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NameNauan laori

ID 191680051
branch Intomation lechnoba
Subie ct SoBtware Proiect Mance

Asslqnment - 1

Q Ohat i s a_project,and onat are its main oattributes

Hoo is a project ditfereat trom ohat most people

in their odla-o-day iols? What is he triple consaint2
Ans AProect_isa temparar endeavor undertoken to
CYeate unjque prod uct, Service,ar result Operatians
On the other hund, s Dark clone in Arqunizations to usue-
thebusiness rojects.are olitkrent
tam Operations in that it-
end uhen their abiect/es have been
his been termnated
reached Dr the praiec
roieds Can be lare ov Small_and
involue Ore peson or thous.ands Ot peoplk.Jhey Can
cone 1n one da ov takueors to Complek. Ihe J
opDec Ose_
main atubut

iA p10ect as a
bnlque purpose: Ever project n
uwell-dehred objective

projec 1 icrn poran A praject has a dehoik be
and end

ii Ap1opctis develo ped vsinq

Pro iecs are clten
ctten dehne proqressiye elabosatieni
esive elabosatie0
dehned broadl wht they begin and as
pases, thespecihe delails of the
he projecbeco me clearet
Theehoe pojectsshodd Le developed in_ jnc remen
A requ IKes YeSoUIKeD, o1tcn »m VaTDus aicao KesovICeo
Je people,
inclode hon
people, hovdwae, Sottwac and otker asse ts. Kol he- aie
hmikd ondchuuld be used jvdidovs

A piojet shoauld have a puma Customeror Sponso For

diuechxo al e d cAnd bndiog a pojecl

v)A project invslves Uncertaioit

Thus a pDject managc cautral o Proirts succcas

The tnple Constxaint is debned as follous

Everpriect is constiaintd io ditkient ways, alkn by its scepe,

ime and cost qoals
Scope: whal ooyk wi be_dorc d2 a pauol prpiect7 LOhad s
uniais expeckd om he projed?

lime Houo long it shald lake to complede the pojal What is

Thtprojed shedule7
)Cosk Lohal should ih cod cost to cormpkk l pojet khai
e proects bvdae
tast >ohib lead fo
Aprsiec is a Specihe qsosp o
odeinit outcone. But a day to clay wak is
Sons a

Collection o pacLs, wilh dilkin) paiouilies ard expatalior,.

2 What is project manaqement Bnetly
aesmbe the pic

manaqement hame wark, providinaexamples stakeholders

knouldae areas, tnals and techniques, nd puject Sxces

Ans Bei manaqennent is the applicatian o knowledge.

Shills, acs and techniqueato project activities to meet
pnect iequnem.eots hoiect managers met strive no E
t o meet apecih Scope,tme osl cnd qualit geals
DrOCct theymust also lacilitate the entite pocess
D meetthe peeds and expectatens Of peaple 1ovolved in
prciect acivitiea or allkckd hy -hem

heproiec maniGen tn+ umciak Anbe inclvces

the proiect sBakeholdcs proiect mana qemcnt knowkdge
proie mana eneri tools ond tchniauea and the Conhubhe-
sCess pojecds f re Cntcipi t Can be showno
lows Aajecd prt 6li
Proe Knouwlest Tools 2 Ent
Srakdralder' rejet Integraisn Manasehhen+
needs and
Ond V jd
Cyecio A rea>
Jechnique Pooet

Froicct Stakeholder
Stukenoldes Oe the people involved in ar afkcled by p
actiyites,od 1nclude the Pojed sporsor pejecta
sUppo stat
E,(Usto me s, ukes sop plirisand even opR
e p ject he stakeholders o ten hase ve
needsnd expectaiors
Ci Praiect Managemcnt Knouwledqe Areas
TH ievees- descibes he keq Competcndies that proiec monaqea
musl devekop.

