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College of Business Studies

“Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced by Young

Entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga”

A Research Submitted to the

College of Business Studies
Don Honorio Ventura State University

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for
Business Research I


Lingad, Eunice F.
Maitem, Lyka G.
Parungao, Olayza Ross R.
Rivera, Russel Q.
Sagum, Christine Mae D.
Sibug, Aizle Anne C.

Submitted to:
Dr. Rowina M. Twano

June, 2021

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Cover Page……………………………………………………………………………...1

Table of Contents……………………………………………………….………………2

Recommendation and Approval Sheet……………………………………………..….. 4

Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………………..….. 5

Abstract………………………..………………………………………………………. 6


Background of the Study…………………………………………………………........7

Review of Related Literature and Studies……………………………………………..7

Research Objectives…………………………………………………………..............19

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………..20

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………….21

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………….....21


Research Design……………………………………………………………………...23

Sampling Design ………………………………………………………………..…....25

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………….……………..……..27

Treatment of Data ……………………………………………………………………28

Ethical Considerations………………………………………………………….…… 28


Results and Discussions………………………………………………..……….……30

Emerging Framework……………………………………………………..………....43

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Summary..................................................................................................................... 46
Conclusions................................................................................................................ 46
Recommendations...................................................................................................... 48

References………………………….………………………………………..........…... 50


Appendix A………………………….………………………………………...……….55

Appendix B………………………….…………………………………………..……..57

Appendix C………………………….…………………………………………..……..60

Appendix D………………………….………………………………………...……….77

Appendix E………………………….………………………………………...………..89

Appendix F………………………….………………………………………...………..95

Appendix G………………………….………………………………………...………..105

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Commission on Higher Education

Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
major in Marketing, in this study entitled:
“Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced by Young

Entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga”

Has been prepared and submitted by:



Adviser, Business Research I

Panel of Examiners


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration major in Marketing.


Chairman, Marketing Dean, College of Business Studies

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The researchers would like to convey their deepest and heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Enrique

G. Baking Ed.D., the university president, who ensured the quality of education of Don Honorio

Ventura Technological State University, Main Campus.

Dr. Rowina M. Twano, thesis adviser, and to Mrs. Ma Antonette M. Guintu DBM, research

consultant for their invaluable assistance, recommendations, constructive criticism, and

unwavering support in the development of the concepts in this research study.

Ms. Mharree Joie Shynne P. Gomez MBA, Mrs. Florabel T. Tongol Ph.D., Ms. Kimberly

Anne S. Fajardo LPT English major, and Mr. Gabriel M. Aquino, a young entrepreneur who

validated our interview guide and imparted their knowledge and expertise on the skill of thesis

making, has been a huge help in completing the thesis successfully.

The young entrepreneurs from San Fernando, Pampanga, who eagerly participated in the

interview and shared their personal experiences, challenges, and perspectives on their businesses.

The panelist examiners, Dr. Yuri Walter Akiate Ph.D. and Mr. Raymond Timog MBA, for sharing

their knowledge and for all the ideas that contributed to the completion of this study. Family,

friends, and colleagues who socially, financially, emotionally, and mentally supported,

strengthened, and encouraged them in completing this thesis. Ultimately, to our Almighty God and

Great Creator, who lavishes wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and guidance in whatever they


The Researchers

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Micro-businesses became popular in the business industry, it is defined as an enterprise

that operates on a very small scale that employs few people. Many individuals whose ages are

ranging from twenty to thirty who engage and open their own micro-business are called “Young

Entrepreneurs”. The study focused on hearing and assessing the perspectives and challenges in

micro-business faced by young entrepreneurs, de-motivators they have faced during their first year

of operation and whether it is good to invest in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Researchers

used qualitative methods in the study, specifically phenomenological research. Purposive sampling

techniques were used in the selection of participants. Eight (8) individuals were interviewed online

using open-ended questions that were then tested and validated by two (2) business professors, one

(1) licensed professional teacher majoring in English, and one (1) young entrepreneur. The

transcribed data was analyzed by categorizing the statements of the problems using key-point

coding and deduction of concepts. Based on the information obtained from the participants, eight

(8) themes emerged after doing an in-depth analysis: Product Delivery; Satisfying Customers;

Time Management; Employee Satisfaction; Investments; Distributor; Personal Challenges;

Business Challenges; and Locational Opportunities. The study revealed that all the participants

experienced different challenges during their first year of operation. Time Management, product

delivery, employee satisfaction, distributors, and investment, are the additional variables that have

truly tested their talents and competencies as young entrepreneurs. In terms of the de-motivators

in operating their micro-enterprise, it's not only about the business challenges, but also about

personal challenges. Majority of the participants believe that the City of San Fernando is an

excellent area to invest in.

Keywords: Challenges, Perspectives, Young Entrepreneurs, Micro-business

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In these trying times, the unpreparedness of all forms of life in the unforeseen arrival of

COVID-19 have tested the character of people specifically in the field of Education, Commerce,

and Industry. In line with this, various modification in the personality of a person are massively

affected specifically their mental and social aspects of life. Depressingly, at the height of this

pandemic, lots of unfavorable interventions came along in this unforeseen pandemic and that truly

highlights the presence of stresses, anxieties and even depressions. Above all this, the world of

business was one of the major area, specifically here in the Philippines that was massively affected

by the pandemic. To mentioned, the challenges that the experienced and seasoned entrepreneurs

have faced in the entirety of their careers in business world prior to the existence of the virus are

details to note for, of course even to the starting and so called “young entrepreneurs” had it in a

much higher notch of challenge to handle.

In the business sector, entrepreneurship is a broad notion that encompasses the majority of

things. Changing the world by resolving huge challenges that make our lives easier is one of the

most important aspects of entrepreneurship. It is a "collection of opportunities that individuals

grab," according to authors such as Shane and Venkataraman (2000). The Global Entrepreneurship

Monitor (GEM), according to SITOULA (2015), defines entrepreneurship as "any attempt by an

individual, a group of individuals, or a well-established corporation to begin a new business or

project, such as self-employment, forming a new business organization, or expanding an existing

enterprise" (Kelley, Singer et al. 2012). It is significant because it has the ability to enhance living

standards and generate money for both entrepreneurs and linked firms, both of which are

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important. It also aids in the acceleration of change through innovation, allowing new and

improved products to open up new markets. Because of their people's entrepreneurial spirit and

initiative, developed countries such as the United States, England, Germany, Japan, and France

have frequently been highlighted as examples of expanding economies. The ability of an individual

to transform ideas into action is referred to as entrepreneurship. It encompasses creativity,

invention, and taking calculated risks, as well as the capacity to organize and manage projects in

order to achieve objectives. All of us benefit from this in our daily lives at home and in society; it

makes employees more conscious of their work and better equipped to exploit chances, as well as

laying the groundwork for entrepreneurs who want to start a social or commercial activity. The

above description encompasses a broader variety of goals, individual involvement, and

entrepreneurial organizations in general, as well as their various forms.

In this sense, entrepreneurship comprises not only profit-making institutions, but also

social institutions that support people's lives and the well-being of society as a whole. Thus,

entrepreneurship does not only involve an individual who intends to start a firm but also employees

who have the ability to explore and use possibilities to improve their work and their working

conditions. In entrepreneurship, the role of society and other entities is a significant driver

(Velasco, 2013). Entrepreneurship is a mix of two crucial factors: the environment's opportunities

and the individual's innovative drive to take advantage of them (Shane & Ventakaraman, 2000).

"Entrepreneurship" is described as "the job of identifying investment and production possibilities,

as well as structuring a business." to embark on a new manufacturing process, raising cash,

employing personnel, arranging for raw material supply, locating a site, and merging these

production aspects into a going business, introducing new techniques, and appointing top

management for day-to-day operation,"according to (KC 2004). Entrepreneurship is the discovery,

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appraisal, and exploitation of chances to launch new items. According to (Venkataraman 1997), it

comprises the establishment of new businesses that supply goods and services to people, as well

as the development of jobs, because it entails the establishment of new businesses that supply

goods and services to people.According to Nieuwenhuizen (2009), an entrepreneur is someone

who identifies a market opportunity and accumulates the resources needed to develop and expand

a firm to answer social demands or address societal issues. Entrepreneurs face all of the risks of

beginning and running firms, and they reap all of the profits if they succeed. There is no universal

agreement on what constitutes entrepreneurship. Enormous number of definitions has been

provided by the researchers in the recent academic studies on the field of entrepreneurship. Despite

the fact that experts have been debating the definition of entrepreneurship for years, there is still a

lack of agreement on its specific meaning. A barrier for research in the sector has been the lack of

a common definition of the term entrepreneurship (P.J. Peverelli and J. Song 2012; Alan Gutermen

2012; Nadim A. & Richard G. 2008).

