Atomic Structure

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1) To introduce Fundamental particles

2) To introduce Thomson’s and Rutherford Atomic model

3) To introduce terms like atomic number, mass number and

isobars, isotones
John Dalton coined the term atom. Atom is the fundamental
particle of matter and considered to be indivisible and
indestructible. In fact, the atom as the whole is electrically
neutral as number of protons in it is equal to number of

The electron, proton and neutron are the main fundamental

particles of an atom.

Discovery of electron – study of Cathode rays:

J.J. Thomson observed that, when a high voltage is applied between the
electrodes fitted in discharge tube,at a very low pressure,some invisible
radiations are emitted from the cathode. At this stage wall of the
discharge tube near cathode starts glowing.
Discharge tube experiment – production of cathode rays

Glowing is due to the bombardment of glass wall by the cathode

rays. It may be noted that when the gas pressure in the tube is 1
atm, no electric current flows through the tube. This is because
the gases are poor conductor of electricity.

Origin of Cathode rays:

Cathode rays are first produced in cathode due to bombardment
of the gas molecules by the high-speed electrons emitted first
from the cathode.
Properties of Cathode rays
i. Cathode rays travel in straight lines with high
speed. ii. Cathode rays are made up of material

iii.Cathode rays carry negative charge,the negatively charged

material particles constituting the cathode rays are called

iv. Cathode rays produce heating effect.

v. They cause ionization of the gas through which they pass.
vi. They produce X-rays when they strike against the surface of
hard metals like tungsten, molybdenum etc.
vii.They produce green fluorescence on the glass walls of the
discharge tube exp : zinc sulphide.
viii. They affect the photographic plates.

ix. They possess penetrating effect (i.e., they can easily pass
through thin foils of metals).

x. The nature of the cathode rays does not depend upon the
nature of the gas, taken in the discharge tube and the nature
of cathode material.

xi. For each cathode rays, the ratio of charge (e) to mass (m) is

Discovery of proton – study of Anode rays:

Goldstein discovered the presence of positive rays.
He performed discharge tube experiment in which he took
perforated cathode and a gas at low pressure was kept inside a
discharge tube.

On applying high voltage between electrodes ,new rays were

coming from the side of anode and passing through the hole in
the cathode gives fluorescence on the opposite glass wall coated
with zinc sulphide.
These rays were called anode rays or canal rays or positive rays.

H. V
Production of anode rays

Origin of anode or positive rays:

In the discharge tube the atoms of gas lose negatively charged
electrons. These atoms, thus, acquire a positive charge. The
positively charged particle produced from hydrogen gas was
called the proton.

H H+(proton)+ e- Properties of

Anode rays:
i) They travel in straight lines. However, their speed is much
less than that of the cathode rays.
ii) They are made up of material particles.

iii) They are positively charged,hence they called as canal rays

or anode rays.’

iv) The nature of anode rays depends on the gas taken in the
discharge tube.

v) For different gases taken in discharge tube the charge to

mass ratio (e/m) of the positive particles constituting the
positive rays is different.

Fundamental particles:
1) Electron: Electron is a universal constituent discovered by the

* Charge: It was determined by Mullikan by oil drop experiment


-1.602x10-19coulombs or 4.803x10-10 e.s.u.

* Mass:9.11x10-28g (nearly equal to 1/1837th of mass of hydrogen

* Specific charge:e/m ratio is called specific charge & is equal to

1.76x108 coulombs/gm.

* Mass of one mole of electrons: It is 0.55 mg.


* Charge on one mole of electron is 96500 coulombs or 1


* Density: 2.17x1017 g/cc.

2. Proton: (+1p0 or 1H1)

* It was discovered by Goldstein.

* Charge:It carries positive charge i.e.1.602 x 10-19coulombs or

4.803x10-10 esu.

* Mass:1.672x10-24g or 1.672x10-27kg.It is 1837 times heavier than an


* Specific charge (e/m):9.58x104coulomb/gm.

3. Neutron (0n1)
* It was discovered by Chadwick by bombarding Be atom with
high speed -particles.
4Be9+2He4→ 6C12+0n1

* Charge: Charge less or neutral particle.

* Mass:1.675x10-24 g or 1.675x10-27 kg.

* Density:1.5x1014 g/cm3 and is heavier than proton by 0.18%.

* Specific charge: It is zero.

* Among all the elementary particles neutron is the heaviest
and least stable.

Properties of Electron, Proton and Neutron

Properties Electron Proton Neutron

Discovery J.J.Thomson Goldstein Chadwick

Charge -1.6022x10-19C 1.6022x10-19 C Zero

Mass 9.109x10-31 kg 1.672x10-27 kg 1.675x10-27 kg

Spin ½ ½ ½

Charge -1 +1 0
Location Outsidethe Inthe nucleus Inthe nucleus

Classical Models of Atom:

1)Thomson’s Atomic Model

According to Thomson, an atom is a sphere of positive charge

having a number of embedded electrons in it and sufficient
enough to neutralize the positive charge.This model is compared
with a water melon in which seeds are embedded or pudding in
which raisins are embedded.
Therefore, this model, sometime called watermelon model or
raisin or plum pudding model.

Thomson’s model of an atom

This model failed explain the results of scattering experiment of
Rutherford and the stability of atom.

2)Rutherford’s Atomic Model:

Rutherford, performed -ray scattering experiment in which he

bombarded thin foils of metals like gold, silver, platinum or
copper with a beam of fast moving radioactive particles
originated from a lead block. The presence of 𝛼 particles at any
point around the thin foil of gold after striking it was detected
with the help of a circular zinc sulphide screen. The point at
which a𝛼 particle strikes this screen, a flash of light is given out.

Observations and Conclusions

(100 )

i. Most of the -particles passed through the gold foil without

any deflection from their original path.
Bcz atom has largely empty space as most of the -particles
passed through the foil undeflected.
ii. A few of the alpha particles are deflected fairly at large
angles while some are deflected through small angles.

Bcz there is heavy positive charge at the centre of the atom

which causes repulsions.
The entire mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
iii. A very few -particals are deflected back along their path.
According to Rutherford,
1. Atom is spherical and mostly hollow with a lot of empty space
in it.
2. It has a small positively charged part at its centre known as

3. The nucleus is surrounded by electrons. The electrons revolve

round the nucleus with very high speeds in circular paths
called orbits.

4. The number of extra nuclear electrons is equal to the number

of units of positive charge in the nucleus.Therefore the atom
is electrically neutral. Electrons and the nucleus are held
together by electrostatic forces of attraction.

5. Rutherford’s model has resemblances with solar system.

Hense also known as planetary model of the atom.

6. There is an empty space around the nucleus called extra

nuclear part. In this part electrons are present. As the nucleus
of the atom is responsible for the mass of the atom, the extra
nuclear part is responsible for its volume.
1. According to the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell, when
a charged particle moves under the influence of attractive
force it loses energy continuously in the form of
electromagnetic radiation. Therefore an electron in an orbit
will emit radiation.

As a result of this, the electron should lose energy at every

turn and move closer and closer to the nucleus following a
spiral path.
The ultimate result is that it will fall into the nucleus thereby
making the atom unstable.
i.eRutherford’s model cannot explain the stability of
the atom.
2. If the electrons lose energy continuously, the spectrum is
expected to be continuous but the actual observed spectrum
consists of well-defined lines of definite frequencies. Here
the loss of energy by the electrons is not continuous in an

Atomic number (Z): Atomic number denotes the number of

protons or the number of electrons in the neutral atom.
Atomic number (Z) = Number of protons in the nucleus of an
atom or ion = Number of electrons in a neutral
Mass number (A): The mass number is the total number of
protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom of an
element and indicated as A.
Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom are
collectively known as nucleons. Therefore, the mass number is
also known as nucleon number.
Mass number (A) = Number of protons (Z) + Number of
neutrons (n)
The number of neutrons (n) in an atom is equal to the difference
between the mass number and the atomic number.


Mass Number A
Atomic Number

where X is the symbol for the element with superscript A and

subscript Z, both on the left hand side.

Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones:

Isotopes: The atoms of the same element which have the same
atomic number but different mass numbers are called isotopes.
Exp- 6 C12, 6C13, 6C14 1 H , H , H1 1 2 1 3

8 O16, 8O17, 8O18 17 Cl35,17Cl37

Isotopes of an element differ in the number of neutrons present

in the nucleus. But they have the same number of protons and
Bcz of same number of electrons they show same chemical
properties.They have different number of neutrons, so they will
have different masses and hence different physical properties.

Isobars:The atoms of different elements which have the same

mass number but different atomic numbers are called isobars.

Exp: 18 Ar40, 19 K40 , 20 Ca40 4020 𝐶𝑎

They have same number of nucleons. But they are differ
chemically because the chemical characteristics depend upon the
number of electrons which is determined by the atomic number.

Isotones:Isotones are the atoms of different elements which

have the same number of neutrons.
Eg: i. C , N , O (n = 8)
16 ii. Si , P , 14
16 S32 (n = 16)

Isotones show different physical and chemical


1. The number of neutrons present in 19K39 is:

a) 39 b) 19 c) 20 d) None of these

2. The nucleus of the atom (Z > 1) consists of:

a) Proton and neutron b) Proton and electron

c) Neutron and electron d) Proton, neutron, electrons

3. The no, of electrons in a neutral atom is equal to it’s:

a) Atomic weight b) Atomic number

c) Equivalent weight d) Electron affinity

4. The specific charge of the canal rays:

a) Is not constant but changes with gas filled in discharge tube

b) Remains constant irrespective of the nature of gas in discharge tube

c) Is maximum when gas present in discharge tube is hydrogen

d) Is 9.58 x 104 coulombs/g


5. Proton is:
a) Nucleus of deuterium b) Ionized hydrogen molecule

c) Ionized hydrogen atom d) An α-particle

6. According to the Rutherford which statement is correct?

a) Electron revolves in fixed circular path around the nucleus

b) Electron revolves around the nucleus

c) Electron does not decrease its energy at the time of


d)Electron obeys law of conservation of momentum at the time of


7. Rutherford's scattering experiments led to the discovery of

a) Nucleus

b) Presence of neutrons in the nucleus

c) Both a and b

d) Revolving nature of electrons around the nucleus

8. Deflection back of a few particles on hitting thin foil of gold

shows that:
a) Nucleus is heavy b) Nucleus is small c) Both a and b
d) Electrons create hindrances in the movement of α –particles

9. α-particles are represented by

a) Lithium atoms b) Helium nuclei

c) Hydrogen nucleus d) None of the



1. The species in which one of the fundamental particles is

missing is

a) Helium b) Protium c)
Deuterium d) Tritium

2.The discovery of neutron is late because neutron has

a) +ve charge b) –ve charge

c) neutral charge d) lightest particle

3. Which of the following statements are correct?

a) Isotopes have same number of protons

b) Isobars have same nucleon number.

c) Isobars have same number of protons

d) Both a and b

4. The charge on electron is calculated by

a) Mullikan b) J J Thomson c) Ruther ford d) Newton

5. J J Thomson Model could able to explain the following?

a) Stability of Atom b) electrical neutrality of atom

c) Stability of nucleus d) all of these


6. The thickness of the gold foil used in Ruther Ford α ray

scattering experiment

a) 0.0004 cm b) 0.0004 m c) 0.0004 mm d) 0.004 cm

7. What is the size of atom predicted by Ruther Ford?

a) 10-13cm b) 10-14cm c) 10-12cm d) 10-8cm

8. If Thomson Model is correct what should be the observation in

α-ray scattering experiment

a) All the α-rays should pass through the gold foil

b) Only few α-rays should pass through the gold foil

c) 98% of α-rays should get reflected back

d) Both b & c

9. Which part of atom is responsible for volume of atom?

a) Nucleus b) extra nuclear part

c) protons d) unknown particles



AIM-To understand nature of Electromagnetic Radiation

Nature of Light (Electromagnetic Radiation): Electromagnetic
radiation do not need any medium for propagation e.g visible, ultra
violet, infrared, x-rays, rays, radio waves, radiant energy etc.
Two theories were proposed to explain the nature and the
propagation of light

i. Corpuscular theory: This theory was proposed by Newton.

