Vertudazo Alberth Module 9 PDF

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Name: VERTUDAZO, Alberth C

CYS: BSEd-Sciences 3D


Think of the latest movie you had watched and answer the following questions:

1. What is the title of the story?


Midnight Sun

2. Who are the main characters of the story?


Katie and Charlie

3. What is the story all about?


It’s about a woman who has a disease name Xeroderma pigmentosum fall in
love to the man whose been she admire for a long time, but the women died
because of her disease and man promises to continue to inspire other bringing all
what the girl shown to other despite of the condition she face.

4. How does the film begin?

A 17 years old girl suffers from a condition that prevents her form being out in
the sunlight. Since childhood Katie sheltered and confined to her house during the day
by a rare disease that makes even the smallest amount of sunlight deadly.

5. What is the ending of the story?


Charlie uploads the song on YouTube. Soon after Charlie says he’s going to
clen up the boat one last time before the owners get back and Katie begs her dad
to let her go sailing around the harbor with Charlie, even though the sunlight is out.
It’s clear as this point, she is dying, and this is her dying wish.

Create a 30-60 second commercial script. After the writing process, perform the script
you had written

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Advertisement Title
Video Audio
Camera up on grim Greene, Limping
slowly down tunnel from field toward
locker room; words
“Mean Joe Greene” superimposed on
picture. Because he is alone, game
must still be going on with Greene out of
it, due to injury.
Kid (sound on film (SOF): Mr. Greene
Cut to kid (white about age nine) Mr. Greene
Standing in tunnel, bottle of Coke in
hand. Greene (SOF): Yeah?

Cut to Greene, scowling. Kid (SOF): You need some help?

Cut to kid Greene (SOF): Uh-uh

Cut to Greene Kid (SOF): I just want you to know: I

think—you’re greatest.
Cut to Kid
Greene (SOF): Yeah, sure.
Cut to Greene, grimacing
Kid (SOF): Want my coke? It’s okay.
Cut to Kid, offering bottle You can have it.

Cut to Greene, sighing, He takes it, Greene (SOF): Okay. Thanks

drinks, greedily.
As much sweets under dialogue, lyrics
Cut to kid, who hesitates waiting too is heard.
autograph or sign of recognition from A coke and a smile/make me
his hero. feel/makes me feel nice.

Finally, kid turns to leave, reluctantly. Kid (SOF): See ya, Joe

Cut to Greene, suddenly animated and Greene (SOF): hey kid!


Greene grabs his game and jersey and

tosses it. Greene (SOF): catch

Cut to kid, beaming, catching shirt.

Kid (SOF): Wow! Thanks, Mean Hoe!
Super fill screen:
“Have a Coke and a Smile”
“Coke Adds life” Music Swells.

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Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a type of drama which involves ridiculous or hilarious complications without

regard for human values.
a. Tragedy b. Melodrama c. Farce d. Docudrama

2. An act that draws exaggerated movements and gestures, to create humor for the
a. Dance b. Tableau c. Ask work d. Clowning

3.It is acting done without words but through facial expression, gesture, and movement
a. Mime b. Dance c. Stage fighting d. Tableau

4.It is an activity in which individuals assume identities other than their own.
a. Story theatre b. Fantasy c. Roleplay d. Character in role

5.It refers to the ensemble speech or singing.

a. Soundscape b. Radio drama c. Storytelling d. Choral work

6.It is an element of drama that has assembled for the explicit purpose of seeing a
a. Plot b. Audience c. Convention d. Stagecraft

7.It is a play in which the central characters defeated by some overwhelming threat or
a. Tragedy b. Dramatic irony c. Coincidence d. Tension

8.It is a dramatic element which is often used interchangeably with the terms
“concentration” and “engagement.
a. Rhythm b. Timing c. Focus d. Space

9.It refers to relating stories to an audience.

a. Recitation b. Conflict c. Climax d. Storytelling

10.The following, except one, are conventional elements of drama:

a. Contemporary b. Chinese drama c. Realism d. Greek drama

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