Markedly, Entrepreneurship education is essential for the successful running of the small

and the medium business enterprises (Fayolle & Gailly, 2015). Education on entrepreneurship

prepares the entrepreneurs for the management, financing and the marketing elements, which are

significant in the running of the business operations. Adequate business education promotes

individuals in developing successful business enterprises through enhancing entrepreneurial

thinking, which is essential for a robust economy and sustainable development (Fayolle & Gailly,

2015). Challenges are inevitable when running a business; therefore, education of the

entrepreneurs becomes a tool, which can alter these challenges into opportunities, thereby

promoting the growth of their ventures. (Katrodia and Sibanda, 2018). Entrepreneurs’ education

helps overcome some of the challenges, which affect the entrepreneurs. There is a link between

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entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial goals, according to Bae (2014). The human capital

and self-efficacy theories support this ideology. The human capital theory is the greatest

determinant for the development of the small and the medium enterprises. The skills

and knowledge of the human capital is based on schooling, frequent training and experience.

Entrepreneurship education promotes entrepreneurial self-efficacy, which is a catalyst for

entrepreneurial intentions (Katrodia and Sibanda, 2018). Education provides the entrepreneurs

with the required knowledge on how to run their ventures. Educated entrepreneurs address the

problems in critical and creative ways compared to those entrepreneurs with limited education

(Nabi, 2017). Education is essential in analysing the competitors, advertising, keeping up with

current trends and the target market. Skills alone might limit the entrepreneurs, as the other aspects

require an in-depth understanding of the successful running of business ventures. Education

promotes entrepreneurs in doing research about the other ventures to identify their strengths and

weaknesses. (Katrodia and Sibanda, 2018). To eliminate problems of young entrepreneurs and to

prosper young entrepreneurship among society, education is very significant. Entrepreneurial

skills such as creativity, innovation, risk-taking and ability to understand good role models and

entrepreneurial knowledge in terms of, fundamentals of business practices, financial literacy and

opportunities can be increased by education Fatoki & Chindoga, (2011). Young entrepreneurs in

Nepal feel that entrepreneurship education and training significantly improve business success

rates Sitoula (2015). The attitude of young Polish entrepreneurs to entrepreneurship education is a

response to different obstacles such as learning capital possibilities, administrative processes,

taxation, rules, business relationships, and dealing with a fear of failure. Mr. Jakubczak

(2015).Promoting entrepreneurship is a critical component of ensuring national and regional

economic development. Young people's entrepreneurship has the potential to directly excite them

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while also having a good impact on the generations and communities in which they work.

Successful young entrepreneurs are adept at spotting those components that carry ideas that will

contribute to the company's success and have the capacity to conquer business areas that other

entrepreneurs have overlooked or observed with disbelief. Mariana DOGA-MÎRZAC, (2017)

Promoting entrepreneurship is an important component of ensuring economic growth at both the

national and regional levels. Encouragement of entrepreneurship among young people may

directly excite them and have a good impact on the generations they belong to and the communities

in which they operate. "As long as young people have entrepreneurial education, they will be able

to maximize their potential at work, because expanding financial literacy and entrepreneurship

allows them to focus better on organizational needs, understand the need for initiative and creative

problem solving, as well as the need for teamwork and collaboration." [Csiminga D., 2013, p. .8]

Indeed, being an entrepreneur is never too late. Baker (2008) examines the current dilemma

of youth unemployment and the role of youth entrepreneurs in addressing these issues in his article.

In the study of (Situola, 2015) Chiefly, there are two main factors that draw growing attention to

young entrepreneurship in developing countries like Nepal. To meet the demands of globalization

and liberalization, the first is the increasing number of jobless young people relative to the rest of

the population; to handle the challenges of increased competition, as well as the associated

requirements for skill development and entrepreneurship (Dash and Kaur 2012). Youth

entrepreneurship (Chigunta 2002) is defined as the actual application of entrepreneurial abilities

such as initiative, creativity, and risk-taking motivation, creativity and risk taking into the work

environment (either in self-employment or work in tiny start-up businesses), demonstrating the

requisite abilities for success in that environment and culture. In spite of the little research on youth

entrepreneurship, there is evidence that young people consider working for themselves to be a

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viable career option since it provides them with a fascinating job, independence, and

autonomy.which another working atmosphere might not provide (Greene and Storey 2005).

Access to finance is the most widely recognized constraint for youth business. Among the biggest

barriers to funding for the young is a lack of commercial credit in terms of collateral requirements,

loan terms, and loan amount.Another reason young entrepreneurs did not take out commercial

loans might be the high interest rates. Another popular source of funding for start-ups is

government support. However, two primary challenges that considerably impede the efficacy of

public spending are a lack of openness and a lack of strategic focus. (Situola, 2015). The

significance of creating an innovative and entrepreneurial culture is critical to the Philippines'

future development. Entrepreneurship leads to more business, better job chances, and an improved

quality of life. The young population in January 2020 was 19.8 million, according to the Philippine

Statistics Authority's most recent Labor Force Survey.There were 37.4 percent of young people in

work and 7.43 million of them participated in the labor force in the same month as the previous

year. Given the present trend toward globalization, encouraging young people to view business

ownership as a feasible alternative is becoming increasingly vital. The Philippines' economy and

the young gain from supporting youth entrepreneurship. Providing work options, both through

self-employment and the provision of additional job options; providing a sense of meaning and

purpose for young people; encouraging young people to be more open to the opportunities

provided by emerging trends through being imaginative and resilient; and assisting young people

in the development of life skills are all possibilities. Entrepreneurship education programs are one

approach to introduce young people to the concept of entrepreneurship. It entails learning about

company development, administration, and management, among other things. (Concepcion,


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In line with this, (Cotton, 2019) found that a desire to be autonomous or work on something

they are passionate about motivates Britain's young more than a desire to become affluent quickly.

Teaching assistants might, for example, discuss how entrepreneurship can be used to address

pressing social issues with students. Having a family member or friend who operates a business is

believed to have affected the decision of 68 percent of young individuals to pursue

entrepreneurship. As a result, policymakers should support organizations like Founders4Schools,

Girls in Charge Initiative, and Young Enterprise that try to bring founders into schools. A secure

area for young people to experiment with launching a business, as well as eliminating the fear of

failure, might assist improve confidence and knowledge. According to a published journal

(Bartolome, 2017), financial need, the desire to feel successful, participation in the family

business, or the desire to be your own boss may push you to pursue entrepreneurship. As part of

their educational responsibilities, college students taking a business course are obliged to start their

own unique firm. As soon as they graduate from college, many of these students realize that their

ideas may be lucrative, and they turn them into real enterprises. Young entrepreneurs control a

large number of these tiny firms that we see today. Some of the most successful companies began

as tiny firms headed by young people Some entrepreneurs are inspired to establish their own firm

because of financial necessity, according to (Chron Contributor, 2021). In the event that a job does

not provide enough revenue, an entrepreneur may start a side hustle to supplement their income,

which might eventually evolve into a full-time business. This happens regularly, according to

Knew Money, as people realize that starting a business is not that expensive or difficult. Factors

that encourage someone to become an entrepreneur include they think they are delivering a vital

service to their clients, and they take joy in doing the best job they can, knowing they have built a

thriving firm and earned the respect of friends and business connections. Many company owners,

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among other things, give back to their communities by making charitable donations and

participating in philanthropic events. In order to establish a business, you must have a sense of

accomplishment and pride. Entrepreneurs are not driven by what you may believe while beginning

their own firm, according to research (Business News Daily, 2020). The independence, happiness,

and flexibility that being your own boss provides is the number one reason most individuals desire

to be their own boss. To continue developing their firm, entrepreneurs must embrace new

technology and exploit it to their advantage. Every new business need quality employee, but it can

be challenging to attract the right talent to a startup. Having a step-by-step strategy in place can

help to guarantee a seamless transition. Nothing surpasses the independence of being your own

boss, at least when it comes to small company owners' entrepreneurial endeavors. Nothing

surpasses the independence of being your own boss, at least when it comes to small company

owners' entrepreneurial endeavors. Freedom entails the ability to choose your own schedule and

not be bound by anybody else's. This also entails the gratification of being able to make your own

judgments. Starting your own business might be hazardous, but there is a benefit for taking the

risk. Being able to develop something enormous from start, at least something bigger than what

they could as a salaried employee, might be appealing to young entrepreneurs. At an early age,

some entrepreneurs find their motive for starting a business, while others labor for years in a

salaried position before deciding to go into business. In any case, the number No. 1 reason why

they want to start their own business is to become their own boss.

