Introduction To Technopreneurship SUMMARY

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Technopreneurship is a composition of two words technology and entrepreneurship.

Technology is the backbone of this entrepreneurship which involves creativity and innovation
capabilities inside a tech-savvy individual.
Entreprenuership is the practice converting a good ideas into profitable commercial ventures.

Examples of Technopreneurships:
 Facebook
 Amazon
 Tesla
Technopreneurship is a process that automates and improves the life of a nation, person, or
organization by removing inefficiencies. Therefore if you are looking to become a
technopreneur focus on reducing the costs by using the currently available technology.


Now let’s proceed to the entrepreneurial mindset. So what is mindset? Mindset is the
ability to think and imagine group of things. And according to Dr. Carol Dweck from Stanford
University, there are two sets of mindset and it is the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. In
fixed mindset, people believe that their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent are
simply fixed traits. Meanwhile, in growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities
can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just the starting
point. So, what is entrepreneurial mindset? It is a set of thinking processes that triggers the
individual to act or to behave entrepreneurially. Here are the entrepreneurial mindsets an
entrepreneurs should be:
Opportunist- they are generally good at spotting problems, opportunities, or problems within
opportunities. When you're an entrepreneurial opportunist, you don't always see the big
picture of your business.
Risk-taker - Entrepreneurs learn to weigh and evaluate risks and feel comfortable with the idea
that they have to invest time and resources on uncertain businesses and ideas.
Creative - Creativity and innovation help come up with new ways to improve an existing
product or service to improve the business. It also allows entrepreneurs to think outside the
box and go beyond traditional solutions. This opportunity generates new, interesting, potential
and versatile ideas.
Future Oriented- Entrepreneurs think about what happens next and take responsibility for the
results. They can focus on performance and achieve set goals for their own ideas or for
Resilience- The ability to get up one more time than fall. As an entrepreneur, you must learn to
deal with mistakes and failures. They are inevitable and part of your growth.
Humility- This is freedom from pride or arrogance. With humility comes coaching ability—the
ability to be coached.
Adaptability and flexibility

● Entrepreneurs not only learn to change, they expect to. They prepare for and react quickly to
obstacles, setbacks and new information.
-So, adaptability is a quality that entrepreneurs need to possess when they are willing to try
new things and to challenge the status quo since adaptable people aren't afraid of change and
will make the required preparations to deal with it. So how do we as entrepreneurs
demonstrate our adaptability and flexibility? By looking at changes positively rather than
negatively and assessing whether they will work.

Initiative and Self-direction

● Entrepreneurs are self-starters and motivated to reach goals. They are more likely to meet a
challenge directly rather than seek input or directive.
-Self-directed learning, also known as learning by oneself, is crucial for entrepreneurs because,
it refers to an individual's capacity to take the initiative to identify their own learning needs,
determine their learning goals, select or use appropriate learning strategies, and assess learning
outcomes with or without assistance from others.

Critical Thinking & Problem-solver

● Entrepreneurs are analysts. They can learn to see challenges, opportunities and even
products in their component parts. They can make deep assessments accurately.
-This is highly important for the entrepreneur to have because it aids in the development of the
proper entrepreneurial attitude to address the most urgent business issues. It's the capacity to
take in information, recognize logical connections, approach problems methodically, and
objectively consider your own ideas as well as those of others. Thinking critically leads to
deeper conceptualization, analysis, synthesis, observation, and evaluation. Being able to
critically observed ones ideas before acting upon their creativity allows them to consider all of
the option on the table.

Collaborative Communicator
● Entrepreneurs are good at sharing. Ideas and input from others spark and drive their progress.
They can communicate their ideas clearly and passionately.
-Being a collaborative communicator is important because it fosters a more productive and
adaptable work environment. Regular team meetings and group care-planning sessions give
employees the chance to set expectations, define roles, understand what others are doing, and,
when appropriate, find ways to assist others. communication allows relationships to function
and the functioning of those relationships allows collaboration to not only occur but to be

● self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities
-why is it so crucial? Because if you lack confidence in your ideas, value knowledge is likely to be
overlooked and your potential will not be realized. because you lack the confidence to share
your knowledge and ideas with others. Therefore, having self-confidence as an entrepreneur
will have advantages that go far beyond merely making you feel good about yourself. Your self-
assurance affects everything you do and will enable you to lead the prosperous life you choose.
Although it may be one of the most significant items in your success kit for business, confidence
is essential to your success in all facets of life.

● self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities
-Accountability is an acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct towards
others.As an entrepreneur, accountability is crucial because it offers a clear framework for
increased output and performance. An accountability system improves time management and
productivity for business owners. Entrepreneurs can stay on track and sharpen their focus when
they are held accountable. An accountability framework aids entrepreneurs in developing
better clarity, self-assurance, and capacity. Individuals and teams become more trusted when
you hold everyone accountable for carrying out their duties. It enables people to depend on
one another, whether that be to meet deadlines, complete tasks, or feel at ease enough to ask
a coworker or management for assistance.


We previously defined innovation as a change that adds value to an existing product or
service. According to the management thinker and author Peter Drucker, the key point about
innovation is that it is a response to both changes within markets and changes from outside
markets. For Drucker, classical entrepreneurship psychology highlights the purposeful nature of
The indispensable start-up ingredient all inventions and innovations need
● The definition of an idea is a thought, belief, opinion or plan. An example of idea is a
chef coming up with a new menu item.
● A product is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the
consumer demand; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or
need of a customer
● A service is an act of labor or a performance that does not produce a tangible
commodity and does not result in the customer's ownership of anything. Its production
may or may not be tied to a physical product.
Knowing products and services creates value by helping customers understand why the product
or service stands out from others and how it can benefit them. Customer Satisfaction means
the customer is happy or content with the product or service they've purchased.

Team Formation
Tuckmans Model of Team Formation

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