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General Instructions.
a. Join the virtual class through the google meet link provided in your gclassroom.
b. Answer the questions provided in this file. (Note: Do not leave the virtual room
until you finish the test)
c. Write/submit your answers in the gclassroom under the assignment titled
d. Screen capture the virtual room and upload it in the assignment box.
e. Leave the class after taking the test.

1. Determine the sensory image below.
“And far away in the middle of the fields a cow lowed softly in answer.”
A. Auditory B. Erotic C. Olfactory D. Visual
2. It is defined as “a series of imagined facts which illustrates truths about human life.”
A. Fiction B. Plot C. Poem D. Reportage
3. What do you call a godlike character who is often better and stronger than humans?
A. Foil B. Hero C. Protagonist D. Stock
4. What kind of fiction presents characters as human beasts who are doom to failure
because of the desires?
A. Naturalistic Fiction C. Psychological Fiction
B. Apprenticeship Fiction D. Romantic Fiction
5. Identify the sensory image used below:
Jessie had felt sad all day. Jessie thought and thought about his situation and he
thought to himself, I need to get myself together. Maria came in the door and asked
what was wrong. He told her. Maria frowned. She felt as if she were being
abandoned by everyone.
A. First Person Point of View C. Second Point of View
B. Third Person Limited Point of View D. Omniscient Point of View
6. Read and identify the kind of conflict in the statement below:
Robert’s plane crash because of a storm and he is stranded in an island and forced to
survive alone in the wilderness.
A. Man vs Man B. Man vs Nature C. Man vs Self D. Man vs Society
7. Read and identify the narrative device used in the statement below:

The smell of homemade chocolate chip cookies conjured up the image of Susan's
Grandmother standing in a flour-covered apron.
A. Flashbacking B. Foreshadowing C. In medias res D. Irony
8. Identify the figure of speech used in the line below.

O death! Where is thy sting? O grave! Where is thy victory?

A. Antithesis B. Apostrophe C. Hyperbole D. Personification
9. What kind of rhetorical figure used below?
The plate was shapely and well-made.
A. Alliteration B. Assonance C. Consonance D. Onomatopoeia
For Items 10-11. Read and analyze the excerpt below to answer the item that follows.
December 1958. I lie on my back on an examination table in a Missoula clinic while the
middle-aged doctor whose name I found in the Yellow Pages inserts his speculum and takes
a look. He turns to the sink and washes his hands.
“Yes, you’re pregnant,” he says. “Congratulations, Mommy.”
His confirmation settles over me like a fog that won’t lift. Myself I can manage for, but
for myself and it?

“The Unwanted Child”- Marv Clearman Blew

10. What is the beginning employed in the piece?

A. Action B. Cataloguing C. In medias res D. Striking Statement

11. What can be considered a limitation if the story employs a child as narrator?
A. Immature Acts C. Inadequate Perception
B. Incomplete Sentences D. Innocent Remarks
12. In Death in the Afternoon, Ernest Hemingway wrote, “People in a novel, not skillfully
constructed characters, must be projected from the writer’s assimilated experience,
from his knowledge, from his head, from his heart and from all there is of him... A good
writer should know as near as everything as possible.”
Ernest Hemingway’s statements imply that novelists
A. should always construct skillfully characters based on real people.
B. can draw as much knowledge from themselves to create characters.
C. cannot mix creative skills and assimilated experiences to write believable
D. are to be considered good writers, should be good storytellers.
For Items 1-10, carefully read and analyze the following statement.
1. Landing at Incheon Airport, maybe the most surprising impression for a Westerner on
his first trip to Asia is the lack of surprise. Modern airports are similar all over the
industrialized world and it was perhaps a first indicator of South Korea is remarkable
economic success and rapid modernization that I could immediately feel at home in
Korea is gateway to the world.
A. Character Sketch B. Food Writing C. Literary Reportage D. Travelogue
2. Our subsequent visits to Daegu and Busan were interesting to me because for some
odd reason, I had the strange impression that nothing much really happened outside
of Seoul. These two cities proved me dead wrong. At times, Daegu and Busan seemed
to be every bit as industrialized and urbanized as Seoul, a bustling city that I am much
more familiar with. The people, buildings, markets and overall atmosphere were
similar to those in Seoul.
A. Diary B. Facebook Status C. Nature Writing D. Travelogue
3. Then, on July 3, he shouldered his backpack and began the twenty-mile hike to the
improved road. Two days later, halfway there, he arrived in heavy rain at the beaver
ponds that blocked access to the west bank of the Teklanika River. In April they’d been
frozen over and hadn’t presented an obstacle; now he must have been alarmed to find
a three-acre lake covering the trail.
A. Blog B. Literary Journalism C. Reflective Essay D. Nature Writing
4. When Briana Barrera didn’t hear from her son, Nicolas, for a week she knew something
was wrong. Maybe it was mother's intuition, but she knew. And when she saw two
officers walking toward her door, her worst fear was confirmed. “The officers said they
were sorry to deliver the news, but Nicolas died with honor,” she said. “Dying with
honor? How does that help? My heart was breaking. My boy was gone.”
A. Character Sketch
B. Facebook Status