According to this theory light is propagated in the form of invisible
small particles. i.e.light has particle nature.
The particle nature of light explained some of the experimental
facts such as reflection and refraction of light but it failed to
explain the phenomenon of interference and
diffraction.Therefore, was discarded and ignored.
ii. Wave theory of light (electromagnetic wave theory): was
explained by James Clark Maxwell in 1864 to explain and
understand the nature of electromagnetic radiation.

Features of this theory are:

a. The light is a
form of
b. The light
consist of electric and magnetic fields
perpendicular Components of radiation to
each other.

iii) The vertical component of wave, ‘E’ indicates the change in

the strength of the electric field and the horizontal component
of the wave ‘H’ indicates the change in the strength of the
magnetic field. iv) These radiation do not require any medium
for propagation.

v) The radiations posses wave character and travel with the

velocity of light i.e. 3x108 m/sec because of the above
characteristics, the radiation are called electromagnetic
radiations or waves.
Electromagnetic radiation is explained by following

1. Wave length:
The distance between two successive crests, troughs or between
any two consecutive identical points in the same phase of a wave
is called wave length.It is denoted by the letter (lambda).

The wave length is measured in terms of meters (m), centimeters

(cm), angstrom units (A0) nanometers (nm), picometers (pm)
and also in millimicrons (m).

The S.I. unit of wavelength is meter, m

1A0 = 10–10 m or 10–8 cm
1nm = 10–9 m or 10–7 cm = 10A0 1pm

= 10–12m or 10–10 cm =10−2A0

The number of waves that pass through a given point in one
second is known as frequency of radiation. It is denoted by the


Trough Trough

Wave motion of the radiation

SI unit of frequency is per second(s–1) or Hertz (Hz). A cycle is

said to be completed when a wave consisting of a crest and a
trough passes through a point.

The distance travelled by the wave in one second is called velocity
or speed of the wave (C).
SI unit is meters per second (ms–1).
C of electromagnetic radiation in vaccum is a constant commonly
called the speed of light and is denoted by ‘c’.It is equal to 3 ×

4.Wave number:
The number of waves that can be present at any time in unit length is
called wave number.

It is denoted by (nue bar).

It is the reciprocal of wave length.

Wave number = =
It is expressed in per centimeter (cm–1) or per meter (m–1).

The SI unit of wave number is m–1.


Limitations of Electromagnetic Wave Theory :

Electromagnetic wave theory was successful in explaining the
properties of light such as interference, diffraction etc.
But it could not explain the following:

(i) The phenomenon of black body radiation.

(ii) The photoelectric effect.
(iii) The change heat capacity of solids as a function of T.
(iv) The line spectra of atoms with special reference to
hydrogen. These phenomena could be explained only if
electromagnetic waves are supposed to have particle nature.

Black body radiation:

When a radiant energy falls on the surface of a body, a part of it is
absorbed, a part of it is reflected and the remaining energy is
An ideal body is expected to absorb completely the radiant
energy falling on it is known as a black body. A black body is not
only a perfect absorber but also a perfect emitter of radiant

A hollow sphere coated inside with a platinum black, which has a

small hole in its wall can act as a near black body.
The radiation emitted by a black body kept at high temperature
is called black body radiation.A black body radiation is the visible
glow that the solid object gives off when heated.

1. .


, .



Planck’s quantum theory:

In order to explain black body radiation, Max Planck proposed
quantum theory of radiation.

1. The emission of radiation from a body is due to the vibrations

of the charged particles in the body.

2. The energy is emitted or absorbed by a body discontinuously

in the form of small packets of energy called quanta.

3. The energy of each quantum of light is directly proportional to the

frequency of the radiation.

E or, E=h
Where ‘h’ is known as Planck’s constant.

The value of ‘h’, 6.6256 × 10–34 Jsec- or 6.6256 × 10–27ergs sec-

4. In case of light, the quantum of energy is called a photon.

The total amount of energy emitted or absorbed by a body will be
some whole number multiple of quantum,
E = nh , where n is an integer such as 1,2,3 . . . . .
This means that a body can emit or absorb energy equal to hv, 2hv,
3hv . . . . . Or any other integral multiple of h. This is called
quantization of energy.
5. The emitted radiant energy is propagated in the form of waves.

PhotoElectric Effect:
When radiations with certain minimum frequency (ν0) strike the
surface of a metal, the electrons are ejected from the surface of
the metal. It is called photoelectric effect,electrons emitted are
called photoelectron.

− +

− +
Incident light

Photoelectric effect

For each metal a certain minimum frequency is needed to eject

the electrons called as threshold frequency ( o) which differs
from metal to metal.

. .


K.E. as a function of frequency K.E. as a function of intensity

It was explained by Einstein. When light of suitable frequency falls

on a metal surface, the light photon gives its energy to the
electron of metal atom and the electron is ejected from metal
surface by absorbing this energy. The minimum energy of a
photon required to eject an electron from a metal is called work
function ( ) of the metal. The remaining part of the energy (h -
) of photon is used to increase the kinetic energy of the ejected
electron. If is the threshold frequency and , the frequency of

incident light then


Work function, =h . o

According to Einstein, E = h
Kinetic energy of photo electron Ek = E - = hh − o

1. The frequency of a radiation whose wave length is 600 nm is

a) 3 x 1014 sec-1 b) 4 x 1014 sec-1

c) 5 x 1014 sec-1 d) 3 x 1015 sec-1

2. The wavelength of light having wave number 4000 cm-1 is

a) 2.5 μm b) 250 μm c) 25 μm d) 25nm μm

3. What is the energy of photons that corresponds to a wave

number of
2.5 × 10-5 cm-1?

a) 2.5 × 10-20 erg b) 5.1 × 10-23 erg

c) 5.0 × 10-22 erg d) 8.5 × 10-22 erg

4. The frequency of radiation having wave number 10m-1 is:

a) 10s-1 b) 3×107s-1
c) 3×1010s-1 d) 3×109s-1

5. The wavelengths of two photons are 2000Å and 4000Å

What is the ratio of their energies?

a) 1/4 b) 4 c) 1/2 d) 2

6. In photo electric effect the number of photo electrons emitted

is proportional to

a) Intensity of incident beam b) Frequency of incident beam

c) Velocity of incident beam d) Work function of photo cathode

7. The kinetic energy of the photo electrons does not depend


a) Intensity of incident radiation b) frequency of incident radiation

c) Wavelength of incident radiation d)wave number of incident


8. The work function of a metal is 3.1x10-19 J. Which frequency of

photons will not cause the ejection of electrons?

a) 5 x 1014 s-1 b) 5 x 1015 kHz

c) 6 x 1014 s-1 d) 5 x 1012 Hz

9. The work function of a metal is 4.2 eV. If radiation of 2000 falls on

the metal, then the kinetic energy of the fastest photo
electrons is

a) 1.6 × 10-19 J b) 16 × 1010 J

c) 3.2 × 10-19 J d) 6.4 × 10-10 J

10. A photo electric emitter has a threshold frequency v0. When

light of frequency 2v0 is incident, the speed of photo electrons
is V. When light of frequency 5v0 is incident, the speed of photo
electrons will be

a) 4V b) 2V c) 2.5V d)

1. Wave theory failed to explain the following properties

a) diffraction b) interference

c) black body radiation d) all the above

2. Plank’s quantum theory is explained which of the following properties

a) quantization b) black body radiation

c) diffraction d) both a & b

3. The electromagnetic radiation with high energy

a) radio waves b) X-rays c) Infra-red radiation d) visible light

4. The atomic transition gives rise to radiation of frequency 104 Hz. The
change in energy per mole of atoms taking place would be:

a) 3.99 × 10–6J b) 3.99J c) 6.62×10––24J d) 6.62× 10–30J

5. Two electromagnetic radiations having energy ratio 3:2 is falling on

metal surface and producing metallic luster what is the ratio of wave
numbers of those radiation?

a) 1:2 b) 2:3 c) 3:2 d) 9:4

6. The energy of the photons which corresponds to light of frequency

3×1015 sec-1 is

a) 1.9876×10-15 ergs b) 2.9876×10-8 ergs

c) 1.9876×10-10 ergs d) 1.9876×10-11 ergs

7. Find the frequency of light that correspond to photons energy

5.0 x 10-5 erg

a) 2.2x1011 sec-1 b) 7.5x1021 sec-1

c) 4.0 x 10-5 sec-1 d) 4.0 x 104 sec-1

8. Photoelectric effect shows:

a) Particle-like behavior of light

b) Wave like behavior of light

c) Both wave like and particle-like behavior of light behavior of light d)


9. When the frequency of light incident on a metallic plate is doubled,

the KE of the emitted photoelectrons will be:

a) Doubled b) Halved

c) Increased but more than doubles of previous

KE d) Unchanged


AIM - To introduce Atomic Spectra

Spectrum is the impression produced on a screen when
radiations of a particular wavelengths areanalyzed through a
prism or diffraction grating. Spectra are broadly classified into

(i) Emission Spectrum.

(ii) Absorption Spectrum.
1. Emission Spectrum:When the radiation emitted from some

source, e.g., from the sun or by passing electric discharge

through a gas at low pressure or by heating some substance
to high temperature etc. is passed directly through the prism
and then received on the photographic plate, the spectrum
obtained is called ‘Emission spectrum’.
The spectrum of a radiation emitted by a substance in its excited
state is an emission spectrum.

Emission Spectrum is of two types:

a) Continuous Spectrum and b) Discontinuous Spectrum

a. Continuous Spectrum:When white light from any source
such as sun, a bulb or any hot glowing body is analyzed by
passing through a prism, it is observed that it splits up into
seven differentcolours from violet to red,(like rainbow), as
shown in fig .



These colors are so continuous that each of them merges into the nex
Hence, the spectrum is called continuous spectrum.

It may be noted that on passing through the prism, red colour with th
wavelength is dedicated least while violet colour with shortest wavele
deviated the most.

b. Discontinuous Spectrum:When gases or vapours of a chemical sub

heated in an electricArc or in a Bunsen flame, light is emitted. I
this light is passed through a prism, a line spectrum is produced.
• A discontinuous spectrum consisting of distinct and well define
dark areas in between is called line spectrum. It is also ca
• The emission spectrum consisting of a series of very closely spa
called bandspectrum.
Band spectrum is the characteristic of molecules. Hence it is also kno
molecular spectrum. The band spectrum is due to vibrations and rota
atoms present in a molecule.

