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Question 1a

What is a LAN?

LAN (Local Area Network) refers to the connection of computers within a relatively small
area such as a building, school room, to share resources and to communicate. A LAN is the
basic network and it is the basis of all other networks. That is, all MANs (Metropolitan Area
Network ) and WANs (Wide Area Network) are the connections of LANs in large
geographical areas. This is to say that without LANs, there would be no MANs and WANs.
And an individual can’t access a MAN OR WAN without being connected to LAN

Local Area Networks are privately owned i.e. that is type of network is not accessible to
everyone, every dick and harry. It is meant for those who installed it and it is maintained by
those who installed it, be it an organization or church.

LAN computers are mostly a few hundreds of feet or a mile apart. Although there are no
limit to the amount of computer that can be on a LAN, mostly LAN computers are between
2 and 25. However, due to the scalabilty of a network, more clients can be added unto this
network without problems.

Connection between Computers on a LAN are done though telephone lines, coaxial and
fibre optic cables.

Question 1b

What distinguishes LAN from other networks?

LANs (Local Area Network) are distinguished from other networks with its SIZE,

LANs are restricted by their size. This network is confined to a small area such as a room or a
departmental block at school whiles MANs and WANs spans over cities.

Most LANs have the computers connected to them through a single cable. Whatever
transmission technology is used by a LAN determines the speed at which it transmits.

Because Most LANs make use of the transmission technology of one cable, the bus topology
and the ring topology is mostly used by it. With the bus topology, each computer or client is
connected to a single cable which connects all of the computers. The Ring technology on the
other hand, has each computer connected to the two computers on either side of it. The
last computer is linked to the first to form a ring.

Question 1c

Differentiate between peer-to-peer network and server based network.

Peer- to-Peer and the server based network are types of LAN Networks but can stand on
their own and function as a network.

Peer - to - Peer network is a type of a network architecture which all nodes or clients are
connected directly to the network and to each other. This network can be used for offices,
homes, and other organizations with less than five computers. However, with peer-to peer
there is no centralized server, sometimes one of the clients is made to function as a server.
This network is relatively cheap and allows their client to share files, printer and internet
connection. On this network, every client is a network administrator. Every client works on
its own security and connect to each other through a switch (an intelligent hub).

Server-based network or the Client/server network is a network architecture in which all

nodes or clients are connected to a server via cables. The server ensures security of all
clients as it demands a password and username from any client trying to log into the
network. The server on this network stores file for sharing, controls access to the resources
on the network such as a printer and then it acts as a dictator on the network.
Question 1d

List the advantages of peer-to-peer network and server based network.

Despite the differences between these two networks each has its own advantages and
Here are the Advantages of Peer - to - Peer network

 This network is easy to install and configure. That is as far as one has two or three
computers connected to each other, one has a network.
 This network is inexpensive to install and manage.
 No dedicated server is needed in this type of network, although sometimes a client
computer is made to act as a server.
 No expert staff is needed to help run the network as in the case of a server-based
network. Users of peer – to - peer can manage the network easily.
 Works with at most ten computers. Less people on the networks, creates a sense of


 This network requires a password for all files and applications on a client computer as
there is no centralized security and each client has to ensure the security of all files and
applications in its care.
 Due to the absence of a centralized backup (server), every client computer has to back-
up every work done on it from time to time in case the computer crashes.
 This network cannot work with more than ten computers.

Server-based network

 There is no limit to the computers that can be on this network.

 This network provides a centralized back up for all files. All work done by client
computer can be saved on the server and can be accessed from any other client
computer logged onto the network.
 This network requires only a single password for log in as the server ensures all client
files are safe.

 With the server being the centralized point of this network, when it breaks down, the
network cannot be accessed.
 The Network Operating system of the server is very complex and I.T experts are needed
to manage it.

In conclusion, every Network has its advantages and disadvantages. An organization has to
find out what network would be suitable for the work to be done before installation.

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