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»”) ,IJ99003900)399)3)33)) PFIFIVDIVPVIIIIIIVIIQIIQIII9I Mineralium Deposita( DOF 10.1007/s00126-00: Massimo Chiaradia » Lluis Fontboté - Bernardo Beate Cenozoic continental arc magmatism and associated mineralization in Ecuador Received: 28 January 2003 2 Spniager Verlag 2003 Abstract Most of the economic ore deposits of Ecua- dor are porphyry-Cu and epithermal style gold deposits associated with Tertiary continental arc magmatism. This study presents major and trace ele ment geochemistry, as well as radiogenic isotope (Pb, Sp) signatures, of continental arc magmatic rocks of Ecuador of Eocene to Late Miocene (~50-9 Ma, ELM) and Late Miocene to Recent (~8-0 Ma, LMR) ages. The most primitive ELM and LMR rocks ana- lyzed consistently display similar trace element and isotopic signatures suggesting a common origin, most likely an enriched MORB-type mantle. In contrast, major and trace element geochemistry, as weil as radiogenic isotope systematics of the whole sets of ELM and LMR samples, indicate strikingly different evolutions between ELM and LMR rocks. The ELM rocks have consistently low Sr/Y, increasing RbjSr, and decreasing Eu/Gd with SiO, ‘suggesting an evo- ution through plagiociase-dominated fractional ct tallization at shallow crustal levels (<20 km), Editonal handling: J. Richards M, Chiaradia (BD) - L. Fontbowe Section des Sciences de la Tere Universite de Genev Rue des Maraichers 13, 205 Geneva, Switzerland Enmall: mchiaradia@earth leeds Tel: +44 113 343 5238, Fax: +44 113 343 5259 B. Beate Departamento de Recursos Minerales y Geoquimica, Escuela Politgeniea Nacional, AP 17-01-2759, Quito, Ecuador Present address: M. Chiaradia Centre for Geochemical Mass Spectrometry, ‘School of Earth Scenes, University of Leeds US2 95T Leeds, U.K, Accepted: 31 August 2003 / Published online: 3 December 2003, LMR rocks display features of adakite-type magmas (high Sc/Y, low Yb, low Rb/Sr) and increasing Eu/Gd and Gd/Lu ratios with SiOz. We explain the adakite- type geochemistry of LMR rocks, rather than by siab melting, by a model in which mantle-derived meits partially melt and assimilate residual garnet-bearing mafic lithologies at deeper leveis than those of pla- gioclase stability (ie. >20 km), and most likely at Sub-crustal levels (>40-50 km). The change in geo- chemical signatures of Tertiary magmatic rocks of, Ecuador from the ELM- to the LMR-type coincides chronologically with the transition from a transpres- sional t0 a compressional regime that occurred at ~9 Ma and has been attributed by other investigations to the onset of subduction of the aseismic Carnegie ridge The major districts of porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits of Ecuador (which have a small size, < <200 Mt, when compared to their Central Andean counterparts) are spatially and temporally associated with ELM magmatic rocks. No significant porpyry-Cu and epithermal deposits (except the epithermal high- sulfidation mineralization of Quimsacocha) appear to be associated with Late Miocene-Recent (LMR. ~8-0 Ma) magmatic rocks. The apparent “infertility” of LMR magmas seems to be at odds with the association of major porphyry-Cu/epithermal deposits of the Central Andes with magmatic rocks having adakite-type e0- chemical signatures similar to LMR rocks. The paucity of porphyry-Cujepithermal deposits associated with LMR ‘rocks might be only apparent and bound to exposure level, or real and bound (among other possi- bilities) to the lack of development of shallow crustal magmatic chambers since ~9 Ma as a result of a pro- longed compressional regime in the Ecuadorian crust More work is needed to understand the actual metallo- genic potential of LMR rocks in Ecuador. Keywords Porphyry-Cu - Epithermal » Cenozoic Ecuador » Continental arc magmatism EPN - BIBLIOTECA PROYECTOS wa Pe a ee a eee eae d d FPPC FAP SESE PPPS SPP PSP PSP PPPS PEPE RES PPE PKEPPRID 20s Introduction Precious metal-bearing epithermal and porphyry-Cu deposits result from the interplay of several magmatic, tectonic, and hydrothermal processes occurring at con- vergent margins (e.g, Sllitoe 2000; Tosdal and Richards 2001). They are associated with shallow level intrusions in the magmatic arc environment (e.g. Sillitoe 2000), and are often located in regions characterized by peculiar styles of crustal deformation and structures (e.g., Corbett and Leach 1998; Tosdal and Richards 2001). Porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits are genetically associated with arc magmas displaying a broad range of compositions, from low-K calc-aikaline, through high-K cale-alkaline, to alkaline (e.g., Kay et al. 1999; Sillitoe 2000; Tosdal and Richards 2001), Recently, a preferential association of large Au-bearing porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits with adakites has been proposed (Thieblemont et al. 1997; Sajona and Maury 1998; Oyarzun et al. 2001), Adakites are volcanic rocks with geochemical signatures (such as SiO,256 wt%, AlOs215 wt%, Sr/¥222, Y < 18 ppm, and Yb < 1.8 ppm), which are thought to indicate slab melting (Defant and Drummond 1990). Because of the supposed origin of adakites, emphasis has been piaced on the association of large Au-bearing porphyry-Cu/ epithermal deposits with slab melting (Ovarzun et al 2001; Mungail 2002). However, as pointed out by Gar- rison and Davidson (2003), the geochemistry of adakites only implies their derivation trom a basaltic source in a pressure-temperature field where garnet (amphibole) is stable and plagioclase is not. The geochemical signa- tures of adakites, therefore, are not necessarily unique to slab melting and more broadly correspond to high pressure melting of wet basalt (¢g., Atherton and Pet- ford 1993; Drummond et al. 1996; Garrison and Davidson 2003; see also Castillo et al. 1999 for the interpretation of Philippines adakites). Based on the ground that the rocks with adakitic signatures might derive from processes other than slab melting (like the interaction of mantle-derived magmas with the lower crust), the genetic relationship between slab melts and porphyry-Cuvepithermal mineralization has been ques- tioned (Rabbia et al. 2002; Richards 2002). It has also been suggested that a process of formation of adakite- type rocks (ie., rocks having geochemical signatures of adakites without evidence of their derivation from slab melting) through interaction of mantie-derived magmas with the lower crust may explain the metallogenic potential of adakite-type rocks of the Central Andes (e-g., Kay et al. 1999; Richards et al. 2001). Tn this study we present new geochemical and isoto- pic data for Tertiary magmatic rocks and Au-bearing porphiyry-Cujepithermal deposits of Ecuador, a region little investigated thus far from this point of view, with the aim to extend the knowledge of the relationships between magma chemistry and porphyry-Cu/epithermal deposits to the Northern Andes. Our data indicate that [a cancer chee 5 ss, PERU > "azine Tein ern) Connnatg 22latigeetatay eae ‘Sauce Caen) an ‘any Fae ice xa tape Same Ci 92 Quimonoens (= Loy ind agar Sioa (Coanan ‘ea Soa Fig. 1 Geotectonic map of Ecuador (modified after Litherland 41, 1994) showing the locacions of some major Teruary porpayey- Cuan epithermal deposits of Ecuador as well as of some Tertiary intrusions. CPF Calacali-Pallatanga-Palengue fault, PF Pelietec Suture continuing south into Las Aradas fault, BF Bags faut (CMPF Cosanga-Mendez-Palanga fault, CF Cafar fault zone, CFZ CChaucha fault zone, JF Tabones faut Zone, RF Raspas fault zone the large majority of the Tertiary porphyry-Cu_and epithermal deposits of Ecuador (e.g., Portovelo-Zaru- ma, Fierro Ureu, Chaucha, San Gerardo. Gaby, Bella Rica, Tres Chorreras, £1 Torneado, Peggy, Gaiiarin, El Mozo) are genetically associated with Eocene to Late Miocene (ELM, ~$0-9 Ma) calc-alkaline magmauc rocks that have consistently evolved through AFC (assimilation and fractional crystallization) processes at shallow crustal levels (<20 km). In contrast, only the ~3 Ma old high sulfidation epithermal deposit of Quimsacocha (Beate et al, 2001) is associated with Late Miocene to Recent (LMR, ~8- Ma) magmatic rocks, which are characterized by adakite-ike signatures. The apparent low fertility of the adakite-type LMR rocks of Ecuador as compared to the ELM rocks is at odds with the preferential association of large porphyry-Cu/epi- thermal deposits with adakite-type rocks recognized in the Central Andes (e.g.. Kay et al. 1999: Richards et al 2001; Oyarzun et al. 2001) and in other magmatic arcs (c-z., Philippines: Sajona and Maury 1998), whatever be the origin of these rocks. Voleanism | som | | =m s [mes mate, 3 ene 5 (ee ee Fig. 2 Stratigraphy of she main lithologic units cropping out in fenicabsouthern and northern Ecuador. as wel as of the magmatic Gnd ore events (modified from Laveau et al, 1992, BGS and ‘CODIGEM 1999, and Hungerbihler et al. 2002) In the present investigation we discuss: i. The contrasting geochemical features of ELM and LMR rocks ii, The origin of the adakite-type signatures of LMR rocks iii, The apparent scarcity of porphyry-Cu/epithermal deposits associated with the LMR rocks iv. The change of geodynamic regime at the end of the Miocene in Ecuador as possibly cesponsible for the transition from ELM- to LMR-type magmas. Geological setting, geodynamic evolution and magmatism Ecuador consists of several terranes, both with conti- rental and oceanic affinity, which were accreted onto the Amazon craton from the Early Cretaceous to the Eo- cene (Feininger 1987: Mourier et al. 1988; Aspden and Litheriand 1992; van Thournout et al. 1992; Litherland et al, 1994; Juillard and Soler 1996; Jaillard et al. 1997: | CENTRAL SOUTHERN NORTHERN ECUADOR a Regpetere Ss Tianie ie a Sek ‘vawcgnnelastis. Samm) Reynaud et al, 1999; Hughes and Pilatasig 2002: Mam- bersi et al. 2003). From east to west the following do- ‘mains are recognized (Fig. 1): the Salado marginal basin (Jurassic voleano-sedimentary sequences); the Loja ter- rane (Paleozoic schists and gneisses. Triassic granites and anatexites): the Alao island arc (Jurassic meta-bas- altsjandesites); the Guamore, Chaucha and Tahwin terranes (lithologies similar to those of Loja); the Mac- uchi Early Tertiary island arc (basalts and andesites); the Cretaceous Pifion and Pallatanga oceanic plateaus (basalts and gabbros). Most of these domains are ex- tended for several hundreds of kilometers aiong a NNE direction and are only few tens of kilometers wide (Fig. I), The terranes are separated by NNE-trending sutures, which have been continuously reactivated as dextral strike-slip faults (e.g. Aspden and Litherland 1992: Fig. |). In southwestern Ecuador (south of 2°5), deep crustal E-W/NE-SW strike-slip fault systems and the Raspas suture, separating the Tahuin and Chaucha terranes, mark the transition from the Central to the Northern Andes (Huancabamba detlection: Fig. 1). ‘The tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Ecuado- rian Andes during the Tertiary is controlled by che interplay of various factors, including changing sub: duction rates, obliquity and angle of subduction, and « « @E«e eaanaaee PEF FFPFPSFPPISFIZPPIPDPFIPRDRODPEDPPDD PPP PDH DPIPDIVPOEPRDDDD jo / Se, a ce ae eee ilopeal wap 6f tie Terinry vokenie asd lcaniatie uni of cordileran Ecuador (odie (Fort Laven tal, 1992 and Hungerbubler etal. 2002) showing the locations of the samples investigated in the present study subduction of aseismic ridges (Hungerbitler et al. 2002). Splitting of the Farallon plate into the Nazca and Cocos plates at ~25 Ma forced subduction to become more orthogonal with respect to the trench and more shallow (Hey 1977; Daly 1989). Subduction of the inferred Inca platcau at 10-12 Ma (Gutscher et al, 1999a) and of the Camegie ridge since 8 Ma (Gutscher et al. 1999b) or perhaps earlier (10-15 Ma: Spikings et al. 2001; Hungerbiihler etal. 2002) caused a further shallowing of the subduction zone. The subduction of the inferred Inca plateau south of 2°S might have been responsible for the gradual cessation of volcanic activity in southern Ecuador during the Miocene (e.2.. Gutscher etal. 1999a), The Northern Andes have been subjected mostly to a transpressional regime from Late Oligocene to Miocene (27-3 Ma; Nobiet et al. 1996). A period of extension in the Inter-Andean area during the Middle Miocene has been related to removal of crustal support in the Inter- Aniiean region via a NNE-directed displacement of the coastal Pifion-Macuchi-Pallatanga terranes (Hunger- baler et al. 2002) ‘At least from the Pliocene until Recent (5-0 Ma) the Northern Andes have been mainly characterized by a compressional regime (Noblet et al. 1996). Steinmann 207 et al (1999) have identified major Tertiary compressional phases in southern Ecuador between 9 and 6 Ma and from 3 Ma to Recent. Spikings et al. (2001) and Hun- gerbihler et al. (2002) attribute the compression phase started 9 Ma ago (Steinmann et al. 1997) in the foreare area and in the Inter-Andean region to the Carnegie ridge collision with the Ecuadorian margin. The Tertiary continental are magmatic activity in Ecuador is documented by various volcanic formations and intrusions distributed rather continuously through- out time (Fig. 2), although major magmatic pulses seem to have occurred in the Oligocene (35-27 Ma), Miocene (21-8 Ma) and Pliocene (4-2 Ma) (Lavenu et al. 1992) The Paleocene to Early Eocene Sacapalca Unit, which consists of andesitic lavas. tuffaceous breccias. con- slomerates, lacustrine lutites and dacitic tufls. crops out in southwestern Ecuador (BGS and CODIGEM 1999: Figs. 2 and 3). The Oligocene to Early Miocene Sarag- uro Group crops out extensively in central-southen Ecuador and consists of welded tuffs of dacitic to rhy- olitic composition, andesitic to rhyolitic lavas, voleani- clastic material and sediments (BGS and CODIGEM 1999; Figs, 2 and 3), The Miocene Sta. Isabel Forma tion, which consists of andesitic lavas and tuffaceous breccias (Figs. 2 and 3), is found in central-southern Ecuador. Various Miocene and Pliocene volcanic for- mations crop out in central-southern Ecuador (Turi Tarqui, and Quimsacocha Formations: BGS and CODIGEM 1999) and in northern Ecuador (Pisayambo Formation: Lavenu et al. 1992) (Figs. 2 and 3). Avail- able K-Ar (Bristow and Hofstetter 1977; Prodeminca 2000a and 2000b) and fission track datings (Steinmann et al, 1997; Hungerbuhler et al. 2002) indicate that abundant plutons were emplaced from the Eocene to the Miocene (Fig. 2) along the Cordillera Occidental (c.g. Balzapamba intrusion, 35-33 Ma: Echeandia intrusion, 26-23 Ma; Telimbela intrusion, 21-19 Ma: El Coraz6n intrusion, 16-14 Ma; Chaucha batholith, 10-12 Ma), in southwestern Ecuador (e.z.. Tangula, >48 Ma: El Tingo. 