Game Plays

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Game Plays and Possible Strategies

Overriding CommonSense

Kindly keep the content of this pamphlet confidential.

If you place the content online, or start posting excerpts from it, you will
give the game away!

If you wish to help close, trusted, “family” members (whomsoever you

consider them to be) then please do so privately, away from prying eyes,
and make sure you can trust them to keep things private!


During the Seminar, we presented you with key information which, if

used correctly, can save you £thousands, if not £hundreds of thousands.

Could it be that the system was created in such a way as to protect the
property you hold/enjoy?

Could it be that you, and we (collectively referred to as “peasants”) -

simply weren’t taught the correct modus operandi, leaving us open to
attack and “as-lambs”? Me thinks so.

It might interest you to learn that “in” [the CORPORATION known as]
FRANCE, it is common practice for people to express their names thus:

Simon GOLDBERG. John JONES. Fred BLOGGS. And so on….

Solicitors, court officials, government officials, and even commoners all

express their names in this style when communicating in the written

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Either they know more than we/you do, or they have been conditioned to
express their names in this way; thus the question remains - do the
people (especially commoners) truly understand why they write in this


Trading Names and Property Holding Names.

As the old saying goes…. “you can’t get blood out of a stone”

As discussed during the seminar, perhaps the easiest way to protect

property and avoid the risk of losing it is to do as follows:

trade in one name and hold property in another.

Whether you make use of Companies, Trusts, or different “names”, the

aim of the game is to keep your “property” safe whilst being able to
trade-without-fear of risking/losing said property!

All things being equal, it would be so easy if lowly public officials, bailiffs
and police simply recognised that SIMON GOLDBERG is not the same
“entity” (capacity) as Simon Goldberg.

We have all fallen foul of this sleight-of-hand and so, perhaps, it would
be unfair to judge the brainwashed (officials, bailiffs and police) for not
seeing the trick.

That said, if we are to have success we must simplify things for those
who cannot “see”.

The solution is a very simple one…..

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Rather than rely on someone seeing, or accepting the jurisdictional
“argument” that Simon Goldberg is not the same as SIMON
GOLDBERG, why don’t we simply make the difference highly visible.

Afterall, officials seem to be obsessed with “high visibility” jackets

nowadays, (for all public workers), so why not follow suit.

Why not trade with a style which is clearly and visibly different from the
style with which we hold property?

Most importantly, each style MUST not only appear to be visibly

different, it MUST be treated as a clear and distinct separate “person”, or

It is essential that you NEVER mix the two!

For example: i might appear publicly as one, but NEVER the other. This
will preempt and prevent any potential confusion (in my own head, and
more importantly, in “their” heads).

A useful film to watch, which highlights this concept is: The

Associate (starring Whoopi Goldberg) [not a relative - at least not
that i know of] ;O) !

You may need to give some thought to how you play this, and which
styles (names) you use. Everyone’s situation is different, and the
problem so many of us face is that we have been using one name to do

How we decide to deal with things, now, might not be the same had we
been 15 years old, with our worldly experiences in trade ahead of us!

Here’s some examples:

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I could, for example, continue to use the public name SIMON
GOLDBERG (which might be expressed as Simon Goldberg), to trade,
whilst using the name James Goldberg to hold property.

I could, perhaps, use the style James S. Goldberg to hold property, or

perhaps the style Simon James to really confuse the world outside.

Had I been 15 (again) I might allocate the “date of birth” 21st May 1969
[the date of registration] to the SIMON GOLDBERG, whilst using 16th
May 1969 for James S. Goldberg/Simon James.

Or I might use a date [of birth] nine months prior to 16th May 1969 (an
approximate moment of conception) for the man, James S. Goldberg, or
the man, Simon James.

If you think about it - Birth Certs are not to be used as ID, or to

verify dates of birth, and most “official” documents allow for
someone (a friend) to verify your identity or calling by writing on
the reverse of a photograph [‘I hereby certify that I have known this
[wo]man for five years’, signature].

Alternatively, I might decide to place and or accumulate property in the

name of a company which doesn’t trade, and thus cannot risk losing the
property it holds.

I could play with the names acting as director, and I don’t

necessarily need a bank account!

Alternatively, I could place all property into the name of a family trust.

The upshot is this: the style I use to trade with, is in effect, the fall guy
(see Lee Majors).

If I happen to goof up - it doesn’t really matter and the only loss I

encounter is one of having to redevelop relationships, using a new style.

In many ways, it might even be wise to trade in the name of a company.

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Companies (even in their world) can be used in ways which benefit us.

This is something we’ll be exploring further in the Jedii Academy.


If the Public is a TRUST, then SIMON GOLDBERG is one of many

TRUSTEES, and a man, Simon Goldberg; one of many [potential]

As we mentioned earlier, things could be so different if people simply

recognised the difference in styles.

As things currently stand, I might choose to simply say that SIMON

GOLDBERG is a trustee of the XYZ Property Protection Trust, or the
Goldberg Family Trust, of which the beneficiaries are completely private!

Remember, a trustee cannot be deprived of trust property for debts run

up in his/her own personal capacity!