Statistically speaking, the anticipated young unemployment rate in the Philippines in 2020

was 6.3 percent, according to (O'neil, 2021). Unemployment and poverty are unquestionably

pervasive, according to the figures provided. Youth unemployment is one of the key issues that

most countries in the globe are facing nowadays. One of the crises that could spread to global

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dimensions in the next years, posing social and economic challenges for society, is youth

unemployment. The total unemployment rate is rising, necessitating the government's efforts to

provide young people with alternative employment opportunities. According to Prachi Juneja

(2015), the global youth population is currently estimated to be 1.5 billion, with 620 million of

them available for job, 90 percent of whom live in developing nations, while young unemployment

in Asia is greater, reaching 50-60%. According to the Philippine Department of Labor and

Employment (DOLE), jobless Filipino youth account for the majority of the economy's

unemployed population, as stated by Corrales (2014). (2014).Furthermore, Corrales (2014) cited

the Philippine Statistical Authority's Labor Force Survey (LFS), which found that "1.456 million

Filipino youth in the 18 to 24 age brackets are jobless."More and more university students are

realizing that once they graduate, they won't be able to exchange their degree for a job." As a result,

more schools and organizations are preparing their graduates to work as business owners and

managers. Entrepreneurship programs are offered by 224 institutions and universities across the

world, according to conservative estimates (Katz, 2015). Unemployment refers to the people who

have enough talents but are unable to find a job. Lack of job experience is one of the reasons for

unemployment. Education and training are crucial in getting a career. They can't attend seminars

either, and they're not up to the company's working standards. In nations where the incidence of

young rebellion, revolt, and violence is particularly high owing to economic realities as well as

cultural viewpoints, youth may be wasting their time or earning a degree that would assist them in

obtaining a job. Unemployment is a huge issue in nations that aren't developing, and it's impacting

the younger generation as well. Little or no focus is placed on developing and equipping pupils

with leadership abilities, creating awareness, and offering training and that causes young people

having a hard time to obtain a job and that encourages the youth to engage in business. Young

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people's unemployment has become one of the world's most divisive political and social problems.

Unemployment in young people has a detrimental effect on both individuals and governments.

Lower wages and social isolation are personal drawbacks for young unemployed people. Despite

the fact that more jobs were created, Malaysia's unemployment rate increased from 3.0 percent to

3.1 percent in December 2014, according to a study by (Nik Muhammad, et al, 2017). To solve

the issue, the Malaysian government passed legislation requiring them to make a concerted attempt

to encourage, offer rewards, and introduce various support methods for the youth. Nonetheless,

after all of the assistance, the number of failures for young entrepreneurs is still very high.

According to research, about 20% of entrepreneurs succeed and thrive each year. Young people

face a variety of challenges when it comes to balancing, sustaining, and building success for their

future. This confirms the report of (Akyol, 2020), who stated that due to their age and maturity

level, young people are not taken seriously by consumers, manufacturers, advertisers, banks, and

governments. Young entrepreneurs face a variety of challenges, including a lack of understanding

of laws and regulations, uncertainty and inexperience with business strategy, and a lack of financial

capital. Many studies continue to advocate for the involvement of young people in addressing the

global economic issue of rising unemployment rates. According to Tamilarasu (2017), “Young

Entrepreneurs function as a problem-solving individual in an organization and addresses the

problems indirectly of public issues.” In comparison to the older generation, the young have

already shown that they are smarter with technology, more interested with social networks, and

more capable of starting a company. Not financial incentives, but the challenge of managing one's

own destiny and turning ideas into motion, is what motivates young entrepreneurs to start their

own companies. Young entrepreneurs who succeed have the capacity to recognize business growth

factors as well as the opportunity to target industry niches that other entrepreneurs ignore or reject.

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Markedly, the Philippines is a country of entrepreneurs, and Filipinos regard it as an

essential instrument for empowering the underprivileged. According to Velasco et al. (2014), 48

percent of Filipinos regard their nation as a land of opportunity for entrepreneurship, ranking

highest in the region in terms of the potential to start a business. When it comes to launching a

business, they likewise have a low fear of failing (39 percent). The aim of this Research study is

to assess the bigger picture of the current situation faced by young entrepreneurs entering micro

businesses in San Fernando, Pampanga. In order to understand the difficulties that young people

faced; it is necessary to first know the general state of development in the Philippines. Human

development index score in the Philippines was tied for 107th in the year 2020, up four places

from a year earlier but still in the bottom half of the 189 nations assessed, according to a study by

the United Nations Development Program (UN). The most current publicly accessible survey data

for the Philippines' MPI estimate, according to the publication of Human Development Report

2020, pertain to 2017. In the Philippines, 5.8 percent of the population (6,181 thousand people) is

multidimensionally poor, while another 7.3 percent (7,742 thousand people) is vulnerable to

multidimensional poverty.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) are gaining more attention in national and

international debates. Creating a clear definition of a small business, according to Shaper and

Voley (2007), is extremely challenging. They claimed that while small enterprises may be found

practically anywhere on the planet, their definitions and characteristics differ. Micro businesses

are important to the Philippine economy's growth. According to Edna D. Samar (2011) businesses

provide an outlet for creating jobs, job opportunities, and even poverty relief. Midsize Enterprises,

or MSEs, play an important role in rural industrialisation and growth, as well as industry

decentralization, the use of indigenous resources, the earning of foreign exchange, the creation of

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backward and forward linkages with existing industries, entrepreneurial development, and

contributing at least 67 percent to the national employment structure. Micro, small, and medium

businesses (MSMEs) are any commercial activity/enterprise that is engaged in industry,

agribusiness/services, or any other type of company, whether it's a sole proprietorship, a

cooperative, a partnership, or a corporation. The Philippine government has given MSME policy

the utmost priority development, with the goal that new and better development efforts would be

implemented. Despite the dangers posed by an adverse global climate, the Philippine economy can

continue to grow.

In the study of (Milagrosa, 2014), Micro and small businesses (MSEs) constitute the

majority of the industrial foundation in developing nations, making them one of the most

significant development agents in society. Millions of underprivileged people throughout the

world have the opportunity to make an income, gain job experience, and find work through

MSEs. (Ahmad, 2016) stated that, microenterprises are highly important to any economy since

they help the people in terms of employment, competition, and frequently results in innovation.

They are also wonderful illustrations of solid economics on a micro scale. According to the

Published Journal of (Samujh, 2011) entitled, Micro‐businesses need support: Survival precedes

sustainability, these types of businesses are the most common form of company organization and

play a vital part in sustaining a stable and sustainable global environment. Despite the fact that

such business owners are unlikely to have had formal business education or to deal with outside

support organizations, they require assistance from community-based networks. These networks

have the potential to lessen feelings of isolation while also allowing people to share their

experiences, particularly concerning challenges they have faced. Moreover, on the study of (Mor,, 2020), The findings suggest that microenterprises with larger initial capital investment and

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those operated by more experienced entrepreneurs have a better likelihood of long-term survival.

Manufacturing microenterprises have a stronger chance of long-term survival than trade and

service microenterprises, owing to lower volatility in this austere environment.

There are many young people now who engage in starting their own business which are

called young entrepreneurs. The Youth Unemployment rate in the Philippines continues to rise

and one of the solutions they think is to enter and start up a micro-business. This research is

important because it will help the young entrepreneurs to have knowledge and strategies for the

prospects and challenges faced by their co young entrepreneurs. In this light the researchers

decided to conduct this research to study the Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced

by Young entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Research questions

In guiding the thesis for understanding significant problems and provide the solutions, the

requirement of research question is vital in every research. The research question will keep track

of all essential information in a logical order, allowing the research to present the best

understanding on the subject. The purpose of this study was to answer the following research


1. What challenges do young entrepreneurs in San Fernando, Pampanga experienced in their

first year of running and operating their micro-business?

