONIC SETTING OF MAGMA PRODUCTION AT ANTISANA VOLCANO Peacock a al (1994) calculated that, for a ‘normal’ thermal regime, subducted oceanic crust older than 5 Ma cannot melt because at pressures >2 GPa the cor- responding geotherrs do not croscut the MORB solidus (Wyllie & Wolf, 1998). Nevertheless, the geochemical characteristics of adakitic magmas strongly suggest that they do indeed represent melts of oceanic basalts meta- ‘morphosed in the gamet-amphibolite facies (Defant & ‘Drummond, 1990; Drummond & Defant, 1990). Melting, experiment: on gamet amphibolites at 800-1025°C. tunder pressures of 1°5-2 GPa demonstrate that partial ‘melts very similar to natural adakites can be generated (app a al, 1991; Sen & Dunn, 1994, These PT ‘conditions correypond to a thermal regime boter dha jn ‘normal subduction zones and the resulting magmas ‘woul be erupted loser to the trench than ‘normal cale- ‘Mlaline lavas. On the bass of thermal model, Peacocke a, (1994) summarized the specific gcodynamical con- ditions necessary to allow slab melting. These ar: (1) high shear stresses (>100 MPa); 2) subduction of very ‘young (<5 Ma) oocanic lithosphere; (8) an early stage of subduction, Peacock a (1994) admitted, however, that if the angle of subduction chosen for the model was reduced, the imiting age for slab melting could rie to 10Ma, According o the geodynamic setting of present- day adakites (Defant & Drurnmond, 1990), it bas also ‘been propored that they may be produced hough melting of oceanic crust <25 Ma old or previously sub- acted oceanic crust Saunders al, 1987), Alternatively, Atherton & Petford (1993) suggested that Necrich ‘maggnas, very similar to adakites, could be produced by Uundesaturated partial melting of underplated maficlower Tn the ease of Ecuador, the presentay convergence rate between the Nazea plate and the Andean block is ‘timated t0 be 7.can/yr (Gutscher a al, 1999) and the role of high shear stress i thus thought to be negligible, ‘The age ofthe oocanic crust currently being subducted under this part of South America is between 12 and DE Ma, conesponding to the limit for ponible adakite |Reneration (Defant & Drurommond, 1990), Another source (of complexity isthe subduction, at this location, of the tscismic Camegic Ridge, originally produced by the of the Nazca plate over the Calipagos botspot. {Tn addition, particulaty high beat flow vahies have been ‘fthore Ecvador (Van Andel tal, 1971). “The voleanie zone clearly displays progressive broad ‘ening from Colombia to Reuador where the Camesic eee sounxaLormemno.ooy | vox ‘Ride is subducted In Colorabia, dhe NVZ is represented by a single chain of volcanoes whereas in Ecuador its ‘composed of at east two voleanc lineaments. The Wester voleanie chain is loser to the trench than the voleanic ‘front in Colombia (~ 240 km instead 320 km; Gutscher i al, 1999), This suggests that magmas in the Western Cordilera are erupted in a fore-are positon, compared ‘wit the Colombian volcanic are, similar to the tcetonic setting of ‘normal’ adits. ‘New geochemical data fr volcanic rocks erupted in the Western Cordillera strongly suggest that typical ad- kites are erupted inthis part of the wleanic are Bourdon al, 2001). Adakite genesis under the Western Cordillera is also in good agreement withthe 80 km estimated depth ‘of the Benioff zone beneath this part ofthe ae (Cutacher al, 1999), butt seems too deep beneath the Cordillera Occidentale and Antisana voleano (~ 100 km; Gutscher al, 1990, DISCUSSION; ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF ADAKITIG-LIKE LAVAS FROM ANTISANA VOLCANO. As both the AND and CAK groups were erupted more (or les simultaneously (Bourdon ¢ al, 1999), one could ‘envision a petrogenetic relationship. In many geor chemical variation diagrams (se Fig. ), however, itis clear that both groups define divergent. geochemical Uwends that are difficult to relate to one another. Por ‘example, the