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No. Topic Subtopic

1 Schematic Breadboards
2 Introduction Arduino
3 Introduction Arduino
4 Introduction Arduino
5 Introduction Arduino
6 Introduction Circuit
7 Schematic Schematic
8 Schematic Resistor
9 Introduction Circuit
10 Introduction Ohm's law

11 Introduction Ohm's law

12 Introduction Ohm's law

13 Introduction Circuit
14 Schematic Resistor
15 Schematic LED

16 Schematic LDR

17 Schematic Resistor
18 Schematic Resistor
19 Schematic Resistor

20 Schematic Schematic

21 Digital Output digitalWrite()

Parts of an Arduino
22 Digital Output
23 Digital Output digitalWrite()
Understanding errors,
24 Digital Output
exceptions anderrors,
Understanding bugs
25 Digital Output
exceptions anderrors,
Understanding bugs
26 Digital Output
exceptions and bugs
27 Digital Output digitalWrite()
28 Digital Output delay()
The building blocks of
29 Digital Output
30 Digital Output Comments
Parts of an Arduino
31 Digital Output
32 Digital Output The Arduino workflow
33 Digital Output digitalWrite()
34 Digital Output sketch in Arduino
35 Digital Output Comments

36 Digital Output sketch in Arduino

The building blocks of

37 Digital Output
Programming with programming
38 If structures
Programming with
39 If structures
Programming with Variables and
Code assignments
What is the primary purpose of a breadboard
Source Code is composed in
Which pin has a built-in LED?
student could mentioned the properties of arduino
Arduino as microcontroller
Parallel circuits are
What is Schematics
The easiest way to tell a resistor’s level of resistance
series cicuit definition
a good analogy for CURRENT

the mathematical formula for OHM's law

a good analogy for VOLTAGE

the definiton of "circuit"
calculate the value of resistance based on color band of the
LED positive and negative large

symbol of LDR

calculate the total of resistor in pararel circuit

calculate the total of resistor in series circuit
symbol of resistors

the difference between schematics and wriring diagram

function calls that makes digital output

The Arduino board, that can be produced as output component
example of output command listed in digital write ()
receive a syntax error while verifying code
project doesn’t behave like you expect it to,
kind of problem If leave out a semicolon,
instruction to set a pin up for input
source code will make the program wait for one second
void setup() {} is known as ...
What is Comments ...
language used in the Arduino program
what will you do after make a change to some code
commands turns voltage on
total setup functions should you have
lines start with // or are between /* and */

an example of a pair of delimiters

the definition of sequence

If function example
If function example
the right way to assign a value to a variable
Potential Answer
to create temporary electrical circuit connections
the Arduino IDE

A parallel circuit contains multiple pathways, or branches

Are symbolic descriptions of a circuit’s connections
Look at the color stripes and calculate the resistance
in-line circuitry
Water-and-pipe analogy - if we have a water pump that exerts pressure (voltage) to push water around a "

voltage is the pressure of water

a circuit is a complete circular path that electricity flows through
Long side = anode = positive - Short side = cathode = negative

just a little bit more advanced adition icl

just simple addition icl
A schematic shows the plan and function for an electrical circuit, but is not concerned with the physical lay
The Arduino board can only make a digital output. If there are no additional external output components, the Arduin
(pin, mode)
Check your code for errors
You have a bug kekw xD shitter
Syntax error
pinMode(pinNum, INPUT);
the setup function
Comments are notes left by the developer that cannot be read by the computer. They are created using // and thes
Upload the code onto the arduino
(pin, HIGH)

Are comments and are ignored by the comupter

{ } - braces, for functions and other constructs

“ “ - quotes, for strings
‘ ‘ - single quotes, for characters
[ ] - (square) brackets, in arrays
< > - angle brackets
( ) - parentheses, for function argument lists and other things
/* */ - multi-line comments

code executed in that order. Sequence is the order in which the statements are executed
} Do something else
int Variable name = desired variable value
ent) through a restriction (resistance), we can model how the three variables interrelate.
ires whilst a writing diagram show how the wires are connected and where they should located in the actual device a

he onboard LED on pin 13

at the computer is not able to read the comment

ed in the actual device and the connections between parts

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