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7 MOMENTS PAPER 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. A load is to be moved using a wheelbarrow. The total mass of the load and wheelbarrow is (60kg. The gravitational field strength is 10 N/kg. What is the size of force F needed just to lift the loaded wheelbarrow? ‘ond ; (N2004 Pi Q8) A 350N waht 7 B 430N sit ' © 600N ; D 840N : Te Ten >i soon oh te ) 2. The diagram shows a wheelbarrow and its load, which haye a total weight of 150°N, This is supported by a vertical force F at the ends of the handles. What is the value of F? (32005 P1 Q6) BN 150N 225N 300N paw 3. Attractor is being used on rough ground. ‘What is the safest position for its centre of mass? (N2005 PI Q8) 109 4 ‘A plane lamina is freely suspended from point P. ‘The weight of the lamina is 2.0 N and the centre of mass is at C. lamina The lamina is displaced to the position shown. What is the moment that will cause the lamina to swing? (N2005 P1.Q9) A. 0.60 Nm clockwise B 0.80 Nm anticlockwise C_L.0Nm clockwise D_ 1.0 Nm anticlockwise ) If a nut and bolt are difficult to undo, it may be easier to tur the nut by using a longer spanner. This is because the longer spanner gives (12006 P1 Q8) ‘A alarger tuming moment. B_ asmaller turning moment. C less friction D__ more friction. cy Forces are applied to a uniform beam pivoted at its centre, Which beam is balanced? (32007 P1 Q7) ‘ A * i ae TT eG J x BN 10N ( ) 10 7. The diagram shows a boy of weight 500 N siting on a see-saw. He sits 2.0m from the pivot What is the force F needed to balance the see-saw? N2007 P1 Q7) A 250N B 750N C1000 D 3000N ( ) 8. A flat lamina is freely suspended from point P. The weight of the lamina is 2.0 N and the centre of mass is at C. PC =0.50m ‘emina PQ=040m _ aC =0.30m ‘The lamina is displaced to the position shown, (32008 PI Q8) What is the moment that will cause the lamina to swing? A 0.60 Nm clockwise B_ 0,80 Nm anticlockwise C 1.0.Nm clockwise D__ 1.0 Nmanticlockwise Cc) 9. The diagram shows a uniform half-metre rule balanced at its mid-point. __(N2008 P! Q7) 180m ,|__200m rule “00N) ; weight — ¥t etal Block ‘What is the weight of the metal block? A SON BOISN © 100N D_ 1S0N (ee) WwW 10, Two blocks are placed on a beam which balances on a pivot at its centre. The weight of the beam is negligible beam All pivot Which diagram shows the forces acting on the beam? (The length of each arrow represents the size of a force.) (2009 P1 Q8) A 8 c D ©) 11. A wooden trapdoor is hinged along one side and, when closed, is supported on the other side by a ledge. (02010 P1.Q7) 15N 3— trapdoor mime} Ee weight When the trapdoor is closed, the ledge exerts an upward force of 15 N on the trapdoor. The gravitational field strength is 10N kg. What is the mass of the trapdoor? A 1Skg B 3.0kg C 30kg D 150kg, Co) 2 12. A uniform metre rule is balanced by a 4N weight as shown in the diagram. (N2010 PI Q12) What is the weight 1 of the metre rule? A IN BO4N c 16N D 40N «) 13. A uniform beam is balanced at its midpoint. An object is placed on the beam, as shown. 60N Which force will rebalance the beam? (32011 P1Q7) ‘A. 30N acting upwards, to the left of the midpoint B_ 30N acting upwards, to the right of the midpoint C_45N acting downwards, 45 cm to the right of the midpoint D_ 90N acting downwards, 20 cm to the left of the midpoint Co) |, The diagram shows a uniform balanced beam, pivoted about its centre. (82012 P1.Q7) 3N aN What is the value of force P? ASN BIN CON D BN Co) 13, 15. An object Y is in a fixed position on a rod. A weight X is moved and the position of a pivot is adjusted until the rod balances on the pivot, as shown. (N2012P1.Q7) y pivot x ‘The experiment is repeated in a region where the gravitational field strength is lower. What is done to keep the rod balanced? pivot X Al move left ‘no movement B| move right move left C| no movement move right D|__no movement no movement ( ) 16, Two stretched springs X and Y are attached to one end of a metre rule as shown. A weight W is hung from the other end. A pivot is at the centre of the rule. (X2013 PI Q7) fixed tovceling metre rule zx | sea Y w é fixed to floor —— ‘The weight W is moved towards the pivot How does the extension of each spring. change? spring X spring ¥ ‘A decreases decreases B| decreases increases C| increases decreases D| increases increases co) 14 17. A beam of length 40 cm is pivoted at one end. (92014 P1 Q9) ‘The weight of the beam is 4.0N and acts at a point 20cm from the pivot. A 2.0N weight hangs 10 cm from the pivot. 20N — 4.0N ‘An upward force U is needed to keep the beam horizontal. What is the size of U? A OSN B ISN Cc 25N D 60N C) Ws PAPER 2 SECTIONA Answer the following questions. 