CAK group displays increasing SiO, con- tens correlated with increasing ‘Yb concentations, ‘whereas, in the AND group, Yb concentrations decrease ‘Nevertheless, both trend tend to originate in a common, parental magma composition, Fractional crystallization within the AND and AK groups ‘The AND group (including high-Al andesits) is char- acterized by unusual geochemical wends, For example, SiO, enrichment is correlated with decreasing Nb andl HREE contents (Fig. 4) whereas the inverse is generally observed. most calealkaline series. Fractional crys tallizaton of typical low-pressure phates is unable 9 ‘explain such trends Amphibole fractionation might theoretically have been STE Se Sep eas Gecmee es with decreasing Yb, decreasing Nb), but Ky™”="* (~1) and A=" (15-2) would necesitate fractionation of ‘unrealistically large amogsts of amphibole. The lack of lamphibole phenocrysts ia AND group lavas argues ‘aguinst significant fractionation of this mineral. More- ‘over, ifamphibole fractionation was responsible for Yb Me 48 ae bias 7 7 * Lab Big. 6 MYSi 7 La/Nh dgpam. Ineeasing Nd rs aon ‘GAK gop magmas plein aconatin The AND propos pletion, it would decrease Gal (middle REE; MREE) ‘more efficiently than is observed. There are only small ‘variations in 2:/TiO, ratios in the AND group, which rules out fractionation of ziroon as being responsible for the trace clement distribution. Obviously, some fractional eryrallization must have ‘ccurred in the petrogeness of the AND group (acing {0 some seatering in trace clement diagrams, and var atioa of the me-umber, but it is not the dominant DPetrogenctic process that can be used to explain gor chemical variations in the series, For example, in the Na/Sr vs La/Nb diagram (Fig. 6), it is deadly shown, that plagiodase fractionation plays a minor role, asthe Nd/Sr ratio remains constant whereas the La/Nb ratio shows a wide range of variation. Fractional crystallization seems to play a more inv PPortant role within the GAK group rocks. This is, bow. ver, dificult to model because of the strong geochemical heterogeneity of this group. Nevertheless, in Fg. 6, the DIDD PDIP D> BOURDON « al “able 2: Rb, Sr and Th (ppm), and "S/S daa wsed i the AFC caleaations —— a ee ed Suaring magma! 71 THO 0704310 Anite 80 MOTION TEquyvalent 0 ANT 38, ‘JEguvvelentto the Tree Lagunas Granite compleximean data {akon from URheriand et a (7896). “Harmon etal; 1984; James & Marcia, 1984) relative t0 the Central Voleanic Zone. Barragan da. (1998) have ‘recently estimated thatthe amount of crustal assimilation jn the petrogenesis of the Antiana volcanic rocks is 8% ‘by simple bulk mixing between a primitive manile-derived ‘magma and a (pial continental crustal component. Here, we provide a full Né-Sr isotopic dataset from the least to the most evoked Antsana rock, providing an ‘opportunity to constrain more precisely the degree of ‘crustal assimilation "The Antisana volcano is built upon the Mesozoic (0 Cenozoic Laja division of the Gordlera Real basement consisting of metasedimentary rocks and granites. An- tisanais precisely situated above a Triassic granitic com- plex (Geological Map of Ecuador, IGM, 1983), analogous fo the southemmost “Tres Lagunas granite complex’ Githerland a al, 1999), In Fig, 7, good correlations are observed between "Sr/ Sr and Th concentration and Rb/Sr ratio within the ‘CAK group. Among this group, ANT 36 was considered a the most primive lava composition and we use this fs a parental magma to evaluate AFC. processes within this series, The starting magma (ANT $6) and erostal ‘contaminant (considered to be an equivalent ofthe Tres TLagunas granite) characteristics are given in Table 2. Dy js amumed to be constant and equal to 1-1 and Das = (0-1, realistic values for the range from basaltic andesite tw dacte (eg. DePaolo, 1981; Gill, 1981). In both the Nge/Sr vs Rb/Sr and Th diagrams, the dats can be modelled by an AFC process