21 Ma: Portachuela, 20 Ma: Pacha. Uzhcurrumi, Shangii intrusions, 20-17 Ma) and in the Cordillera Oriental (¢.g.. Amaluza, 48 Ma: Pungald. 42 Ma; San Lucas, 239 Ma; Cojitambo, 7.15.4 Ma). These plutons are preferentially distributed along the NNE-trending structures and the E-W/NE-SW fault systems of the Huancabamba detlection (Fig. 1), suggesting a struc- tural control on melt emplacement at the regional scale. Litheriand and Aspden (1992) have inferred a structural control on present day magma ascent due to the align- ‘ment of active volcanic belts of Ecuador with the NNE- trending terrane sutures ‘Sampling and analytical methods Rock sampling {mn this study we present geochemical and isotopic data for sixteen Oligocene to Late Miocene voleinic rocks (~30-9 Ma) of the Saruguro Group (N=7), Sta, Isabel Formation (N=6) and Tur 208 ‘Table | Major and trace element and isotopic data of the magmatic cocks investigated in this study Smee Goma —eoupo7 Enns ”— ur i aan) te 48 eS MSS Lo B22 | a? Mea me Peipom) i 9 | a 7 oe 8 8 ppm) mi oo aa am Bs Evipom tots on 29) Geieom 303730 is 5 Dope 2802628 3 ey a Howe) 06 044 Dass OL on zie 08 Bie 2 (ia a | ed 08 ‘a 5 Tage 02 ta fa] cea 08 =D 030 Wow io. wf oe is os bee tl 2 togpm 022 O16 OS, os ao ota Brie gputhe5 0704767 O70e5~6 O7msK0=6 0 ane 4 DIMIS26 0.70423 =6 0.70sI8-45 ORES 26 O7OH6I 5 O7OADES seinge, ODER) O70K7S OTDES O™ASD—O7DaNT Oamet ome A704 Ost OTR 070877 5c, 76522 orous=5 7a #8 Spy Poy 16950 1882318902 i928 [38828968 ISS (OM ISD 19.089 py Poy Issi4 136131861 sso7 [Soa 1565) ISg6L_— S583 557 Ss pe ™by 3857338861382 men SATs TRE ASSL BT SED sappy, 1974 ISEB 1808 8982 133s kos 1899189082 Pippy, 15431 1563518621 sis se sank 15550 SAS S662 Doe Pm HATS 387TH 379 S79 Tees NSD AOD Majr and ace seen were analyand by XRF at the CAA Inder of ovope rar indica | nal &resdue, C achaled detection Haut Laven e Esumaes (9m) anger ot (202) Ssicemann eta (97) “Breton and Hotere (977) ‘cones at isa 1M (Caivenay of Lawanae, Swiaerand). REE, U and Th wee analyzed by ICP-MS atthe RAL two K-Ar age have ben obtained onthe Tanguabathoth, {11210 Ma (horblnde) and 482 Ma (bot) eeaeaeeeaeae OQLGaEaaOEE eeneE nati tae ee eee Beene eee ee DDDDDIDDIDDDDDDODDAODDDDDDADDDADODAPPAPOPDPDAPDPADAPAPAPDDAPDDPADDDD sions 99005 EonOOD ORO EpINNS ns OND ND Banas CONST IMR EBHOKY ——EIHOTS EDHOHD Porptyry Rbyolte Granke Andeste Rbvolte Rhvolte Dace Dante Tonaite Date Oaste—Dacue Grane Andeste rayotie PHS 99S USS uss STS HES sss aes ws ses 9s row GrIsw Grew Grlew Grew TSW GrIsw Gee TSW TPasW Tesow 7HsEW am aM eM eM EM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM ELM Tun Saaguro 5. Lucas Suraguro Saraguro Saraguro Saraguro El TingoTungula Si. label Peggy Sta. nel 9 Mat -2SMaM" a9 Mal 25Mae™ 25 Ma" 25 Ma 25 Ma 212 Mat Mal 15 Mae Ma! IsMar oF $4847 OLY TDOS- aS TSE. | S3BT. 320 HO 7130 6273 07 808s amas 056 6s 14261303 13a TeaL 15a 146 TaD LSS 148 (a3 l4as es gms 2002 eso 399 as dos poses, als. esse oe 03 oe oss SF Osk SOs a oas re 21} LD 272s 533 ase 13s 006 = shh]? s eas 913k t26 STS LSS 2992S M2) SHL LS Tons? 1003S (0003 100009893 «100.30 «9857 «10028 1OD07 9944 10006 0023982 “soles » zou ow 6 Bb # 6 » » 8 » x mk ww 6 om 8 " x» 6 mw 4 «om ow 2 ow 2 4 » 4 8 8 & 8 8 8 a 7 a o 8 5 5 3 > 5 a 0 "7 me es ws es 7 ‘ 6 BS uo oB " um iat Se Le s B oom 2 iso » > 23 mst i it os rasa rH 208 3 mL Bak cee mu sn wo 033090 ss 52 Se ee tee a 4 as ms pate Ba ae om ose 3s ow iat oa % 0s an ar 330) 73 20 to om oss on ast u 2 ies 22 2 os 03s os, tat 49 3 26 ag 0 ost oso oat (0.79677 26 0.70637 4 97044527 07O5128 O7O49S=7 O TOHES 27 DDD ommsoz=s aroun 6 (070359 07051977) 07075 970480 OOHRS OTOL ‘ei 07088 908515980 89s 80S TSB: 19080 18980 13655 1568215639539 IS. emer ssstis.s6 SMES 18550 3RH06 38709 G79 Baste 34.590 mae 877 0p ae 8866 S981 i833 i901 Isest1s673 15666 5656 ssa 98 15.88 3900639258 3B 3 70 35569037 Tabornones (Toro, Cana, act where inated by * analyzed by XRF) 20 Formation (N=3) a8 weil as for five Eocene to Miocene (~50~ 29 Ma) intrusions: Tangula (248 Ma), Pungala (42 Ma). San Lucas (239 May, Peggy (32 Ma) and El Tingo (1 Ma). We will refer to these rocks a# ELM ia. the fest of ts arnele (see Table | and Figs. 2 and 3). We also present geochemical and isotopic data for rine Late Miocene to Recent (LMR) volcanic rocks (~8- Ma) Sampled within the Pisayambo Unit (N=2) im aorthern and central Ecuador. the Chacana volcanic center (N =2) in northern Ecuador. the Targui Formation (N= 5) in southera Ecuador and two young, Volcanic enters, Atacazo (N=1) and Tungurahua (N=). in horthern-central Ecuador (see Table | and Figs. ? and 3). The ELM and LMR rock groups aot only have different ages (Fig. 2) ‘but abo uilferent geographic distnbutions (Fig. 3). ELM rocks Crop out in the southwestern pact Df the country where the erustal- Seale, aro normal £-W trending ‘sults and sutures of the Hua~ reabamba deflection are found (F-ss. | and 3). The LMR rocks Grop out in northern and southeastern Ecuador in a crustal domain Characterized by the presence only of NNEvtrending sutures and fault (Figs. | and 3). Depending on accessibility and outerop conditions. samples were collected at widespread geographic locations in order to 0D- thin a spatially representative population. Rocks were collected both within mineral deposit distnets (e.g. sample £94029 in the Portovelo-Zaruma district, samples E94030 and E99076 close ‘0 the SigeSig mine) and at locations set apart trom mineralization (see Table | and Figs, | and 3). Particular care was takea in col- leeting macroscopically unaltered sampies, Surface alteration and flteration along Tractures were removed when cutting the rock Samples for geocnemcal analyses. "Fhe ages of several voleanic and al intrusive rocks collected in this study (Table 1) are constraied by previous dating of rocks collected from the same outcrops (Bnstow and Hofstetter 1977; Steinmann et al, 1999; Hungerbubler et al. 2002). When ages of the sampled outcrops were not available we have used a repre Semtative age of the geologic units to which the samples belong (Table 1). Thus. a 25 Ma age has been attributed to samples collected within undated outcrops of the Saraguro Group (Laveau etal, 1992: Hungerbubier etal. 2002), aa age of 15 Ma to andated samples of the Sta. Isabel Formation (Hungerbuhler et al 2002), an age of 9 Ma (o undated samples of the Tun Forrmaiion (Hungeroubler t al, 2002), an age of 8 Ma co undated. Samples of the Pisayambo Formation (Laven et al. 1992). and aa. age of @Ma {0 undated samples of the Targu