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VOICE (Rs/min) (post

Pack name MRP Validity (Days) Free OG (local + call Outgoing Local (local + SMS (Rs/msg) Data (Rs/MB) Countries applicable
back to India) + Free SMS Free Data call back to India) +
Incoming Incoming
IR 295 295 28 da ys 40 mi ns 0 0 Rs . 10/mi n Rs . 15/s ms Rs . 10/mb 41 countri es
Gul f + Nepa l (total
150 mi ns 0 250 MB Rs . 10/mi n Rs . 15/s ms Rs . 10/mb
11 countri es )
IR 1495 1495 14 da ys
Others (total 30
300 mi ns 0 1 GB Rs . 10/mi n Rs . 15/s ms Rs . 10/mb
countri es )
Gul f + Nepa l (total
100 mi ns 0 100 MB Rs . 10/mi n Rs . 15/s ms Rs . 10/mb
11 countri es )
IR 995 995 7 da ys
Others (total 30
150 mi ns 0 500 MB Rs . 10/mi n Rs . 15/s ms Rs . 10/mb
countri es )
Other Outgoi ng Interna tiona l Ca l l s : Standa rd IR ra tes
Applicable Countries for Above Packs
11 Countries 30 Countries
Ba hra i n Ba ngl a des h Ca na da Congo, The Democra tic Republ i c
Kuwa i t Chi na Czech Republ i c Netherl a nds
Nepa l Ja pa n Fra nce New Zea l a nd
Oma n Ma l a ys i a Germa ny Portuga l
Qa tar Si nga pore Gha na Roma ni a
Sa udi Ara bi a Sri La nka Greece Spa i n
Uni ted Ara b Emi ra tes Tha i l a nd Hunga ry Ta nza ni a , Uni ted Republ i c Of
Indones i a Vi etna m Ital y Turkey
Rus s i a n Federa tion Aus tra l i a Kenya Uni ted Ki ngdom
Egypt Bel gi um Phi l i ppi nes Uni ted States
Afgha ni s tan

Validity (in Free Usage Countries Other Countries with Discounted Benefits
Days) Data Voice Data Voice
695 1 1 GB Outgoing Calls (Local + Calls to India) 300 MB 50
2695 4 4 GB FREE (Upto 120 mins per day) 1.2 GB 200
3495 7 7 GB Post 120 Free mins, Rs 1/min will be 2 GB 200
4695 10 10 GB charged on outoging calls for the rest of 3 GB 300
6995 28 15 GB the day 5 GB 500
*Post 120 Free mins, Rs 3/min will be charged on outoging calls for the rest of the day
*Post free quota, usage will be charged at Rs1/MB
Countries with FREE usage Countries with discounted benefits
USA Ireland Afghanistan Fiji
UAE Italy Argentina Finland
Malaysia Malta Australia Ghana
Singapore Netherlands Austria Hong Kong
Albania Portugal Bahrain Iceland
Czech Republic Romania Bangladesh Indonesia
Germany Spain Belgium Israel
Greece Turkey Cambodia Japan
Hungary United Kingdom Canada Kenya
Thailand New Zealand China Kuwait
France Mexico Colombia Macau
Brazil Vatican Croatia Mauritius
Dem. Republic of Congo Mozambique
Denmark Nepal
Egypt Norway

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