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IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

Transport in Plants

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

1 Cobalt chloride paper is blue when dry but turns pink when wet. Some blue cobalt chloride paper
was fastened to the upper and lower surfaces of a leaf on a plant X and a leaf on plant Y.
The diagram shows the results of the experiment.
Through which leaf surface was water lost most quickly?

A plant X, upper surface 12

B plant X, lower surface

C plant Y, upper surface
D plant Y, lower surface time taken for
cobalt chloride
paper to turn
pink / minutes

upper lower upper lower
surface surface surface surface

plant X plant Y

2 The diagrams show stages in the passage of water through a plant.

The circles are the starting points for arrows to show the direction in which the water moves.
Which circle must have an arrow pointing downwards only?

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

3 Translocation occurs in phloem tubes. Aphids feed on the contents of phloem tubes.

What type of food would be lacking in their diet?

A amino acid
B fat
C sucrose
D water

4 The diagram shows a plant.


What is the pathway taken by most of the water absorbed by this plant?


5 On a dry, sunny day, how does water vapour move through the stomata of a leaf?

A into the leaf by diffusion

B into the leaf by osmosis
C out of the leaf by diffusion
D out of the leaf by osmosis

6 Which is a description of translocation?

A movement of amino acids and sucrose from sink to source

B movement of amino acids and sucrose from source to sink
C movement of water down a water potential gradient
D movement of water up a water potential gradient

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

7 What is a description of transpiration?

A exchange of gases between the leaf and the atmosphere

B loss of water vapour from the leaves and stems of a plant
C movement of water from the roots to the leaves
D movement of water through the cells of the leaf

8 In which order does water pass through these structures in a plant?

A mesophyll → root hair → xylem C root hair → mesophyll → xylem

B mesophyll → xylem → root hair D root hair → xylem → mesophyll

9 Which pair of substances is transported in the phloem?

A amino acids and protein C protein and starch

B amino acids and sucrose D starch and sucrose

10 In what form does a plant absorb and lose water?

absorbs loses

A liquid liquid
B liquid vapour
C vapour liquid
D vapour vapour

11 The graph shows how the rate of transpiration is affected by X.

What is X?

A humidity
rate of
B light intensity transpiration
C soil moisture
D temperature

12 What could increase the rate of water uptake by a shoot?

A covering the shoot with a black plastic bag

B covering the shoot with a clear plastic bag
C removing the leaves from the shoot
D shining a bright light onto the shoot

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

13 The diagram shows a plant shoot and the same shoot six hours later.

plant shoot same shoot six hours later

Which change in environmental conditions could cause this change in the appearance of the

A a decrease in available water C a decrease in wind speed

B a decrease in light intensity D an increase in humidity

14 The diagram shows a cross-section through a plant stem.

Q shows the part that is stained red when the stem is placed in water containing a red dye.

What is found at Q?

A guard cells C phloem

B palisade cells D xylem

15 The diagram shows how water is lost from a leaf.

water vapour

By which process is the water lost?

A osmosis B photosynthesis C translocation D transpiration

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

16 The table shows the rate of water flow through a tree over a 12 hour period.

rate of flow /
time of day
cm per hour

17:00 100
19:00 120
11:00 140
13:00 250
15:00 300
17:00 260
19:00 180

What conclusion can be drawn from the table?

A Between 7:00 and 17:00 hours the rate of flow continuously increases.
B The greatest increase in rate of flow in a two-hour period is between 11:00 and 13:00 hours.
C Water does not flow up through a tree at night.
D Water flow is affected by humidity.

17 Which words correctly complete the following sentence?

‘Transpiration is the ……1…… of water at the surface of the ……2…… cells followed by the
……3…… of water vapour from the plant ……4…… .’

1 2 3 4

A active uptake xylem gain stem

B diffusion guard gain root
C evaporation mesophyll loss leaves
D osmosis cuticle loss flower

18 In which order does water pass through these tissues in a plant?

A mesophyll → xylem → root cortex C root cortex → xylem → mesophyll

B root cortex → mesophyll → xylem D xylem → mesophyll → root cortex

19 What is transported in the phloem and what is the direction of transport?

A starch, up and down C sucrose, down and up

B starch, up only D sucrose, down only

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

20 The diagram shows two shoots at the start of an experiment on transpiration.

shoot X shoot Y

spring balance

30 g 30 g



What are the likely readings on the spring balances after three days?