1 (@)_ Fig. 6.1 shows the same vertical force of 200 N exerted by a cyclist on the pedal of a bicycle in three different positions A, B and C. PR ie c Fig. 6.1 State the position, A, B or C, in which the force exerts the largest moment about the pivot. Give a reason for your answer. (6) Fig, 6.2 shows a support for a leg in plaster and Fig. 6.3 shows a simplified diagram of the forces acting on the leg. centr gavty bene vent cewectomiy int wr wen | aon y 20N Fig. 62 Fig. 63 Calculate the force F needed to keep the leg in a horizontal position. (2003 P2 Q2) 16 2. Fig. 2.1 shows a device for punching holes in a piece of paper. A person applies a force F at the end of the arm, Just before the hole is made in the paper, the arm is at ret. 1.0¢m_ 8.0cm_ od pivet steel rod paper ‘metal base Fig. 2.1 (@) Just before the hole is made, the force upwards on the steel rod is 7.2 N. Calculate the value of F, Use thé distances marked on Fig. 2.1 2] (0) The steel rod pushes the paper into the hole in the metal base with a force of 7.2 N. ‘The end of the steel rod has an area of 2.8 * 10-'n". Calculate the pressure exerted on the paper. State the formula that you use in your calculation, pressure = Ql (©) The force downwards on the paper due'to the rod and the force upwards on the rod due to the paper are related by Newton’s third law. State Newton’s third law. 1] (22008 P2.Q2) W7 3. Fig. 2.1 shows a wooden walking-stick that has a metal head and a rubber foot. It balances on a pencil placed 0.50 m from its rubber foot metal head pen Fig. 21 (@ ‘State the distance between the centre of mass of the walking-stick and the end of the rubber foot. rubber foot distance = [1] (®) The pencil is moved along the walking-stick towards its rubber foot. State and explain the ‘motion of the walking-stick. : 3] (N2008 Pi Q2) 4. Fig. 7.1 shows a rectangular concrete slab of weight 18 000 N. It rests on a brick wall and is, the roof of a bus shelter. The concrete slab is 3.0 m wide. WN cables TN SAY SS SS SEES SN iA | Bega IA gage N SOs The wall is 2.5 m from the front of the concrete slab and 0.50 m from the back. The cables behind the shelter pull downwards and stop the slab toppling forwards. 118 (@) The concrete slab is of uniform thickness and density. Determine the perpendicular dis- tance between the wall and the centre of mass of the slab. IStAMCE = os rnniernenonennnenennee[L] ©) (State the principle of moments. {2} i) Calculate the total downward force exerted by the cables on the slab. force 2) (N2009 P2. Q7) 5. Fig. 3.1 shows a firefighter of total weight 840 N in equilibrium at the top of a ladder that is pivoted at point P Fig. 3.1 ne The ladder leans towards a buming building at an angle such that the centre of gravity C of the firefighter is 12m above and 5.0m to the right of P. The firefighter holds a hose that directs a high-speed jet of water horizontally into a burning building @) @ Calculate the moment M of the firefighter’s weight about P. moment =. el ‘The jet of water causes a horizontal force R on the firefighter that acts towards the left, through C. This opposes the tuning effect of his weight. Calculate the size of R that, on its own, ensures that M is exactly cancelled. FOTO = reson (ii) Suggest a third force that has a tuming effect about P on the ladder. ‘The jacket of his protection suit has a shiny, silver-coloured outer surface. Undemeath it he wears a loosely-woven mesh T:shirt (string vest). Explain how wearing the shiny jacket and the mesh T-shirt helps to keep the firefighter cool when he is close to a source of intense heat. sencnnson 4] (N2010 P2.Q3) 120 6. A builder needs to determine the density of a solid cube of wood, He places the 50 cm mark of @ uniform metre rule on a pivot, so that the rule balances. He then places the cube on the rule with its centre of gravity directly above the 75 em mark. A mass of 0.050 kg is moved along the rule until balance is restored. This is shown in Fig.1.) Qcem 10cm 50cm 75cm 100em q } 0.050kg pivot it mass Fig. 1.1 (not to scale) Cube ‘The rule is balanced when the 0.050 kg mass is at the 10cm mark (@) Calculate the mass of the cube. () The cube has a volume of 1.6 10m’. Determine the density of the wood. (N2011 P2QI) 7. (@) Describe an experiment to verify the principle of moments. You may include a diagram in your answer. ~ i] 1.1 shows a spanner tightening a nut. 015m BON Fig. 11 A force of 8.0N is applied to the spanner at a perpendicular distance of 0.15 m from the centre of the nut, Calculate the moment of the force acting on the nut moment= (2) €N2012 P2 QI) 121 & (a) Explain what is meant by the moment of a force. 2) (©) Fig. 2.1 shows a system for raising a heavy piece of metal into a vertical position. ‘20m: Fig. 2.1 (not to scale) ‘Aman pulls on the rope with a horizontal force 7. The piece of metal has a weight of 2000 N and is freely pivoted at A. The system is in equilibrium. ‘moments about A, calculate 7. T: 2] (li) The force T and the force that the rope exerts on the man are related by Newton's third law. State the relationship between these forces. Qj (22013 P2.Q2) 9. In hospitals, doctors and nurses operate taps with their elbows in order to avoid contami- nation, Fig. 2.1 shows a hospital tap with a long handle. 1m Cs Fig. 2.1 122.

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