2. What are the de-motivators of young entrepreneurs that have micro-business in the City of

San Fernando, Pampanga?

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3. Is it a good idea or a challenge for young entrepreneurs to invest in a micro-business in San

Fernando Pampanga?

Research objectives

The above-mentioned research questions aimed to meet the following study objectives:

1. To assess the prospects and Challenges faced by young entrepreneurs during their first-

year operation.

2. To determine the de-motivators of young entrepreneurs that have micro-business in the

City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

3. To determine whether investing in a micro-business in San Fernando Pampanga for young

entrepreneurs is a struggle or a good idea.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study may be viewed from the following perspectives:

YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS. The findings of this study can be of used as a guide for young

entrepreneurs who wish to engage in micro-businesses in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

This study will also help them to gain understanding about the possible prospects and challenges

that they will experience. Understanding these prospects and challenges, the young

entrepreneurs face should avail assistance and vital information for the new entrepreneurs to


ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATORS. The findings of this study will shed light to the

educators of entrepreneurship about the prospects and challenges faced by young entrepreneurs

in engaging micro-business. By this they can improve their teaching and learning methods by

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providing those data that will help and lead the future young entrepreneurs to think and act

strategically and effectively in the market.

FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This study gives an opportunity to future researchers in finding

another form of reliable studies, also, for them to attain more inclusive knowledge about the

challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in entering the Micro-business. This study can also

help the future researchers and will serve as motivation to continue their work and fulfill their


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Scope and Delimitation

The study aimed to assess the prospects and challenges in micro-business faced by young

entrepreneurs. The populations for the study were young entrepreneurs ages 20 to 30 years old

with more than a year of operating and strictly having a micro-business in the City of San

Fernando, Pampanga. Therefore, the generalization of this study regarding the prospects and

challenges of young entrepreneurs faced in micro-business to the larger section in the

Philippines may not be applicable. Other places' context regarding this topic for young

entrepreneurship development can vary from the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Definition of Terms

Age- The length of time someone has been alive or in existence.

Entrepreneurial skills- Defined as "the capacity of an individual to put ideas into action." It

comprises the capacity to plan and manage projects in order to meet objectives, as well as

creativity, innovation, and risk-taking.

Entrepreneurial education- Entrepreneurship education has been defined as “a collection of

formalized teachings that informs, trains, and educates anyone interested in participating in

socioeconomic development through a project to promote

entrepreneurship awareness, business creation, or small business development”.

(UNESCO/ILO 2006, Global)

Financial resources- is a term covering all monetary assets of the association.

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SME’s- The term SME refers to any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry,

agribusiness, and/or services, whether a sole proprietorship, cooperative, partnership, or

corporation, whose total assets or employee count falls below a certain level

Training- It is the process of teaching an individual a new skill or habit.

Seminar- It is a commercial event in which guests are offered information or training on a

particular topic.

Unemployment- It refers to the individual who are having enough skills and abilities in work

and seek for a job but they are unable to find a job.

Young entrepreneur- An individual beginning another organization who faces the challenges

related with beginning the undertaking, which may require funding to take care of start-up


Micro-business- Micro, small, and medium businesses (MSMEs) are any commercial

activity/enterprise that is engaged in industry, agribusiness/services, or any other type of

company, whether it's a sole proprietorship, a cooperative, a partnership, or a corporation.

(Purba et al., 2010)

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This chapter was focused on the research methods and procedures used by the researchers

to answer systematically the specific problem posted for investigation. In this chapter, it was

concisely discussed the research design, population of the study, sampling design, data gathering

procedure and development of the research instruments, administration of the survey

questionnaire, and the statistical tools that were utilized in the analysis and interpretation of the

data and information that were gathered.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers focused on the prospect and challenges in micro-business faced

by young entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando Pampanga. In line with this, this research utilized

qualitative method in order for the researchers to identify and assess the prospect and challenges of

young entrepreneurs in engaging in micro-business. A qualitative research design is focused in

determining the whys and how’s of the phenomena under consideration (unlike quantitative). As a

result, qualitative research is frequently described as subjective (rather than objective), and findings

are gathered in a written style rather than numerically. 2021 (DJS Research). The researchers

employed a phenomenological method in the study as the challenges and experiences faced by young

entrepreneurs were said to be a phenomenon, which entails understanding the participants'

experiences. Therefore, this has been used to understand the lived experiences and challenges of

young entrepreneurs. Phenomenology, according to (Guilbeau, 2014), is a sort of qualitative study in

which the focus is on answering the question 'what is it' rather than queries of frequency or quantity

such as 'how much' and ‘how many’. Phenomenological research is a powerful strategy that is well

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suited for the topic exploring prospects and challenges faced by Young Entrepreneurs that will affect

their performance in engaging in Micro Business in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. As a

research methodology, phenomenology is uniquely positioned to help researchers learn from the

experiences of others specifically to their chosen participants. Phenomenology is a type of qualitative

research that focuses on the investigation of people's experiences in San Fernando, Pampanga.


The aimed of this study was to assess the prospects and challenges in micro-business faced

by young entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga. Therefore, the populations of the

accomplished study were young entrepreneurs ages 20 to 30 years old with more than a year of

operating and strictly having a micro-business in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Table 1. Participants of the Study

Participants Micro- Business Years of Operation

YECSFP 1 Agricultural Two years

YECSFP 2 Food One year

YECSFP 3 Cosmetics More than one year

YECSFP 4 Food Three Years

YECSFP 5 Clothing More than one year

YECSFP 6 Cosmetics Almost two years

YECSFP 7 Service One year and a half

YECSFP 8 Clothing More than one year

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Sampling Size

Based on the study entitled, Asset Building of Youth Entrepreneurship in Manila, the total

population of young entrepreneurs are unknown, that is why in her study, (Lim, 2014) she surveyed

120 participants but only 100 responded aging 15 years old to 24 years old. In the process of

conducting the research, few constraints appeared such as non-availability of some participants

and difficulty of retrieving questionnaires. The target participants of this study will be the young

entrepreneurs ages 20 to 30 years old with more than a year of operating and strictly having a

micro-business in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Due to the undetermined total population of young entrepreneurs, the researchers chose 8

young entrepreneurs to be the participants of the study. In order for the researchers to assess the

prospects and challenges in micro-businesses faced by young entrepreneurs and how these

challenges affect their performance in operating their micro-business in San Fernando, Pampanga.

Sampling Design

Since it was impossible to study the entire population of the study, the researchers used the

purposive sampling in choosing the participants of the study. Purposive sampling (also known as

judgment, selective, or subjective sampling) is a sampling strategy in which the researcher selects

individuals from the community to participate in the study based on his or her own discretion.

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling approach in which "items picked for the sample

are chosen by the researcher's opinion (BRM, 2021). This sort of sampling may be quite effective

in instances when you need to obtain a certain sample rapidly and proportionality is not the primary

goal (Crossman, 2020).

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According to Ames, Glenton, and Lewin, purposeful sampling, also known as judgment,

selective, or subjective sampling, is a sampling approach in which the researcher relies on his or

her own judgment when selecting individuals of the population to participate in the study (2019).

Purposive sampling was utilized to conduct this study because it is the only acceptable strategy

accessible when there are only a restricted number of primary data sources available to contribute

to the study. The researchers used Purposive sampling in which the researchers rely on their

judgement in choosing the participants. The target participants of this study are only the young

entrepreneurs ages 20 to 30 years old with more than a year of operating and strictly having a

micro-business in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

Research Locale

According to the findings, the town of San Fernando in Pampanga has outperformed the

rest of the area in terms of providing a strategic position and a secure environment for businesses

to operate in. It is mentioned that the majority of the country's major enterprises and organizations

have selected CSFP to build regional or provincial branches. The City's strategic location makes

it a melting pot or trade center for most of the region's industries. As a "Business Friendly City,"

San Fernando is committed to supporting entrepreneurship in all sectors, as well as providing

various investment training as part of its commitment to engage everyone in the business industry

in development. This research study was conducted among the selected young entrepreneurs in the

City of San Fernando, Pampanga. In particular with ages from 20 to 30 years old that currently

have a micro-business in the thirty-five barangays in San Fernando, Pampanga.

