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Date: 16-Mar-111
Product/Version: 1.0

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation

Manual (41XE3 Image)

This product notice describes the setup of the Windows 7 Server PC.

Setup of a D4.x.x Server PC .................................................................................................................................... 1
Setup .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Installation of the JPE Components and the Display…………………………………………………………………3

Bootable Stick and Copying Correct Files and Images............................................................................................. 5

Deactivating the USB Stick as First Boot Device ................................................................................................ 6
UPS Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Setup of a D4.x.x Server PC

For the setup of a new D4.x.x Server PC, use the install image which is compatible with the Shuttle PC.

Components and versions:

• IIS 7

• IE 8

• DBClient

• OracleXEUniv.exe

• JRE 1.6.19

• Visual Studio Redistributable 2005 & 2008

• Audio Driver IDT

• DHCP Server

• Windows 7 Professional 32 bit

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 1

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official of Atronic Systems.

Atronic Systems makes no representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to this publication, or any product of Atronic Systems, including but not limited to
warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Atronic Systems reserves the right to make changes, enhancements, revisions and alterations of any kind to
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This document may contain trademarks of Atronic Systems. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
1. Restart the PC with the bootable USB stick.

Note: Make sure that the bootable USB stick is inserted at the first startup.

2. During startup, press F11 to open the BBS POPUP menu. In this menu, you can select the boot

Figure 1: Startup screen

3. Select the bootable USB stick as boot device.

Figure 2: Select boot device in BBS POPUP menu

4. Select the D4.x.x Server image from the options in the Boot menu.

5. After the image has been installed, remove the bootable USB stick and restart the Shuttle PC.

6. When windows starts up you will see a Desktop with black background (unregistered version of
Windows 7).

7. Normally you will be asked to activate your Windows Installation. Additionally you can press
“Windows-button” + “R” and type SLUI into the prompt to get to the Windows activation menu and
choose your favorite activate type.

8. It is recommended to set the resolution of the monitor to 1920x1080.

9. Right click on the Desktop  Personalize  Choose the Atronic Theme

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 2

Installation of the JPE Components and the Display

1. Go to the folder “StarJackpots2_D4x_2.0.3666.4046”

2. Execute following script: DatabaseV3.08.00\_installation\install_start.cmd (DB Schema

installation takes about ~3 minutes)

3. Install the “StarJACKPOTS2 Server 2.0.3645.4046” to the default path on C:\

4. Install the “StarJACKPOTS2 Control 2.0.366.4040” to the default path on C:\

5. Copy the ADI folder to the path D:\ (Make sure that it is really located in the root of D:\)

6. Add the file “adi.bat” to the startup folder in the Start Menu (This script starts the Atronic Data
Investigator at every startup of the PC)

7. As last component install the Display with the installer “ed-caf2c21-d4-1.0.8.msi”

8. Set following link as default homepage in the Internet-Explorer: http://localhost:8087/ (This is the
path for the Web-GUI of StarJACKPOTS2) User: adm Password: adm

9. IMPORTANT: The display needs for a correct work always the actual used
“progressive_configuration.xml” which is used for the installed Jackpot. Make sure that when
the link gets updated the Display always uses the same xml-File as the Jackpot Engine !

10. Open the Display GUI (blue icon on the Desktop with Dr. Cash) and add the path for the
Progressive Config XML (should be saved on the same path as the display files are located)

11. Additionally it is important to make a check on ALF on the lower part of the GUI. (This application
must be set for a correct work of the Display application)

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 3

12. Set your currency, currency position, the seperators, …

13. Display Setting must stay “Maximized”

14. Klick on SAVE + OK

15. Configure a Jackpot in the Web-GUI for StarJACKPOTS2 (if not already done)

16. Additonally make sure that the JPE and the Display (GUI-Path) use the same
progressive_configuration.xml File (important for correct JP-Values on the Display)

17. Info: To get the correct currency symbol for the StarJACKPOTS2 Web-GUI you have to change
the “culture” for the IIS. Klick Start  Right click on Computer and choose “Manage”  Services
and Applications  Internet Information Service  .NET Globalisation  Set the correct country
at “Culture”. This shows the correct currency in the Web-GUI.

18. NOTE: If your Media PC does use a REALTEK AUDIO DRIVER following steps must be done:

1. Control Panel  Realtek HD Audio Manager

2. Speaker Configuration must be set to: 5.1 Speaker

3. Klick on right upper corner “Connector Settings” (Check “Disable front panel jack
detection” and uncheck “Enable auto popup dialog”)  see picture.

19. Restart the PC to make sure that all previous made modifications are stored correctly. The PC
starts and the Display application gets shown on the whole screen after about 1 minute (make
sure that no taskbar or something else is shown).

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 4

Bootable Stick and Copying Correct Files and Images
For the setup of all new D4.x.x Server PCs, a bootable 16 GB USB stick is needed. It is used to install the
image which is compatible with the Shuttle PC:

• D4.x.x Server image: 41XE3.GHO

Take the following steps to make a bootable USB stick:

1. Install HP_USB_Boot_Utility.exe on any PC.

2. Open HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool.

3. From the Device list, select the bootable stick, and from the File system list, select FAT32.

4. Select the Create a DOS startup disk check box.

Figure 3: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool

5. Browse to select the DOS system files that can be found in the USBStick folder and click Start.

6. Copy the following folders and files to the newly formatted USB stick:

o Folders: DOS, Images, GHOST11


Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 5

Deactivating the USB Stick as First Boot Device
If the backup USB stick (which is not a bootable USB stick) is inserted at daily startup, you must change
the boot device settings before. Otherwise, the startup process will be stopped until the backup USB stick
has been removed.

Proceed as follows:

1. Go to BIOS|Boot (password: Atronic08).

Figure 4: Boot Settings

2. In Boot Settings, select Boot Device Priority.

3. Then select 1st Boot Device and press ENTER.

4. Choose the SATA disk and press ENTER again.

Figure 5: Boot Device Priority

5. Go to Exit and select Save Changes and Exit to exit BIOS.

Figure 6: Exit Options

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 6

UPS Configuration
Note: There is no driver or software installed on the image. The driver, software and operating system
have to be configured for APC 350 before changing the BIOS settings.

1. Go to BIOS|Advanced (password: Atronic08) and select Power Management Configuration.

Figure 7: BIOS – Advanced Settings

2. Make sure that Suspend mode is set to S1 (POS), PowerOn Functions from S4/S5 is set to
Enabled and Restore on AC Power Loss is set to Power On.

Figure 8: BIOS – Power Management Configuration

Cash Fever Hot & Wild Installation Manual © Atronic 2011 7

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