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Geolopies Acta, vor.5, N* 1, 2007," - geologi Available online at B 4 ESTUPIRAN'*!/R.MaRFt!"! A. peLeAo!2! ana, PERMANYER'®! 0 * Dpto. de Petrologia y Geoquimic 18 28040 Madrid, Spain, Es Facultad de Geologie, uo an E-mails jestuongen Mari Ema mortgea eres 20 |Estacin Experimenta del Zaain (CSIC), Laboratro de ‘is6topos estables 21 18008 Granada, Spain 2B {SIDP\ de Geoquimica, Patologia i Prospeccié Geli 24 (08028 Barcelona, Spain, E-mai a . A ABSTRACT Pe 31 The Napo Formation of Arber Middle Cretaceous age in the Oriente basin, F: vador, is an important sandstone 3 UnseTOl. The formation is buried at a denth ars oo,m in the easter part ofthe basin and downs Sanne 3) ihe Wester part. The sandstones display igher porosity values (av. 20%) than other seston fe the reg 3g. These sandstones were deposited in fuval, pratt! and marine eavironments and they are here ee 48 grained quartzarenites and suburkoses {he Principal cements are carbonates. quarts overgrowth and kaolin 36 with scarce amounts of pyrite pyrrhenite arn sete: Carbonate cements include: Kogenctic deci Be mepsoeenetic and post-compactional calcite, Heck ankerite and sideriu: ($2). Early siderite and chiorig 3 elped to retain porosity by supporting the sera cramework against comraction. Dissolution of feldsrars J ine carbonate cements are the main mechanion for secondary porosity development during mesodiagenesis, a ps high intergranular volume (1GV) ofthe sanders indicates that cementation is the predominant conan [0 to porosity loss in the reservoir and thar the on of the act carbonate 2ement occurred in early and fac Be abenelc stipes. The stable-isctope composting SI siderite is consistent with precipitation from nen an piers in fluvial sandstones, and from mined roll ad marine waters in transitional sandstones, The fs. Lon B's values of some of these carbone phases reflect the replacement and recrstalization hone 82 He agtte at deep burial and high temperature Teves ent tha Se ozether with a low Sr content, alsa suggests Wit siderite (S1) in fluvial environment isan ear orca tt Precipitated frory meteoric waters, near the Se dy Ment/water interphase, followed by the geseraaee, Prats With a higher Fe and Me content: However dee a Inis higher Mg content, siderite $2 could here Fee cated 88 & result ofthe thermal descarboxilation of the Mg ge ich organic matter. The progressive decrease {8 10 values in all carbonate cemenis could healing tothe §) “Ontinued precipitation at diferent temperatans ay burial depth. . ee ee a et 22 Kevwonos | carvnate coment. Geochemisty, Sanauione ‘eservlts. Oriente Basin. Ecuador, 3 54 35 EPN - BIBLIOTECA PROYECTOS ap TTT | | | 98 o8 Wo}. 2014 PPOBESERSSSLSHSS SRY SEBS SERIRRREY 2 ESTUPIRAN ot INTRODUCTION ‘The most important oil reservoirs in Ecuador are found in the Oriente Basin (Fig. 1). The sandstones of the Hollin and Napo Fms (Fig. 2) of Cretaceous age contain the largest hydrocarbon reserves. Analyses related t0 the diagenesis effect on these reservoir sandstones are scat tered. A complete petrological and geochemical study including diagenetic processes, isotopic analyses of the carbonate cements, as well as a general diagenetic sequence of the principal events, would improve and ‘optimise hydrocarbon recovery production. ‘The spatial distribution of diagenetic alterations in flu- vial, ransitional and marine sediments is strongly influ- enced by sea-level changes, depositional facies and the extent of mixing between marine and meteoric waters (Morad et a., 2000). Likewise, the burial depths at which the mesogenetic reactions occurred may vary consider- ably depending on the burial-thermal history of the sequence. The purpose of this study is to investigate the diage- netic history of the reservoir sandstones of the Napo Fm, as well as to discuss the distribution of the carbonate ‘cements and their possible relation to the depositional ‘environment of with the fluids that circulate at burial depth, The study also includes the relationship between the preservation of primary porosity and the generation of The impactot carbonate cement onthe Napo Cretaceous sandstones secondary porosity. A. combination of optical microseopy CL and SEM, as weil as geochemical (microprobe and stable isotopic) analyses were used in order 10 provide detailed constraints on the diagenetic sequence, the evol- tion of pore fluid composition, and the relative timing of ‘carbonate cement precipitation. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Oriente Basia is part of a major morfo-structural unit called the Upper Amazon Basin which comprises parts of Colombia, Feuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil The structure of the asin is the result of transpressive stress from the Upper Cretaceous deposits whieh pro- duced the uplift of the Cordillera Real and the Formation, of the back-are basin, Nevertheless, a previous staze of oil-bearing process existed which was of fundamental importance. It begar in the Turonian age with compres sive stress that marked the tectonic inversion developed in the Permo-Triassic and Jurassic periods. During this tec: tonic inversion, the whole oil structure of the basin devel- ‘oped (Baldock, 1982: Dashwood and Abbots. 1990) The Hollin, Napo and Basal Tens formations, located at the east of the Andes Cordillera, belong to the Cretaceous period in the Oriente Basin. The ol reservoirs studied cor- respond to the Napo “U" and “T* sandstones (Upper Albian ~ Upper Cenomanian; Fig. 2). They are charac terised by eyclic sequences of limestone, shale, and sand Geologica Acta, Vor.5, N°I, 2007, 0500 ape Formation showing the shoreline atte maxinu sea evel fi 3 sea level fal. The Back dts show the samplaa wells adapted trom Wits et ‘and he 1995). Bos eet omeone 2 ESTUPIRAN ta “he impact of carbonate cement on he Napo Greta ama at —— 1 ane wocene | - | | | i ocay production ae |) See lwcnet | = a- a SS ae ‘et hee Soars ||| Si | See ae ame ie I SEE ogeente jue | fe eee = ae ee mene oer ene =| >| = feet car vg =| = Scents : =e feos aca Tat see B.S aan ie (ee = santas | aca stone, whose deposition and distribution were controlled by relative changes in the sea level (White et al, 1995; Fig. 2). The Napo Fim age is between Aptian and Campanian and was deposited over a stable sea platform in a passive margin with low subsidence. Seismic interpretation and, data from the wells show the complex structural history of the Oriente Basin, where extensional and compression al events occurred. The recent structures were influenced by previous tectonic events that took place during Pre- cambrian and Lower Palacozoie. In the Lower Cretaceous ‘regional compression affected the entire basin, In the Eastern part some faults were inverted and erosion pro- duced an unconformity during the Aptian. The interval of the studied sandstones represent two {eycles of regression and transgression. The boundaries of the sequences at the base of the reservoir are erosional events associated with the fall of the sea level during the Upper Albian and Cenomanian. AS the sea level began 10 rise again, facies from the estuary and nearshore were deposited in the incisad valleys (Fig. 1). SAMPLING AND METHODS The well samples studied from the Napo“U" and “"T sandstones were taken from a depth of 1459 m to 3123 m \where the formation temperature ranges from 8010 110% Fifty four samples of he cored intervals from 22 wells were selected. After eliminating oil fom the porosity, the samples were impregnated with blue-stained resin and then round deeply enough to avoid artifact porosity. Thin sections were stained for feldspar and carbonates. Quantification of mine- ralogy and porosity was performed by counting 300 points per thin section. A standard petrographic microscopic Zeiss (Axioskop) with x2.5, x10, x20, 040 lenses was used. Cathodoluminescence (CL) observations were perfornied using “cold” Technosyn 8200 Mk 4 models connected 10 