with r values between 10-08 and 0-05, The caleulated peroentage of assimilated ‘Triassic crust varies berween 2-2 ane x maximum of 44506. These values confirm that crustal asimilaion is ‘nota dominant proces in the evolution of NVZ. voleanic rocks, bat om the other hand, it shows that AFC processes ‘can perfectly explain some of the isotopic variations ‘within the Antisana rocks. ‘Although the majority of the AND group do not show any correlation that could be associated with APC. processes, some rocks of this group sccm to display a SLAB MELT METASOMATISM BENEATH THE NVZ Fig 7, APC mod ces etna es) eres mas ati ‘nia ‘utant merWaronane) "Sree Th a Sc we Rb/Sr &) seagate In Bodh digests corelaion ‘eer "Se/"Sr a The Hb/Se, respetey, shod Be eed Te CAK rock ANT 36k comire a be arin mage Ts Ser angle acta lenge in) or SSO Reata Same gma ning 6 similar behaviour to the CAK group (Le. increasing Rb/ Src corcated with *S1/SSr rato; Fig. 7), Never theles, tht variation, i significant, correspond toa ery low percentage of assiilation. This ature suggests chat some (or iyi all) of the AND group rocks could have been afeted by minor amounts of upper-ersta ‘contamination, One of the high-A andesite ofthe AND tock aloo displays the highest "S/S and lowest TENG/"Na ration, sagesing that it aso experienced Desp cnstal contamination ‘Atherton & Petford (1998) showed that rocks Gor the Cordlera Blanca atholith display adakitic char- acteristics such slow Yb, high Sr and high SiO, contents, Several workershave suggested that similar characteristics in Quaternary lavas from CVZ. volcanocs could be the ‘result of partial racking within the thick garetiferous lower continental ert ofthe Central Anes(€g Fikreth & Moorbath, 1988; Feeley & Hacker, 1995). The AND group, bowever, exhibits intrguingly rather high and onmtant maumber that cannot be related to reiting of the lover enust sch mels would be expected to have low memumber (Vogodrinki & Kelemen, 1996). Alo, roumuroremmotacr | vouses | san | manana Rb (opm) iB "See Rb for Comic nas and CV da for the Andes compare with Antes AND gro data ex explain ‘ext Fique mec on Duman (980) in Fig. 8 the AND group fills in the ‘unradiogenie! ‘domain of slab mels defined by Drimmond a (1596) ven if Antisana rocks are slighdy richer in LILE. than ‘typical adakites. All chese features argue against a strong. ‘contribution from the lower continental crust in the ‘The OIB component? ‘Variations in the La/Nb ratio within the AND group suggest that a component rich in Nb is iavalved in the [petogcaesis of these rocks. [¢ as been propoved that Nbcnrichment in lavas in subduction zone environments, ‘could be the comequence of a contribution from an ‘ocean island basalt ( mantle source (Reagan & Gill, 1989). ‘The ‘OBB component® assumption is re= {forced by the presence ofan alkaline veleano, Sumo, 50 km east of Antizana volcano (Fig. I). ‘There is no compelling evidence for extension in the bck-are region of the Northern Andes. Ou the contrary, there i strong cvidence that comsprestive stresies dom inate inthis part ofthe are (Ego a al, 1996). Thus, the Sumaco alkaline lnvas cart be linked to the melting of 1m adiabatically uplifed mantle in an extensional seiting. Should then Sumaco be related to an ine ‘wacontinental hotspot? Barragan «fal (1998) analysed several rocks from Sumaeo. These alkaline baal lavas are strongly enriched in LILE and contain modal badyne ‘and normative nephelinc. The Sumaco lavas lo clearly clsplay negative Nb-Ta and Ti anomalies, which are aan established characteristic of subduction-related lavas. Barragan al. (1998) proposed that the Sumaco lavas ‘could be generated by low degrees of partial melting of 19 mantle metasomatized by low iaputs of slabderived ‘aids. Thus, the Sumaco alkaline lavas should not be related to an intracontinental hotspot but seem to be derived from an enriched mantle source modified by 2 subduction