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Lesson 15 Positive and Negative Emotions

1. In my opinion, emotions play an important role in our lives, and we truly need to
be balanced in life, so we need both positive and negative emotions. Yes, I believe
that both positive and negative emotions are necessary for a healthy, well-rounded
life. We simply need to learn how to adapt to and cope with negative emotions.
Life is harmonious and meaningful. We must provide ourselves with the best
opportunity to accept, embrace, and act on both positive and negative emotions.
2. I believe that the scenario in which I wake up in the morning is one of the most
important moments in my life, although it did not entail strong emotions because I
can manage and control my emotions whenever I get up in the morning.
3. I will feel acceptance because I am already delighted that I won and received a
prize since I am unable to do anything at all I'll just take the reward wholeheartedly
because the prize is not the reason I entered the contest in the first place.
After learning and studying for this lesson, I learned a lot of things that
I'd never learned before. I learned how to manage my emotions. I
learned that positive and negative emotions are both important in our
lives to have a healthy, well-rounded life. Both of them have benefits
and have an impact on our lives. It's just that we need to learn how to
turn negative emotions into positive experiences just as we need to
capitalize on our positive emotions. We need both of them to have a
balanced, meaningful life.

I also learned that it's not the negative emotions that directly impact our
health and well-being but how we react to and process them. Emotions
play a crucial role in our lives. We need to have an effective method to
manage our emotions. Because if we are unable to control the course of
our emotions, then we might as well be heading down the road towards
destruction. That's why it is important to manage and control our
My plans in taking responsible actions for my emotions are:
Do not hide how you feel from yourself.
Do not blame.
Accept all your emotions as natural and understandable.
Use your emotions and bodily responses to recognize when you are under stress.

Write down your thoughts and feelings about what is stressing you.

Control whatever aspect of the stress that you can.

Do not make mountains out of molehills.

Redefine the Problem.

Develop behaviors that distract you from stress.

Reach out to a friend or a family member.

Exercise Regularly.

Meditate and Relax.

1. Become more self-aware.

2. Express your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
3. Discover your inner passions.
4. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
5. Walk in the other person’s mocassins.
6. Manage another person’s emotions.
7. Be socially responsible.
8. Manage your own impulses.
9. Be more flexible.
10.Be happy!

Always remember “Control your feelings, Don't let them control you.” When you can control
your emotions, you can just play with them and take advantage of the opportunities they bring.

Lesson 16 Demonstrate and Create Ways to Manage Various Emotions

In this module I realized how important emotions are in our lives as humans. Emotions
remind us of who we are, how we interact with others, and how we should act. I
understood that it is impossible to envision a life without sentiments and emotions
because we all value them. They color our lives and provide significance and flavor to
all we do.

As a result, I will continue to express and regulate my emotions because I am a human

and cannot keep my emotions hidden from myself. I will accept all of my emotions as
natural and reasonable since they can help me move forward, and I will cope with my
emotions efficiently to handle life's daily obstacles.

1. I lost a bracelet given to me by my grandmother on my ninth birthday. It was

meaningful to me because it was my grandmother's first and last present to me
before she died.
2. I'm sad, and I'm feeling awful on the inside. I started asking myself why I'm so
irresponsible, and I concluded I'll never lose another gift again. I'm going to be
really cautious. And as a result, I learned a valuable lesson: I should value
everything I have in this world more than what I don't.

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