Formation (Hungerbubler tal. 2002), Four metamorphic rocks (two schists from the Paleozoic CChiguinda Unit in the Loja terrane and two meta-andesites from the Jurassic Alao-Paute Unit im the Alao terrane) were also sam= pled to provide constraints on the isotopic compositions of ery3- falline basement rocks (Fig. 3) Multi-element geochemistry and isotope (Pb, Se) geochemistry All the ELM and LMR rock samples, as well as the four meta~ ‘horphie basement rocks (Fig. 3) have been analyzed for major nd irace elements (Table 1). Selected magmatic rocks and all ‘metamorphic rocks have been investigated for Pb (N'=24) and Sr (N=) sotopie compositions, Twenty-one magmatic rocks have been analyzed for REE. U and Th conceatrauons by ICP-MS (Tate 1), Sulfide minerals (pyete, chalcopyrite, galena) trom ten of the major Au-beuring deposits of Ecuador (Table 2) have also been analyzed for lead isotope compositions (Table 3) For lead isotope analyses, ore minerals were dissolved in sealed Teflon beakers at 18D °C with a 1 mixture of 7 M HCland 4 M. HINO,, Lead isotopes of rock simples were measured separately on leachate ond residue fractions of powdered rocks using the method of Chiaradia and Fontboté (2003). Differences in isotope compo- Siions between residue and leachate fractions are, with few xeeptions, virtually within analytical error (Table 1)- Those few Samples in which leachate and residue fractions differ more sig- fifcantly are characterized. by leachates more radiogenic than residues (Table |) as expected by the application of this technique {0 imtermediate-elsic magmatic rocks (Chiaradia and Fonbote 2003), The following discussion will concern only residue fractions. nich have petragenetic significance because in intermediate 10 felsic magmatic rocks they yield isocope compositions closely approximating the common lead signature (Chiaradia and Font. ‘ote 2003) [Lend was purified through chromatography with AGI-XS and |AG-MPI resins in a hydrobromic medium or by electrodeposition (galena). Fractions of the punted lead were loaded onto eneniuim biaments using the slice gel technique and were analyzed Zor so ope ratios on a MAT-Finnigan 262 thermal ionization mass Spectrometer at the Department of Mineralogy of the University of Geneva (Suutzeriana). The Isotope ratios were corrected for frac thonation by a factor of = 0.08% per amu, based on 157 analyses of the international standard SRM981. The 2 reproducibility as (105% forthe Pb/= Pb, 0.08% for the "Pb Pb, and 0.10% for the ™Ph/**Pb ratio. Total Pb blank contamination (= 120 pg) was msigaifcant relative to the amounts of Pb analyzed. ‘Sontium isotopes were measured on Bulk rocks digested in Teflon bombs heated at 180 °C for |.5h in a microwave oven. Fractions of thre: samples previously leached in aqua regia at 180°C for 24 h pielded results situally identical 0 those of the bul fractions (Table 1). Strontium isotope rauos were also mes- Sured on the MAT Finnigan 262 mass spectrometer at the Department of Mineralogy of the University of Geneva (Switzet- Ind), The Sr/!Se ratios were mass fractionation corrected ‘0 an Sy isp ratio of §.575209, The Se/™*Sr ratios obtained were ume> coneeted (''S¢/"Sr) using the ages reported in Table |. The Uncertainties im the age of some samples Used for me-corrections do not significantly arect the calculated :niual St isotope ratios because there is a clear-cut age difference between most ELM and LMR rocks and because of the young ages ofthe rocks analyzed Re-Os dating ‘One Re-Os dating on a molybdenste sample (E99000) from the El Tomeado porphyry Cu-Mo deposit was carned out at the labo- ratory of the Isotope Geology Group of the University of Bern (Switzerland), About | mg of pure moivbdenite, handpicked from 4 molvodenite vein hosted by the porphyry intrusion, was weighed together with a "Re spike and an ICP standard Os solution from, Johnson & Matthey ia a Carus tube, After sealing the Carus cube. the molybdenite was digested and homogenized with the Re spike tnd Os stendare solution in inverse aqua regta (HNO, HC1= 2:1) St 220 °C for 3 days. During weighing and welding the Carus tube was held at ~25 °C to avoid evaporative loss of osmium (Schoen- berg et al 2000), Osmium was distlled into HBr using the technique of Nigler and Frei (1997) and punfied by microdistila- tion (Rov-Barman aad Allegre 1995). After drying, the Os was ready for measurement. Rhenium was separated from the residual Solution of the est Os distillauion step by solvent exiraction (Walker 1988), ‘Rhenium and osmium isotope compositions and concentrations were measured on a [2-ollector NU Instruments MC-ICP-MS at the University of Bern (Switzerland). {n-run fractionation correc lion of the Re"®"Re ratio was achieved by measuring the known rtp Te ratio of an le standard solution added to the sample. Rhenium was mexsured in time-resoived mode in order to limit memory efecs TThe stable *0si"S0s ratio was used for internal fractionation epzreetign of, gsmtium isotope ratios. Isotopes of elements ( Re, PE, Dt) that potentially imteriere with Os isotopes were monitored by measuring "=W. "Re, and Pt. Total procedure blanks were <20 pg for Reand <1 pg or Os. Results are reported in Table 4 ‘The analysis of a ~1 mg aliquot of molybdeaite powder from the HLP-5 sample (Huangionpu carbonatite-hosted deposit, Chi- na}, carried out as an interlaboratory check on our resus, yielded 22319511 Ma age which is in agreement with the 221.3 0.24 Ma age reported by Markey etal. (1998). S006 MPLGE, mpoarstang) yew) LOT PSH SSTA6 “MCO6L ono FA (VTE OL S.5602 ‘MOZEL won oy) BOTTI SzTAE ANTAL mur, OVD TE ZE SLE AERE IN BOTS SIC “ALOR MOTI SRICE AMMO (sy-9) i0z 81 (O24) 66 UW-M) ROL PGE EIZ'UST SO M216 Loe MZ OW-ny-n9 Aakihiog eunyn (VD E61 SOME 'AZEOGL — BY-ND Akg OW EO pu ND VALS DP TIN SS OVAVTE OF Suset "MSZAHL MY FOWEND Aa ny iF eo purny ay-ny: UNS ES OVW) 96 Shee MOREL OVD OLST Sihhe€ MU6L aon sais ARY—_ woneReT isod5ct n-Akdiod open 0 ¢ A SOQCt cee. tc eee cere Ce trcew Ce tee cetcerrc tec te eet eee e ‘Table 3 Representative lead isotope analyses of some Tertiary porpayey-Cu and epithermal deposits of Ecuador Deposit District, Portovelo-Zaruma Chaucha Gaby-Papa Grande Baizapamba (Fl Torneado} ‘Tres Chorreras-Guabisav- Gigantones-La Tigrera-La Playa Beroen-Molleturo Los Lingeros| Quimsicocha ae Results Magmatic-related ore deposits Most of the major Tertiary Cu-Aw porphyry and Au epithermal deposits of Ecuador are concentrated in the centralssouthern part of the country and are preferen- tially located in proximity to terrane sucures and crustal faults where continental arc ELM intrusive rocks were also emplaced (Fig. |). This observation suggests that major crustal structures play an important role on the formation of porpayry-Cu/epithermal deposits of Ecua~ dor similarly to other porphyry-Cu/epithermal districts (eg, Corbett and Leach 1998; Tosdal and Richards 2001). Deposits in ceatral and southern Ecuador include Portovelo-Zaruma. Fierro Ureu, Chaucha, San Gerardo, Guby, Bella Rica, Tres Chorreras, Gigantones, La Tig- rera, La Playa. Quimsacohea, £1 Torneado, Peggy. Los