an Olympus BHA-P microscope with 4x and 10x magnifying Jens. The conditions forthe observation were 11-16 Ky volt ) BESSSSSSSRGESSSS SRG KSEE SE SBRERRERBYB ‘age, with an intensity of 300-500 WA and Torr of vacuum, Mineralogy was confirmed by X-ray diffraction, using a Philips PW 1720 diffractometer equipped with (Cu(Kaa) radiation. The data were processed withthe Philips APD program. To determine the textural relationship bbetveen the cements and clay minerals, we used a scanning leetron microscope (SEM) model JEOL JSM 6400 equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyzer in secondary electron and backscattered electron modes (BSE). ‘Thirtcen representative samples were selected for the cearbonate cements analyses. Their chemical compositions were determined by microprobe analyses. Ninety eight analyses corresponding 10 the Napo “U", and 192 to Napo “1” sandstone, were performed. A JEOL JXA-8900 model (15 Kv accelerating voltage, 2.147E-08 A beam current, 5 um beam size, 100 % 3.5% total accepted) was used. Detection limits are approximately 100 ppm for Mg, 250 ppm for Mn and 300 ppm for Fe. The BSE system of the microprobe was used for detection of zonation. For all cements, results were normalized 10 100 mol% FeCOs, MnCO3, MgCOs, CaCOs and $rCOs ‘Oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the car- bbonate cements were determined at the Experimental Sta tion of Zaidin (CSIC) Granada, using a Finnigan MAT 251 mass spectrometer. The samples containing more than one Phase of cement were separated after the treatment for the chemical Sequential (Al-Aasm et al., 1990), The isotope values were obtained in %e and the isotopic relation from the oxygen and carbon referent to the standard (V-PDB). Qe Subarkose — Sublitharenite | ¥ RF Ce Dei’ conposton of reprarntave eandtones Tom {he Napo Formation. pied on FF (Dat 1884 and owed vy Fenton, 1972) abbrevations!O ua ent Geologica Acta, Vol.5, N*2, 2007, The impact of carbonate cement on the Napo Cr SANDSTONE PETROGRAPHY [apo “U” sandstones have a rather uniform composi- tion in terms of quartz, feldspar and rock-fragments being quartzarenites with a few subarkoses. The average composition is Qteg.sF 31 Lt p4, Napo “T" sandstones, on the other hand, are subarkoses, with an average com: Position of Qt gos F 5 RF 31 (Fig. 3) In general all the sandstones ate fine to coarse grained, with moderate 10 {ood sorting, and round to subround grains, including some angular and sutangular subordinated grains. The argillaceous matrix is scarce (< I Modal analyses r2veal thatthe most common detrital ‘component is quart, cominantly monoerystalline in rela tion to the polyerystaline quartz grains (Tables | and 2), Zircons and_ minor tourmaline amounts are frequently included in the monserystalline quartz. Chert occurs in trace amounts. Rock fragments are igneous (volcanic) metamorphic (quartvte), and scarce sedimentary rocks (< 2). The detrital quarts are corroded by the carbonate cements. K-feldspar dominates over plagioclase in a depositional facies and they vary between 7%. These feldspars are occasionally replaced by carbonates and in some eases, albitized, Most of the feldspar grains show evidence of dissolution. Micas (biotite and muscovite) ‘icons and tourmaline are only minor constituents in the sandstones (av. 0.2%). The inirabasinal components are slauconite and phosphatized micritie grains Hesides the carbonate cements, there are other fairly abundant cements such as quartz overgrowths (av. 16%) and pyrites-pyrshotite (av. 2%). Kaolin occur as pore-filling and epimatrix, (av. 0-7-3). Dickite is distinguished from kaolinite by SEM and XRD analyses. Dickite erystals show ro etching and are mach thicker (5-10 jum) than the kaoli- hte which postdates the quartz overgrowth and the carbon: ‘le cements. Chlorite appears as rims (as. 3%) composed of platelets oriented perpendicularly to the grain surface PETROGRAPHY AND CHEMISTRY OF CARBONATE CEMENTS Postdepositional processes resulted