Data Gathering Procedure

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Due to the restrictions posted by the government, as a mitigating effort to control the rising

number of cases in this COVID-19 pandemic, online interviews were utilized in this study, among

the chosen young entrepreneurs ages 20-30 having micro-businesses in San Fernando, Pampanga.

Researchers provided consent in the form of a letter and described the relevance of the participants'

responses in the study. Individuals who respond to the researcher's questions, also known as study

participants, were requested to offer their challenges, lived experiences, ideas, interpretations,

opinions, and suggestions, also known as data, to help answer the study's research questions. The

researchers gathered information from the participants were reviewed, and analyzed after the

participants completed the interview proper. The study included 8 individuals and was based on

data gathered by the researchers.

Research Instrument

In qualitative research, interviews are conducted when researchers ask one or more

participants broad, open-ended questions and record their responses. Audiotapes are frequently used

to ensure more consistent transcribing. (Creswell, 2012). Following the interview, the researchers

typically transcribes and puts the material into a computer file for analysis. Interviews are especially

useful for learning the history of a participant's experiences and gathering detailed information on a

topic. The primary goal of interviewing is to comprehend the significance of what the interviewees

say (McNamara, 2009). During interviews, open-ended questions are typically posed in the aim of

eliciting unbiased responses, but closed-ended questions may push participants to respond in a

specific manner (Creswell, 2012; McNamara, 1999). The researchers designed a questionnaire or

interview guide with an open-ended question that gives the participants more options for responding.

The researchers chose to use "Facebook Messenger" for interviewing since it is easier and

entrepreneurs has more access to it.

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In order to ensure the clarity and ease of understanding in terms of the language used and

the structure of the guide interview questions, it was tested and verified by two (2) business

professors in Don Honorio Ventura State University, one (1) licensed professional teacher

majoring in English, and was tested by one (1) young entrepreneur. The said dry run was conducted

to validate whether the instrument that was utilized was plainly specified and the words that were

used were clearly stated and understandable.

Treatment of Data

The researchers documented the following information acquired through screenshots and

audio/video recordings taken throughout the conversation and interview proper. It was transcribed in

order to analyze the diverse lived experiences of the young entrepreneurs in their micro-business. To

present the responses of the young entrepreneurs, the researchers transcribed the data, study and

familiarize themselves with it by reading all of the participant transcript numerous times to gain a

general sense of the content. Significant statements connected to the transcript for each of the

phenomenon beneath the study were highlighted, extracted, and initial code was generated. The

researchers then organized the codes into potential themes and gathered all relevant data for each

potential theme.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical considerations of the study were;

1. The researchers made sure that the participation of the participants would be treated

honestly and confidentially.

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2. The Age restriction of 20-30 years old and the anonymity of the young entrepreneurs were

strictly considered.

3. Acknowledgement to the works and proper citations of the authors used in the study was


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The findings and discussion of the collected information from the participants were

presented in this chapter in sequence with the objectives of the study. By carrying out an in-depth

analysis of the data gathered there are eight (8) themes emerged: Product delivery, satisfying

customers, time management, employee satisfaction, investments, distributor, personal challenges,

business challenges and Locational Opportunities.

Table 2. Challenges

Theme participant frequency







1. Viewpoints of the participants about the challenges they faced during their first year of


SATISFYING CUSTOMERS. According to the responses of the participants, the majority of their

challenges encountered during the first year of operation of their micro-businesses were connected

to their customers, specifically on how to satisfy them. Moreover, as a result of some participants

stated that feedback from their buyers has a significant influence on their firm, as it can lead to either

a positive or negative consequence. Customer feedback is relevant because it can make the business

image better or worse. Having good strategies and the right product to serve the right customers has

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a great impact on the success of the business too. Their business knowledge and experience also

play a role in attracting and influencing customers. According to (Lebed, 2018), "dealing with

diverse individuals and striving to satisfy their expectations is not a simple process; it needs

patience, acute intelligence, and even wisdom to navigate through the varied client moods and yet

deliver a competent service." Furthermore, as per (Cox, 2021), it might be difficult to satisfy clients

in the way they wish as a small firm. It might be difficult to keep up with and resolve client

complaints if there aren't enough personnel or specialized support teams.

“And lastly siguro, syempre yung pressure na nanggagaling sa mga

customers that they are putting on us especially when they review your product and
sometimes pag di sila nasatisfy sa Product ko, iniisip ko paano kung di na sila mag
purchase uli ganon.” – YECSFP1 (And lastly, perhaps the pressure that comes
from the customers place on us, especially when they review our product and
sometimes when they are not satisfied with my product, I worry about, what if they
do not buy my product again in that manner.)

“Ah siguro for me number one maging open minded ka after mo sa delivery
mo sa mga customer hihingi ka ng feedback nila whether its negative and positive.
Kailangan open minded ka kapag negative ang sinabi ni customer kailangan open
ka doon, para ikaw din ma improve mo ng maayos ang business mo, ma overcome.”
- YECSFP4 (Perhaps the greatest thing I can do is to have an open mind. So, when
we have supplied our products to the customer, we will solicit their feedback, and
whether it is negative or positive, we must accept it. If clients provided unfavorable
feedback, we should be open about it, in order to improve our business and
overcome that sort of review.)

“Ah ano ba parang wala naman kasi akong ano hindi naman kinatakutan,
siguro parang challenge lang din... First came kase iisipin mo may bibili kaya sa
product mo. Like for example yung “green minded” siyempre hindi lahat ng tao
kakain ng healthy, hindi naman lahat ng tao magugustuhan iyong lasa lalo na pag
nasa Pampanga tayo, ang mga kapampangan meat lovers mga iyan, iyon yung
naisip kong challenge sa business ko. Tapos pangalawa they are perishable,
pagkain iyan eh masisira at masisira diba.. So baka pag deliver sa customer hindi
kaagad na consume ni customer pag nasira ikaw ang sisihin na nasira iyon, iyon
iyung mga challenges.” – YECSFP4 (We really can’t call it fear, but it’s a
challenge. The first thing you’ll do is to anticipate if there’s a need for your goods,
because not everyone likes to eat healthy meals, just those who enjoy green cuisine,
especially in Pampanga where residents are known to be meat-lovers, thus that

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became one of my obstacles. Second, these foods are perishable; they perish
quickly. So, if you deliver the item today and he does not consume it right away, the
customer will blame you when it spoils.)

“Uhm ano… siguro yung mag hanap ng mga customer ganon tska kung
paano ko mapapalawak yung business ko. tska isa pa sa mga challenge ko yung sa
nag hahanap din ng maayos na supplier para mas makamura kapag mag iinvest.”
- YECSFP2 (Well, I guess, one of my challenges is how to gain customers, how can
I expand my business as well as how can I acquire suitable suppliers that provide
a much affordable price, so that I can invest in them.)

“Uhmmm So ngayon, iyong challenges... ayun nga is yung pag-earn ng

clients and isa pa 'dun yung paghandle ng tao.” - YECSFP7 (So, I guess my
difficulty now is figuring out how to attract clients and how to deal with people.)

“So, sabihin natin iyong mga kaba ko bago ako magstart, or during start,
pwede na rin sabihin no? So isa... hindi lang siguro sa business ko, iyong —tawag
dito...—kung paano mo ma-earn yung trust and respects ng mga clients, kasi kung
mas younger ka medyo alanganin, nandun tayo sa society na kapag mas matanda,
mas maraming alam, mas magaling ka or mas experienced ka. Iyon nga, so
kailangan medyo itaas ang standard mo para mapansin ka ng clients, customers,
ganun.” – YECSFP7 (So, let’s say my doubts before or during the start of my
business, we can say it’s not only in my business, but also to others and that is how
to earn the trust and respect of the clients, because managing business is uncertain
if you are younger, since we live in a society wherein if you are older, you gained
more knowledge and experiences than the younger ones. As I previously mentioned,
in order to attract clients and consumers, we must elevate our standards.)

“Challenges? Wala masyado *giggles* wala masyado, Ay! nung umpisa

syempre maghahanap ka ng ano.. ng ahh ng buyers mo, ng suki mo, wala ka naman
masusuki kaagad e diba? So yun kailangan mo talagang mag extra effort para diba,
makilala ka muna yun yung pinaka mahirap na step yun yung pinaka challenging
dun and then the rest, very smooth nalang yun kapag nakuha mo na yung diba?
Yung namaster mo na kung ano man yung dapat mong gawin.” - YECSFP8
(Challenges? Well, I don’t have much, but at first, of course, we need to locate
potential purchasers and patrons, because you cannot easily discover regular
consumers, can you? As a result, you must make extra efforts to get your business
noticed. That is the most difficult and demanding aspect for me, and the rest is
simple to master since you already know what you need to accomplish.)