Linderos. Laguar, Gafiarin, and &1 Mozo (e-2.. Pro- deminca 2000a and 2000b: the location of the deposits is reported in Fig. 1). Many of them have been/are mined for Auand Ag. The available literature on the geology of these deposits is scant. Descriptions can be found in Goossens (1972), Goossens and Hollister (1973), van Thournout et al. (1996), Prodeminca (2000a and 2000). and Spencer et al. (2002). The essential geological information given below and in Table 2 is drawn from these sources and from our own field observations. [tis worth noting that all these deposits, having tonnages ower or, in most cases, much lower than 200 Mt (Ta- ble 2), are significantly smaller than the giant magmatic- reiated deposits of the Central Andes. Poggy is a polymetallic (Cu, As, Bi, Sn. W. Pb) breccia pipe associated with small intrusions and dykes of an intensely altered mid-Oligocene (32 Ma?) rhyolite- porphyry at the intersection between the regional NNE- trending Barios Shear Zone and WNW-trending fractures The low-sulfidation Au epithermal deposit of Gaviarin comprises a system of structurally-controiled steep veins with locally high grades of Au and Ag. A K-Ar dating of adularia gives a 21 Ma age for the mineralization (Pro- Geminea 2000a), which is probably related to the development of a caldera and associated intrusions. Mineral ppp PHAR “PHM Galena 18959 5.661 Pyrite 18962 15.687 Chalcopyrite 18.966 156 Chaleopynte 18.5 15395 Pyrite 18959 15.660 Pyne 8.962 13.647 Chaleonyrite 18.758 1656 Pyete 18803 S56 Ponte 18.28 15.509) Ponte 18.713 Sos Ponte 13.998 15657 Se ee Table 4 Molybdenite Re-Os dates of sample £99000 (EI Torneade Sorphyry, Beuador) and of the interlaboratory standard HLP-S [Hluanglonpu earbonatite-hosted deposit, China) which has an age 24 Ma (Markey et a. 1998) Sample Re os -Re-Os age weight (g) (ppm) (ppb) May 99000 0.00134 “84 1010 LPS 0.00128 251 607 ‘The El Torneado porphyry-Cu (Balzapamba district. central-southern Ecuador) consists of a disseminated ore (pyrite > chalcopyrite) cut by NNE-trending stockwork- vein ore zones (pyrite. chalcopyrite, molybdenite, mag- netite, scheelite, pyrrhotite). El Torneado and other similar deposits of the Baizapamba district are hosted by granodionites with ages ranging from 34 to 20 Ma (Prodeminca 2000p). The Re-Os dating of molybdenite of the El Torneado porphyry-Cu (sample £99000. Table 4) performed in the present study yielded an age of 19.9+0.3 Ma. The CuAu=Mo breccia-porphyry system of Gah Papa Grande is related to porphyritic intrusions dated at 19.3 Ma (Prodeminca 2000b). The main ore stage post- dates the breccia and the highest goid grades are con- trolled by rock permeability, being found in the mag- matic and hydrothermal breccias. The Ponce Enriquez district (including the Bella Rica. San Gerardo, and Muyuvacu deposits) is hosted by Early to Mid-Cretaceous basalts, gabbros and serpentinites of the Pallatanga Unit intruded by quartz-dionite and m- crotonalite porphyries of Miocene age (e.g., 19 Ma old Gaby, Tama, Papa Grande porphyries). The minerali- zation (pyrrhotite, pyrite, arsenopynite. chalopynite. with minor amounts of sphalerite, galena, hematite, and tra- ces of molybdenite, sulfosaits, and rare aative gold) is found in hydrothermal and magmatic breccias related to the Miocene porphyries and in NNW-trending vein sys- tems. In Bella Rica, two mineralized vein systems (pyrite. pyrthotite, chalcopyrite. marcasite. hematite. gold. = arsenopyrite = sphalerite + letrahednte) are associ- ated with small bodies of fine-grained quartz-diortte. The Portovelo-Zaruma mine district is one of the most important active districts of Ecuador with a his- toric gold production exceeding 4.5 Moz. The gold is 2 Pee Pore rt eee ee ee eee eee eee eae ee PP eee eS hosted by vein systems developed in the foorwall of thrusts within competent host volcanic rocks (Spencer ct al, 2002). The vein systems are associated with por- phyry intrusions, one of which has been dated at 16 Ma (Pratt et al. 1997). The mineralization is classified as intermediate sulfidation epithermal (Spencer et al. 2002), ‘The 10-12 Ma old calc-alkaline Chaucha batholith (tonalite-microdiorite-dacite) hosts the porphyry-Cu deposit of Chaucha, which has a barren potassic core, a Cu-Mo phyllic zone, an inner pynte-rich propylitic subzone, and 2 peripheral propylitic zone. The por- phyry-Cu deposit location appears to be strongly con- trolled by the intersection of two major crustal structures, the NNE-trending Cordillera fault and the E-W Chaucha fault (Goossens and Hollister 1973), The low suifidation Au-Ag deposit of Beroen (Mol- leturo districd, hosted by extensively altered andesitic volcanic rocks of the Saraguro Group, is related to high- level dioritic intrusions probably associated with the 10 12 Ma old Chaucha batholith, exposed in the lower part, of the system. The Cu-Mo porphyry of Los Linderos is emplaced within andesites and basaltic andesites of the Cretaceous Celica Formation. The ore consists mostly of malachite with traces of gold and silver. In Laguar, a vein system, carrying Cu, Au, Ag, and Pt cuts the granodiorites of the Late Cretaceous-Early Tertiary Tangula batholith. The mineralization, con- sisting of pyrite, hematite, chalcopyrite, and gold. is re- lated to a quartz-porphy: The high-sulfidation gold mineralization of Quimsa- cocha was emplaced in faults, fractures, diatremes, and breccia bodies of tectonic and hydrothermal origin re- lated to the late Miocene (~S Ma) development of a caldera (Beate et al. 2001), In summary, Tertiary porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits of Ecuador were formed between 5 and 30 Ma, with the majority of the deposits being formed between 20 and 10 Ma (Table 2; Fig. 2). Apart from the Quim- sacocha high sulfidation epithermal field, which is associated with the Late Miocene to Pliocene (~5 Ma) adakite (LMR)-type rocks (Beate et al. 2001), all other deposits are both geographically and chronologically related with ELM magmatism (Figs. 1, 2, and 3; Table 2). Lead isotope compositions of most Oligo-Miocene deposits of Ecuador (Table 3) fall within the composi- tional field of the Tertiary magmatic rocks suggesting a largely magmatic origin of the lead in the mineralization (Fig. 4). Only El Torneado has a slightly less radiogenic isotopic composition (Fig. 4) Petrographty, geochemistry and isotopic compositions of the ELM magmatic rocks ‘The investigated ELM rocks span a relatively large time interval between ~30 and 9 Ma, although 10 of the 16 ELM voleanic rocks are younger than 20 Ma and only WSsPpPo4pH 2W7PHLOPH 206Pb24Pb Fig. 4 Lead isotope compositions of leachate and residue fractions of magmatic rocks investigated in this study. The feids of the Chaucha-Loja-Tabuin (CLT) and Algo terranes are from (wt. %) Fig. 5 Geochemical classification of the investigated rocks after Leas et al. (1986) Rock/Primiive matte Wash Nw RlaGePOGrP NG Sar WY Yous Fig. 6 Primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of ELM and LMR rocks investigated in this study (normalization values are ‘fom Sun and MeDonough 1989) 