in a quite significant ‘modification of depositional porosity. In audition 10 com: action, quartz, carbonate and clay mineral cementation are the major porosity reducing factors. Carbonate cements occur in the hydrocarbon reservoir ofthe Napo Fm, They include: ‘Sderit, calcite, dolomite-Fe and ankerte phases (Tables | and), Siderite ‘Two siderite cement generations were distinguished. Siderite (S1) occurs as small lenticular crystals (10-50 3 “1 Peivogapie aspects of siderite cemeis, Left: opial potomieragraph. Right BSE mages and 8) Tin lens crystals of siderte ($1) $y ‘placing feldspar. C and D) Fedolomite engling siderite lens and small rhombs (Si) ) Optical photograph. Petrography aspects of siderite ($1) 3 cmeting quar rin and replacing clay itrclst. BSE image of siete (52 showing zonation ih higher M content ne care a outer The impact af carbonate cement an the Napo Cretaceous sandstones 2. eSTUPINAN ot so 301010 ora 0 ivanoor Dror ‘OLOr_OG 9112 te — OFT OFS ‘9. Ossi ore oft gz 08 eft BEE OL'8e—0L26 ov ee or UE eet 08 oot oot — pot pour BAW Rongeur ‘oor ‘oor 900 ‘oo fz, vit EATS a ‘oe ee eet ver veer oF oz 20 0 £0. Taiewopnesa — oF ‘oz vo. ez vane wid rar Lv E12 wiz, ‘oo 0. ‘00090 Tz. De OF. 7305 we Zo v0 oo 0 020 or 9g g7s__6 09 £0 50 ee 70. Fo 60 =r 00- eo e2 70 50 £0 eo seo E101 Fo 9z Fl Lor pe oe a 798 $10. es eo 199 Dor ove oe _e'9r or . % * % = 9206 srs sere 9965 2006 iss ku 29s 6m ear pug civ ow 204 TWNOWISNVEL Tauewe -uonewi04 aden ou wos sauoyspues om 0 sisheue jepou aanewosandoy Ser eareeEeen i Cac , 2007, = ‘The impact of carbonate cement on the Napo Cretaceous sandstones 2 ESTUPIRA et WoT eo ewe aa wT Tt oF—wI9E 735) TE, Ft — ors We BESTE WO wwe Poot peat — ar Feat po pat SH OER MW PT ee ee RT Aaa Tooi_vom_aTaT 01 Goro _VOT vo —— me Fa 0%, Tar iz -wowewiogofey ay wos sauoyspues 4,24 sere apnnaananansanasosnas gemmesies 2760 Troe 2 jologica Acta, Vol.5, N*2, 2007, uae! A an B)Fe-dlonie replacing glavconTte wi ‘quartz overgrowh se arrows. um) and as euhedral rhombs that fll intergranular pores and in some ease, replaces feldspars and clay intraclasts Figs. 4A to 4E). Siderite ($2) occurs as large rhombic crystals glauconite ( 4F), which partially replace dolomitized SA and 5B). Under CL, siderite $1 is not luminescent but $2 shows orange luminescence. $1 cement 4C and 4D), cal cite or ankerite, Siderite cement forms 5% of the total vo is parially replaced by Fe-dolomite (Figs lume of all the analysed samples. Siderite ($1) pre-dates quartz cement, as is shown under optical microscope and SEM observations. However, the quartz overgrowth shows. corrosion or embayment by S2 siderite. SI siderite cement appears in all marine sandstones from Pucuna, Yuca and Jivino (Fig. 1) ndstones and $2 only in transitional and The average composition of siderite (S1) is (Fe g1.8 Mg 102 Mn o9 Ca-71)COs, (Table 3). Some samples have alues up 10 99% of FeCOs, and « high content in Mn (3.9), The average composition of $2 siderite is (Fe 6x Mg ans Mn 8 Ca 11,1) COs (Table 3). These cements are zoned in terms of Mg which is higher in the core than in the outer zone (Fig. 4F). The average compositions of siderite $1 and $2 are similar except for low Mn content Mg of the S2 (Tuble 3, and Figs. 6 and Another characteristic of the marine sandstones is the (© 1%) and the presence of glauconite partially replaced by 82 siderite and later replaced by Fe-dolomite (Figs. 5A and 5B), The 6!3C %e PDB values in Napo “U sandstones vary between -3.2 and -10%e, and 80 between -3.2 and =11.4%e PDB (Table 3). The 8!9C %e PDB in “T” sand: stones vary from -2.4 10 -9.6 %e, and 8!