Defending Claims

Regardless of how you set things up, what we discuss now is a very
simple methodology for defending claims.

It was developed because: dealing with issues/problems head-on often

allows an aggressor to play the intimidation game, and intimidation often
leads to fear.

A third party placed between you and an aggressor represents a very

visible line-of-defence; an obstacle the aggressor must overcome.

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It can create the illusion of a “mediator”, who must be convinced of the
validity of any claim. If an aggressor can’t convince the third-party
(mediator) that a claim is valid, then what chance would they have in

Funnily enough, the strategy “fits-in” with everything discussed

previously, and can be perceived as the flip-side of the same coin - allow
us to illustrate...

If SIMON GOLDBERG is TRUSTEE for property held in trust for the

benefit of a man, Simon James, then Simon James is the man acting as
agent/trustee for the SIMON GOLDBERG.

Let’s say a claim comes against SIMON GOLDBERG from some of the
trading exploits that SIMON GOLDBERG has been involved with.

Any claim made against SIMON GOLDBERG will be cut-off by

intervention from Simon James, acting as trustee for SIMON

Remember; a man, Simon James is also the agent of the SIMON

GOLDBERG (and agent is still a position of trust in its own right).

I could, if I wish, make the distinction and intervention even more scary
to outside aggressors by using the name of a company

For example: XYZ Trustees Limited

(Remember the case of PJM Trustees Limited)?

● Note: We have spoken to Companies House and there

are no special requirements and or authorisations
required to use a company name such as ABC Trustees

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Question; what must any TRUSTEE do, prior to approving the discharge
of a claim?

Answer: [s]he must conduct due diligence.

This is where the following comes into play….

Some wording for you to play with:

We agree to effect immediate discharge of your claim on condition you

meet our verification threshold.

Kindly forward documentary proof of the obligation SIMON GOLDBERG

has to pay you, together with documentary proof enabling us to verify the
amount of the alleged debt you claim is outstanding.

I/We trust you understand that requirements are placed upon i,us to
conduct due-diligence as part of our verification process.


Trustees of the XYZ Trust

Or ABC Trustees Ltd

Or EFG Company Ltd

By S. James

Or some other intervening third party of

your choosing

And so the game begins

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They will try to bamboozle you with paperwork, and your job is to
question all of it, thereby undermining their claim.

The paperwork they produce is all “hearsay”. Fact: no person will ever
stand up and say that the content of their paperwork provided is true.
They have no first hand material witnesses.

For clarification on that point - simply watch Judge Judy!

The greater the distinction between SIMON GOLDBERG and a man,

Simon Goldberg, the easier it is to convince your adversary that SIMON
GOLDBERG is not the same as a man, Simon Goldberg.

A man may call himself what he wishes! Just watch Game of Thrones
and look out for the g0d of many faces.

Other people certainly call me a variety of names: if they can call me

what they wish, then i can call me what i wish too!

Top Tip:

If you can imagine wearing “different hats” for each of the different
capacities you can “act” in, then there is nothing stopping you from
acting as your own third party intervenor.

It beats having to train someone else up!

Golden Rule:

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Make sure that you use a different postal address for the third party

Members of the Jedii Academy will have access to this kind of service.
(We try to think of everything ;O) )


We trust you see the benefit of separating the name you trade with, from
the name with which you hold property.

If the trading name is a pauper, then “it” cannot lose anything.

If the name with which you hold property never trades {aside from
entities controlled by you([wo]man)}, then you can never lose property.

What we have done is taken the relationship between man and bonded
name, and used it to create remedies:

1) By fulfilling our role as trustee of the bond[ed] name and

intervening as a third party, and or
2) By using our knowledge of the bond, and the mechanism by which
we are deprived of “property”, to actively preempt the problem.
Thus we separate the name we use to trade from the name with
which we hold property.


Perhaps you can now see why some people have perfected the art of
retaining and protecting property. For example: family trusts.

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Some families work together to acquire large landed family estates upon
which all family members exist. The estate (a kind of trust) is “home” to
all family members whilst never being at risk from attack.

Perhaps this is why so many dramatisations depict the importance of

“family” to the elite and aristocrats - just watch Game of Thrones!

Where we, the peasants, have gone wrong is that we have all sought to
go off and be independent of our families. We are duplicating the work
required to make our own “fortunes” in order to acquire a nice “home”.
We are making our jobs more difficult!

We are moving in the wrong direction. Yes we have the choice to do so,
but does it make sense?

All we need to do is work together. Family is important. The division of

the family unit is perhaps one trend we need to reverse.

Yes, you can choose your friends and not your family! We accept that.
For some of you: friends may be closer to you than some family

That’s why, as part of the Jedii Academy, we’ll be encouraging the

creation of your new “family” which may or may not include all existing

We’ll also show you how you can work together, with us, to create
wealth for all Jedii Academy members and their “families”.

We will become an extended family, of sorts.

One final thing:

To the outside world it is suggested that you never flaunt wealth.

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You must always maintain the outward message/persona that you have
very little.

One obvious downside of the “bling” culture is that Mr Taxman now

knows what you’ve got!

Big love

Simon & Mark

And the YAYC team

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