component. This sto rules out the ine volvement of an OIB-type source in the genesis of Ar tisana rocks, Contribution of melts from the subducting ‘oceanic crust ‘The oocurrence of adakiiclke lavas at Antsana voleano snd at other Ecuadorian voleanoes (Monier al, 1997, Bourdon ol, 2001 suggests that the AND group, which dliplays among the Antsana rocks the ‘most alakte™ seochemical features (uch as lowest HIRE con- centrations highest La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios) could wel ‘be derived ftom direct partial melting ofthe subocting ‘ceanic crust. However, there are many argument ‘against this assumption. Gutcher oa (1999) etimated the slab tobe at east 100km deep under Autisana, This 4a too deep to bein the ‘adakiic window’ that pret. the meking of the oceanic crust to occur between 75 and ‘85km Drummond & Defint, 1990). Moreover, we have shown that the AND group dirs in maay way fm, ‘typical adakies. Lastly, Fig. 9 shows that high Ba/ Nb ratios tend 10 be correlated with Nb concentrations. If sab melts were dircedly involved in the petrogeneis of the AND group rocks, 4 posive ‘correlation beoween Ba/Nb and Nb should be observed, as adakiic magimas are thought wo transport Ba and Nb ito the mantle wedge (Kesson & Ringwood, 1989) In € € CPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeeseneatbetnennsg LLL ee ede ha LD he ee De ee ae ee rere ere eee pourpow eat. | SLAB MOLT METASOMATISN BENEATHC TIE V7 ig 8, ta/ Nha Ni he At oven. Thor tonal frp (FC, pat ming, hyo Tis or wae mo ‘Shue ue show: Se pio 2 in B fact an increasing influence from hydrous fluid meta: somatism & not 2 viable hypothesis for the petrogeaesis (Of either group. Ax Nb is supposed to be rather immobile in aqueous solutions (Tatsumi a al, 1986; Tatsumi & ‘Kogise, 1997), Ba/Nb ratios should increase without sigaificant variation in Nb concentration, which is alo ‘hot observed. Another process is dearly driving this peculiar geochemical evlution. Diminishing Yb concentrations correlated with in cccasing SO; content is 4 wellknown characteristic of “amphibolite melting (Gil, 1981), It seems rather unusual, however, o generate rocks with SiO, contents as low as 53% from an amphibolite source with realisic degrees ‘of partial melting (Sen & Durm, 1994; Rapp & Watson, 1995). The presence ofthese basic rocks strong evidence that the dominant source of the Antisane magmas i in the mantle wedge rather than the subducting, platc, ‘whatever the contribution from the sab is. Tes important to note that all the Antisana rocks are characterized by 2 strong fractionation of HREE over the LREE, For exarape, La/Yb ratios range between 16 and $9 and the majority are above 20. Yb is also aways lower than 1-8 pra, which is very unusual for subdction-rlated rocks produced in the mantle. ‘These features suggest that residual garnet (+ amaphibole?) should be present in the source ofall de Antisana rocks. ‘Compared with adakiter from the Western Cordillera, ‘Antiana rocks are richer in HREE and Y and thus ‘appear to be intermediate between true aclakites and ‘Horm’ cakealhaline rocks. They abo display high LILE contents typical of cal-alkaline lavas. "The intermediate characteristics ofthe Antsana rocks between adakites and mantlederived melts suggest that the magmas result from the melting of « hybrid source that could be a depleted mantle metasomatized by slab nels, Woe & Sekine (1982 have experimentally shown, that reaction berween peridot and K-rich silicic magma produces refrtliged zone: of hybridized mantic con- {ining phlogopite, and Carroll & Wolfie (1980) further demonstrated tat ch reactions produce clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, parasitic homblende and gamet. Pro- ‘tea a al 200%) have experimentally shown that the interaction between adakite and pecidotite mantle rocks induces the consumption of mantle olivine. The prexeace of true adabiter in the Western