Phoicc SopeManacmen Projct Jime Manaqemen)

Proicc Cost Manaqemen) Poicct Olih Manaremep
frojat Humon Resoutes Mana jenc-oject (ommunicotian Moregeresf
-oiecd Risk Mana qemen frojec) Yraocent Manogemen)
-Roiecd Sakeholder Monaqeme.l Poicc Jotgiaharlangcme)
oiect lee Managemen ools and Jechniquco
ass)sts proieet monaqers an ther teamS In Coiqin-
Out work in all O knowledqe areas

i ) Project Socce>s Factors

he projcet met stopr, time and Cost quals
Ihe projcct Satis.ied the customersponsos..
h e esults ot the poiecd met itsmain abiective

riel deseibe phat happens ia each of the tive paje th
manooermen process 4reups

Apruer is a ceies of actiong divecled towards a

Parulor esult P ofecl manaqemen! proCecs qtoupsoges

Ton Intialing activilies to plannin actvitiea, Monltonaq and

Lonhsulg activties, and closin aclivtiea

)Trtiain rpCe SsIncludes delloinq dnd aulhori2in

Pet o Projec phase. 1nitikatin paesseo takea
urinq each phase ol a project
) Plannina 2 CessInchdes devising and vnaintaininy c
woY kable scheme lo ensve that the pro pct acdess
OLgantzetions a plans, Suchthe
need, rojecis include sevcral plans
the sope managqemeat pkm, Schedole manaqCme nl plan a -
manaemen plan, et..These plans clehhe Cach knowledc
as itelalca to the
pojecf te at thel poind in ho
Ci) Executin processIncudes Ccordinoti njPeaple and
Other Yesaurcea to Ca ry out the vaTÔVS ons andCto-
the pmducts ,ser vice ,8r eoults Ot the
propel n phs
OMonitbrinq cind Conbolia procac Inclo de yeqularl
e aSIna- and moritorin procpeas to ensue ha the
poje d kann mecls Epol objeclive
CloSinqprDCesealncludes tormalizing acceptahce al
the projeel precl phax andendin it ehfhuienth.

Ihe prDCess qrbups a1e not mutvall exclusive

04 Discuss how Orqanizatisnal Sruch re in hvence pro ject

and project managers.

Ans rojectsmust operalc in a bvoad oxqani zational

envkonment, and project maraqors heed To Conside pop
wlhn the qseale sanizadhor
Compex sitbahen3
al_Contd. To handle

fo take ahofisic vie

etitcively, projecd manages e r s nee

and vnde.

ov it elatD p helavser. a p rjeGt

oruniz abjoo.
There oe four trames.of Or
dStruchura)Rrane qanrzations
Deals with how the anizalh

is structvred And Hocuses on dilkrenl roaps ol

orcp T o l e and
PS pensiblhicfo meet the qoals amd seeuses policte Se)
b Dp manage
) Homam Reooure frame OCUSeA on produtina.
hmonu be twe en the Meels 6 he Orqanizaharc
h e of hepeople
i) folitical rame Addres sern O1qanizahena) and pesor
politics P6liiks ioorqanizahers hke he pn o Compethitior
Ompaq oups or individuals tor poser anlecdeships

Suakolie fae oc ses On Sumbals and meaninqs

this rame }he mgs importunt aspect ot anuCeninah
Orqanizahor is noB whad actvally hapenhedbuB whotit me

Mony discussions ot orqunizabonstDcOS On their struchre

lhree Qenera classihcations of orqanizationalstucures aTe
unttional, projee,and matrix
Organizationa Strucban.ea jintluence projecth and ace
munoaer3 Yoieet managaa have the mast aulhoxiy in a
pve projec ôrqanizaione) chuxtun and the least amount o

Outhori lo a poce tonchona) Orqanizationd chucwt It S

Imporkam thi projet manageo understand tLe CUnent
Orqanizatl or a) sucore.
S Discuss the Three-SphereMoJe) tor Systm managcment
Ans Many business and IT Students understand nd the cce
oSystcs and pertor mna a sSRms malysis Howeyer
o len qloss aver the topico susltms the
Simple idea ot addressinq the thv ee manaatmeot.
sp heres o
of Syskmi
manugemeot- buSi nets, oqanization Ond lechroloqy sSyskm
Can have a huae impacB on se
lectiq and manaqi
Droiects Successhul.


ro jeets must address issues
1he syskms manaqemet in_all thvee spher
ocus onthe mme diak modes. Athough it Casier
and Some
0puriular narsow
projecd, project monaqers Ond othe
cul must Tecoanize

On he
n lerests and needs effectsof any e
OY Opnlzation Gf he entire Or

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