C. Food Writing
D. Literary Reportage

5. My name is Jane Hilman. I am twenty-five years old and a junior at Utah State
University. I was born in West Virginia, but grew up in Denver, Colorado. I have six
sisters and no brothers. My dad works for the local PBS station and my mother is a
stay-at-home mom. My parents love the outdoors and my family and I all love to ski,
camp, and backpack. My family is Baptist.
A. Autobiography
B. Biography

C. Food Writing
D. Literary Journalism
6. The flames grew higher and threw orange and black shadows on the walls. Outside,
the frigid wind brushed against the old house and entered through tiny passageways
under the doors and around the windows. The battle between fire and ice raged on in
the dwelling, with only an eighty-year old woman for witness and referee. [...] "There
are some nights when I wake up and I think my feet about to freeze off," Coddell said.

"And so I sit in my chair, up real close to the flame, but then I get too hot. I just can't
get comfortable in this house."
A. Blog
B. Character Sketch

C. Facebook Status
D. Literary Reportage
7. Creed is now showing her parents her appreciation for this life lesson by caring for
her father who suffered a severe stroke four years ago. [...] “Despite her rigorous
schedule, Angela always manages to go out of her way to help others,” Kirkpatrick
said. “She’s an old soul and really cares about people – she does these things out of
the goodness of her heart.” Creed, humbled by the nomination, said that she was
raised to treat people well. “It’s the right thing to do. I don’t feel like it’s a choice – it’s
just something that I do.”
A. Diary
B. Testimonio

C. Travelogue
D. True Narrative

8. The city of Lviv (or paraphrasing its name in Ukrainian, The Lion’s City), as I have
seen it in winter, greatly reminded me of several famous cities of Central and Eastern
Europe that I have been to, such as Prague and Saint Petersburg. At the same time, it
has many features that make this western Ukrainian city unique. Lviv is rather small,
though rich with monuments; as a result, you literally cannot make a single step
without running into the next attractions.
A. Biography
B. Blog

C. Facebook Status
D. Nature Writing

9. It is “natural” for women to be lavanderas if that is the best thing that they can do for
a living, but have you heard of a guy who does laundry to support his family? Well,
there is such an unusual guy in our school. George Francis, a 17-year-old junior, has
taken on the difficult responsibility of providing for his little sister and brother. He is
father and mother to them, since both his parents are deceased. His three other sisters
have their own families. Fortunately, his youngest brother is cared for by an aunt.
A. Blog B. Diary C. Testimonio D. True Narrative
10. My career in painting began a smoothly and I was more than happy to grab the right
opportunity for which I was waiting so long. Today, I am happy with my life and enjoy
it to the fullest. The positive attitude to face hardships brought out the best in me.
Today I am looking forward to face the challenges of life in a positive manner.
A. Diary B. Journal C. Testimonio D. True Narrative
1. Which of the following defines Ahimsa?
A. It is a Hindu practice that respects all life forms including plants and animals.
B. It is manifested in everything in the universe and in the consciousness of all.
C. It is seen as the representation of Brahman which is eternal and universal entity.
D. It is the eternal law that governs everything.
2. In Hinduism, it is the working for and achieving of success, in terms of both wealth
and power.
A. Artha
B. Dharma
C. Kama
D. Moksha

3. What is the basis of morality in Islam?

A. The five pillars and other commandments are considered the primary
obligations that must be upheld for morals.
B. The Ten Commandments and other religious guidelines will ensure an upright
and moral life.
C. Their moral teachings on the Bible and also recognizes the
Ten Commandments and Jesus Christ’s teachings as a primary bases for morality
and faith.
D. None of the above.