Differences between line and band spectrum

Line spectrum Band spectrum
1. The line spectrum 1. The band spectrum
has sharp, distinct has many closed
well defined lines. lines.
2. The line spectrum is 2. The band spectrum is
the characteristic of characteristic of
atoms and is also molecules and is also
called atomic called
spectrum. molecularspectrum.
3. The line spectrum is 3. The band spectrum is
due to transition of due to vibrations
electrons in an androtations of atoms in
atom. a molecule

rotations of atoms in
4. The line spectrum is 4. The band spectrum is
given by inert gases, given by hot metals and
metal vapours and molecular nonmetals.
atomised nonmetals.

2. Absorption spectra: When white light from any source is first

passed through the solution or vapours of a chemical substance
and then analysed by the spectroscope, it is observed that some
dark lines are obtained.Further, it is observed that the dark lines
are at the same place where coloured lines are obtained in the
emission spectra for the same substance.
Difference between emission spectra and absorption

1. Emission spectrum is 1. Absorption spectrum is

obtained when the obtained when the white light
radiation from the is first passed through the
source are directly substance and the transmitted
analyses in the light is analyzed in the
spectroscope. spectroscope.
2. It consists of bright 2. It consists of dark lines in the
coloured lines otherwise continuous
separated by dark spectrum.
3. Emission spectrum 3. Absorption spectrum is always
can be continuous discontinuous spectrum of
spectrum (if source dark lines.
emits white light) or
discontinuous, i.e., line
spectrum if source
emits some coloured
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen:
When hydrogen gas at low pressure is taken in the discharge
tube and the light emitted on passing electric discharge is
examined with a spectroscope,the spectrum obtained is called
the emission spectrum of hydrogen which contain large number
of lines which are grouped into different 5 different series,

• Lyman series,
• Balmer series
• Paschen series
• Brackett series
• Pfund series.
• Humpry series
The wave numbers of all the lines in all the series can be
calculated by the Rydberg equation.
1 1 1
ν̅ = = RZ2 ( 2 − n22) λ

Where n1 and n2 are whole numbers, n2> n1.

For one electron species like He+, Li2+ and Be3+, the value of R is
109677 cm –1
× Z2, where Z is the atomic number of the species.

Different series of spectral lines in hydrogen emission

Name of the n1 n2 Spectral region
Lyman series 1 2,3,4,5,6,7….. Ultraviolet
Balmer series 2 3,4,5,6,7… Visible
3 4,5,6,7……
Paschen Near infrared
4 5,6,7….
series 6,7…. Infrared
Brackett Far infrared
Pfund series
The wave number for any single electron species like He+, Li2+ and
Be3+ can be calculated from the equation ν̅ = Z2RH (n 121 − n122)

1. Number of spectral lines possible when an electron falls from fifth

orbit to ground state in hydrogen atom is

a) 4 b) 15 c) 10 d) 21

2. Which of the following electronic transitions require the largest

amount of energy?

a) n = 1 to n = 2 b) n = 2 to n = 3

c) n = 3 to n = 4 d) n = 4 to n = 5

3. Which of the following spectral line is associated with a minimum


a) n = 5 to n = 1 b) n = 4 to n = 1

c) n = 3 to n = 1 d) n = 2 to n = 1

4. Of the following transitions in hydrogen atom the one which gives an

absorption line is lowest frequency is

a) n =1 to n= 2 b) n = 3 to n = 5

c) n = 2 to n = 1 d) n = 5 to n = 3

5. The first emission line of Balmer series in H spectrum has wave

number equal to

a) 9400RH cm−1 b)7144RH cm−1 c)3R4H cm−1 d)536RH cm−1

6. If the series limit of wave length of the Lyman series for hydrogen
atoms is
then the series limit of wave length for the Balmer series of
hydrogen atom is

a) 912Ao b) 2 × 912A° c) 4×912A° d) A°


1. There are three energy levels in an atom. How many spectral lines are
possible in its emission spectra?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

2. The wave length of second line in the Balmer series of hydrogen

spectrum is equal to (R=Rydberg constant)

a) 36/5R b) 5R/36 c) 3R/16 d) 16/3R

3. When an electron falls from higher orbit to third orbit in hydrogen atom, the
spectral time observed

a) Balmer series b) Lyman series

c) Brackett series d) Paschen series

4. Which of the following electronic transitions require the largest amount of


a) n = 1→n =2 b) n = 2→n = 3 c) n = 3→n = 4 d) n = 4 →n = 5

5. The wave number of the series limiting line for the Lyman series for
hydrogen atom is (R = 109678 cm-1).

a) 82259 cm-1 b) 109678 cm-1

c) 1.2157 x 10-5 cm d) 9.1176 x 10-6 cm



AIM-To introduce Bohr’s and Sommerfeld’s Atomic models

To overcome the objections of Rutherford model and to explain
the hydrogen spectrum,Bohr proposed a quantum mechanical

• The electrons revolve round the nucleus with definite

velocity in certain fixed closed circular paths called orbits
(or) shells (or) stationary state. These shells are numbered
as 1, 2, 3, 4 or termed as K, L, M, N from the nucleus.

• Each orbit is associated with a definite amount of energy. As

long as an electron is revolving in an orbit it neither loses nor
gains energy. Hence these orbits are called stationary states
or stable orbits+
• The centrifugal force of the revolving electron in a stationary
orbit is balanced by the electrostatic attraction between the
electron and the nucleus.
• Electron can revolve only in orbits whose angular
momentum are an integral multiple of the factor h/2 π.
mvr =
Where nh2π

m = mass of electron, v = velocity

of electron, r = radius of the orbit

‘n’ is the integral number like, 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . , is called principal

quantum number and h = Planck’s constant

• The energy of an electron changes only when it moves from

one orbit to another. Outer orbits have higher energies while
inner orbits have lower energies.
The energy is absorbed when an electron moves from inner
orbit to outer orbit. The energy is emitted when the electron
jumps from outer orbit to inner orbit.
• The energy emitted or absorbed in a transition is equal to
the difference between the energies of the two orbits (E2 –
E1). Energy emitted or absorbed is in the form of quanta.
E=E2 – E1 = hv

Here E1 and E2 are the lower and higher allowed energ states.

• Expressions for radius of orbit:

Consider an electron of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘e–’ revolving round
the nucleus of charge ‘Ze’ in a circular orbit of radius ‘r’.

Let ‘v’ be the tangential velocity of the electron. As per

coulomb’s law, the electrostatic force of attraction between the
moving electron andthenucleus is –Ze2/r.

For the atom to be stable an equal centrifugal force must act

away from the nucleus. This centrifugal force is equal to –mv2/r,
where ‘m’ is the mass of electron and ‘r’ is the radius of the

In a stationary orbit
–Ze2 −mv2 Ze2 2
r2 = r or r = mv

As per Bohr’s quantum condition, mvr = 𝑛2𝜋ℎ

nh 2=𝑛22𝑚ℎ22𝑟2

∴v= 2πmror v 4𝜋

Substituting the value of v2, we get

or Ze r2 = 4mπ2nm2h22r2 or r = 4πn22mZh2e2

Radius for ‘nth’ orbit, rn = 4πn22mZh2e2

Substituting the standard values, of h, , m and e, we get radius of

orbit rn = 0 .529Z×n2 A°

For hydrogen, Z=l and n=1 for first orbit,

The radius of the first orbit of hydrogen is 0.529 A0 or 0.0529 nm

52.9 pm. This value is known as Bohr’s radius. As the value of n
increases, the radius of the orbit will increase.

In S.I units, rn = 4 π2nmKZ2h2 e2

Where,K permitivity of air=8.854×10−12 Farad Metre)

• Expression for Energy of electron:

The total energy of electron is the sum of kinetic and potential
energies.Kinetic energy due to motion of electron is mv2, where
m is the mass of electron and v is its velocity.

K. 2 2r mv2 = Ze 2r2

P.E of electron = 𝑟

Total energy of electron, En = K.E + P.E

En=Ze2r2 − Zer2 = − 12 Zer2

Substituting the value of r, we get energy of electron in nth orbit,

−Ze24π2mZe2 −2π2mZ2e4
En = 2n2h2 or En= n2h2

Substituting the values of m, e, h and𝜋 in the equation, we get

−13.6 ×𝑍2
En = 𝑛2 eV per atom
−313.6×𝑍2 or En =
𝑛2 k cal mol–1

or En = −1312n2×Z2 kJ mol–1

−2.18×10−11𝑍2 or En =
𝑛2 erg per atom

orEn = 𝑛2 j/atom

In S.I units: En = − n2h2

WhereK = 4 𝜋1𝜖0 and 𝜀𝑜beingpermittivity of air and is equal to

× 10–12 Farad metre–1

• Derivation of Rydberg equation:

When a gas is subjected to electric discharge or heated by a
flame, the electrons in the ground state of the atom absorb
energy and they are

promoted to higher quantum states. As theyare not stable in

these states, they emit energy and return to ground state or any
other lower energy states.If E2 is the energy of the higher energy
state, E1 is the energy of the lower energy state and 𝜈 is the
frequency of emitted radiation E2 – E1 = h𝜈
If the numbers of the higher and lower energy states are n2 and

respectively, En2= − 2πh2m2 Ze4 . n122

−2π2mZe4 1
E n 1= h2 . n21

−2π2mZe4 1 1
En2 − En1 = h2 [n21 − n22]

But En2 − En1 = hcν̅ and ν̅ = n2ch− En1

1 −2π2mZe4 1 1
ν̅ = = 2 [n21 −
n22] λ ch

This equation is similar to Rydberg equation.

1 1 1
[ν̅ = =R×( 12 −n22)] λ n

2π2mZ e4
Rydberg constant R should be equal to R =
3 ch
Substituting the values, we get RH= 1,09,681cm-1.This value is
almost equal to Rydberg’s constant 1,09,677 cm–1.

The frequencies of the spectral lines in the hydrogen spectrum

calculated by using Bohr’s equation are in excellent agreement
with the experimental values. This is a concrete proof of the
validity of Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom.

• Expression for velocity of electron:

As per Bohr’s quantum conditions,
nh nh
mvr = or v =
2π 2πmr

n 2 h2
∵r= 2 2
4π m Ze nh

4π2m Ze2

∴v= × 2 2
2πm nh

2πZe2 −1
cms n

Substituting the values of 𝜋, e and h in the above expression

2.18×108×𝑍 –1
vn= 𝑛 cm s

Thus the velocity of electron in the first orbit of hydrogen atom

is 2.18 ×108 cm s–1. As the number of the orbit increases, the
velocity of the electron decreases.

Explanation of Hydrogen Spectrum by Bohr’s Theory:

Bohr’s theory successfully explains the origin of lines in hydrogen
emission spectrum. Hydrogen atom has only one electron. It is
present in K shell of the atom (n = 1). When hydrogen gas is
subjected to electric discharge, energy is supplied. The
molecules absorb energy and split into atoms. The electrons in
different atoms absorb different amounts of energies. By the
absorption of energy the electrons are excited to different higher
energy levels.

Atoms in the excited state are unstable. Therefore the electrons

jump back into different lower energy states in one or several
steps. In each step the energy is emitted in the form of
radiation and is indicated by a line.
Each line has a definite frequency and thus the emission
spectrum of hydrogen has many spectral lines.

