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Organization of the Human Body

Learning about the body is exciting, but it can get harder to maintain our interest when we are faced with
all the new terminology of anatomy and physiology. The human body, of course, has many protrusions
and bends. Thus, To prevent misunderstanding, anatomists use a set of terms that allow body structures
to be located and identified clearly with just a few words. At the beginning of this module, you will learn
how anatomical “maps” and models are read. You will also become familiar with the major body systems
and some of the major organs so that you will be more comfortable with the “lay of the land” in the human

Learning Objectives

When you finish this module, you should be able to

1. Use anatomical terms correctly
2. Appreciate the nature of the anatomical section
3. Understand the basic plan of the human body
4. Identify the major body cavities
5. List the significant systems of the body, their principal organs, and their primary functions.


Body planes are hypothetical geometric planes used to divide the body into sections. They are commonly
used in both human and zoological anatomy to describe the location or direction of bodily structures. ...
The transverse plane (axial or X-Z plane) divides the body into superior and inferior (head and tail)

Three anatomical planes used to describe sections of the body

1. Sagittal Plane - or longitudinal plane, is an anatomical plane which divides the body into right
and left parts. The plane may be in the center of the body and split it into two halves or away
from the midline and split it into unequal parts.

2. Frontal also called coronal plane divides the body into front and back portions
3. The horizontal Plane also called a transverse plane; the horizontal plane divides the body into
top and bottom portions.

Directional terms allow medical personnel and anatomists to explain precisely where one body
structure is about another. For example, we can describe the relationship between the ears and
the nose informally by saying, “The ears are located on each side of the head to the right and
left of the nose.” In anatomical terminology, “The ears are lateral to the nose.”
Using anatomical terminology saves words and, once learned, is much more precise.
Give the relationship between the following body parts using
the correct anatomical terms.
The wrist is _____________ to the hand.
The breastbone is _____________ to the spine.
The brain is _____________ to the spinal cord.
The thumb is _____________ to the fingers.


The inside of the human body contains the viscera or internal organs. The viscera are found in any
of the numbers of cavities (spaces) within the organization.

Cranial cavity – within the skull (organ: brain)

Spinal cavity – within the vertebral column (organ: spinal cord
Thoracic cavity (within the rib cage)
Pleural cavities – left 1/3 and right 1/3 of the thoracic cavity. Organ: lung
Mediastinum – middle 1/3 of the thorax
Organs: heart, trachea, esophagus
Abdominopelvic cavity – from the diaphragm to the bottom of the trunk
Abdominal cavity – from the diaphragm to the rim of the pelvic bones
Organs: stomach, liver, most of the intestines, pancreas, spleen, kidneys
Pelvic cavity – from the pelvis rim to the floor of the trunk
Organs: portions of the intestines, ovaries, uterus, urinary bladder
Abdominopelvic Regions
The abdominopelvic cavity consists of the following
1. Right hypochondriac region – top right region
2. Epigastric region – top middle region (near the stomach
3. Left hypochondriac region – top-left region
4. Right lumbar region – right middle region
5. Umbilical region – central region (umbilical refers to the umbilicus or navel)
6. Left lumbar region – left the middle region
7. Right iliac region – lower right area (iliac refers to the ileum, the bowl-like part of
the hip bone)
8. Hypogastric region – lower-middle area (hypogastric means below the stomach)
9. Left iliac region - lower left region


There are hundreds of terms that describe specific locations on the surface of the human body.
These names are useful for identifying not only surface features but also underlying muscles,
bones, nerves, and blood vessels.

The following are the surface regions on the anterior aspect of the body:

1. Abdominal – area overlying the abdominal cavity

2. Axillary – armpit 7. Femoral – upper leg (thigh)
3. Brachial – upper arm 8. Orbital (eye)
4. Buccal – cheek (side of mouth) 9. Patellar - – anterior knee joint
5. Cervical - neck
6. Antebrachial – lower arm
Below are the surface regions on the posterior aspect of the body

1. Calf – posterior lower leg

2. Cervical - neck
3. Gluteal - buttocks
4. Lumbar – lower back
5. Occipital – posterior of the head
6. Popliteal – posterior knee joint
7. Scapular – shoulder blade
8. Thoracic – upper back


The human organism is composed of organ groups called systems. The organs of a system
work together in an organized manner to accomplish the functions of the system

Activity 6
Organization of the Human Body
Name: ________________ Date: ___________
Section:_______________ Score:__________

I. Using the knowledge learned in this module, label the following diagrams
A. Planes and Directions


B. Body Cavities


C. Nine regions of the Abdominopelvic Cavity

D. Label the illustration below using the Regional Anatomical terms discussed in this

E. Body Systems
Identify the correct body system shown below

F. Fill-in. Provide the correct anatomical term.

1. The head is ____ to the feet.
2. The liver is part of the ____ system.
3. Leg amputation is likely to involve a ____ cut or section through bone.
4. My lower back or _____ is sore.
5. The first finger is ____ to the hand no matter what position it is in.
6. The popliteal vein is found in the ____.
7. The heart is ____ to the right lung.
8. The shoulder is _____ to the elbow no matter how one’s arm is held.
9. The skin is ______ relative to the skeleton
10. Adipose tissue is often just _____ to the skin.
11. An Occipital scar is on the back of the ______
12. The thoracic wall is lined with the _____layer of the double-layered pleural

Sketch the anterior and posterior position of the human body.

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