¥0 from -3.0 10 8 %e PDB (Table 3). These data correspond to (S1+82). Likewise, we have selected under BSE the rich- samples in SI or $2, in order to separate both phases in the isotopic plot. Calcite average content is 5% ofthe total volume (Tables | and 2) CCaleite appears as sporadic patches (up to 80 um), poiki lotopic texture of 50,00 um (Figs. 8A and 8B) with no luminescence or red orange luminescence. Calcite replaces feldspars (Figs. 8C and 8D), Calcite cement appears as ite cement is scarce in the fluvial sandstones and the cco, Catt _ A ae \ [secre reduce i J +Ankerive ar Siderive kd reoninico; MgCO, TGUREST Chemical conpostion of representative carbonate coments (Ca, Fen, Mg)C0s, rom the Napo Formation. aes 2 - 6 2 Lacoste “The imc af carbonate cement on the Napo Gretacoous sandstone ‘iGLEST Chemical composition rom microprbe analyees and tops ratios of representative cavbonnw cements in the Napo Farmatin. Vol, Net, 2007, - ma eed aubene )@- UMS SERSEGRSSLSSRYRER RSL SBR ERRVE RES Eh patches of individual crystals and frequently replaces early siderite (SI) in the transitional and marine sandstones. Calcite cement postdates quartz overgrowths and chemical compaction. Under SEM, and in BSE mode, quartz and their overgrowths are corroded by this calcite (Fig. 8E), and no chemical zonation was observed. Glau- conite is partially or totally replaced by calcite (Figs. 8D and 8F), and pyrite is occluded in this cement (Fig. 8C). ‘The average composition of the calcite cement in the fluvial environment is (Ca 9sq Fe 24 Mg 1 Mn 93) COs (able 3) and te intergranular volume (IGV) inthe sand stones showing calcite cement are 27.7% (Table 1). The average composition of calcite from transitional to marine ‘environment is (Ca gg.7Fe 3 Mg 22Mn 3) COs, andthe GY for these sandstones is 13% (Tables | snd 2) The con- tents of Mg are <2 mol % (Figs. 6 and 7) and Sr content ‘aes from below detetion limit up o 0.2 mol% (Table 3) The 5!° C values in Napo “U" sandstones. vary between -3.5 and -9.3%, and 8!%0 from -10.5 10 -13.8% PDB (Table 3), The 6!5 C values in “T" sandstones vary between -1.3 and -12.7%, and 880 from -6.7 10 -11.6% PDB (Table 3). Ferroan dolomite /Ankerite The Fe-dolomitelankerite cements are more abundant in the central and the western part of the basin than in astern part (Fig. 1). These phases replace siderites $1 and enclose S2 (Figs. 9A and 9B). The cements form intergranular mosaics of subeubedral no luminescent crystals (up f0 100 um), but occasionally they show dis- persed patches that corrode quartz and replace Feldspars. ‘The percentage of these cements is from 0 to 4% and they Post-date quartz overgrowths (Figs. 9C to 9F) and me: ‘chanical compaction, ‘The chemical composition of Fe dolomite in the tran sitional and marine sandstones (Fig. 1) is (Mg 252 Fe ta logioa Acta, Vol, NI, 2007, The impact of carbonate cement an the Napo Cretaceous sandstones Mn 4 Ca 569) COs, and ankerite is (Mg 21 Fe 226 Mn ox Ca s4s) CO (Table 3). The average composition of ankerite in the fluvial sandstones is (Mg 1 Fe 26 Ma) Ca 573) COs; Fig. 1) The Fe-dolomitelankerite displays a patchy zonation in BSE images (Figs. 9C to 9F), which is due to the variations in the FeCOs content ranging from 12-28 mol % (Figs. 6 and 7). The following isotopic data were obtained for Fe-dolomite and ankerite: 6!°C values in Napo “U” sandstones range from -3.3 10 -6.2%c, and 80 from -4.6 t0 -14.2% PDB. The 6 C values in Napo “T" sandstones vary between -3.4 and -7.1%e and 5!8 between -48 and -13.7%e PDB POROSITY The assumed average original porosity is 40% (i.e. ‘moderately to well-sorted sandstones) but varies depen- PDB) to cross the shadow area of current formation lagica Acta, Vol.5, NEI, 2007, ‘The impact of carbonate cement on the Napo Cretaceous sandstones water (-0.1 to -2.3% vs V-SMOW) are just in the present range of temperatures, indicating equilib (Fig. 14). This impoverishment in 6!80 of the carbonate ements have been attributes to meteoric incursion (Hudson, 1978; Prosser etal, 1993), to the recrystaliz- tion of the cements at higher temperatures (Morad and Eshete, 1990), to Rayleigh fractioning related to the pre cipitation of early diagenetic minerals (Irwin et al. 197; Mozley and Carothers, 1992), and to the oxidation of the organic matter in the sulphate reduction zone (Morad and Eshete, 1990). All of these processes could ‘contribute to the lighter oxygen isotopic composition, ‘conditions Optical microscope and SEM observations show that the SI siderite maintains the original texture but effectively the major part of the SI crystals have been A. _Oiinal poraiy destroyed by cementation Intergranular volume ( gs -seuse B > negra Eo ie Perey (9) fe es Cement) 2 iy , 2-0" Sind Cementational porosity 8s (%) ranula volume (%) versus coment (ee Houseknecht, 1987). 