• Lyman series are obtained in UV region, when electron

returns to the ground state from higher energy levels 2, 3, 4,
5 ......... and so on.
• Balmer series are obtained in visible region when electron
returns to second energy level from higher energy levels 3, 4,
5, 6 and so on.
• Paschen series are obtained in near infrared region, when
electron returns to third energy level from higher energy
levels 4, 5, 6.... And so on.
• Brackett series are obtained in mid infrared region when
electron returns to fourth energy level from higher energy
levels 5, 6, 7 . . . and so on.
• Pfund series are obtained in far infrared region when electron
returns to the fifth energy level from higher energy levels 6,
The maximum number of lines produced when electrons jumps
from nth
level to ground level is equal to, Or
∑(𝑛2−𝑛1) 2 Where, n2 = higher energy level.
n1 = lower energy level.

n = difference in the two energy levels.

Merits and demerits of Bohr’s Atomic model:


1. Bohr’s model explains the stability of the atom. The electron

revolving in a stationary orbit does not lose energy and hence
it remains in the orbit forever.

2. Bohr’s theory successfully explains the atomic spectrum of


3. This theory not only explains hydrogen spectrum but also

explains the spectra of one electron species such as He+, Li2+
and Be3+ etc.

4. The experimentally determined frequencies of spectral lines

are in close agreement with those calculated by Bohr’s theory.

5. The value of Rydberg constant for hydrogen calculated from

Bohr’s equation tallies with the value determined

Limitations of Bohr’s model:

1. Bohr’s theory fails to explain the spectra of multielectron

2. It could not explain the fine structure of atomic spectrum.

3. It does not explain the splitting of spectral lines into a group of
finer lines under the influence of magnetic field (Zeeman
Effect) and electric field (Stark effect).

4. Bohr’s theory predicts definite orbits for revolving electron. It

is against the wave nature of electron.

5. Bohr’s theory is not in agreement with Heisenberg’s

uncertainty principle.

Sommerfeld’s Atomic Model:

It is an extension of Bohr’s model. In this model, the electrons in

an atom revolve around the nuclei in elliptical orbit. The circular
path is a special case of ellipse. Association of elliptical orbits with
circular orbits explains the fine line spectrum of atoms.


• n=4, k=1, k 0

Sommerfeld’s orbits in hydrogen atom

The main postulates are:

i) The motion of electron in closed circular orbits is influenced
by its own nucleus and is set up into closed elliptical paths of
definite energy levels.

ii) The nucleus is one of the foci for all these orbits.

iii) The angular momentum of electron in closed elliptical paths

is also quantized i.e. k (h/2), where k is another integer except

iv) The ratio nk = lengt lengthh  ofof  minmajoror  axisaxis suggests

for the possible number of subshells in a shell. Possible values of

k for n = 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively. For any given value of n, k
cannot be zero as in that case,

the ellipse would degenerate into a straight line passing through

the nucleus. When n = k, path becomes circular.

1. The ratio of radius of 2nd and 3rd Bohr orbit is

a) 3:2 b) 9 : 4 c) 2 : 3 d) 4 : 9

2. According to Bohr’s model, the angular momentum of an electron in

4th orbit is

a) h/3 b)h/2 c) 2h/ d) 3h/2

3. The radius of Bohr’s first orbit in hydrogen atom is 0.053nm. The radius

of second orbit of He+ would be

a) 0.0265 nm b) 0.053 nm c) 0.116 nm d) 0.212 nm

4. The minimum energy required to excite a hydrogen atom from its

ground state

a) 13.6 eV b) -13.eV c) 3.4 eV d) 10.2 eV

5. The ratio of kinetic energy and potential energy of an electron in a

Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is

a) 1:2 b) -1:2 c) 1:1 d) -1:1

6. The ratio of potential energy and total energy of an electron in a Bohr

orbit of a hydrogen atom is

a) 2:1 b)-1:2 c) 1:1 d) -1:2

7. The ratio of kinetic energy and total energy of an electron in a Bohr
orbit of a hydrogen atom is

a) 1 : -1 b) -2:1 c) 1:1 d) -1:2


8. In a certain Bohr orbit the total energy is -4.9 eV for this orbit, the
kinetic energy and potential energy are respectively.

a) 9.8 eV, - 4.9 eV b) 4.9 eV, - 98 eV

c) 4.9 eV, - 4.9 eV d) 9.8 eV, - 9.8 eV

9. If speed of electron in first Bohr orbit of hydrogen be ‘x’, then speed

of the electron in second orbit of He+ is:

a) x/2 b) 2x c) x d)4x

10. The ratio of the difference in energy between the first and second
Bohr orbits to that between the second and third Bohr orbit is

a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 4/9 d) 27/5


1. Calculate the ratio of the radius of in 3rd energy level of Li+2ion of 2nd
energy level of He+ ion

a)3:2 b)1:2 c)2:3 d)1:1

2. Of the following, which of the statement(s) regarding Bohr’s theory is


a) Kinetic energy of an electron is half of the magnitude of its potential


b) Kinetic energy of an electron is negative of total energy of electron


c) Energy of electron decreases with increase in the value of the principal

quantum number

d) The ionization energy of H-atom in the first excited state is negative of

one fourth of the energy of an electron in the ground state.

3. If first ionization energy of hydrogen is E, then the ionization energy of

He+ would be:

a) E b) 2E c) 0.5E d) 4E

4. The ratio of radii of first orbits of H, He+ and Li2 is:

a) 1:2:3 b) 6:3:2 c) 1:4:9 d) 9:4:1

5. The angular momentum of an electron in the M shell of H- atom is

a) 3h /2 b) h/ 2 c) h / d) 2h /

6. If ionization potential of H-atom is 13.6 eV, the ionization potential of

He+ is

a) 54.4 eV b) 6.8eV c)13.6eV d) 27.2eV

7. The ionization energy of H-atom is its ground state is 2.17x10-18J. The

ionization energy of Li+2 in the ground state will be

a) 1.953 x 10-15 J b) 1.953 x 10-16 J

c) 1.953 x 10-17J d) 1.953 x 10-18 J

8. If the value of E = - 78.5 /mole. The order of the orbit in hydrogen
atom is

a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1

9. The ionization potential of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy

required to remove an electron in the n = 2 state of the hydrogen
atom is

a) 3.4 eV b) 6.8 eV c) 13.6 eV d) 27.2 eV

10. The minimum energy (numerical value) required to be supplied to

H-atom to push its electron from 2nd orbit to the 3rd orbit

a) 1.9 eV b) 2.2 eV c) 2.7 eV d) 7.0 eV

1) To introduce de Broglie’s theory

2) To introduce Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle.



Light exhibits different properties such as diffraction,

interference, photoelectric effect, compton effect, reflection
and refraction. The phenomenon of diffraction and
interference can be explained by the wave nature of the light.
But the phenomenon of photoelectric effect and Compton
Effect can be explained by the particle nature of the light.Thus
light has dual nature.DeBroglie proposed that matter like
radiation, should also exhibit dual behaviour. Einstein’s
generalization of Planck’s theory is given as, E = hν = hc λ

Einstein’s mass energy relationship is E = mc2

Equating above two equations, we get

hc 2 h h
= mc or = mc or λ = λ λ mc

Where ‘c’ is the velocity of light. If the velocity of micro particle

is ‘v’ then, λ = mV h

This is de Broglie’s equation,

Where ‘λ’ is the de Broglie’s wave length, ‘m’ is the mass of

the moving particle and ‘h’ is Planck’s constant.
P = mv or λ = .
Here 𝜆 signifies wave nature and P signifies particle nature.

This is applicable to microparticles like electron, proton, etc.,

and not applicable for macrobodies like cricket ball, bullet etc.

The electron moving with high speed possesses both the particle
nature and the wave nature. The waves associated with material
particles are known as matter waves or particle waves.

The Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle:

“It is impossible to determine simultaneously and accurately the

exact position and momentum or velocity of a sub-atomic particle
like electron in an atom”.

One can determine the position of a particle very accurately, and

then the determination of its velocity becomes less accurate.
Similarly, one can determine the velocity of a particle very
accurately, and then the determination of its position becomes
less accurate. The certainty in one factor introduces the
uncertainty in another factor.
If the uncertainty in the determination of the position of a small
particle is given by Δx and uncertainty in its momentum is Δp,


Where n = 1,2,3,4.........
For an electron revolving around the nucleus in an atom the value
of n is nearly 4.

Thus Heisenberg’s principle can also be stated as the product of

uncertainty in position and momentum of an electron like micro
particle moving with high speed cannot be less than h/4.

Heisenberg’s equation can also be written as,

(Δx) (Δv) ≥ 4 𝜋𝑚ℎ

Where m is the mass of the particle and Δv is uncertainty in

If the position of the particle is known exactly (Δx = 0), Δv
becomes infinity (∞) and vice versa. Heisenberg's uncertainty
principle is not applicable to those objects which cannot change
their position by themselves when a light falls on them. It is
applicable for micro particles like electrons.

Significance of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle:

Like de Broglie equation, although Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle holds good for all objects but it is significance only for
microscopic particles. The reason for this is quite obvious. The
energy of the photon is insufficient to change the position and
velocity of bigger bodies when it collides with them. For
example, the light from a torch falling on a running rat in a dark
room, neither change the speed of the rat nor its direction, i.e.,
This may be further illustrated with the following

examples: For a particle of mass 1 mg, we have

ℎ 6.625×10−34𝑘𝑔−𝑚62 𝑠−1 = 10−28𝑚2𝑠−1
Δx.Δ𝜐 = =
4𝜋𝑚 4×3.1416×(10 𝑘𝑔)

Thus, the product of Δx and Δ𝜐 is extremely small. For particles

of mass greater than 1 mg, the product will still smaller. Hence,
these values are negligible.

For a microscopic particle like an electron, we have



1. A ball of 100g mass is thrown with a velocity of 100ms–1. The

wavelength of the de Broglie wave associated with the ball is about

a) 6.63 × 10–35 m b) 6.63 × 10–30 m

c) 6.63 × 10–35 cm d) 6.63 × 10–33 m

2. If kinetic energy of a proton is increased nine times the wavelength of

the deBroglie wave associated with it would become

a) 3 times b) 9 times c) 1/3 times d) 1/9 times

3. Number of waves made by a Bohr electron in one complete

revolution in the 3rd orbit

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

4. The uncertainty in position and velocity of a particle are 10-10m and

5.27x10-24ms-1 respectively. Calculate the mass of mass of the

particle.(h=6.625 10-34 J-s)

5. Calculate the uncertainty in velocity a cricket ball of mass 150g. if the

uncertainty in its positionis the order of 1A0 (h=6.6x10-34kg m2 s-1)

6. In an atom, an electron is moving with a speed of 600 m sec-1 with an

accuracy of 0.005% certainty with the position of the electron can be
located is:(h=6.6x10-
34kg m2 s-1, mass of electron=9.1 x 10-31kg)

a) 1.52x10-4 m b)5.1x10-3 m c)1.92 x10-3 m d) 3.84 x 10-3


1. The de Broglie wavelength of 1mg grain of sand blown by a 20ms-1

wind is:

a) 3.3x10-29 b)3.3x10-21 m c) 3.3 10-49M d) 3.3 10-42 m

2. If the kinetic energy of an electron is increased 4 times, the

wavelength of the Broglie wave associated with it would

a) 4times b) 2times c) times d) times

3. The momentum of the particle having the wave length of 1Å is

a) 6.6x 10-19 gram cm/sec b) 6.6 x 1019 gram cm/sec

c) 6.6 x 1034 gram cm/sec d) 6.6 x 10-34 gram cm/sec

4. If the uncertainty in the position of an electron is 10-8cm, the

uncertainty in its velocity is

a) 3×108 cm/sec b) 5.8×107 cm/sec

c) 6.625×109 cm/sec d) 7.35 × 10-8 cm/sec

5. The uncertainty in momentum of an electron is 1x10-5 kg-m/s. The
uncertainty in its position will be (h = 6.6x10-34 Joule-sec)

a) 1.05 x 10-28m b) 1.05 x 10-26 m


c) 5.27 x 10-30 m d) 5.25 x 10-28 m

6. The uncertainty in the momentum of an electron is 10-5kg.m/sec. The

uncertainty in its position will be

a) 1.05 x 10-28 m b) 1.05 x 10-26m

c) 5.27 x 10-30m d) 5.25 x 10-25m

1) To introduce wave mechanical model of atom.

