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Làm bài tập này chia thành 2 phần

Phần 1: Đắt QnA cho màn hình này

Phần 2: Thiết kế Test case để kiểm tra định dạng dữ liệu của các field trên màn hình này, dựa trên những giả định củ

Screen name: Ticket Booking Góc Hiển thị tên phim và ảnh đại diện

Giới tính* Drop downlist: Nam/ Nữ

Tuổi* Input: 1-100, integer

Ngày xem* Input hoặc pick up ( chọn từ 1 calendar)

Xuất chiếu* Drop downlist: 10AM-12PM, 12PM-14PM,......22PM-24PM

22PM-24PM gọi là xuất chiếu muộn)
Số lượng* Input: 1-100, integer

Hiển thị thông tin:

Giá vé: 70.000 đ
Trạng thái ( còn trống/ đã hết chỗ)

Button: Summit Button: Clear Button: Cancel

dựa trên những giả định của bạn, chỗ nào còn QnA chưa rõ ràng thì đánh dấu mã ID của QnA.
# Item/ Field/Screen Question Author

Can the fields accept pasted data from

another source? (e.g. Word, Notepad, etc....)

What happens when all fields are left empty,

what kind of error would show up? (e.g. Red
highlight, error dialogue, auto cursor focus on
1 Common empty field, etc...) Ha Hoai

Can the fields accept formatted data from

another source? (italic, bold, colored text,

Can customer name include special

characters? (e.g. @!#$%^&*()_+=-{}

Can customer name contain space between

characters? (Pham Minh)

Can customer name include number?

2 Gender Ha Hoai

Can customer name accept non-Roman

characters? (Chinese, Arabic, Greek, etc...)

Is the field case sensitive? (Differentiate

between Hold, hold and HOLD)

What happens when customer name doesn't

exist in the system?

If account number's first character is a zero

(e.g. 065365) what kind of error would show
up? (Red highlight, errror dialogue, etc....)

What happens when account number

exceeds six digits (e.g. 1234567) (Hard limit
on digits input, red highlight, error message,
3 Age Ha Hoai

What happens when customer input non-digit

characters (a-z, !~@#$, etc...) (e.g. Error box,
What happens when account number doesn't
exist in the system?

What happens when account number doesn't

match customer name?

Do customers have to input the £ symbol (e.g.


What happens when loan amount is under

£500 (Red highlight, errror dialogue, etc....)

What happens when loan amount is over


Does the field accept + - symbol (e.g. -500,

4 Date +9000, etc...). If it doesn't, what kind of error Ha Hoai
would be shown (Red highlight, errror
dialogue, etc....)

Can loan amount be in decimal (e.g. 510.9). If

it can't, what kind of error would be shown?

Does loan amount accept non-digit

characters? If not, what kind of error would be

What happens when term of loan is under 1

(Red highlight, errror dialogue, etc....)

What happens when term of loan is over 30

5 Showtime Can term of loan be in decimal point (1.6, Ha Hoai
20.25, etc...)
Does term of loan accept non-digit
characters? If not, what kind of error would be

Can monthly repayment be in decimal point

(10.6, 20.25, etc...)

Does monthly repayment accept non-digit

characters? If not, what kind of error would be

What happens when term of loan is under 10?

Do customers have to input the £ symbol (e.g.

6 Amount Le Minh
6 Amount Le Minh
Can monthly repayment exceed loan amount
requested (e.g. Loan is 5000, Monthly
Repayment is 6000)? If not, what kind of error
would be shown?

Can monthly repayment, when combined with

term of loan, be under loan amount (e.g. Loan
is 5000, term of loan is 1 year, monthly
payment is 200 for a total of 2400? If not,
what kind of error would show?


Interest Rate
Total Paid Back
Created Date

Sep. 8th, 2022

Encode? (
unicode, c

Sep. 8th, 2022

Sep. 8th, 2022

Sep. 8th, 2022

Sep. 8th, 2022

Sep. 8th, 2022

Sep. 8th, 2022
Field ID Description Test data

GD_01 Check if Gender can be left empty

GD_02 Check if Gender can be selected

Check the order of the values in the
GD_03 dropdown list same as the
requirement or not.
check if the dropdown values can
GD_04 be selected by clicking on the
alphabet from the keyboard.

AG_01 Check if Age can be left empty

Check if age can be entered into a

AG_02 -1
number under 1

Age Check if age can be entered into a

AG_03 101
number over 100

Check if Age can be contained

AG_04 hai, &
characters and special characters

Check if Age can be entered into a

AG_05 21
number 1 - 100

Date(input) DT_01 Check if Date can be left empty

Check password contains only

PW_02 hahoaiii
Check if password can contain
PW_03 hahoai56@
special characters: @,#,$,%,^,...
Check if password can contain
PW_04 ha hoai56
Check if password can copy and
Check if input value is encoded as
Check if password can be left

Check if password can contain

Date(picker) PW_08 hahoai
fewer than 8 characters

PW_09 Check password with bar sign Hàhoai56

Check if password has 101


check if password and confirm

password don't match

Showtime ST_01 Check if Gender can be left empty

ST_02 Check if Showtime can be selected

Check the order of the values in the

ST_03 dropdown list same as the
requirement or not.
check if the dropdown values can
ST_04 be selected by clicking on the
alphabet from the keyboard.

AM_01 Check if Amount can be left empty


Check if Amount can be entered

ST_02 -1
into a number under 1

Check if Amount can be entered

ST_03 101
into a number over 100
Check if Amount can be contained
ST_04 hai, &
characters and special characters

Check if Amount can be entered

ST_05 2
into a number 1 - 100
Validity Expected result
An error dialogue
shows with a
message: "Please
select your gender"
valid No error shown

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

An error dialogue
shows with a
message: "Please
enter your age"
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number

valid No error shown

An error dialogue
shows with a
message: " Please
enter a valid date"

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

"Enter a password."
for Password,
"Confirm your
password" for
"Use 8 characters or
invalid more for your

"Only use letters,

numbers, and
common punctuation
"Use 100 characters
invalid or fewer for your

Those passwords
invalid didn’t match. Try
An error dialogue
shows with a
message: "Please
select showtime"

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

valid No error shown

An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number
An error dialogue
shows with a
invalid message: " Please
enter a valid number

valid No error shown

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