“Dati lang akong kumukuha ng order na ‘Maam- ay Sister, aneng kasanting

ing short ayni, balu mo, bage me, makanyan makanyan, makasexy ne pin ing-.’…

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Oh nakakuha ka ng order, dati lang talaga ako ng ganun alok ng alok ng order,
may bagong lumabas na relo, ‘O Sis, baka wala ka pang regalo sa jowa mo,
magvavalentines, o eto nalang regalo mo.’ As in kailangan ko silang pilitin para
makakuha ng order- dati ganun, and then now nag ka shop tayo, nagkaboutique
tayo, nagkaresellers tayo, nakakapag live selling tayo.” – YECSFP8 (“Madam,
these shorts are amazing, and did you know that this one suits you well and make
you look sexier?” That was something I used to do. Yes, I got orders now, but before
that, I used to sell and offer my products to people to get one. For example, when
a new watch release comes out, I offer it to people like, “sister, it’s getting close to
Valentine’s Day, you might not have a present for your boyfriend, select this
instead.” I really need to persuade people to buy from me, but now I have my shop,
boutique, resellers and we also sell online via live selling.”)

PRODUCT DELIVERY. We all know that product distribution is an important aspect in running

a business. Moreover, it is important to deliver the products at the right time, right place, right

quality, and right channels. One of the challenges they faced during their first year of operating

their micro-business, according to the participants' responses, was product delivery in terms of

distribution, marketing, and advertising of their product. Two (2) out of eight (8) participants said

that Product delivery is the most challenging part of their business in their first year of operation.

In some instances, for both logistics providers and food manufacturers, the distribution of freshly

baked items remains one of the most challenging situations to operate in. There is obviously no

margin for error when shipping sensitive food products with a short shelf life. With highly

degradable foods, even a small variation in temperature might be the difference between products

arriving in perfect condition or spoiling en route (Hyslop, 2020). Snack and bakery providers

confront various obstacles, just as YEPCSFP1 did when it comes to delivering their products. On

the contrary, YEPCSFP2 experienced a struggle in Product distribution in terms of social media

marketing and advertising. Previous studies concurred that businesses who employed e-marketing

(social media, emails, and websites) were able to contact customers more quickly, but issues about

the effectiveness and profitability of such tactics remain. Because customers are increasingly

business savvy, businesses must understand how to reach out to them in the most effective and

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efficient way possible (King, 2018). Undoubtedly, having a bad product physical and social media

delivery have the greatest negative impact on their business.

“Ako personally ah, una is yung delivering the products. Because you need
to be careful para hindi masira yung design ng cake ganyan and the distance that
I go to just to ano, to send the product.” –YECSFP1 (Personally, delivering the
products because you need to be careful so as not to ruin the design of the cake and
the distance that I go to just to send the product)

“Most likely advertising and promotion since ako nga lang nakaka
challenge na pano mo siya mapasikat lalo na ako talaga yung nag established wala
akong stuff and all tapos way back a year ago physic knowledge sa social media
marketing.” -YECSFP6 (Because I'm the only one who established it, advertising
and marketing are perhaps the most challenging for me. way back a year ago I only
had a physics knowledge in social media marketing.)

TIME MANAGEMENT. Through the response of the participants, it was identified that they

faced difficulties in adapting to a new pattern of lifestyle especially in time management. In line

with this, it showed that most of them are emotionally and physically struggled. Due to the changed

of their environment and daily practices, some respondents experienced the challenges of

transitioning from being a person with no engagement in selling and business management to a

person involved in the business world. Most of the challenges of a young entrepreneur is balancing

other priorities with ventures, especially young people who are still studying. Adisa et al (2017),

found that “entrepreneurs’ needs ‘work’ ‘life’ and uncover that business people have small desire

for boundaries as they over work everywhere, which makes long working hours predominant

among them”. There are difficulties in monitoring and balancing life obligations that give

challenges to improve the individual development of entrepreneurs, affect social relationships, and

wellbeing, as well as family life. Entrepreneurship, according to Gunnarsson et al., has an influence

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on personal, social, and familial life (2017). It is pointed out that entrepreneurship can change

lifestyle because of its influences on every aspect of an entrepreneur's life, as Taqi stated (2016).

Others said that entrepreneurship has an economic, personal, and social impact on entrepreneurs

(Gimenze-Nada et al. 2011). Although academics and politicians agree that entrepreneurship plays

a critical role in economic growth and recovery, the mechanics of the relationship between

entrepreneurship and living a better life must be extensively explored.

“Siyempre as a college student po nagsasabay po ung small business” –

YECSFP3 (Of course being a college student and doing small business is difficult
to balance at the same time.)

“Nag aaral pako ang pinaka peak na naranasan ko is yung ano ang dami
ko ng ginagawa sa school, nai-fraud ka pa tas na stress ka minsan sa ginagawa
ko”-YECSFP5 (I’m still studying and I experienced a lot of school work and I also
got fraud and having stress on the things I do.)

“So, ang pinaka ginawa namin is iadjust yung ganong set up na kaya mong
mageffort at magbigay kahit walang tanggapin papunta sa set up na kailangan
mong mageffort, magpagod, magpuyat and everything, at makiusap sa tao diba?
para may makuha ka naman”- YECSFP8 (So, what we really did is we adjusted
our setup from our priorities, made an effort and gave without expecting in return.
we need to make an effort, stay awake, talk to other people and everything so that
you can get something.)

EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION. The participants have challenges in handling employees

especially to prevent employee turnover, or even other competitive companies that are recruiting

and the number of people who quit their employment voluntarily or involuntarily in a certain time

period. The participants' responses showed that they have difficulties leading employees because

of their young age. Markedly, Employee Satisfaction has become one of the challenges that were

given by the participants. According to Lathabhavan (2020), Employee satisfaction is a factor in

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workplace motivation, retention, and goal attainment, and commitment is a factor that includes

avoiding excessive workload, treating employees with respect, providing recognition and awards,

fringe benefits, and positive management. These things can help the business owner the limits and

what do their employee wants so they can stay and be loyal to the company.

“Isa pa 'dun yung paghandle ng tao. Iyong mga tao kasi, lalo na ngayon, sa
panahon ngayon, kapit ko yung mga tao, kailangan ng work so kung may mag-offer ng mas
mataas iiwanan ka na, so isa iyon sa medyo mabigat, iyong mga workers, kung paano mo
imamanage yung mga wokers mo, paano mo sila mapapa-stay.” YECSFP7 (One of them
is handling people. People especially today, in these times, are in need, they need work
that offers a higher profit and if not, they will leave you. So, it is difficult for the workers
on how to manage them and how to make them stay.)

DISTRIBUTORS. The participants show their problems about what and where they would get

supplies. An entrepreneur that just started their business may have trouble finding the right

distributor for their products. One of the problems here that was evident was that. where would

they get the suppliers other than the stores, where they have more expensive raw materials than

dealing with the distributor instead. So far, the entrepreneurs are still looking for the right supplier

for their business. Goldstein, 2018, has three things that to know in finding the right distributor.

First, Understand the Value of this Relationship, every business needs to have a strong relationship

with its Stakeholders. Second, Search High and Low, before you finalize your shortlist, double-

check that you've done everything you can to find the most promising candidates. Lastly is the

Numbers don’t lie- most businesses evaluates things based on the numbers. These things will help

out the entrepreneurs in finding the right distributor.

“Tas siguro ikalawa, yung ano lack of supplies ng mga ingredients and materials
that we need at that time. We always got the “Out of Stock” word”- YECSFP1 (Then,

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maybe second is there’s a lack of supplies of the ingredients and materials that we need at
that time. We always got the “Out of Stock” word)

“And also, sa product na binebenta ko which is cakes ganyan, it’s difficult

to find an ingredient because we don’t have any suppliers”- YECSFP1 (And also,
in products we sell which is cakes, it’s difficult to find an ingredient because we
don’t have any suppliers)

“Mag hanap ng mga customer at paano ko mapapalawak yung business ko,

Chaka nag hahanap din ng Maayos na supplier para mas makamura kapag mag
iinvest”- YECSFP2 (Finding customers and how will I expand my business, and I’m
also looking for the right supplier with cheaper prices when investing.)