2) To introduce Quantum numbers.


3) To understand shapes of orbitals and Probability distribution.

Classical mechanics, based on Newton’s laws of motion, was
successful in explaining the motion of macroscopic bodies like
falling stones or motion of planets around the sun etc. But it failed
when applied to microscopic particles like electrons, atoms,
molecules etc.Hence new branch introduced called as ‘Quantum

Schrodinger Wave Equation:

Quantum mechanics, as developed by Erwin Schrodinger is based
on the wave motionassociated with the particles. The
Schrodinger differential wave equation is given by
∂2 ∂2 ∂2 2

x z y h

Here x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates of the

electron m = mass of electron h = Planck’s

E = total energy of the electron (KE + PE) V

= potential energy of the electron (PE) ψ=

wave function of the electron.

Significance of ψ:ψ is the wave function. It gives the amplitude
of the electron wave.

The intensity of light is proportional to the square of amplitude

(ψ2).Just as 𝛙2 indicates the densityof photons in space, 𝛙2 in case
of electron wave denotes the probability of finding an electron in
the space or probability of finding the electron is also maximum.

Quantum numbers:
The behaviour of an electron in an atom is described
mathematically by a wave function or orbital.They are principal
quantum number, azimuthal quantum number,magnetic
quantum number and spin quantum number.

‘Set of numbers used to describe energy,size,shape of orbitals in

an atom’ called as quantum numbers.

1.Principal quantum number(n):

• ‘n’ can be any whole number value such as 1,2,3,4, etc.The
energy shells corresponding to these numbers are K, L, M, N,
• Principal Quantum no. indicates the main energy level to
which the electron belongs. It also indicates the average
distance of an electron from nucleus and also the speed of
the atomic electron.
• As the ‘n’ value increases the distance of electron from the
nucleus increases and its energy also increases.
• The maximum no. of electrons that can be present in an orbit
is given by 2𝑛2. The maximum no. of electron in K, L, M, and N
shells are 2,8,18 and 32 respectively.
• The radius of the orbit is given by the expression: rn =0

• The energy of the electron/orbit is given by the expression.

ACTIVE SITE EDUTECH- 9844532971 −13.6×𝑍2

En= 𝑛cm/sec

• The velocity of the electron is given by the expression. Vn=2


2. Azimuthal Quantum Number:
• Azimuthal Quantum number was introduced by
Sommerfeld’s to explain the fine spectrum.
• It is also called as secondary quantum no. or orbital angular
momentum quantum number or subsidiary quantum
• It is denoted by l.
• ‘l’ can have the values from 0 to (n-1), a total of ‘n’ values.
‘l’ values 0,1,2,3 indicates s,p,d,f. s,p,d and f are spectroscope
terms which indicates sharp. Principle, diffuse and
fundamental respectively.
• Azimuthal Quantum number indicates the sub-shell to which
the electron belongs. It also determines the shapes of the
orbital in which the electron is present.
• Each main energy shell can have ‘n’ number of sub-shells.
• The orbital angular
momentum n l
(L) of an electron
is given by 1 0 (1s) the expression:
2 0 (2s), 1 (2p)
3. Magnetic Quantum
3 0 (3s), 1 (3p), 2(3d)
4 0 (4s), 1(4p), 2(4d), 3(4f)
• Magnetic quantum
number was introduced by Lande to explain Zeeman Effect.
• It is denoted by m or ml.

• This quantum number refers to different orientations of

electron could in a particular subshell. These orientations are
called the orbitals.
• An electron due to its orbital motion around the nucleus generates
an electric .This electric field in turn produces a magnetic field which
can interact with the external magnetic field. Thus, under the
influence of the external magnetic field, the electrons of a subshell
can orient themselves in certain preferred regions of space around
the nucleus called orbitals. The magnetic quantum number
determines the number of preferred orientations of the electron
present in a subshell.
Since each orientation corresponds to an orbital, therefore, the
magnetic quantum number determines the number of orbitals
present in any subshell.

• ‘m’ can have values from – 𝑙 to +𝑙 including zero, a total (2 𝑙+1)

Subshell 𝒍 m values No. of orientations
s 0 0 1
p 1 -1, 0, +1 3
d 2 -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 5
F 3 -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, 7
• When l = 0, m has only one value, m = 0. The sub-level‘s’ has
one orbital called s orbital.
• When l =1, m can have 3 values m = –1, 0, +1. The sub-level ‘p’
has three space orientations or three orbitals. The three
orbitals are designated as px, py and pz.

• When l = 2, m can have 5 values m = –2,–1, 0, +1, +2. The sub-

level ‘d’ has five space orientations or five orbitals. The five
orbitals are designated as dxy, dyz, dzx, dx2−y2and dz2.

• When l = 3, m can have 7 values m = –3,–2,–1,0,+1,+2,+3. The

sublevel ‘f’ has seven space orientations or seven orbitals.
The magnetic quantum number gives orientation of orbitals
in space.
All the orbitals present in a sublevel have same energy and
shape. They are called ‘degenerate orbitals’, which differ in
their spatial orientation.

• Each value of ‘m’ constitutes an orbital in the sublevel.

• Maximum no. of electrons in subshell : 2(2𝑙+1) or (4 𝑙+2).
4. Spin Quantum Number:
• Spin Quantum number was proposed by Uhlenbeck and
• It is denoted by ‘s’ or ‘ms’.
• It indicates the direction of spinning of electron present in
any orbital.
• Since the electron in an orbital can spin either in the
clockwise direction or in anti-clockwise direction, hence for
a given value of m, s can have only two values, i.e., +1/2 and -
1/2 or these are very often represented by two arrows
pointing in the opposite direction, i.e.,↑and ↓.
If an orbital contains two electrons, the two magnetic
moments oppose and cancel each other.
Thus, in an atom, if all the orbitals are fully filled, net
magnetic moment is zero and the substance is diamagnetic
(i.e., repelled by the external magnetic field). However, if
some half-filled orbitals are present, the substance has a net
magnetic moment and is paramagnetic (i.e., attracted by the
external magnetic field).

• The spin angular momentum (𝜇s) of an electron is given by


Atomic Orbital:
The three dimensional space around the nucleus where the
probability of finding the electron is maximum is called an atomic

Differences between orbit and orbital:

Orbit Orbital
1. n orbit is a well-defined 1. An orbital is the region of space
circular path aroundthe around the nucleus
1. where theprobability of finding
the electron is maximum
An orbital is the region of (95%)
around the
around the nucleus in which
the electronrevolves.
2. An orbit represents the 2. An orbital represents the
movement of electron in one movement of electron in
plane. three dimensional spaces.
3. An orbit means the position as 3. In an orbital it is not possible to
well as thevelocity of the find theposition as well as
electron can be known with velocity of the electroncan be
Certainty. known with certainty.
4. Orbits are circular or elliptical 4. They have different shapes like
shaped. spherical,dumbbell etc

Orbitals have different shapes.

sorbital isSpherical and p
orbital is dumb bell shaped.
5. Orbits do not have directional 5. Except ‘s’ orbitals, all other
characteristics. orbitals have directional

6. An orbit can have a maximum 6. An orbital can accommodate a

number of2n2 electrons. maximumof only two

Node- The three dimensional space around the nucleus where

the probability of finding the electron is minimum or zero.



Types of Nodes:
Nodes are of two types: a) Radial Node b) Angular Node

A radial node is the spherical region around then nucleus, where

the probability if finding the electron is zero (Ψ2 = 0).

Similarly,nodal plane(angular plane) have zero probability of

finding electron.

Calculation of no. of nodes:

No. of Radial nodes = n−𝑙 − 1

No. of angular nodes = 𝑙

Total no. of nodes = n-1

Ex: In a 3p -orbital
No. of Radial nodes = 3-1-1 = 1

No. of angular nodes = 1

Total no. of nodes = 2.

Shapes of Orbitals:

• s –Orbitals: s- Orbital can accommodate electrons with l =

0 and these orbitals are present in every orbit starting from 1st

, l = 0 are present is called 1s - orbital.


Orbital in which es with n=1

All s-orbitals are spherical in shape and the size of sphere

increases with ‘n’ value. s - Orbitals are spherically symmetrical
because the probability of finding the electron around the
nucleus is same in all directions.

• p – Orbitals:
p- Sublevel begins from 2nd orbit. For p - sublevel l = 1, indicates
that each p - sub level contains three orbitals with ‘m’ values –1,
0, +1. These are designated as px, py and pz, depending on the
axis in which electron density is present.
In px-orbital, electron density is concentrated along the x-axis.
p-Orbitals have dumb-bell shape. Each p -orbital has two lobes
separated by one nodal plane. The probability density function is
zero on the plane

where the two lobes touch each other. The nodal planes for px,
py and pz - orbitals are YZ, ZX and XY - planes respectively.

The three orbitals present in a given p - sublevel will have same

shape, size and energy but different orientations (differ in m
value). These three orbitals are perpendicular to each other and
the angle between any two p - orbitals is 90o.

• d - Orbitals:begins from 3rd orbit (n = 3). For d- sub level l= 2,

indicates that each d - sublevel contains five orbitals with ‘m’
–2, –1, 0, +1, +2. These are designated as dxy,dyz,dzx, 𝑑𝑥2−𝑦2 and d𝑧2.

All the d-orbitals (except d𝑧 ) have double dumb-bell shape. Each


dorbital has four lobes separated by two nodal planes.

In case of dxy, dyz and dzxorbitals, lobes are present in between

the corresponding axes. i.e.,between x and yaxis in case of dxy
Whereasin d𝑥2−𝑦2and d𝑧 orbitals lobes are present along the axes.

dxy Orbital contains yz and zx as nodal planes. dyz and dzx

(xy,zx) and (xy,yz) planes respectively. d𝑥2−𝑦2orbitalcontains two
nodal planes perpendicular to each other and which make an
angle of 45o with respect to x and y axes. 𝑑𝑧2orbital does not
contain nodal planes.
5 dorbitals present in a given d- sublevel will have same energy in
the ground state.

1. ‘2 ’ ,
. :

) 2.07Å ) 1.59Å ) 0.53Å ) 1.1Å

2. ‘’
( )
(ψ ).
)4 )4 )4 )4
3. :
) 4 ) 2 ) 3 ) 2

4 ‘ ’ ,
) 2 ) 0 )1 )3

5. Which one of the following sets of quantum numbers represents

as impossible arrangements?
n l m s

a) 3 2 –2 ½

b) 4 0 0 ½

c) 3 2 –3 ½

d) 5 3 0 –1/2.