8) Plot of compactional”porasity loss (COPL) ‘vss eemertation porosy toss (CEPL (see Lundergard, 1992). cm 19. SURED Paragene 2 ESTUPIRAN ea. Mecha. comp. sere (3) ‘ut Feroandaonte siden (52) the Nap Formation. 22 replaced by S2. This argument could justify the low 23 810 of the S2 siderite cement. Moreover. siderite S2 24 could have precipitated as a result of the thermal 25 descarboxilation of the Mg rich organic matter at tem- 26 peratures between 80-100°C. They are slightly lower 27 than the formation temperatures measured in the sam- 28 pled wells and similar to the temperatures in the North 29 Sca Cretaceous reservoirs (McAulay et al., 193; 30. Morad et al., 1998). 32 Calcite cement 34 Sandstones cemented by calcite have an average inter- 35. granular volume of 24%. This cement postdates quartz 36 cement, suggesting precipitation in a mesogenetic stage 37. (Figs. 8A, 8C, BE, and 8F). Calcite cement could precipi- 38 tate {rom meteoric and marine waters (Fig. 15A). Calcite ‘cement from meteoric and marine waters are relatively 40 pure (96.1% mol de CaCOs) and the Mg + Mn + Fe COs 4} does not exceed 5% mol which is within the range sug- 42. gested by Boles and Ramseyer, 1987: Ficher and Surdam, 43. 1988; Hayes and Boles 1993; Lee and Boles, 1996. How- ‘43 ever, the plot of (Fe-Mn-Mg)COs diagram (Fig. 15B) 'A5 indicates that the majority of the calcite could have pre~ 46 cipitated from marine waters according to Lee and Boles 47 diagrams (1996). The high values in Fe could be related 448. to glauconite and mica alterations and the water expelled 49. in the compaction of the intercalated shales in the reser 30 voir sandstones. The source of Cais nat well established, 51. but it can be atributed to the plagioclase alteration (Gar- 52 cia et al., 1998) or clay minerals in the intercalate shales or limestones (Fig. 2) a 4 ‘The variable low 8!°C and 5'*0 values of the calcite Geologica Acta, Vol.5, N°I, 2007, The impact of carbonate cement onthe Napo Cretaceous sandstones cement (Figs.13, 14, and ‘Table 3) suggests that this ‘cement was derived from very different sources and pre cipitated at different diagenetic temperatures and from different compositional waters. The most negative 9!°0) ‘curves of calcite cement (-13.8%e vs V-PDB) 10 eross the shadow area of current formation water (0.1 10 -2.3% Vs \V-SMOW) are just in the present range of temperatures indicating equilibrium conditions (Fig. 14). The most negative values could indicate burial trend in the presence of organic-derived CO2 (Heydary, 1997) while the less negative values could suggest an evolution from marine waters to modified mesogenetic waters (Hudson, 1978). Ferroan Dolomite/Ankerite cements The ferroan dolomite/ankerite cement-replacement precipitated after quartz overgrowth and mechanical and ‘chemical compaction. Optical microscope and BSE show that these carbonates replaced eogenetic siderite (S1) and {quartz cement, and in many cases they replaced the feldspars too, The chemical composition of the dolomite and ankerite inthe different depositional facies shows no major differences, which suggests that the evolution of the fluid in a thermobaric regime in the basin was mainly ferroan-carbonates precipitated (Galloway, 1984). The high content in Mg and Fe in both cements suggests that the principal sources cf solutes for Fe-dolomite-/ankerite precipitation were the sea water, clay minerals, ferromag~ resian minerals and the oxidation of sulphides (Curtis and 1108 ee

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