Corder (in a fore-are ponition relative to Antinann voleano; Bourdon «al Boot) suggests that such «highly heterogeneous and enriched mantle could have been created at shallower ‘depths and dragged down by mantie convection beneath Figure 10 shows a MORB- normalized (Sun & McDon- ‘ough, 1989) extended trace cement diagram for four representative rocks from Antian The order of the ements has been arranged according to the degrees of ‘enrichment expected in slab fluids, increasing from right 1 left (Maury a al, 1992) As shown, each rock group doplays a positive anomaly in Nb and other HFSE, suggesting an exces” of Nb compared with clasical cal allaline rocks, ‘This supports the assumption that the ‘metasoratic agent that produced the source of Anti ods isa Nb-rich adkitie magma rather than a Nb-poor ‘aqueous fluid, Moreover, Nb (and HSB) enrichment in. potassic cae-alkaline rocks (relative to leas potas rocks) thas long been atributed to involvement of dab melts i their source (Ringwood, 1974; Wyllie & Sekine, 1982 Stolze al. 1996), The depletion in HREE and Y shown by the Amsana rocks consent with such an as- sumption, as slab melts are also depleted in these cements (Defant & Drummond, 1990), Yogodzinski al. (1994) have calculated that partial melting of a mixture of ‘depleted mantle plas adakite produces magmas with ‘mandle-normalized trace element pattems displaying nee ative Nb anomalies and moderate HREE depletion (¢ ‘Yb 0, which are consstent with the Antisana dats (OF courve, the Yogodzinski al (1994) calculation is ‘oversimplified, xx metasomatism of the mantle by adakiic ‘magmas should give a range of composition intermediate between a bulk mixture ofthe two reactants and selective ‘enrichment that rficcts ion exchange between the bost ‘mantle and the percolating liquid (avon & Stolper, 1987; Niekon a al, 1993). Bau & Knit (1993) have shown that the geochemical characteristics of Mount “Arayat basalts i the Philippines (varying La/Yb and Yb ‘concentrations) could be explained by meling of mach highly heterogeneous domain. In the case of Antsana, it could alo explain the slight geochemical variations in THREE between the AND group and the most primitive rocks from the CAK group (although evolution of the latter seers dominated by AFC). soomeorremotcer | vounas | women: SAMPLE NAR Fig. 10. tcc! ace dameet plot fe two CAK a AND 1p tate ha om Anta tleano normed NMORD of Seo: & McDonagh (189, The onder of the seam hen bret aged seroning othe dae of arhinnt seeda e incearing mn ight oh lary al 190) Oey ied Bs Fe tepretae adaies fr Zambos, Pipes Saja 1990) The srg pve Mb snomair nthe Arana es ad ‘ypc ade sod be atl Sones i. Variations in La/Nb ratio and the unusual behaviour of Nb within the AND group suggest that a specific process affects the HISE in the magma source. In many are settings all over the world in which adakitic magmas are produced, and most exclusively in these special eases (Defam a al, 1992), a peculiar type of magma calle /high-Nb basalt (HNB; Cascades arc, Leeman et a, 1990) for Nb-enriched baalt (NEB; Philipines, Sajona «al, 1994) has been recognized. ‘The specific geochemical characteristics of these basic lavas Jed many workers to suggest that they were produced in an enriched! mantle previously metasomatized by adakitic magmas (Defant al, 1992; Keperhinskas e al, 1996; Sajna oa, 1006). ‘This mantle has been proposed 1» contain HESE-tich rmetasomatic miverals auch as amphibole, phlogopite, ‘imenite or rule. In fict, these NEB or HNB magmas splay different geochemical characterites depending ‘on the are. Inthe Cascade arc and Panamt-Costa Rica, they are true basalts with particularly elevated contents ‘of K,O and, thus, belongs to the shothonitic series (Leeman et al, 1990; Defant al, 1992) In Zamboanga (Philippines), NEB are basalts or basie andestes with ‘auch lower conceatrations of K,O and LILE (Sajona et aL, 1996). Thus, it seems that