6. Correct set of four quantum numbers for the valence

(outermost) electron of rubidium (Z = 37) is

a) 5, 0, 0, + b) 5, 1, 0, + c) 5, 1, 1, + d) 6, 0, 0, +

7. The maximum number of electrons in an orbital having same

spin quantum number will be:

a) l + 2 b) 2l + 1 c) l(l + 1) d)
8. The four quantum number of last electron of an atom are
then atomic number of that element could be

a) 19 b) 55 c) 36 d) 37

9. The number of atomic orbitals with quantum numbers n = 3, l =

1, m = 0

a) 1 b) 6 c) 3 d) 5

10. The number of electrons that can have n = 4 and l = 3 is

a) 10 b) 14 c) 6 d) 5


1. Which of the following can be negative?

a) 4πr2ψ2 b) 4πr2ψ2dr c) ψ d) ψ2

2. The quantum number not obtained from the Schrodinger’s wave

equation is

a) n b) l c) m d) s

3. Maxima’s in Radial probability distribution curve of 2s is

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

4. In which of following case would the probability of finding an

electron in dxyorbital be zero?

a) Xy and yz plane b) xy and planes

c) xz and yz planes d) z-direction, yz and xz planes

5. The principal quantum number of an atom is related to the

a) Size of the orbital b) spin angular momentum

c) Orbital angular momentum d) orientation of the orbital in space

6. The orbital angular momentum of an electron in 2s orbital is:

1 h h
a) 2 2. b) zero c) 2 d) 2.2h

7. What will be all 4-Sets of Quantum Number for last electron of


a) n = 3 l=0 m =0 s = +1/2
b) n = 3 l=1 m=1 s = +1/2

c) n = 2 l=0 m=0 s = +1/2


d) n = 2 l=1 m=1 s = +1/2

8. p - orbitals of an atom in presence of magnetic field are:

a) Threefold degenerate b) Two fold


c) Non-degenerate d) none of these

9. The quantum number that is no way related to an orbital

a) principal b) azimuthal c) magnetic d) spin

10. Which one of the following set of quantum number is not possible
for a 4pelectron?

a) n = 4 l = 1, m= +1 s = + b) n= 4 l = 1 m= 0 s= +

c) n= 4, l= 0, m= 2, s= + d) n= 4, l = 1, m = 1, s =-


AIM-To introduce Electronic Configuration

The energy of an electron in a hydrogen atom is determined only
by the principal quantum number. Within a shell, all hydrogen
orbitals havethe same energy, independent of the other quantum
1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p = 3d < 4s = 4p = 4d = 4f

Although the shapes of 2s and 2p orbitals are different, an

electron has the same energy when it is in 2s orbital or 2p
orbital. The energy of an electron in a multielectron atom
depends, not only on its principal quantum number, but also on
its azimuthal quantum number. The s, p, d and f orbitals within
a given shell have slightly different energies in a multi electron

Electronic configuration of multi electron atoms:

The distribution and arrangement of electrons in the main shells,
subshells and orbitals of an atom is called electronic
configuration of the element.

• Aufbau Principle:
“In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are filled in order
of their increasing energies”.
In other words electrons first occupy the lowest energy orbital
available to them and enter into higher energy orbitals only after
the lower energy orbitals are filled.
The relative energy of an orbital is given by

(n +l )rule. As(n+l) value increases, the energy of orbital


• The orbital with the lowest (n + l) value is filled first.

• When two or more orbitals have the same (n +l) value, the
one with the lowest ‘n’ value (or) highest ‘l ’ value is
preferred in filling.
Exp-Consider two orbitals 3d and 4s. n+l value of 3d = 3 + 2
= 5 and of 4s = 4 + 0 = 4. Since 4s has lowest(n +l) value, it is
filled first before filling taking place in 3d.

Consider the orbitals 3d, 4p and 5s

The (n + l) value of 3d = 3 + 2 = 5

The (n +l) value of 4p = 4 + 1 = 5

The (n +l) value of 5s = 5 + 0 = 5

These three values are same. Since the ‘n’ value is lower to 3d
orbitals, the electrons prefer to enter in 3d, then 4p and 5s.

The order of increasing energy of atomic orbitals is:

1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d < 4p < 5s < 4d < 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s and so on.

The sequence in which the electrons occupy various orbitals can

be easily remembered with the help of Moeller’s diagram as
shown in Fig

• Pauli’s Exclusion principle:stated as “No two electrons in

an atom can have the same set of values for all the four
quantum numbers”.This means that two electrons in an
orbital may have the same n, same l and same m but differ in
spin quantum number. In an orbital if one electron has
clockwise spin, the other has anticlockwise spin. It follows

that an orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons with

opposite spins.
Exp- helium atom has two electrons in its 1s orbital. Quantum
numbers for first electron are n =1, l = 0, m = 0 and s = +1/2.
Quantum numbers for second electron are: n =1, l = 0, m
=0, s = –1/2.

The two electrons have the same value for n, same value for l and
same value for m but differ in s.

• Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity:

According to this rule, when electrons are filled in degenerate
orbitals of a subshell, pairing of an electron takes place only
when each orbital of the subshell is filled with one electron
each.It can be also stated that, in ground state of an atom, the
configuration which has more number of unpaired electrons is
most stable.

Thus in s, p, d and f subshells, pairing starts from 2nd, 4th, 6th and
8th electrons respectively.

Ex: Electronic configuration of N (7) is 1s2 2s2 2p3.

The electrons in 2p subshell are occupied sing ally. i.e., 1s 2


Electronic configuration of elements from 1 to 30
1 H 1s1 1s1
2 He 1s2 1s2
3 Li 1s2 2s1 [He] 2s1
4 Be 1s2 2s2 [He] 2s2
5 B 1s2 2s2 2p1 [He] 2s2 2p1
6 C 1s2 2s2 2p2 [He] 2s2 2p2
7 N 1s2 2s2 2p3 [He] 2s2 2p3
8 O 1s2 2s2 2p4 [He] 2s2 2p4
9 F 1s2 2s2 2p5 [He] 2s2 2p5
10 Ne 1s2 2s2 2p6 [He] 2s2 2p6
11 Na 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 [Ne] 3s1
12 Mg 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 [Ne] 3s2
13 Al 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 [Ne] 3s2 3p1
14 Si 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 [Ne] 3s2 3p2
15 P 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3 [Ne] 3s2 3p3
16 S 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 [Ne]3s2 3p4
17 Cl 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 [Ne] 3s2 3p5
18 Ar 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 [Ne] 3s2 3p6
19 K 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 [Ar] 4s1
20 Ca 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 [Ar] 4s2
21 Sc 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d1 4s2 [Ar] 3d1 4s2
22 Ti 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 [Ar] 3d2 4s2
23 V 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3 4s2 [Ar] 3d3 4s2
24 Cr 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 [Ar] 3d5 4s1
25 Mn 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s2 [Ar] 3d5 4s2
26 Fe 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2 [Ar] 3d6 4s2
27 Co 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d7 4s2 [Ar] 3d7 4s2
28 Ni 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d8 4s2 [Ar] 3d8 4s2
29 Cu 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1 [Ar] 3d10 4s1
30 Zn 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 [Ar] 3d10 4s2

Stability of atoms
Extra stability is associated with atoms in which degenerate
orbitals are either half-filled or completely filled due to
(1) Symmetrical distribution of electrons
(2) Exchange energy. Greater the exchange energy greater is the

The presence of half-filled and completely filled degenerate

orbitals gives greater stability to atoms.
It is for this reason the electronic configurations of Cr and Cu
are represented as [Ar] 4s1 3d5 and [Ar] 4s1 3d10 respectively.


1. When 3d-orbital is complete, the newly entering electron goes into:

a) 4f b) 4s c) 4p d) 4d

2. An electron will have the highest energy in the set:

a)3, 2, 1, ½ b)4, 2, –1, 1/2 c)4, 1, 0, –1/2 d) 5, 0, 0, ½

3. Which has minimum number of unpaired d-electrons?

a) Fe3+ b) Co3+ c) Co2+ d) Mn3+

4. Which of the following is violation of Pauli’s exclusion principle?

2s 2p 2s 2 2s 2p 2s 2p

a) b) c)

5. The number of electrons in M shell of an element with atomic

number 24 is

a) 24 b) 12 c) 13 d) 8

1. The maximum number of unpaired electrons present in 4f-energy
level is:

a) 5 b) 7 c) 10 d) 6

2. The number of unpaired electrons in fluorine atom is:

a) 7 b) 5 c) 1 d) 2

3. Which set has the same number of unpaired electrons in their ground

a) N, P, V b) Na, P, Cl c)Na+, Mg2+, Al d)Cl–,Fe3+,Cr3+

4. In which of the following electron distributions in ground state, only

the Hund’s rule is violated
2s 2p
2s 2p 2s 2p 2s2p

a) b) c) d)

5. Electronic configuration of Ni is [Ar] 3d8, 4s2. The electronic

configuration of next element is:

a) [Ar] 3d10, 4s1 b) [Ar] 3d9, 4s2

c) Ar] 3d8, 4s2, 4p1 d) none of these


1. A body of mass x kg is moving with a velocity of 100ms−1. Its de-Broglie wavelength is 6.62 × 10−35m.
Hence, x is (h = 6.62 × 10−34Js)
a) 0.1 kg b) 0.25 kg
c) 0.15 kg d) 0.2 kg
Sol.: h
λ= mv
6.62 × 10−34
= 0.1 kg
2. The relationship between the energy E1 of the radiation with a wavelength 8000Å and the energy E2 of the
radiation with a wavelength 16000Å is
a) E1 = 6E2 b) E1 = 2E2
c) E1 = 4E2 d) E1 = 1/2E2
Sol.: E = hc , h and c for both causes are same so,
λ E1 λ2 16000
= =
λ 8000
E2 1
E1 = 2E2
3. Which of the following reaction led to the discovery of neutrons?
a) 6C
16 +
1p →
14 +
1 b) 4Be9 + 2He4 → 6C12 + 0n1
c) 5B11 + 1D2 → 6C11 + 0n1 d) 4Be8 + 2He4 → 6C11 + 0n1
4. If the following particles travel with equal speed, then for which particle the wavelength will be longest?
a) Proton b) Neutron
c) α-particle d) β-particle
Sol.: λ = h.
5. The wave nature of electron is verified by
a) De-Broglie b) Davisson and Germer
c) Rutherford d) All of these
6. The correct designation of an electron with n = 4, l = 3, m = 2, and s = 1/2 is:
a) 3d b) 4f
c) 5p d) 6s
Sol.: n = 4,l = 3, means 4f, since l = 3 for f-subshell.
7. Total number of orientations of sublevel in nth orbit is:
a) 2n b) 2l + 1
c) n2 d) 2n2
Sol.: No. of subshells in a shell = n2.
8. The electronic configuration of an atom is 1s2,2s22p3. The number of unpaired electrons in this atom is:
a) 1 b) Zero
c) 3 d) 5
Sol.: All the three electrons in p are unpaired.
9. If r is the radius of first orbit, the radius of nth orbit of the H atom will be
a) rn2 b) rn

c) r d) r2n2
10. The magnitude of the spin angular momentum of an electron is given by
h h
a) S b) S = s

h d) None of these
c) S
11. The quantum number that is in no way related to other quantum number is:
a) L b) s
c) n d) m
Sol.: s can have only two values +1/2 and −1/2.
12. The incorrect statement about Bohr’s orbit of hydrogen atom is

a) 2 4π2mh(2 e ) b) KE of electron = PE of electron r = n 2


c) 1 2π2m ( e )
2 2 d) None of the above is incorrect
E=−n h2
Sol.: In Bohr orbit,

