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 SAMBONG Blumea 1 Anti-edema,

A plant that reaches 1 Diuretic
Balsamifera 2
to 3 meters in height with Anti-urolithiasis,
rough hairy leaves. Young Anti-cancer
plants around mother
plant may be separated
when they have leaves.
AKAPULKO / Cassia Alata This plant is about 1 to 2 Anti-fungal,
meters tall. The leaves are Anti-scabies
RINGWORM embraced with 8 to 20 mosquito repellent,
BUSH/BAYAS- oblong elliptical shaped insecticidal, snake
leaflets. It has flowers bites
BAYASAN with oblong petals.

 NIYOG- Quisqualis Indica A vine which bears tiny Anti-helminthic (used

L. fruits and grow wild in to expel parasitic
NIYOGAN / backyards. The seeds worms)
CHINESE HONEY must come from mature, anti-inflammatory
dried but newly opened (redness,swelling)
SUCKLE fruits. Propagated
through stem cuttings
about 20 cm in height
TSAANG GUBAT Carmona retusa A shrub with small, shiny Diarrhea
nice-looking leaves that Stomach ache
/ FOREST TEA/ grows in wild
WILD TEA uncultivated areas and

AMPALAYA / Momordica A climbing vine with Lowers blood sugar

Charantia tendrils that grows up to Diabetes
BITTER 20 cm long. Leaves are Mellitus (Mild non-
GOURD/BITTER heart-shaped, which are 5 insulin depended)
to 10 cm in diameter.
MELON Fruits have ribbed and
wrinkled surface that are
fleshy green with pointed
ends at length and has a
bitter taste.
LAGUNDI / Vitex Negundo A shrub growing wild in Asthma and cough
vacant lots and waste Fever, Dysentery,
5-LEAVED land. The flowers are blue Colds, Pain, Skin
CHASED TREE and bell- shaped. The Diseases, Wounds,
small fruits turn black Headache,
when ripe. It is better to Rheumatism, Sprain,
collect the leaves when in Contusions, Insect
blossoms. Bites, Aromatic bath
for patients
ULASIMANG Peperomia A weed with heart- Lower uric acid
Pellucida shaped leaves that grow (Rheumatism and
BATO / SILVER in shady parts of the Gout)
BUSH / SHINY garden and yard.
BAWANG / Allium Sativum A low herb and grows up Hypertension,
to 60 cm high. Leaves are Toothache, Lowers
GARLIC flat and linear. Bulbs cholesterol levels in
consist of several tubers. the blood
BAYABAS / Psidium Guajava A tree about 4 to 5 meters For washing wounds
high with tiny white Toothache
GUAVA flowers with round or Diarrhea
oval fruits that are eaten
YERBA BUENA / Mentha Cordifolia A small multi-branching Headache, Stomach
aromatic herb. The leaves ache, Rheumatism
PERPPERMIT are small, elliptical and Arthritis, Cough and
with toothed margin. The colds, Swollen gums
stem creeps to the ground Toothache, Menstrual
and develop roots. and gas pain Nausea
and fainting, Insect
bites, pruritus

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