manile metasomatined by adakitic magmas is able to generate fury siliceerich magmas Lavas of the AND group display a progresive ex richment in Nb towards the more basic members of the suite, These rocks representa ‘Nivenriched group’ among. the Amisanat rocks they cannot be cansidered pial Nb-enriched lavas, For example, among AND lavas, the La/Nb ratio has @ minimum of 24 instead of Peamuney sme 175 for the maximum value among typical high-Nb favas ffom Zamboanga (Sajoma « al, 1996). Nevertheless, similarly to Zamboange lavas, correlated variations of Nb and Ti concentrations (not show) in AND group suggest that a mineral phase controls the [HIPSE systematics in the Antiana magmas source. This ‘phase could well be the result of interaction between ‘adakitic magmas und the peridotiie mantle wedge (Ke~ ‘peshindeas al, 1996). Nb anomalics in AND group, ‘mantdemormalized trace clement paticras suggest that thin phase i table throughout the genesis of the series, Dutig progressive mantle partial meting it has been shown that gamet is the first phase to be consumed (Mysen & Kushiro, 1977). This, and the fact that HFSE- retaining minerals and garnet are sil present in the source of Antisana lavas suggest (1) high abundance of these phases in the souree, (2) low degree of partial melting or (3) both. Partial melting of a hybrid mantle metasomatized by slab melts ‘Aston above, actonalerystalition or direct parti srcking of oocanic ens fit to explain the tain geo Clemieal variations among the Anthana rocks (between AND and GAK types, or within the AND group ad patel the untsual behavior of LILE ws Nb wel SSLILE ve HREE inthe AND grou. Thre homever, ‘cong evidence that the AND group mages ae ge crated in the mane wedge, rainy Decne ofthe presence of base rods, and that ala ret from the lowngpingsabdocing pate arc an impetat contol of the genes ofthe parca magmas. The independence of Nb fom cancentations of ether very ncempate ‘ements sugettthat mineral phase ream thisloment inthe souree of the AND group. This could be ict anphibole or mente Sajna wa, 1996). The cor ‘elation between TiO, and Nb contents among the AND ‘zoup lava tho sugges resthn! Torch phase Por THIREE and ¥, the resttal pha i presumed to be ‘garvet and/or amphibole, To evaluate the nature of the ‘residual mineral phases in the mande source, we model the ace elemeat characteris ofthe Ants les Partial meting o homogeneous mane wurce with fixed amount of THESE or HREE retaining hase lead to mls withthe flowing characters (1) Shundances of LILE, las and Ba highly incompettle -clements, are highest in melts derived by low degrees of patil making: (2) ro of thee rents a mare ‘ompatbie cements Nb and Yb (fr example) which sce retained by the accesory mineral, are highest in teks generated by low deers of meking eg. Minster Alegre, 1978, These peice rations correspond cea to whats absered inthe AND group Iva (Fig. th € 9069098000866 465666056 ORS HODAROBOARAAO eee ee ee ee DD De DD ha PP Pe eee te ere eer rite eae ouRDON ut | SIABNELT METASOMATION HENEATH TH V2 ES 1 ma | Fee f Bet Thom Fig. 1. 1X oe Th gram anal ning eatin of Shaw (1970) a dca the Wt Although AND group lavas are probably not in equi- ibrium with typical mantle (mainly because of m-a= ber, and Niand MgO contents, which are too low), we believe that AND group lavas could well be generated ina veined mantle metawmatized by slab melt. The constancy of menumber, and FeO*/MgO and Na/Se ratios throughout the series suggests that it was not ely ced by ohio or page .ctionation. “Allegre & Minster (1978) showed that the ratio ofthe concentration of « highly incompatible element (H) wo moderately incompatible element (I) cin be used to identify parti meking trends. In Fig. 11, AND data have been plotted in CO/C*™* vs C™ diagrams, where Cis the concentration of the element. In all diagrams, data plot on welbdefined linear trends that, in view of Therm whee eat