KE of e− =Zke2
2 rn

PE of e− = Zke2

Thus, KE= − PE
13. When the speed of electron increase, the specific charge:
a) Decreases b) Increases
c) Remains same d) None of these
Sol.: (in rest)
me ;
The mass of moving electron increase with increase in velocity and thus e/m decreases
14. The energies E and E2 of two radiations are 25 eV and 50 eV respectively. The relation between their
wavelengths i. and λ2 will be:

a) b) λ1 = λ2
c) d) λ1 = 4λ2
Sol.: hc hc
E and E2 =

15. Which set has the same number of unpaired electrons in their ground state?
a) N,P, V b) Na,P, Cl
c) Na+, Mg2+,Al d) Cl−,Fe3+,Cr3+
Ans. A
Sol.: N and P have 3 unpaired electrons in 2p and 3p respectively; V has 3 unpaired electrons in 3d .
16. Possible values of ′m′ for a given value of n are:
a) n2 b) 2l + 1
c) N d) 2l
Sol.: The total values of m for n = 2 are four.
17. Non-directional orbital is
a) 4p b) 4d
c) 4f d) 3s
Sol.: s-subshell has only one orbital and that is spherical, hence, s-orbitals are non-directional.
18. Positive charge in an atom is:
a) Scattered all over the atom b) Concentrated in the nucleus
c) Revolving around the nucleus d) None is true
Sol.: All the protons carrying +ve charge are present in nucleus.
19. The species having more electrons than neutrons is:
a) F b) Na+
c) O2− d) Mg2+
Sol.: O2− has 10 electrons but 8 neutrons ( 8O16).
20. Compared to the mass of lightest nuclei, the mass of an electron is only (app.)
a) 1/80 b) 1/800
c) 1/1800 d) 1/2800
Sol.: The mass of electron = (mass of lightest nuclei) or
21. An atom emits energy equal to 4 × 10−12erg. To which part of electromagnetic spectrum it belongs?
a) UV region b) Visible region
c) IR region d) Microwave region
Sol.: Find λ from E = hc ; It comes out to be 4965 Å, which represents visible region (i.e., in between 3800
− λ 7600 Å).
22. The number of photons emitted per second by a 60 W source of monochromatic light of wavelength 663
nm is (h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js)
a) 4 × 10−20 b) 1.54 × 1020
c) d) 2 × 1020
Sol.: nhc
Energy, E
n × 6. m energy

⟹ Power = ]

23. The energy of an electron in first Bohr orbit of H-atom is −13.6 eV. The possible energy value of electron in
the excited state of Li2+ is
a) −122.4 eV b) 30.6 eV
c) −30.6 eV d) 13.6 eV

Sol.: En =E
2 × Z

= × 9 = −30.6 eV
(for the excited state, n = 2 and for Li2+ion, Z = 3)
24. The Bohr′s energy equation for H atom reveals that the energy level of a shell is given by E = −13.58/n2
The smallest amount that an H-atom will absorb, if in ground state is:
a) 1.0 eV b) 3.39 eV
c) 6.79 eV d) 10.19 eV
Sol.: The smallest value that an electron in H atom in ground state can absorb.
= E2 − E1

=− () d = 10.19

25. An atom having even number of electrons may be:

a) Diamagnetic b) Paramagnetic
c) Diamagnetic or paramagnetic d) None of the above
Sol.: 6C12 has six electrons, two of them are unpaired and thus, paramagnetic 12Mg24 has twelve electrons, all
are paired and thus, diamagnetic.
26. Which statement is not correct in case of isotopes of chlorine 17Cl35 and 17Cl37?

a) Both have same atomic number b) Both have the same number of electrons
c) Both have same number of neutrons d) Both have same number of protons
Sol.: Isotopes of an element have different number of neutrons.
27. The difference between ions and atoms is of:
a) Relative size b) Configuration
c) Presence of charge d) All of these
Sol.: Ions have charge, different size and configuration than atom.
28. Ca2 is isoelectronic with
a) Na b) Ar
c) Mg2 d) Kr
Sol.: Ca2+(2,8, 8) and Ar (2, 8, 8) contains equal number (18) of electrons, hence they are isoelectronic.

29. The orbital angular momentum for an electron revolving in an orbit is 2π √ l(l + 1)h . Thus momentum for a
selectron is:
a) b)

h d) Zero
Sol.: For s-orbital l = 0.
30. The electrons occupying the same orbital have always spin:
a) Paired b) Unpaired
c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of these
Sol.: The spins of electron in an orbital may be ±1/2 only.
31. For which of the following, the radius will be same as for hydrogen atom having n = 1?
a) He b) Li2+,n = 2
c) Be d) Li2+,n = 3


and rnBe3+ = r nH)


32. The uncertainty in the momentum of an electron is 1.0 × 10−5kg ms−1. The uncertainty in its position will
a) 1. m b) 1.05 × 10−26m
c) 5. m d) 5.25 × 10−28m
Sol.: h p where,
uncertainty in position.
=uncertainty in momentum.
kg ms

33. Size of the nucleus is:
a) 10−15cm b) 10−13cm
c) 10−10cm d) 10−8cm
34. In the discharge tube emission of cathode rays requires:
a) Low potential and low pressure b) Low potential and high pressure
c) High potential and high pressure d) High potential and low pressure
Sol.: These are required conditions to obtain cathode rays.
35. The energy of the electron at infinite distance from the nucleus in Bohr′s model is taken a:
a) Zero b) Positive
c) Negative d) Any value
Sol.: The energy level increase with increase in distance from the nucleus and the negative values of electrons
energy near to nucleus decrease to zero at infinite distance.
36. The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is found to be 6.63 × 10−19 J. When the metal is
irradiated with a radiation of frequency 2 × 1015 Hz, the threshold frequency of the metal is about
a) 2 × 1015 s−1 b) 1× 1015 s−1
c) 2.5× 1015 s−1 d) 4× 1015 s−1
Sol.: Kinetic energy = h(v − v0) KE
= hv − hv0

v0 = v − KE = 2 × 1015 −
6. −19 h 6.
= 1 × 1015s−1
37. Electronic configuration of tritium is :
a) 1s1 b) 1s2, 2s2
c) 1s1, 2s1 d) None of these
Sol.: Tritium has only one electron.
38. Which of the following elements has least number of electrons in its M-shell?
a) K b) Mn
c) Ni d) Sc
Sol.: 19K = 1s ,2s 2p ,3s 3p ,4s
2 2 6 2 6 1

25Mn = 1s22s22p63s23p6 4s23d5

28Ni = 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p6 4s23d8
21Sc = 1s2 2s22p6 3s23p6 4s23d1
Therefore, K has least number of electrons in its M-shell (n = 3) = 8.
39. Cathode rays are produced when the pressure in the discharge tube is of the order of :
a) 76 cm of Hg b) 10−6 cm of Hg
c) 1 cm of Hg d) 10−2 to 10−3 mm of Hg
40. Two electrons in the same orbital may be identified with:
a) n b) l
c) m d) s
Sol.: Spins of an electron are ±1/2 in an orbital
41. In hydrogen spectrum least energetic transition of electrons are found in:
a) Lyman series b) Balmer series
c) Bracket series d) Pfund series
Sol.: Pfund series spectral lines have longer wavelength and thus lesser energy
42. Which electronic level will allow the hydrogen atom to absorb photon but not to emit?
a) 1s b) 2s
c) 2p d) 2d
Sol.: 1s1 being lowest level of energy and thus, it can absorb photon but cannot release photon.
43. The speed of the cathode rays is:
a) Equal to light b) Less than light
c) Greater than light d) May be less than, greater than or equal to light
Sol.: The velocity of light is maximum.
44. When an electron jumps from L-level to M-level, there occurs:
a) Emission of energy b) Absorption of energy
c) Emission of γ-radiations d) Emission of X-rays
Sol.: Jump of electron from lower energy level L, (i.e. ,2nd shell) to higher energy level M, (i.e. , 3rd shell)
absorbs energy.
45. The one electron species having ionisation energy of 54.4 eV is
a) H b) He+
c) B4+ d) Li2+
Sol.: Out of other alternates, He+has ionisation energy of 54.4 eV because in He+effective nuclear charge is fairly
high and ionic size is small.
46. Which of the subshell has double dumb-bell shape?
a) s b) p
c) d d) f
Sol.: s-orbitals are spherical; p-orbitals are dumb-bell; d-orbitals are double dumb-bell; f-orbitals are
47. A photon is :
a) A quanta of light (or electromagnetic) energy b) A quanta of matter
c) A positively charged particle d) An instrument for measuring light intensity
Sol.: Follow Plank’s quantum theory.
48. The minimum real charge on of any particle, which can exist is:
a) 1.6 × 10−19 coulomb b) 1.6 × 10−10 coulomb
c) 4.8 × 10−10 coulomb d) Zero

Sol.: e/m for proton = ; e/m for α =

49. Energy levels A, B, C of a certain atom corresponds to increasing values of energy, i.e. , EA < EB < EC. If λ1,λ2
and λ3 are the wavelengths of radiations corresponding to the transitions C to B, B to A and C to A
respectively, which of the following statements is correct?

a) λ3 = λ1 + λ2 b) λ3 =

c) λ1 + λ2 + λ3 = 0 d) λ23 = λ12 + λ22

Sol.: E3 = E1 + E2 or hcλ3 = hcλ1 + hcλ2

50. If λ1 and λ2 are the wavelength of characteristic X-rays and gamma rays respectively, then the relation
between them is:
a) λ1 = 1/λ2 b) λ1 = λ2
c) λ1 > λ2 d) λ1 < λ2
Sol.: X-rays have larger wavelength than γ-rays.
51. The absolute value of the charge on electron was determined by
a) J.J. Thomson b) R.A. Millikan
c) Rutherford d) Chadwick
52. Which one of the following has unit positive charge and 1 u mass?
a) Electron b) Neutron
c) Proton d) None of these
Sol.: The proton has unit positive charge
(+1.602 × 10−19C) and its mass is 1.007 u (1.677 × 10−27kg).
53. Correct electronic configuration of Cu2+ is:
a) [Ar]3d8,4s1 b) [Ar]3d 10,4s24p1
c) [Ar]3d10,4s1 d) [Ar]3d9
Sol.: Cu has configuration [Ar]3d10,4s1; the two electrons are lost, one from 4s1 and one from 3d10.
54. The electronic transitions from n=2 to n=1 will produce shortest wavelength in (where n=principle
quantum state)
a) Li2+ b) He+
c) H d) H+

n n

Hence for shortest λ, Z must be maximum, which is for Li2+.
55. Neutron was discovered by:
a) Thomson b) Chadwick
c) Bohr d) Rutherford
Sol.: Follow Chadwick experiment for discovery of neutrons.
56. The H-spectrum show
a) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle b) Diffraction
c) Polarisation d) Presence of quantised energy level
Sol.: Hydrogen spectrum is an emission spectrum. It shows the presence of quantized energy levels in hydrogen
57. Threshold wavelength depends upon :
a) Frequency of incident radiation b) Velocity of electrons
c) Work function d) None of the above
Sol.: Threshold frequency (v0) means for zero kinetic energy of electrons; Thus,
hv = work function +(1/2)mu2 or
hv0 = work function
58. If the ionisation potential for hydrogen atom is 13.6eV, then the wavelength of light required for the
ionisation of hydrogen atom would be:
a) 1911 nm b) 912 nm
c) 68 nm d) 91.2 nm

Sol.: E = ; where E in eV and λ in Å.