shoot X shoot Y

A 30 g 30 g
B 30 g 25 g
C 25 g 30 g
D 25 g 25 g

21 Which statements about plant transpiration are correct?

plants transpire most when plants transpire least when

A air is dry temperature is high

B light intensity is high air is humid
C light intensity is low temperature is low
D temperature is cold light intensity is high

22 What is not a use of water by plants?

A acting as a solvent C dissolving cellulose cell walls

B cooling the plant D raw material in photosynthesis

23 What is carried by the xylem?

A chlorophyll B mineral ions C starch D sugars

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

24 The diagram shows a section through a root.


What are the levels of organisation of the labelled structures?

cell organ tissue


25 A decrease in which factor normally causes transpiration rate to increase?

A humidity B light intensity C stomatal opening D temperature

26 What is the path of water through a plant?

A cortex cells → xylem → stomata → roots

B root hair → xylem → mesophyll cells → stomata

C roots → cortex cells → stomata → phloem

D roots → root hair → stomata → xylem

27 The diagram shows a cross-section through a plant root.

Q shows the part that is stained red when the root is placed in water containing a red dye.

What is found at Q?

A guard cells C phloem Q

B palisade cells D xylem

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

28 The diagram shows part of the trunk of a small tree with a ring of bark removed. Removing the
ring of bark takes away phloem but leaves the xylem intact.


ring of bark xylem

removed here


What effect will removing the bark have on the two branches?

lower branch upper branch

growth leaves growth leaves

A normal normal normal wilted

B normal wilted normal normal
C reduced normal normal normal
D reduced wilted reduced wilted

29 The diagram shows the pathway of water from the soil through a plant.

soil → X → Y → Z → mesophyll cells

Which cells are represented by X, Y and Z?


A root hair cells root cortex cells xylem

B root hair cells xylem root cortex cells
C xylem root cortex cells root hair cells
D xylem root hair cells root cortex cells

30 What will not affect the rate of transpiration?

A humidity of the atmosphere C rate of respiration

B number of open stomata D temperature

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

31 What is a function of phloem?

A translocation
B transpiration
C storage of food
D support

32 Some liquid is collected from the xylem in the stem of a plant.

What is present in the liquid?

A cellulose
B inorganic ions
C starch
D sugar

33 From which part of a leaf does most water evaporate during transpiration?

A the cuticle
B the guard cells
C the spongy mesophyll cells
D the xylem vessels

34 In which order does water pass through the cells of a plant, as the water travels from the roots to
a leaf?

A mesophyll cells → root hair → root cortex → xylem

B root cortex → root hair → xylem → mesophyll cells

C root hair → mesophyll cells → root cortex → xylem

D root hair → root cortex → xylem → mesophyll cells

35 Which substances are transported in the phloem?

A amino acids and starch

B amino acids and sucrose
C protein and starch
D starch and sucrose

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

36 A celery stalk is placed in a beaker of blue dye. Once the dye reaches the leaves, the stalk is
taken out and cut in half.

celery stalk


blue dye

Which diagram shows the appearance of the cut end of the stalk?

blue dye blue dye blue dye

37 The lower end of a plant stem is placed in water coloured with red dye. After three hours, the
stem is cut as shown in the diagram.

Which labelled region is stained red? B

38 By which process is water lost from a leaf?

A active transport C osmosis
B diffusion D photosynthesis

39 Which process is used to transport sucrose from the leaves of a plant to its flowers?

A diffusion C translocation
B osmosis D transpiration

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

40 Which process is an example of translocation?

A absorption of water by the roots and its movement through the xylem to the leaves
B loss of water from the leaves as it evaporates into the air
C movement of sucrose from the leaves through phloem to other parts of the plant
D the process by which plants use the food produced by photosynthesis to obtain energy

41 The diagrams show cross-sections through a root and a stem.


root stem

Which labels are correct?


A phloem xylem xylem phloem

B phloem xylem phloem xylem
C xylem phloem xylem phloem
D xylem phloem phloem xylem

42 Which processes are used by root hairs to take up ions and water?

ion uptake water uptake

A active transport osmosis

B diffusion active transport
C osmosis diffusion
D osmosis osmosis

43 Which of the following increases transpiration?

A air around the leaf with high humidity

B air molecules around the leaf with less kinetic energy
C an absence of light falling on the leaf
D water molecules in the leaf with more kinetic energy

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

44 Which graph shows most clearly what will happen to the rate of transpiration as humidity

rate of rate of
transpiration transpiration

humidity humidity


rate of rate of
transpiration transpiration

humidity humidity

45 The diagram shows a potted plant and the same plant 24 hours later.

24 hours

What causes the change in the appearance of the plant?