INVESTMENTS. According to (Whitefield, 2018), startups are fundamentally hazardous

investments due to their inherent uncertainty. Young entrepreneurs pose an even larger risk to

investors than their older counterparts since they frequently lack the same expertise, industry

contacts, or substantial assets to serve as loan collateral — even if they possess the necessary skills

and determination. Based on the second participant, one of the most difficult obstacles he faced as

a young entrepreneur was ensuring a return on investment, especially when the micro-business is

new to the market. According to the study of (Smallwood, 2018), "Money challenges are

frequently the ones that entrepreneurs are most scared of. There are numerous incoming and

outgoing transactions that must be managed in order to support the startup." In proportion to the

study of (Satatusbrew, 2017), one of the major small company challenges is cash flow, which

occurs when entrepreneurs do not operate properly with their accounts or do not generate enough

money from their clients. Furthermore, (Cochrane, 2021) states that consistent cash flow should

be a key goal for small firms. Business owners can't pay employees, bills, or suppliers if they don't

have cash on hand. All too frequently, a single poor month may send a company's cash flow

spiraling out of control, and it might take six months or more to restore stability.

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“First problem ko doon yung paano mo maibabalik yung pera mo at kung
paano mo rin mapapadagdag. Minsan natatakot ako na baka minsan wala ng
customer na bumili sa akin ganon, parang kinakabahan ako pero… pero sa
business uhm palakasan lang siya ng loob kung gaano ka ka-deter…
kadeterminasyon yung ano mo, yung faith mo, na kailangan talaga na dapat talaga
sundin mo yung nasa puso mo”- YECSFP2 (My first problem is on how will I
return the money and how it will profit. Sometimes I’m afraid that there would be
no customers who will buy on me, I’m nervous but in business you need to have
strong sportsmanship and determination, faith and you need to follow your heart).

Table 3. De-motivators

theme participant frequency

Business and Personal challenges YECSFP 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8

2. View of the participants about the de-motivators.

BUSINESS AND PERSONAL CHALLENGES. Starting a new business from the ground up is

challenging for anyone. Being young, at the same time brings a particular set of obstacles to the

table that your older peers may not have to deal with (Philips,2011). For many young

entrepreneurs, starting a business is a massive accomplishment, but maintaining one is a bigger

challenge. Regardless of how big or small a business is, it faces a number of common de-

motivators. According to the participants' responses, three (3) out of eight (8) of them had business

challenges as their de-motivators in operating their micro-business and these include Business

expansion, financial distress, and being a fraud. Every business owner wants to expand their

customer base in order to convert more consumers and increase sales, which will result in more

profits, and this is one of the business challenges that YECSFP2 faces, it demotivates the owner

because in a business expansion you will need more business intelligence, time, increase capital

requirement and more responsibilities. Being fraud, on the other hand, demotivates YECSFP5.

Many people believe that large corporations with thousands of employees in multiple places have

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a tougher time defending their business or company from being a fraud. However, in comparison

to larger companies, small firms are frequently targeted and are more likely to be a fraud.

Furthermore, YECSFP8 is demotivated by financial distress. The micro-business is the primary

investment for most young entrepreneurs, which is why they are terrified of losing all of their

investments, particularly their money. Fear of failure pervades the entrepreneurial sector, from

losing critical clients to running out of cash. For entrepreneurs, bravery is defined as the ability to

persevere in the face of adversity. Evidently, Young entrepreneurs who own a micro-enterprise

will undoubtedly experience problems such as business expansion, financial distress, and being a

fraud, all of which will hinder their company's capacity to flourish. As a result, individuals and

communities may collectively miss out on newly developed jobs, products, services, and

innovations (Carlson et al., 2020). On the other hand, being an entrepreneur, problems in business

have become evident but it doesn’t mean that personal challenges are not being shown too.

According to responses, one of the personal challenges of young entrepreneurs is experiencing

pessimistic people, fear of failure, and age discrimination. These personal challenges have an

effect on them and they cannot avoid these challenges in building a business. As an entrepreneur

having negative responses has an impact on you to feel down and make you weak as a person.

Having a lack of support from others may have an effect on your business because other people

think that doing your own business is a waste of time and money because we never know how

long the business will last to the industry or they think that having a permanent job is much better

than having a business those common problems may have a big impact for you to feel unmotivated

(Ellaine Pofeldt, 2011). One of the problems that young entrepreneurs face when doing business

is whether their customers will like the product they are selling and their fear that all their

investment and effort may go to waste. It is hard to imagine if all your effort and investments will

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come to nothing and you cannot help but wonder if your product will be liked by your customers

especially if you are new to the business. Young Entrepreneurs still believe in their products,

especially in themselves.

“...kung paano ko mapapalawak yung business ko.” -YECSFP2 ( can

I expand my business)

“yung maloko ulit ako… ano hindi natatanggal yung takot ko simulat sapul
na unang nag start ako hanggang ngayon pare pareho lang takot ko, bakit? Kasi
every collection every ilalabas ko yung collection ko hindi naman kada collection
massold out ka expect mo na yun” -YECSFP5 (maybe I'll be scammed, I can't get
rid of this fear ever since I started my business up until nraudow, why? Because
everytime I release a new collection, I don't expect that every item will be sold.)

“kinatakutang mangyare? *laughs* syempre sa totoo, tayo ayaw atin

matalo, ayaw natin mabankrupt, ayaw nating ma-ma-masayang lahat ng pagod at
investment natin diba? andon na tayo e diba?so kahit sino naman na magiistart ng
business e matatakot sa ganung diba?” -YECSFP8 (My fear of what will happen?
In fact, we don't want to lose, we don't want to go bankrupt, we don't want our
efforts, hardships and investments to be a waste, right? And for sure anyone who
starts a business will be afraid of that, right?)

“Yung lip gloss po naming is about anime so umm yun po parang iniisip ko
po if ahh magugustuhan po kaya nila or baka nag ooverthink na rin po siyempre
umm tinitignan rin po yung mag possible mangyari if ever baka mawala lang yung
pinaghirapan ko parang ganun po.” -YECSFP3 (The lip-gloss we have is about
anime. I am thinking if the customer will like the product or maybe am just
overthinking the possible outcome that may hard work will be gone.)

“Siguro pinaka una iyon nga magtiwala ka sa product mo, magtiwala ka sa

sarili mo kahit sino man tao napaka may mga tao pessimistic diba yung lahat lang
nalang ng negative doon siya nag fofocus para lang ma down ka, para lang
manghina yung loob mo.” -YECSFP 4 (Maybe the first thing is to believe in your
product. Trust yourself no matter how much pessimistic the person was, they focus
in negative result to make you down and make you a weak person)

“Siguro po yung ano lahat ng ano time, money, lalo na effort is mapunta sa
wala kasi ng yun nga ahh yung mga funds na ginamit is iniipon ko siya for two
years feeling ko yun yung pinaka ano don uhmm fears ng mga young entrepreneurs
bago sila mag simula.”- YECSFP6 (Maybe time, money and specially the effort is
going for nothing because the funds I’ve used was my savings in the past two years
that was the worst fear for the young entrepreneurs before they start)

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“Kinakatakutang mangyari? Siyempre sa totoo ayaw natin matalo, ayaw
natin ma bankrupt.”- YECSFP8. (Afraid to happen? Of course, the truth is we
don’t want to be lose, we don’t want to failed)

“So isa ... hindi lang siguro sa business ko iyong tawag dito... kung paano
mo ma earn yung trust and respect ng mga clients kasi kung mas younger ka medyo
alanganin nandun tayo sa society na kapag mas matanda mas maraming alam mas
magaling ka or mas experienced ka”. -YECFP7 (So first, not only my business will
call for this. If how will you earn the trust and respect of the clients because if you
are younger, it’s quite difficult that we are in a society that if you are older, you
have more knowledge, better and more experienced)

Table 4. Investing in CSFP

Theme Participant Frequency

Locational Opportunities YECSFP1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 7

