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Activity 4: Understanding the basic Concepts of ICT

Numeron, Cherry Grace L.

1. The manner that material is presented and taught in the classroom has been
significantly altered by technology. The materials that are used and how we use them
to teach in schools have both been significantly impacted by technology. Most
everything that is used in todays classroom has been a product of technology.
Everything that is used in education today, from textbooks to the Internet, has been
invented and is in some way related to the development of technology.

2. When there are restrictions that make it impossible to gather individuals and
resources for learning. People can be taught in a crucial and practical way with e-
learning. A teacher in this situation offers online lessons and learning resources that
can be accessed whenever it is convenient for his/her students. ICT resources can
be used by teachers for additional purposes. The keeping of records of student
performances and other types of records within the academic institution is one of
these duties. This can be accomplished by uploading the data into the school's or
college's management information system, which has to have a database to support

3. The use of educational technology should encourage students to act responsibly.

The ethical use of technology for the benefit of the student, the institution, and the
larger community is known as social responsibility. It is the duty of both teachers and
pupils to utilize technology appropriately. Students should adopt from risky behaviors
including software piracy, hacking, and other unlawful online activity. The students
can now use good digital manners. Teachers should use technology properly and
ethically as role models for their students.

4. Is digital literacy important for today's students on par with regular subjects like
reading, writing, and math? is a question that many people are asking. I was
immediately interested in how much time we spend online each day and the kinds of
things we do online. I came to understand that most activities in today's culture,
including doing homework, gathering information, buying, and accessing social
media websites, rely on the internet. Pupils who have always had access to the
internet at home and a computer to use may think this is simple, but what about
students who don't know what the internet is or don't have a computer or other
device to use?

5. A recent technology development in the realm of education called "digital

learning"has both beneficial and bad effects. While there have been many
advantages, such as different content delivery methods and increased research
capacity, it has been especially upsetting that there are connected addictions and a
transition from traditional to online learning environments. The conclusion has led to
a decline in educational quality, and college students frequently skip class in favor of
using their digital learning tools.
6. In the end, choosing which online digital tools and apps to utilize while teaching
requires some thought in order to produce creative, real-world, student-centered
learning experiences. We talked about using instructional design models to direct
your decision-making when choosing digital tools and apps based on the objectives
of the lesson and the cognitive skills you want your students to acquire.

7. The initial learning method that allowed students to regularly interact in person with
their peers and teachers, offline digital tools and apps is the conventional counterpart
of online education. Even while online learning is thought to be the way of the future
in terms of education, it will never be able to completely replace traditional learning in
its entirety. Offline learning is largely unaffected by technical concerns and offers
pupils a great chance to create and maintain a regular schedule.

8. However, Instructional technology has significantly altered schooling in many

ways. Technology, for instance, has substantially increased access to education.
Books were hard to come by and only a select few had access to education during
the Middle Ages. To receive an education, people had to travel to educational

9. Particularly when used to limit content supplied over the Internet via the Web, e-
mail, or other means, software is meant to manage what content readers may or may
not view. Software that tracks what people do on their computers can be restricted,
for example in a school to ensure kids don't visit inappropriate websites.

10. Multimedia learning occurs when information is conveyed to pupils utilizing this
medium. The use of multimedia in the classroom is crucial because it enables
students to acquire skills necessary for life in the twenty-first century. Since students
are always surrounded by media, giving them the chance to learn from it improves
their educational experience.

11. Young people's online interactions and activities are the subject of extensive
research because the Internet has become so important to their life. Internet hazards
including cyberbullying and Internet addiction are two drawbacks of the Internet for
young people. On the other hand, youngsters now benefit greatly from the Internet. In
contrast to earlier times, children with disabilities may now learn things quickly
because to Internet technology. It is becoming clearer and clearer that young people
face threats and opportunities on the Internet.

12. The concepts of accessing the internet and the world wide web continue to be
used interchangeably since technology allows us to do so from anywhere in the world
thanks to the various devices that humanity has. The internet and the world wide web
are not the same thing, though. The term "Internet"describes a group of connected
computer networks.

13. A software program for human-machine interfaces (HMI) and supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA), called WebAccess, is browser-based. When remote
activities are required, it is employed to automate complicated industrial processes.
An average browser offers all the functionality found in traditional HMI and SCADA
software packages, including Animated Graphics Displays, Real-time Data Control,
Trends, Alarms, and Logs.

14. The use of WebQuest is meant to motivate students to engage in fruitful class
discussions and apply information rather than just gather it. Through analysis,
creation, and evaluation, WebQuest encourages critical thinking. Additionally, it
promotes collaborative learning and integrates technology into education.

15. Students who use productivity tools not only complete tasks more quickly, but
they also relieve some of the pressure that comes with trying to remember which
assignments and homework are due each day for each module.

16. With the aid of technology tools, students may rapidly and affordably travel the
globe and experience other cultures firsthand. Modern mapping and demographic
data are accessible through a variety of platforms, and computer-based wire services
can bring a newsroom-caliber stream of current events into the classroom.
a. Tools for data calculation tools assist in arranging the values into consistent
layouts depending on regional and industry norms. They also aid in breaking down
text fields into their component parts. It ensures that all of your database's fields,
including those for title, address, and phone number, look and read the same.
b. Design tools are things, media, or software that can be utilized in the design
process. They must be used carefully since they may have an impact on the creation,
expression, and perception of design concepts.
c. Discussion tools are crucial to learning across all subject areas because they
enable students to process information rather than just take it in. Different talents are
needed for conversation leadership than for lecturing. A discussion's objective is to
encourage students to practice thinking critically about the course material.
d. Because email can replace traditional mail methods and allows users to
communicate information in letter format, email technologies are crucial for
communication. Emails, which frequently contain text, documents, and multimedia
like images and videos, can be more useful for communication.
e. With handheld devices, teachers and students may swiftly adapt to what works. All
of these mobile gadgets are now crucial to the expansion and innovation of education
across the globe. The many diverse ways that handheld gadgets can be used on a
daily basis in various settings are numerous.

17. You can blog to provide details about your company and its products as well as
your views and opinions on particular subjects. Blogging is a terrific method to give
your business a personality and makes it more credible and approachable.

18. Students can spend time outside of the classroom in a stimulating collaborative
atmosphere by using a wiki to solve challenges.

19. Students can spend more time collaborating with one another in a flipped
classroom, which is beneficial for their teamwork skills as well as learning. Since
'knowledge acquisition' now occurs outside of the classroom, each student can tailor
it to suit their unique skills and interests.

20. With podcasts, we may actively listen while performing other tasks. As an
illustration, you could exercise while listening to a podcast, or you could read a blog
post while commuting to work. We can listen to content without interfering with our
regular activities thanks to podcasts.

21. The goal of Google Apps is to give educational institutions a secure platform for
data storage that offers more security and dependability than most schools could
manage on their own. Numerous security protections are included in Google Apps for
Education with the aim of keeping your data safe, secure, and under your control.

22. Vlogging facilitates communication with people throughout the world. People can
communicate with one other thanks to the creator's videos because they are seen by
viewers all around the world. Additionally, it aids in visibility and distinguishes the
artists among the community.

23. Facebook and Its function has changed from serving as a network for friends to
exchange private information to being a platform for individuals to link, share, and
recommend all types of information, including news.

24. A VoIP system converts your phone calls into data that is transferred over the
Internet as opposed to using the services of conventional phone providers. Because
you won't need to pay for traditional phone lines, moving to VoIP will result in much
lower communications expenditures.

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