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1. Which among the communication models is linear? Transactional?

How about
interactional? Justify your answer.
1. Linear Communication
The Aristotle Model and Shannon-Weaver Model of Communications are examples of
Linear Communication. 

 Aristotle's Model of Communication

Aristotle's Model of Communication explains that speakers should adjust their messages
according to their audience and the occasion to achieve a particular effect. For example,
after Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, US President Franklin Roosebelt
delivered a stirring speech to declare war on Japan on Dec. 8. The speaker was US
President Franklin Roosebelt and his speech was crafted according to the occasion which
was the President's response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The speech filled with strong
words that were crisp and straight to the point. The main audience was the US Congress.
And the effect was to persuade members of Congress to declare war on Japan, which they
did, with only one dissenting vote. These components of speaker, speech, occasion,
audience, and effect should be considered when communicating one's message. This is an
example of linear communication because it is a one-way communication. There is no
exchange of conversation. 

 Shannon-Weaver Model of Communications

In this model' the sender would be the person giving the message' and the receiver would
be the destination or the person receiving the message. For example, the mother sends a
voicemail to her daughter saying She will be coming home late. In this situation, the sender
is the mother, the message is 'she will be coming home late', and the receiver is the
daughter. In some instances, the message was not clearly delivered because the signal is
poor. The poor signal is the noise. It can be on the part of the sender or the receiver.This is
an example of linear communication because it is a one-way communication. Hence, a
receiver's response is unnecessary
2. Transactional Communication
The transactional is the most dynamic of communication models. In transactional
communication,  this implies that communication is achieved as people both send and
receive messages. An example of transactional communication is Osgood-Scramm Model
of Communication. 
In this model, sender encode the message and send to the receiver which would then
enterpret and decode the message and then send the response back to the sender. Both
the sender and receiver are encoder, enterpreter, and decoder of the message. For the
message to reach the receiver' there must be a common field of experience between the
sender and receiver. Example, doctor sending instructions to a nurse, and the nurse's
respond is according to the instruction from the doctor. 
It is considered as transactional because communicators co-create the process, outcome,
and effectiveness of the interaction. People create shared meaning in a more dynamic
process in the transactional model. 
3. Interactional Communication 
Interactional communication follows two channels in which communication and feedback
flow between sender and receiver. Feedback is the response that a receiver gives to a
sender in a comprehensible manner. It can help sender know if their message was received
and understood. By focusing on flow and feedback, interactional communication views
communication as an ongoing process or conversational communication. 
An example of interactional communication is Eugene White's Stages of Oral
Communication. These stages are: 

 Thinking - the sender thinks the message

 Symbolizing - the message converted to text or body language
 Expressing - the sender expresses the message whether through verbal or non-
 Transmitting - the message is sent through channels
 Receiving - the receiver receives the message
 Decoding - the receiver comprehend the message
 Feedbacking - the receiver sends response according to what he/she understands of
the message being portrayed. 
 Monitoring - the receiver is monitoring whether his/her response was being sent or
not. Likewise' the sender is also monitoring whether his or her message reached to
the receiver and was understood correctly or not.  

The process is circular. Is it possible to begin at any of the stages outlined in his model. It
means that oral communication is a continuous process with no real beginning or end. The
most important concept of this model is feedback which creates interaction to both sender
and receiver. If there is feedback it means that the communication is successful. 
2. Give a scenario that uses one (1) of the six (6) communication models that you
have read.
Model: Eugene White's Stages of Oral Communication
Scenario: On Valentine's Day, Mr. Chips wanted to court Ms. Vanilla. Mr. Chips is thinking
of an appropriate Love Message he could deliver to make it more sweet and dramatic. He
wrote the message (symbolizing) on a Valentine's Card expressing his true feelings for
her. He sent the Card with flowers through a mailman (transmitting). Ms. Vanilla receives
the Valentine's card and flowers (receiving). She reads carefully the message on the card
(decoding). Then, she get her phone and responded to Mr. Chips' message through text
messages (feedback) agreeing to his desire of courting her. Mr. Chips is waiting for Ms.
Vanilla's response to his love message, and Ms. Vanilla is also waiting for Mr. Chips'
response to her text message (monitoring). 

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