1983). Major and trace elements of ELM rocks display correlated trends (Fig. 7), such as steady decreases of ‘ALO, Sr, and increasing Rb/Sr with SiO; (Fig. 7). They aiso dispiay variable LREE fractionation (La/Lu= 10- 118; La/Gd=2-7), almost flat MREE to HREE profiles (GdjLu=8-12, Figs. 8 and 9), variably negative Eu anomalies (Fig. 8), and a systematic decrease of Eu/Gd (a ratio that we use as 2 proxy of plagioclase fraction- ation) with SiOs (Fig. 9), Lead isotope compositions of the residual fractions of ELM | magmatic rocks. *Pbi*™Pb= 18.8-19.1: 27pb/™Pb = 15.62-15.68; “*Pb/**Pb = 38.6-38.9) plot between the orogen and upper crust evolution curves in conventional isotope diagrams (Fig. 4). The initial St/8*Sr compositions of the ELM rocks range between 0.7041 and 0.7088. The Sr (and to a less extent the Pb) isotope ratios of ELM rocks are fairly well correlated with 510s, CaO and Eu/Gd (Figs. 10 and 11). Petrography. geochemistry and isotopic compositions of the LMR magmatic rocks The investigated LMR (~8-) Ma) volcanic and sub- volcanic rocks display porphyritic textures and a min- eralogical composition similar to the ELM rocks. but are characterized by a more ubiquitous presence of biotite and amphibole phenocrysts. Plagioclase pheno- czysts are zoned and often consist of a core with sinuous rims subsequently overgrown by idiomorphic piagio- clase, Apatite is the main accessory mineral The LMR rocks studied range trom cale-alkaline basalt to rhyolite similar to the ELM rocks (Fig. 5), Primitive mantle-normalized spectra show that, like ELM rocks, the LMR rocks also have a typical sub- duction-related signature (ie... LILE-enrichment and Th, Nb. Ti depletions: Fig. 6). However, in contrast with ELM magmatic rocks. LMR magmas display no sys- tematic decrease in AlsOy and Sr with SiO3 (Fig. 7), and fare characterized by moderate increases in NasO_and K,0 and by consistently low Rb/Sr with increasing SiO: Fig. 7). They do not show marked negative Eu anom- alies (Fig. 8), and are characterized by positive correla- tions of Eu/Gd and Gd/Lu with SiO; (Fig. 9). LMR rocks also display variably depleted MREE to HREE profiles when compared to ELM rocks (Fig. 8). __ Although LMR rocks have lead isotope compositions C&P b/™ Ph = 18.8-19.0; -Pb/™Pb = 15.60-15.08: Phy 2o*pp = 38.7-38.9) generally less radiogenic than those of ELM rocks. they overlap the same compositional field of ELM rocks in conventional isotope plots (Fig. 4). The Sr isotope compositional range of the LMR rocks is aar- rower and less radiogenic than that of ELM rocks (0.7040-0.7047: Fig. 10). In the isotope ratio versus SiOz and CaO plots, LMR rocks plot on the same array of ELM rocks (Fig. 10). In contrast. in the isotope ratio versus Eu/Gd and Gd/Lu diagrams (Fig, 11) LMR rocks define different arrays as compared to those of ELM rocks. ‘The ELM and LMR rocks define trends that converge towards a common least evolved and least radiogenic end-member in the REE versus SiO; and REE versus eeee >rvOrPOrPDPrPDDDD POPIFPIDIIFIIIIDIIIPAPADADAPPPDPDPDPDPDDD Fig. 7 Major and trace element covariation piots of the ale? OELM ck ots rock | Gomes etodin ay ‘it Z| 80. fice q+. 02 5 z 3: ‘ee 2 : eesee. \ ale = . | g Ps] 2 <8 6 g Allee I a eae 20) ate eno neers | eal at oe El | oo . 2 t Z ule Peis Pele a w i= Eo: sito 3° 3 2% | ace ‘200 4 . 1 5 o| ° ic Goal 7 * 0 ee os} ae 2 a fz . | Le, So Re o so 0 eae Sig w.%) isotope ratios, as well as in the Pb isotope spaces (Figs. 4,9, 10, 1, and Table |). Trace elements (Fig. 6) are compatible with such a common end-member being a basic magma derived from a MORB-type mantle en- riched by subdueting slab fuids. in agreement with conclusions of previous studies on Andean magmatism (Francis et al. 1977; Hawkesworth et al. 1979; Harmon, et al. 1981; Barreiro and Clark 1984: Chiaradia and Fontboté 2002). The most primitive, basaltic rocks of both groups (E9030 for ELM and £94004 for LMR) have relatively radiogenic *’Pbi*™Pb ratios (> 15.61) indicating their derivation from a mantle source en- riched by pelagic-sediment lead, like the Early Tertiary martle of Ecuador (Chiaradia and Fontboté 2001). The correlated trends of the ELM rocks in the geo- chemical and isotopic spaces (Figs. 7, 9, 10 and 11) indicate that, despite the different ages (~50-9 Ma), the ELM rocks were formed via similar magmatic processes. Geochemical features such as the inverse correlations of SiOg (ot) lO, St, and Eu/Gd with SiO; suggest that the ELM rocks ‘evolved consistently through plagioclase-domi- nated fractionation from similar parental magmas. Because plagioclase is stable at pressures lower than 0.5-0.7 GPa in hydrous tholeitic or andesitic magmas (Ge., potential parents of magmatic suites in voleanic are environment; Green 1982), ELM magmas must have evolved in parental chambers at shallow crustal levels (ie., <20 km depth. ‘The range of Pb and Sr isotopic values of ELM rocks indicates that different sources provided Pb and Sr to ELM magmas. The lead isotope spread of ELM rocks between the orogen and upper crust evolution curves (Fig. 4) suggests mixing between a low radiogenic lead source, isotopically compatible with a MORB-type mantle enriched by pelagic sediments (see above), and a high radiogenic end-member, isotopically compatible with compositions of the basement rocks of the Chau- cha, Loja, and Tahuin terranes (Fig. 4) through which 26 i $ 3 2 Fig, § REE spectra of magmatic rocks of the ELM and LMR tcc anieel« | Saaes : { el eee _ = jel enw SiO, (wt.%) Fig. 9 Eu/Gd and Ga/Lu versus SiO plots for the magmatic rocks investigated in this study ELM magmas ascended (Figs. 1 and 3). Also, initial Sigr/#*Se values of ELM rocks (0.7041-0.7058) are compatible with assimilation of radiogenic rocks of the Chacha, Loja, and Tahuin terranes by mantle-derived maumas (Fig. 10). The moderate correlations of St and Pb isotope ratios with SiOs, CaO, and EuiGd (Figs. 10 and 11) indicate that low radiogenic, mantle-derived. parent magmas of ELM rocks have assimilated radi genic lithologies of the Chaucha. Loja, and Tahu Basements while undergoing piagioclase-dominated fractionation at shallow crustal levels (assimilation- fractional-crystallization, AFC process). A model of the AFC process yields a satisfactory approximation of the trends defined by the ELM rocks in Fig. 11 In contrast, geochemical features of LMR rocks. such as increasing Eu/Gd with SiO and the lack of Eu neg- ative anomaly, suggest the absence of plagioclase frac ‘ionation in LMR magmas and indicate that the latter were formedievols. 1 at greater pressures than those of plagioclase stability. ic., at depths greater than 20 km (Green 1982). The strong HREE depletions (La Yb=49-69, Gd/Lu=28-32; Figs. $ and 9) of some LMR rocks (samples £94021 and £99007) require the involvement of garnet as a residual phase in the source of LMR magmas. Indeed, the covariations of REE with isotope ratios in LMR rocks (Fig. 11) fit a model of mixing between a low radiogenic basic magma (A in Fig. 11) and a more felsic magma (B in Fig. 11) issued from the partial melting of a ‘Sr- and *’Pb-nch, residual garmet-bearing (Gd/Lu>30) cock. Overall, most of the LMR rocks have geochemical features of adakite-type magmas. notably high Sr/Y ratios (> 20), low.