X is La CY, SB, Ba, Ze NN Od Dy td Yo. ‘he spe are elated ose ch preceding remarks, cannot be simply explained by [proces other than batch partial melting, The onrelation cocfficents calculated for the ling linear re gression lines are uxually beter than 09, The dope ancl invererpt, relative to the batch partial melting equation ‘of Shaw (1970), are (Minster & Allegre, 1978) as follows: Slope: di (DE DMU-PALP VC — (0) intercept Bim (CHIP (CIP) 2) where Land (ff are the concentration of lement Land H in the soarce, D, and Di! are the partion coeficint of Land H in the sarting mineral assemblage, and td Pare the parton coficent of {and Hin he rekng mineral assemblage somos ormemenoer | youn Fig, 12. steep 8) vv aoe (A) dlgam coresponing 1 the rogresoa Unc a Hig. i, The ropectve nanan vaio of the Inteeper re ar shen Foca ‘perfec incompatible element H (eg. Th, 2 aod DF are dose 0 tem and both parametes spi to the fllowing expresions: slope: Aim Di/C,, 8 intercept: Bim [CHI-FICL ® From (it becomes evident that when Bi is negative, P11; tha i, mineral wih high Ky fr element 1 preset in the source, ‘Bi values, with theiz standard deviations foun the regresion, have been ploded against the repectne i Yalu in Fig. 12. Tecan be concduded from the dear negative interopt of the HIREE plot that geroet i probably present in the source ofthe AND group. Aso, the negative interest values for Sen, Ba aad Ga ily tbat P values for these elements are greater than uty and that substantial amounts of amphibole and/or clin Dyroxene with high Ky for MRE and V are presenti the source. The plot for Nb bas a negative itreept but is dose w aro, suggesting that Por this clement ea to or slightly greater than unity. This is also consistent ‘with the presence of ample (K™ = source. Other incompatible ements dplay dope vies low to zero, suggesting that D! «| free equation (3) and thu a behaviour vias to that of Th daring Bach partal meting Following the evolution of LILE, the decreasing en- tichment ip siica and LILE fom ankesites to basic andesite among the AND group. is compatible with Jnceasing degre of batch partial meng. The corelated increasing concenvatons in Nb, HREE and Y are also consent with reaidal phases that become es table as the degree of partial meking increase. ‘Weave shown above thatthe high-AL andesite fora the AND group could have existed inthe crust a8 H,O- rich magna. This content with the variable degrees f partal racking hypothesis to csplain the untsual Antsana AND aut. IFpartial meking of metasomatized front | renee ‘mantle is assumed to be linked to destabilization of ‘mctasomatic amphibole [following the model of Tatsumi (1986), low concentrations of incorypatible clement it high-Al andesite should correspond to. high degrees of partial melting, ie. higher amounts of destabilized amphibole (and thus higher amounts of HO in the ‘melt. This would also explain the higher amouat of Nb, primarily retained in this mineral pase, in the igh-Al Using incompatible cement concentrations from You ‘dain ea (1994) fora depleted mantle metavomatioed by adabitic magma, we have calculated that the range of incompatible clement abundances fom the less to the more evolved lavas of the AND group necesitates variation of the degree of partial meting fom 2% to (08%. These inferred low degrees of partial melting are consistent with the survival of residual garnet in the source ofthe Antisans magmas, as, with a larger amount of partial meting, garnet would be the first mineral to disappear, Although tis dear that mow andestes are not gen: crated by partial melting of the upper mand, but are desived from basaltic parents by fractional crystalization (Git, 1981), theres some support for Ui ikea that nde Iqus can be produced rec inthe mane. yen & Boettcher (1975) obtained andesite melts from the partial melting o hyerous peridot; however, their results may have been iafloenced by mexlfcation