Mku Feb 25 2021

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Unit One WOES ANDI WORK At the Employment Agency ACTIVITY I: Practise this dialogue. Then YOU answer the clerk’s questions. Imagine that you want to change your job. Alice Saunders is a young and attractive girl. She is a hotel receptionist. She works in a very good hotel in London, but she wants to change her job because she doesn’t like the new manager. Every day he asks her “Will you go out with me tonight?” Every day she says “No!” So now here she is in the employment agency looking for a new job. CLERK: Good morning. Please take a seat. ALICE: Thank you. CLERK: Now then. What’s your name? ALICE: Alice Saunders. CLERK: And what can we do for you? ALICE: I want to change my job. CLERK: Uh-huh. And what do you doat the moment? ALICE: I’m a hotel receptionist. CLERK: I see. OK. Well, let’s write down a few details. What’s your full name? ALICE: Alice Mary Saunders. CLERK: Could you spell your surname for me, please? ALICE: S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S, CLERK: And may I have your date of birth? ALICE: 7th October 1963. CLERK: Are you married or single? ALICE: Single. CLERK: And may I have your address? ALICE: 9 Worthington Street, London, NW10. CLERK: I’m sorry, could you repeat that? ALICE: 9 Worthington Street, London, NW10. CLERK: And your telephone number? ALICE: 274 4011. CLERK: Right. And this evening? +» what are you doing Sf ACTIVITY 2: ; Go through these exercises. Practice | CLERK: What do you do at the moment? ALICE: I’m a hotel receptionist. When we ask someone about their job, we say: "What do you do?” Ask the person next to you: “What Answer: "I'ma/an...” Now ask the person next to you about the jobs of their husband/wife/brother/son/daughter/father/mother/ next-door-neighbour, ete. Question: What does your father do? Answer: He’sa/an... Practice 2 CLERK: Could you spell your surname for me, please? Now ask someone politely to: explain this word pass the sugar open the window answer the telephone close the door 2. turnon the TV Practice 3 ALICE: S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S Can you say the English alphabet? ABCDEFGHI J) KLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Practice 4 CLERK: May I have your date of birth? “May |..." isa polite way to ask permission to do something, For example, you are ina friend's car and you want to smoke, so you say “May I smoke in your car?” Now ask permission to I. use the telephone 3. have a bath 5. have a look at the newspaper 2. watch TV 4. borrow the car 6. listen to the radio Note: You can also say:"Can /have your date of birth, ‘May |..." is more formal Practice 5 ALICE: 7th October... What's the date today, tomorrow, yesterday? When is your birthday? Do you know the names of all the months? Note: There are two ways of saying the date in English: 1. The (Ist, 2nd, 3rd) of (month) eg The first of June. 2. (Month) the (4th, 5th, 6th) egjune the first, Practice 6 ALICE: 9, Worthington Street... What is YOUR address? Note: In Britain we say the number of the house first, the name of the street second and then the town. 7 Worthington Street, Practice 7 LONDON NWIO ALICE: 274 4011 Say the following telephone numbers: - 889 4891 3. 01-455 3162 5. 0273-72171 . 640598 4. 01-276 4039 . Note: When we say a telephone number, we say: I. each number eg 721 = seven-two-one, 2. Oas "oh" eg 903=nine-oh-three 3. “double” when two numbers are the same and together eg 55=double five. Practice 8 Fill out this job application form. Full Name Permanent Address Name and Address of Currerit Employer

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