¥ ($19 ppm), and low Yb ( ¢ 1.5 ppm) (Table | Fig. 12) “The signatures of LMR rocks could be interpreted to resuit from the interaction of a slab-derived melt (adakite, end-member Bin Fig. 11) with the mantle wedge (end-member A in Fig. 1!) as suggested for recent lavas of Ecuador (e.g., Samaniego et al. 2002), However, the LMR rocks investigated in the present study are unlikely to carry a significant slab melt component for at least two reasons. First, the negative Nb and Zr anom- alies in the primitive mantle-normalized spectra of ail investigated LMR rocks (Fig. 6) are of identical mag- nitude to those of the mantle-derived non-adakitic ELM rocks. [f slab melts were involved in the formation of LMR rocks, the latter should be Nb- and Zr-enniched compared to ELM rocks (see also Samaniego et al 2002). For instance, the melting experimients of Rapp ft al, (1999) reveal that dacitic to rhyolitic slab melts should have Zr concentrations > 320 ppm whereas the most evolved dacitic to rhyoiitic LMR rocks have Zr concentrations of only 130 ppm. Secondly, slab melting should result in a lead isotope shift of LMR rocks (o- wards the isotopic field of the Galapagos and Marquesas rocks (Fig, 4) because during Mio-Pliocene times the flat subducting slabs, presumably undergoing melting, were the Carnegie ridge. derived from the Galapagos hotspot. under central and northern Ecuador (Gutscher et al. 1999), and the Inca plateau, an inferred. mirror of the Marquesas plateau (Gutscher ct al. 1999a), under southern Ecuador (Fig, 4). Despite this, the LMR rocks have the same =Pb/™Pb isotopic range as the non- adakitic ELM. rocks and do not display any shift to- wards the compositions of Galapagos and Marquesas Ceeeee eaeeebee eee PROP AARP EPP PSR RSE PEP SP PIPPI AIPRIP HERR PIP RED Fig. 10 Pb and Sr isotope compositions versus Si> and Ca0 pots for the magmatic rocks investigated in this study 207PH2vIpD rocks, suggesting that neither the Inca plateau nor the Carnegie ridge were significantly involved in the genesis, of LMR magmas (Fig. 4). Lead isotope data suggest that the ELM and LMR groups have the same source, i.e, the mantle wedge (Fig. 4). Also, in the lead versus strontium isotope space none of the LMR rocks has an isotopic composition compatible with melting of the Inca plateau or Carnegie ridge (Fig. 13). Indeed, their radiogenic Pb and Sr isotope compositions are incom- patible even with melting of a MORB-type slab (Fig. 13) Geochemistry of ELM/LMR magmatic rocks and geodynamic evolution To explain the adakite-type signatures of LMR rocks we propose a model in which mantle-derived LMR magmas have ponded at depth, probably at the mantle-crust interface (the thickness of the crust is ~40-50 km in central-southern Ecuador: Feininger and Seguin 1983), where they partially melted and assimilated variable amounts of moderately radiogenic, residual garnet- bearing rocks and possibly evolved at the same time through plagiociase-iree and amphibole fractionation in a process similar to MASH (melting-assimilation-stor- age-homogenization, Hildreth and Moorbath 1988). Similar models have been proposed to explain the adakite-like signatures of recent Central Andean and Ecuadorian magmas (Atherton and Petford 1993; Pet- ford et al. 1996; Arculus etal. 1999: Richards etal. 2001; Kay and Mpodozis 2002; Kay and Kay 2002: Garrison and Davidson 2003). ‘The cocks partially melted and assimilated by the mantle-derived LMR magmas could include meta-bas- altsjandesites of the Jurassic Algo island are terrane which form a large portion of the exposed basement of SiOg(wt.%) LMR rocks and may have been underpiated beneath the Ecuadonan crust during the Jurassic arc formation (Arculus et al. 1999), The range of lead and strontium ‘sotopic compositions observed in the LMR magmas is compatible with assimilation of the Alao meta-basalts/ andesites (Figs. 4 and 10). Additionally, these island are meta-basalts/andesites have low contents of Nb (2.95 1.4 ppm; N=22: Litherland et al. 1994 plus our data in Table 1) and Zr (49.6=16.4 ppm: N=20: Li- therland et al, 1994 plus our data in Table {) compared to Pacific N-MORB (Nb=4221.7, N=37 Zr=111.9=35.1, N=275: Geochemical Earth Refer- ence Model: http:/ /main.htm) and Pacific E-MORB _(Nb=100=2.2, 9 N=7; Zc=174.9= 65.9, N=48: Geochemical Earth Reference Model: http:/, There- fore, their partial meiting is also compatible with the low contents of Nb and Zr in LMR magmas (see above), different from that expected from partial melting of subducted Pacific N-MORB or “E-MORB-type (ie, Camegie ridge, Inca plateau) oceanié crusts (see above) The distinct geochemical signatures of the ELM and LMR magmas may be the outcome of the changing geotectonic regime on the overriding Ecuadorian conti- nent during Tertiary (see above and Fig. Id). ELM rocks (~30-9 Ma) were formed during a period of dominant transpression = extension (Noblet etal. 1996; Hungerbiller et al. 2002) and were emplaced in a crustal domain characterized by the presence of trench-parallel and trench-normal faults and sutures (Figs. | and 3), The combination of these factors might have allowed 2 relatively continuous passive ascent of magmas to shal- low crustal levels along trench-normal structures of the Huancabamba deflection or in dilational jogs along trench-parallel structures during the period ~30-9 Ma (Fig. 14; see also Corbett and Leach 1998, Tosdal and Richards 2001 for similar models) 218 z e 207P HoH t EwGd Fig. 11 Pb and Sr isotope compositions versus Ew/Gd and Gd/Lu plots for the magmatic rocks investigated in this study, Pach 1 Fepresents 4 modeled AFC trend for a magma (A) with initial REE ind isotopic composiuoas corcesponding to those of a mantl-derived SiBic magma that is crystallizing 35 wt% plagio- hase, 45 ws clinopyroxene, and 20 wit olivine and assimilating Faciogenie metamorphic rocks of the Eewadonan basement. The na point (arrow rip) of path 1 corresponds to 75% crystallization of the initial magma. Path > represents mixing, between the mantie-derved basic magma A and magma (B) issued from 2 35% melting of a rock consisting of 75 wt% clinopyroxene 25 wet gimet and having Pb and Sr isotope compositions of the lao. metcbasalts/andesites C"Pb“Pb= 15.70; "SeiS 7051), The position of sampie £99007 can_ be explained by ‘mixing (path 2) of magma A and magma B’. The latter has che Same gnigin as magma B but has a more radiogenic composition (5¢/5r 0.7090). The positon of sample E99007 might be due to 2 larger vanability of S¢ lsoiope compositions of the Alo ‘eta-basalsiandesies (haa that measured in the ‘wo samples ‘lnalyzed (Table 1), In contrast, the reduced scatter in the trends Qh Figg 20 and. b is probably related to the homogeneous Shpwp isotope compositions of the Alao meta-basalts| landestes (Table 1). The modeled trends have been calculated Using the equations of DePaolo (1981). CLT Chausha-Loja- Tabuin LMR rocks (~8-0 Ma) were formed during a period of dominant tectonic