ofthe smelt upon quenching (Nicholl & Ringwood, 1974, More recently, Hirose (1997) obtained andesitic mele (4 60-3% SiO.) by melting of the hydrous KEBI natural Acrzalite at relatively ow temperature (1000-1050°C), He also showed that these melt contain >3% water, and lower FeO, MgO and CaO contents compared with melt generated by partial meking of the same Ierzolte at higher temperatures (Hirose & Kushiro, 1993) These results sugges thatthe prokaction of pin ary andestic mets in the mande is posible, but only at relatively low tmperatires One of the most interesting coockaions of Hirose (1997) is thatthe experimental meks generated contain 23% water. This could explain the subsequent eveition ofthe high-Al andesites where plagiodase fractionation may have boca inhibited by the big wat content of the parental magma (Sison & Grove, 1993). Cleary, Hiroe's (1997) results are not directly transpocable to the Antizna case, at we envision garncerous enriched ‘mantle soure, which is not the cae for KLB-1. Never= theless, if such a highly feraized mande exits beneath Aisa its partial meting could prodice andesite melts Similar to those erupted. ‘The intermediate MgO contents of Uae Antsana rocks strongly contmdict their derivation direct mantle mel In Hiros's (1997) experiments, the MgO contents ofthe liquids reach 58-65%, Nevertheles, metasamatism of € SOCCCRCCCCCCCCCO|CECCCCHARALAAAAAELSA bch kD hh Oe Ree Ua oD gam Um nee Bee eee BOURDON « al the mantle by adakitc magmas is ikely to be les efficient than by hydrous fluids. It may produce heterogencously enriched domain, as proposed by Bau & Knit (1999), composed ofa highly veined mande ri ‘minerals, as observed in mantle xenoliths from the Kar- cata ot Batan arcs (Kepehinskas « al, 1995; Schiano al, 1993), In this veined mantle, where olivine is no Tonger a dominant mineral of the assemblage (beeause it is consumed during slab melt-peridotite interaction), the hhybrid enriched component should be the first to melt im later partial meting events (O'Reilly eal, 1991; Foley, 1009), resulting. in Hess mafic iquios than by paral ‘meting of bulk hydrated peridotite mantle, CONCLUSIONS [Né-Sr isotopic data for the Amtisana volcanic rocks suggest a rather homogeneous mantle source that con trasts stikinely with the great variability observed for trace element ratios, ‘This suggests that the petrogenesis ‘of the mest primitive lavas fora both Antisana groups {5 dominated by mineralogical variations in the 3 rather than source geochemistry. ‘The strong ‘adakit imprint’ of the Antiana rocks suggests that they were _penerated in an enriched mantle that was heterogencusly imetacomnatized by slab melts in a forearc position Gc. ‘beneath the Western Cordillera of Ecuador, where true dates are crupted) and dragged down by mantle con- ection beneath the Eastern Cordilera. AND group petrogenesis seems dominated by variable degrees of partial melting of more entiched pars of this mantle, whereas the CAK group is dominated by fractional Ccytallization of a parental magma formed in a lightly Tess efficiently metasomatized part of the mantc. The peculiar behaviour of Nb suggests that an. HSE-rich Thineral phase is contelling the partial melting process and that could be metasomatic amphibole. Amphibole could alo tigger dirccly partial meting by its de- “fabilzation once dragged down beneath the Antsana ‘oleano ae its formation ina foreare postion beneath the Westers Cordillera. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We deeply thank Chantal Bosq for carrying out the Jnotopic analyses. We thank Christian Coulon for helpfal remarks, and Marc-Andre Gutscher for English im- [provements and stimulating cussions. Constructive re- ‘views by Mare Defant, Joa Davidson and Cris Ballhans greatly helped to improve the manuscript. We thank Marjorie Wilson forthe final revision ofthis paper. 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