59. An electron beam is accelerated through a potential difference of 10,000 volt. The de-Broglie wavelength
of the electron beam is
a) 0. A° b) 0.356 A°
c) 0.186 A° d) 0.258 A°
Sol.: h

e V,me = 9.1 × 10−31 kg

60. The total number of electrons present in mL Mg:

(Given density of 12Mg24 = 1.2 g/mL)
a) 0. N b) 6 N
c) N d) 3 N
Sol.: g Mg; Also 24 g Mg has 12N electrons.
61. Deflection back of a few particles on hitting thin foil of gold shows that
a) Nucleus is heavy b) Nucleus is small
c) Both (a) and (b) Electrons create hinderance in
the movement of α- d) particles.
Sol.: Deflection back shows that the nucleus is heavy but of only a few particles shows that nucleus is small.
62. Dual nature of particles was proposed by
a) Heisenberg b) Lowry
c) de-Broglie d) Schrodinger
Sol.: Dual nature of particles was proposed by de-Broglie.
63. The uncertainty in momentum of an electron is 1 × 10−5 kg m/s. the uncertainty in its position will be
kg m2/s)
a) 2.36 m b) 5.25× 10−28m
c) 2.27 m d) 5.27× 10−30m Sol.: h

64. When light is directed at the metal surface, the emitted electrons:
a) Are called photons b) Have random energies
c) Have energies that depend upon intensity of d) Have energies that depend upon the frequency
of light light
Sol.: A part of energy of photon (hv-work function) is used for kinetic energy of electrons.
65. The angular momentum of an electron in 2 p-orbital is : h h
a) b)

2h d) None of these

Sol.: Angular momentum in an orbital .

66. The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1. Jmol−1. The energy required to excite the electron
in the atom from n1 = 1 to n2 = 2 is
a) 8.51 × 105 J mol−1 b) 6.56 × 105 J mol−1
c) 7.56 × 105 J mol−1 d) 9.84 × 105 J mol−1
Sol.: Ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is 1.312 × 106J mol−1.
It suggests that the energy of electron in the ground state (first orbit) is −1.312 × 106 J mol−1.
∆E = E2 − E1
6 6
= () — ()

= 9.84 × 105 J mol−1

67. Which particle may be removed from a stable neutral atom with least energy change?
a) An α-particle b) A neutron
c) A proton d) An electron
Sol.: Rest all involves nuclear forces of higher degree.
68. The KE of electron in He+ will be maximum in:
a) 3rd orbit b) 2nd orbit
c) 1st orbit d) In orbit with n
Sol.: Ze 2

Kinetic energy = rn
69. The uncertainity in position for a dust particle (m = 10−11 g ; diameter = 10−4 cm and velocity = 10−4
cm/s) will be (The error in measurement of velocity is 1%)
a) 5.27 × 10−4 cm b) 5.27 × 10−5 cm
c) 5.27 × 10−6 cm d) 5.27 × 10−7 cm

Sol.: Use, ∆v × ∆x = h or h

∆x = 4π m ∙∆
70. In an atom no two electrons can have the same value for all the quantum numbers. This was proposed by:
a) Hund b) Pauli
c) Dalton d) Avogadro
71. Which has minimum number of unpaired d-electrons?
a) Fe3+ b) Co3+
c) Co2+ d) Mn2+
Sol.: Co2+ has 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p63d7 configuration having 3 unpaired electron only,
72. The electrons identified by quantum numbers
I. n = 4, l = 1 II. n
= 4, l = 0 III. n =
3, l = 2
IV. n = 2, l = 1
Can be placed in order of increasing energy from the lowest to highest as
Sol.: 1. For n = 4,l = 1; 4p
2. For n = 4,l = 0; 4s
3. For n = 3,l = 2; 3d
4. For n = 2,l = 1; 2p
The order of increasing energy is as
2p < 4s < 3d < 4p
i. e., (IV) < (II) < (III) < (I)
73. Which is not electromagnetic radiation?
a) Infrared rays b) X-rays
c) Cathode rays d) γ-rays
Sol.: Cathode rays are fastly moving electrons.
74. In the ground state of Cu+, the number of shell occupied, sub-shells occupied, fillied orbitals and unpaired
electrons respectively are
a) 4,8,15,0 b) 3,6,15,1
c) 3,6,14,0 d) 4,7,14,2
Sol.: 29Cu = 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2, 3p6,4s1,3d10
Cu+ = 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,3d10,4s0
Total number of shells occupied = 3
Number of sub-shell occupied = 6
Number of orbitals filled = 14
Number of unpaired electrons = 0
75. The energy of the electron in second Bohr′s orbit in the hydrogen atom is −3.41eV. The energy of the
electron in second Bohr′s orbit of He+ ion would be:
a) −85 eV b) −13.62 eV
c) −1.70eV d) −6.82 eV
Sol.: E1H × Z2
E2He+ = 22

E1H = −13.62 eV
76. [Ar]3d10,4s1 electronic configuration belongs to
a) Ti b) Tl
c) Cu d) V
Sol.: [Ar]3d ,4s (atomic no. 29) electronic configuration belongs to copper.
10 1

77. The quantum levels upto n = 3 has:

a) s and p-levels b) s,p, d,f-levels
c) s,p, d-levels d) s-level
Sol.: For n = 3,l may have values 0(s), 1(p) and 2(d).
78. Moseley’s law is : (a and b are constants, Z = atomic number, v frequency)
a) aZ b) v
c) d)
Sol.: Mosley .
79. Which wavelength falls in a X-rays region?
a) 10,000 Å b) 1000 Å
c) 1Å d) 10−2Å
Sol.: An experimental fact.
80. Which of the following has more number of unpaired electron?
a) Zn+ b) Fe2+
c) Ni2+ d) Cu+
Sol.: The configuration are :
Zn+: [Ar]3d10,4s1;Fe2+:[Ar]3d6
Ni+: [Ar]3d7;Cu+[Ar]3d10
81. The possibility of finding an electron in an orbital was conceived by:
a) Rutherford b) Bohr
c) Heisenberg d) Schrödinger
Sol.: Schrödinger proposed the concept of orbitals –a three-dimensional region in which probability for finding
electron is maximum.
82. Which is correct in case of p-orbitals?
a) They are spherical b) They have a strong directional character
c) They are five fold degenerate d) They have no directional character
Sol.: p-orbitals are dumb-bell in shape and thus, have directional nature.
83. The number of electrons and neutrons of an element is 18 and 20 respectively. Its mass number is
a) 2 b) 17
c) 37 d) 38
Sol.: The mass number =atomic number + number of neutron
Atomic number=no. of proton
=no. of electron (for an atom)
So, mass number =18+20=38
84. Which diagram best represents the appearance of the line spectrum of atomic hydrogen in the visible
Increasing wave length

a) b)

c) d)
Sol.: Line spectrum of atomic hydrogen in the visible region.

85. In a hydrogen atom, if energy of an electron in ground state is −13.6 eV, then that in the 2nd excited state
a) −1.51 eV b) −3.4 eV
c) −6.0 eV d) −13.6 eV
Sol.: 2nd excited state means 3rd energy level.
E3 === −1.51 eV n
86. Which is not permissible subshell?
a) 2d b) 4f
c) 6p d) 3s
Sol.: For n = 2; l can have value only 0 and 1, i.e. , s and p-subshells.
87. The electrons would go to lower energy levels first and then to higher energy levels according to which of
the following?
a) Aufbau principle b) Pauli′s exclusion principle
c) Hund′s rule of maximum multiplicity d) Heisenberg′s uncertainty principle
Sol.: Filling up of electron is made according to aufbau principle.
88. The volume of a proton is approximately;
a) 1.5 × 10−30cm3 b) 1.5 × 10−38cm3
c) 1.5 × 10−34cm3 d) None of these
Sol.: An experimental fact.
89. The energy of electromagnetic radiation depends on:
a) Amplitude and wavelength b) Wavelength
c) Amplitude d) Temperature of medium through which it passes
Sol.: E = hc .

90. If the series limit of wavelength of the Lyman series for the hydrogen atom is 912 Å, then the series limit of
wavelength for the Balmer series of the hydrogen atom is:
a) b) 912 × 2 Å
c) d) 912/2 Å


91. In an atom two electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits of radii R and 4R. The ratio of the time
taken by them to complete one revolution is:
a) b)
c) d)
Sol.: rn r ×n
T un
u /n
or T here
92. An f-shell containing 6 unpaired electrons can exchange
a) 6 electrons b) 9 electrons
c) 12 electrons d) 15 electrons


5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15
93. The ratio between kinetic energy and the total energy of the electrons of hydrogen atom according to
Bohr′s model is:
a) b)
c) d)
Sol.: e e
n rn

94. The wave number of radiation of wavelength 500 nm is:
a) 5 × 10−7m−1 b) 2 × 10−7m−1
c) 2 × 106m−1 d) 500 × 10−9m−1

Sol.: v === 2 × 106m−1

95. The atomic numbers of elements X, Y and Z are 19, 21 and 25 respectively. The number of electrons
present in the M-shell of these elements follow the order
a) Z > X > Y b) X > Y > Z
c) Z > Y > X d) Y > Z > X
Sol.: Symbols K L M N
19X = 2 8 8 1
21Y = 2 8 9 2
25Z = 2 8 13 2 Hence, the order of number of electrons in M shell is
96. Which set of quantum numbers is possible for the last electron of Mg+ ion?
a) n = 3,l = 2, m = 0, s = +1/2 b) n = 2,l = 3, m = 0, s = +1/2
c) n = 1,l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2 d) n = 3,l = 0, m = 0, s = +1/2
Sol.: Last electron of Mg is 3s .
+ 1

97. The radii of two of the first four Bohr′s orbits of the hydrogen atom are in the ratio . The energy
difference between them may be:
a) either 12.09 eV or 3.4 eV b) either 2.55 eV or 10.2 eV
c) either 13.6 eV or 3.4 eV d) either 3.4 eV or 0.85 eV
Sol.: The two orbits are either I and II or II and IV
rn and rn n

Thus,E2 − E1 = + 13.6 =

10.2 eV and E4 − E2 = + =

2.55 eV

98. Energy of H-atom in the ground state is -13.6 eV, hence energy in the second excited state is
a) −6.8 eV b) −3.4 eV
c) −1.51eV d) −4.53 eV
En = − eV
For second excited state n = 3,

E 51eV
99. The “spin-only” magnetic moment [in unit of Bohr magneton, (μB)] of Ni2+ in aqueous solution would be:
(At. no. Ni
a) 2.84 b) 4.90
c) d) 1.73
Sol.: Ni (with two unpaired electrons)
Thus, magnetic moment .
100. The atomic number of an element is . The number of orbitals containing electron pairs in the valency
shell is:
a) 8 b) 2
c) 3 d) 6
Sol.: Element with atomic no. 17 has 3s23p5 valence shell.

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