compression (from 9 Ma to pres- ent: Noblet et ai. 1996: Steinmann et al. 1999; Hung- erbither et al, 2002), probably following the subduction of the Carnegie ridge (~8-10 Ma ago), and in a crustal domain characterized by the presence only of trench- parallel structures (Fig. | and 3). During compression, trench-parallel structures are sealed and magmas are impeded to rise by buoyancy (e-g., Corbett and Leach 1998; Tosdal and Richards 2001). Under these condi- tions LMR magmas could have ponded and evolved at lower crustal or suberustal levels (at depths possibly >40-50 km: Fig. 14), yielding the adakite-ype signa- tures discussed above. Yippm Fig. 12 S1/Y versus ¥ diagram for the ELM and LMR rocks. Fields of adakites and typical arc magmas are based on Defunt and Drummond (1993), Maury et al. (1996), and Sajona and Maury (1988) ‘Metallogenic implications Recent studies (e.g.. Thigblemont et al. 1997; Kay et al. 1999; Richards et al. 2001; Oyarzun et al. 2001) have highlighted a link between several large porphyry-Cui epithermal mineralization and magmatic rocks with adakite-type signatures, independently from the genetic interpretation of the adakite-type rocks as resulting from the interaction of mantle-derived magmas with the lower crust (Kay et al. 1999; Richards et al. 2001; Richards 2002; Rabbia et al. 2002) or from slab melting (Sajona and Maury 1998; Oyarzun et al. 2001; Oyarzun et al 2002). Our study shows that the great majority of the known Tertiary porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits of Ecuador, which are relatively small (< 165 Mt Table 2), are spatially and temporally associated with non-adakitic, cale-alkaline ELM-type magmatic rocks. >> , -ese 2 , | SSaPy4Pe «1850-1925 * 0708 \ r as 0.75 g a o.me2 206Ph/204P Fig. 13 *"Se/Sr, versus “Pb Pb plot of the LMR_ rocks investigated in the present study. Composiional delds of the Galapagos and Marquesas cocks as well us MORB are from Zindler and Hart (1986), EMIT is the Enriched Mantie I component of Zindler and Hart (1986) representing 1. mantle enriched by pelagic sediments. Isotopic compositions of the LMR rocks may result from mixing of MORB and EMIT These rocks originated from mantle-derived magmas chat have evolved through plagioclase-dominated fra tionation and assimilation of Pb- and Sr-radiogenic basement rocks in parental magma chambers situated at shallow crustal levels (<20 km depth) during a pro- longed period of dominant transpression “= extension, Since evolution of parental magmas at shallow crustal levels is an essential step in the process conducive to porphyry-Cu and related deposits (Tosdal and Richards 2001) the fertility of ELM magmatism is not surprising. Nevertheless, additional magmatic factors are probably required to form large porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits as perhaps suggested by the association of several major porphyry-Cu and epithermal deposits with magmas having peculiar geochemical features, ©.g., those of adakite-type magmas (see above). In contrast with the ELM rocks, Late Miocene- Recent (LMR) magmatic rocks of Ecuador have geo- chemical signatures of adakite-type magmas and were formed during a period of dominant compression. Trace and rare earth elements as weil as lead and strontium isotopes suggest that the adakite-type signatures of LMR rocks are due to MASH-type processes and not 10 slab melting. Based on comparisons with the geochem- istry of magmatic rocks associated with major porphyry. Cu/epithermal deposits at convergent margins (sce above), LMR rocks are potentially fertile. Despite this, only the high sulfidation epithermal deposit of Quima- sacocha is associated with LMR magmatic rocks. To explain the apparent low fertility of LMR rocks we Propose two divergent hypotheses that are equally 219 EOCENE-LATE MIOCEN: ‘Transpression = extension rasa permeable rench-rmal aus, lana ont some ‘renter ful nda fu insets. emesis halos cronies (~30-9 Ma) LATE MIOCENE-RECENT (~9-0 Ma) ympression Magma ord a the manera nerfce (MASH) Magmas ener fale {onerony thigh preture ding expoie velcro? Fig. 14 Cartoon showing the geodynamic control on the geochem: evolution of Ecuador magmas from the ELM- to the LMR. type at the end of Miocene, ELM magmas were formed during a Period of dominant transpression = extension (~50-9 Ma). Mantle-derived magmas could ise at shallow crustal levels trough treneh-normal structures or at dilational jogs along trench-parallel struetures. LMR magmas were Foreed to pond at depth, possibly at the mantie-crust interface, during a dominant compression phase started ~9 Ma ago with the subduction of the aseismic Camegie ‘dge (Spikings et sl. 2001; Hungerbuher etal. 2002) plausible on the basis of geological constraints and formation processes of porphyry-Cu/epithermal depos- its, The paucity of porphyry-Cu/epithermal deposits associated with LMR magmatism might simply result from exposure level. Thick recent volcanic deposits extensively cover central and northern Ecuador (Fig. 3), where the majority of LMR rocks occur. In contrast such a recent cover is absent in southern Ecuador (Fig. 3), where ELM magmatism occurs, due to the lack of recent volcanism in this part of the country. There- fore, porphyry-Cu/epithermal mineralization associated with LMR magmatism might be simply concealed under the recent volcanic cover. 0 An alternative scenario is that extensive porphyry-Cu epithermai mineralization has not formed in association with LMR rocks. Tosdal and Richards (2001) point out that at orthogonal convergent margins, where major trench-parailel fault zones are compressed (as is the case for Ecuador at the time of LMR magmatism). magmas will pond at the base of the lithosphere and will evolve through MASH processes (as it occurs for LMR rocks according to our data). Under these conditions, ascent to the surface may be restricted to overpressured magmas that would erupt violently without significant residence in upper crustal magma chambers (Fig. 14). This scenario is unfavorable for porpayry-Cujepithermal mineralization (Tosdal and Richards 2001). The LMR magmatism of Ecuador might represent this stage because it is associ- ated witha period of dominant compression and has been mostly of the explosive type since ~9 Ma (Fig, 14). More work is clearly necded to understand the metallogenic potential of the LMR magmatism. Conclusions ‘The large majority of known porphyry-Cu and epither- mal deposits of Ecuador are spatially and chronologically associated with magmatic rocks of Eocene to Late Mio- cene age (ELM, ~S0-9 Ma). The ELM magmatic rocks originated from mantle-derived cale-alkaline magmas that have evolved in parental chambers at shallow crustal levels (<20 kim) through plagioclase-dominated frae- tionation. These magmas were emplaced at shallow crustal levels during 2 prolonged period of transpression extension in the Ecuadorian continental crust. Only the ~5 Ma old Quimsacocha epithermal deposit has been recognized so far in association with Late Miocene to Recent (LMR) magmatic rocks. 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