A Water loss is greater than water uptake. C Water uptake is equal to water loss.
B Water moves from the leaves to the stem. D Water uptake is greater than water loss.

46 The diagram shows a leaf attached to the stem of a plant. sunlight

What do the arrows at X represent?

A movement of amino acids in phloem

B movement of carbon dioxide in phloem
C movement of mineral ions in xylem
D movement of sucrose in xylem X
IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

47 The diagram shows the stem of a plant. A strip of the outer tissue including the phloem has been

How is transport in the plant affected?

A Amino acids and sugar cannot pass to the roots.

B Dissolved salts cannot pass to the leaves.
C Water cannot pass to the leaves. phloem
D Water cannot pass to the roots.

48 The diagrams show stages in the passage of water through a plant.

Which arrow shows water moving in the form of water vapour?

49 Which substance is moved by translocation in a flowering plant?

A amino acid B cellulose C fat D starch

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

50 A plant shoot is placed in a solution of a dye.

The dye moves up the stem.
Under which conditions will the dye move slowest?

temperature humidity

A high high
B high low
C low high
D low low

51 Which changes in atmospheric conditions can cause a plant to wilt?

humidity temperature

A decrease decrease
B decrease increase
C increase decrease
D increase increase

52 The graph shows daily carbon dioxide uptake and transpiration by the plant Agave americana.
The plant is adapted to live in very dry conditions.

10 0.6
CO2 uptake
0.4 transpiration
CO2 uptake 6
/ g H 2O
/ mg per dm2
transpiration per dm2
per hour 4
0.2 per hour

0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
time of day / hours

What can be concluded from this graph?

A More stomata are closed during dark periods.

B More stomata are closed during light periods.
C There is no carbon dioxide uptake during dark periods.
D There is no water uptake during light periods.

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

53 The diagram shows a cross-section of a plant stem.

What is the function of the tissue labelled V? V

A transporting dissolved nutrients and mineral ions

B transporting dissolved nutrients only
C transporting water and mineral ions
D transporting water only

54 Which process occurs during transpiration?

A evaporation of water from the xylem

B loss of water by osmosis from the guard cells
C movement of water vapour through the spongy mesophyll by active transport
D movement of water vapour through the stomata by diffusion

55 The diagrams show an experiment on transpiration.

Four leaves of the same species are balanced on two drinking straws. One or both sides of the
leaves are covered in grease. Any difference in mass causes the heavier end to be lower.

leaf 1 leaf 2
no covering both surfaces


leaf 3 drinking leaf 4

paper clip
upper surface straw lower surface
covered covered

At the start of the experiment the straws were positioned so that the leaves were level.

Which leaves will be lower after an hour?

A 1 and 3 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 2 and 4

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

56 What is the function of translocation?

A to move leaves towards the light for photosynthesis

B to move water into leaves for photosynthesis
C to transport amino acids for the growth of new leaves
D to transport starch to all parts of a plant

57 During growth, potato plants produce flowers and underground storage organs called tubers.
During this time, which parts of the plant act as sources and sinks for translocation?

flowers leaves potato tubers

A sink sink source

B sink source sink
C source sink source
D source source sink

58 The diagram shows part of a section through a plant stem.

Which tissue transports water from the roots to the leaves?

59 Petroleum jelly is waterproof and transparent.

Covering the underside of the leaves of a plant with a thin layer of petroleum jelly will slow down
the rate of water loss from the plant.

Which statement explains this?

A Plants absorb nutrients from the petroleum jelly. C Stomata are blocked by the petroleum jelly.
B Plants absorb water from the petroleum jelly. D The petroleum jelly stops photosynthesis.

IGCSE Biology Topical MCQs Topic 8: Transport in Plants

60 A celery stalk was placed in a beaker which contained a red stain. After 24 hours, the red stain
appeared at the top of the celery stalk.

Which structures stained red?

A cortex cells
B mesophyll cells
C phloem
D xylem

61 A student is investigating the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration.

Which environmental conditions should be kept constant during this investigation?

humidity light intensity temperature wind speed



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