4. Which of the following statements describes Qur’an?

A. It is a sacred book written by Abraham and handed on to early Muslims.
B. It is a word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
C. It is the book written by Allah and handed on to man.
D. It refers to reports regarding the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad.
5. Which of the following worldviews states that everything is identical with God?
A. Atheism
B. Monotheism

C. Pantheism
D. Polytheism

6. What is the Catholic Christians’ view on woman?

A. The Virgin Mother is revered as the Mother of God and is considered the model
of faith and obedience to God’s will.
B. They consider women as valued members in the community and are considered
equal to man.
C. Women are excluded in the community.
D. Women follow prescribed rules and commandments on the community.
7. It refers to a worldview that denies the existence of God.
A. Atheism
B. Monotheism

C. Pantheism
D. Polytheism
8. Which of the following Muslim celebrations marks the end of Ramadan?
A. Ashura
B. Eid-ul-Adha

C. Eid-ul-Fitr
D. Mawlid an-Nabi
9. How do the Jews view women?
A. The Virgin Mother is glorified as the Mother of God and is considered the model
of faith and obedience to God’s will.
B. They consider women as valued members in the community and are considered
equal to man.
C. Women are excluded in the community.
D. Women follow prescribed rules and commandments on the community.
10. What is the Islamic view on Mary?
A. It recognizes Mary (Miriam) as a virtuous woman and is considered good
example of faith and charity.
B. The Virgin Mother is adored as the Mother of God and is considered the model
of faith and obedience to God’s will.
C. The Virgin Mother is valued as one of Jesus’ disciples and is considered the
model of faith and obedience to God’s will.
D. None of the above.
11. Which of the following is the God of destruction?
A. Brahman
B. Parvati

C. Shiva
D. Vishnu

1. Which of the following disciplines studies the processes, principles and structure of
A. Political Science
B. Psychology

C. Psychiatry
D. Sociology

2. It is a function of counselors in which they help the students identify barriers to

academic success like peer pressure, family situations or personal relationship
A. Agents of diversity and multiculturalism.
B. Career development specialists
C. Developmental classroom specialist
D. Leaders and advocates of academic success.
3. What role of guidance counselors is it when they actively take part in counseling
groups and individuals to address developmental tasks confronting them?
A. Career development specialists
B. Providers of individual and group services.
C. School and collaboration specialists.
D. None of the above.
4. Professional school counselors give attention to students such as athletes, honor
students, students with absentee parents and those with learning disabilities.
A. Advocates of a safe school environment.
B. Advocates of students with special needs and student-at-risk
C. Providers of individual and group services.
D. School and collaboration specialists.
5. In the counseling process, Mrs. Lim, a guidance counselor, makes an eye contact,
open postures, shows affirmation and leans at times with the counselee. What
competency does Mrs. Lim show?
A. Basic Responding Skills
B. Basic Attending Skills

C. Establishing Rapport
D. Observational Skills
6. It is a basic responding skill that allows the counselor to deeply understand the
client’s experiences. This provides immediate feedbacks to the counselee if the
counselor understood him/her correctly.
A. Reflection of Feelings
B. Restatement and Paraphrasing

C. Summarization
D. Use Minimal Encouragers
7. Mrs. Cruz observes that Lily feels uncomfortable with close proximity. It is
unpleasant for Lily and she even see it as a threat or possible danger. This refers to
A. facial expression.
B. personal space.

C. physical appearance.
D. voice.

8. For almost 10 years as counselor, Mr. Gomez shares to the class that there are
several clients he encountered who either have a rigid posture or tighten their fists
while sharing their stories. Some clients played with their pen or phones while
expressing their insights. This non-verbal expression is called
A. body language.
B. facial expression.

C. sudden change in behavior.

D. voice.

9. Which of the following sciences studies the diagnoses, treatment, and prevention of
mental illness?
A. Political Science
B. Psychology

C. Psychiatry
D. Sociology

10. One function of the counselors is no longer limited to the academic success of
students, but they also provide activities which prepare and promote student’s
career success. This pertains to
A. career development specialists.
B. providers of individual and group services.
C. school and collaboration specialists.
D. All the above.
11. It is a function of social work that improves communications and coordinating with
human service resources.
A. Consultant
B. Coordinator

C. Program developer
D. Supervisor

12. One of the competencies of an effective counselor is to create and foster a warm and
accepting relationship with the counselee and also to demonstrate empathy and
understanding of counselee’s feelings and perspectives. This refers to
A. basic responding skills.
B. basic attending skills.

