Math1st Act

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1. Describe the significance of teaching mathematics.

As what Makeda Brome in Education Week Teacher says , "Math

subject is about productive struggle, solving everyday problems, and
seeing patterns in the world around us. Challenges are a natural part of
mathematics.” We cannot deny the fact that Mathematics is part of
our life. Math is part of children's early learning. Each math moment is
like a charging station that helps children become ready for more math
learning. Engaging in depth educational experiences in math is essential
for their academic performance in the early grades and in future
learning. The ability to solve problem is maybe the most significant
benefit of studying mathematics. Every citizen needs to be able to
reason and solve problems analytically, the mental habits that come
with studying mathematics teach us to approach problem logically.

2. Explain in your words the constructivist theory.

Constructivist theory for me simply means that we are learning
through engaging. You can easily understand and learn things when you
are actively engaging in your environment. And also the learners or a
students can easily construct or make their own knowledge or meaning
on their own experience more than what they memorized or what they
teach to them. This theory is also student-centered, because they allow
the students to take control of their own learning.

3. What do you think is the most important stage of the learning

cycle? Why do you think so?
On the cycle presented by the last reporter for me the most
important stage is assess learning and reflect on the result. Because it is
the time that you will see if your way of teaching is effective and of the
students has a learning in that particular discussion . It serves as a
feedback and also a basis in what particular topic needs more
explanation and discussion. It is very important in learning because it
will help you as a teacher and also to the students.

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