C. establishing rapport.
D. observational skills.

1. Retention of learning helps the learner to do well in his/her academics. What faculty
of the learner is being exemplified?
A. Appetitive
B. Cognitive

C. Emotional
D. Psychomotor

2. Choose among the given situations of which among the four has the concept of
conducive learning environment.
I. The grade five classroom is very neat and tidy that’s why they were proclaimed
as the cleanest class of the week.
II. The teacher does not allow her learners to touch the decorations designed on the
walls. When learners violate it, they are advised to buy wall decors for
III. The teacher provides learning aides inside the classroom which are sufficient for
his/her students.
A. I and II C. III and I
B. II and III D. None of the above
3. Which among the classroom set-ups effectively promote the principles of leaning?
I. Teacher Alleah begins her lesson on Philippine Literature with a clearly defined
lesson objective about the topic “Figures of Speech”.
II. Mrs. Cruz makes use of cooperative and collaborative approaches. Thus, she
teaches students to live together and to learn interdependently.
III. During discussion, Sir Camanan isolates his learners’ ideas, feelings and
experiences based on the subject cognitive-objectives.
A. I and II C. III and I
B. II and III D. None of the above

4. Horne and Pine (1990) elaborated that it is necessary that teacher relates lessons to
the needs, interests, and problems of the learners. What principle of learning is being
emphasized in this situation?
A. Learning is an evolutionary process.
B. Learning is sometimes a painful process.
C. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas.
D. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual.
5. According to the objective-related principles of teaching, the lesson objectives must

be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented and Relevant and Time-
bound and Terminal. Which among the given choices violate the last “T” of the given

A. The first year-high school students are expected to write a book about
fictional stories.
B. The fourth year-college students are expected to have a thesis-proposal
C. The grade three learners are expected to write an essay about their favorite
D. None of the above
1. What is the first widely used children textbook with pictures wrote by John Amos
A. Aesop’s Fairytales
B. Book of Kells

C. Celtic Psalter
D. Orbis Pictus
2. Julio failed the reading test for the preschoolers. He was not able to read the letters from
A-Z after so many attempts even if he is enrolled in an intensive reading intervention
program. He was recommended to seek help from a developmental therapist. He was
diagnosed with a learning disability. What is the learning disability of Julio?
A. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
B. Autism Spectrum Disorder
C. Dyscalculia
D. Dyslexia
3. Jessel, Joshua and Jessie are playing with the blocks in the play area building together their
own castle and talking about fairytales. What type of play are they showing according to
Mildren Parten?
A. Associative Play B. Cooperative Play

C. Parallel Play D. Solitary Play

4. Mikaela played with the dolls alone in the imaginary corner. She dressed the dolls with
different costumes by herself. What type of play is the child exhibiting according to
A. Associative Play
B. Cooperative Play

C. Parallel Play
D. Solitary Play

5. Which of the following situations is an example of parallel play according to the work of
A. Jen and Carlos read books or build blocks next to each other with no interaction.
B. Juan stands near the sandbox, counting children and buckets.
C. Emily, Austin and Ashlyn invite others to join a game of hide-and-seek after
negotiating and sharing the game rules and goals.
D. Margo and Lynn share crayons at the art table and make their own pictures and
talk about them, or pretend to run a restaurant in the dramatic play area.
1. Which of the following is one of the unique characteristics of infant/toddler programs?
A. Creating unstable environment
B. Providing two-one physical care
C. Understanding the essence of cultural insensitivity
D. Using ordinary routines
2. Mary and Fred have one child and want to adopt a second. Since their first child's infancy
had been extremely difficult on Mary, she was excited at the possibility of adopting an
older child, perhaps a well-behaved, toilet-trained 3-year old, and skipping the infancy
period entirely. Fred, on the other hand, had serious misgivings not knowing about the
quality of care giving and relationships in this child's early life. In a 3-year old's case, he
felt that inadequate care and improper resolution of what Ericksonian stage could lead
to irreparable damage in later development?
A. autonomy versus shame and doubt
B. identity versus identity confusion
C. industry versus inferiority
D. trust versus mistrust
3. When Billy's mom made him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, she always folded the
sandwich bread corner-to-corner. When Billy became old enough to make his own

sandwiches, he always folded the bread corner-to-corner, too. Billy learned his sandwich-
making techniques through:

A. Classical conditioning
B. Modeling

C. Operant conditioning
D. Punishment

4. Which of the following refers to the deep bond and personal relationship that connects
infants to important people in their lives?
A. Attachment
B. Bonds

C. Connections
D. Imprint

5. Who is the Father of Kindergarten that is best known as the originator of the
kindergarten system?
A. Friedrich Froebel
B. John Dewey

C. Jon Amos Comenius

D. Margareth Schurz

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