3. Viewpoints of the participants about investing in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga.

LOCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. The town of San Fernando in the province of Pampanga,

had taken the lead in the region in terms of providing a strategic location and a secure environment

in which to conduct business. It was clear from the responses of the participants that starting a

microbusiness in San Fernando, Pampanga for Young entrepreneurs was a both good and proper

choice. Given the fact, San Fernando Pampanga has numerous establishments, structures, and has

a greater population than the rest of other municipalities in Pampanga, the participants stated that

they see the city as a business center and there are many opportunities waiting. This, in turn,

indicates that there are many target customers, which increases market competitiveness. Overall,

it is understandable that San Fernando City is being developed and is classified now as a highly-

urbanized city because of the growing population living in the city. In addition to that, the City's

Page | 43
strategic location makes it a melting pot or trade center for most of the region's industries. As a

matter of fact, San Fernando is also called a "Business Friendly City," and is committed in

supporting entrepreneurship in all sectors, as well as providing various investment training as part

of its commitment to engage everyone in the business industry in development. As stated by the

vice president for sales and marketing, Megaworld “With our township project aptly called

‘Capital Town,’ we envision the City of San Fernando to become North’s bustling central business

district that will again aid in generating careers and multiple jobs, improving the livelihood to the

people of Pampanga, and the neighboring towns as it was before…” (Lozano, 2017). Evidently,

the city has a multitude of structures and enterprises, indicating that investing in San Fernando

Pampanga is a good idea and a smart choice for young entrepreneurs and it is essential to

acknowledge that Locational Opportunities has a role to play in economic and social progress

(Turok and McGranahan, 2013).

“Yes, perfect na perfect location, alam mo kung bakit? ang daming

establishments sa San Fernando ibig sabihin mataas ang competition diba.
Demanding yung business for example paglabas mo lang, kahit saan dito mayroong
mall so ibig sabihin niyan maraming mga mamimili, ibig sabihin maraming kang
customer marami kang target market. Mas okay mag Invest ng business sa San
Fernando kase maraming tao din, tapos napansin ko yung mga tao na taga San
Fernando to Angeles mahilig din silang mag try ng bago so feeling ko mas okay
talaga sa San Fernando.” - YECSFP4 (Yes, perfect location you know why?
because there are establishments in San Fernando, that means that it has high
competition right…The business is demanding, for example when you just come
out, anywhere there is a mall so that means there are a lot of buyers, meaning you
have a lot of customers and you have a lot of target markets. That's why it is okay
to invest in a business in San Fernando because there are a lot of people too, then
I noticed that people from San Fernando to Angeles also like to try new things so I
feel it's really okay in San Fernando)

“Ay oo naman, yes, it is. Masasabi ko talaga na super daming opportunities

dito sa SF, bakit kamo? Ang daming tao, pamilya, mga kabataan ganyan kaya
magandang mag-business. And dahil busy ang lugar ng San Fernando you always
need to be a multitasker.” - YECSFP1 (Oh yeah, yes, it is. I can really say that

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there are many opportunities here in SF, why? Because there are many people,
families, young people, it's good to do business. And because the San Fernando
area is busy you always need to be a multitasker.)

“Oo naman kasi marami rin yung population ditto…” –YECSFP5 (Of
course, because there is also a large population here.)

“Yes, po actually yung ano uhm marami akong kakilala na from ano
guagua, lubao ganon, sasmuan na nag invest dito dito sa ano san Fernando siguro
malaking factor yung ano capial ng province natin at makikita na ano talaga
parang business center yung san Fernando kaya dumadayo yung mga business
owners” –YECSFP6 (yes, actually I know a lot of people from guagua, lubao,
sasmuan who invested here in San Fernando. Maybe the capital of our province is
a big factor and it can be seen that San Fernando is really like a business center so
the business owners come.)

“sobra sobra magandang maginvest talaga sa san Fernando ngayon… kase

ahh, yung mga malalaking business owners diba ahh sobra…anong tawag dito,
sobrang prospect na nila ang san Fernando, diba? ang Pampanga kase parang
bukod sa malapit sa Manila, diba? Tapos yung mga…very ano na sya very… ang
lakas kase ng growth kase ng san fernando kaya very ano sya ahh sa future madami
pa sya maooffer sabi nga nila, kaya invest lang ng invest sa San Fernando talaga”
– YECSFP8 (It's really good to invest in San Fernando because huge business
owners already see a lot of potential in the city, right? Perhaps because Pampanga
appears to be close to Manila. Moreover, San Fernando's growth case is
increasing, so it has to offer more in the future.)

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Emerging Framework

Figure 1. Challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in micro-business in CSFP.

The developing themes that emerged from the participants' lived experiences were used to create

the conceptual framework. The illustration depicts the young entrepreneur's experiences and

challenges along the road to a successful business that gives a good connection with the potential

consumers. As we all know, young entrepreneurs are known to be technology and digital

literate and that was the reason behind the framework. These young entrepreneurs are full of hope,

boundless energy, and both unique and fresh ideas because they are not as set in their ways as older

individuals, they are frequently more open to try new things and may recover faster from mistakes.

Indeed, these characteristics, combined with their capacity to quickly adapt to new technologies,

position them as natural leaders in the rapidly changing small business environment. In line with

this, the framework established was designed to be seen as a young entrepreneur who carries

personal and business challenges while holding a laptop who is standing on locational

opportunities going through a block of challenges trying to reach stronger connection on the Wi-

Page | 46
Fi. The Wi-Fi signal represents the technology advancement of the young entrepreneurs which

uses social media as their platform to connect to the potential customers. In these challenging

times, social media has become more than just a digital tool of communication that people use but

is now a part of their daily lives. People use the power of social media to go out of their comfort

zones and explore more things, especially in the business world. Social media has made a

significant impact in the lives of small and young business owners, as they use this influence to

market their product and advance their brand. Social media has had a substantial effect on

individuals' attitudes and perceptions in their daily lives. Regardless of generation and age, it has

opened opportunities for everyone, especially to the practices of macro businesses and young

business owners. Likewise, the building blocks represents the challenges that they would

encounter for growing as an entrepreneur. The person in this framework has gender-neutral symbol

in his face in order to be gender sensitive, because young entrepreneurs could be anyone who are

engaged in business especially in micro-businesses, as you can see the young individual is carrying

a huge baggage and it symbolizes the different challenges he might encounter first in order to

achieve his ultimate goal which is success, and these obstacles can also be his motivation to pursue

his business despite of all the hardships and demotivators he will be encountering with. Next, will

be the laptop he is using, this object represents the medium or way in order to be connected with

their present and future customers. The young entrepreneur is already on a place of opportunities

on establishing a business and it takes a lot of courage so that it can be achieve at a level of

excellence that would make their business remarkable and sustainable. Challenges faced by young

entrepreneurs in operating their micro-business and these were namely: Time management,

employee satisfaction, product delivery, investment, distributors, and satisfying customers were

all challenges they encountered.

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This chapter consisted of a summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations based

on the data gathered.

Summary of findings

All of the participants experienced different challenges during their first year of operation,

they stated that their first year was the most difficult and challenging. Given the situation that at a

young age they are engaging in a micro-business in an urbanized location such as the City of San

Fernando. The majority of participants said that satisfying customers is the most difficult aspect

of their job, and it has a huge influence on their business because it can have either a positive or

bad impact. On the other hand, some of the participants also responded that time management,

product delivery, employee satisfaction, distributors, and investment are the other factors that

really challenged their skills and competency as young entrepreneurs. Another factor that

contributed to their demotivation in running their microbusiness was not only the various

enterprise obstacles, but also the personal challenges they faced such as Uncertainty, fear of failure,

age discrimination, and so on. Given these de-motivators, it's clear that it has a significant impact

on how they run and operate their micro-business. Moreover, almost all of the participants consider

the City of San Fernando as a business center with many potential target markets because it has

many establishments, infrastructure, and a larger population than the rest of Pampanga's



Based on the findings, the following conclusions were derived:

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1. The study established that the young entrepreneurs in San Fernando, Pampanga faced

different challenges during their first year of operation. Like other entrepreneurs they are also

having so much difficulty in giving satisfaction to their customers, managing their time, finding

the right distributors, product delivery, employee satisfaction, and lastly the young entrepreneurs

are afraid that their investments will go to waste. Young entrepreneurs, on the other hand, did not

let these challenges stop them from competing in the market; rather, they used them as motivation

to work harder, and it is clear that they succeeded because they are currently operating their micro-

business in San Fernando's urbanized and highly competitive market. Furthermore, eight out of

eight participants who engaged in Micro Business in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga is

experiencing challenges in handling and building client loyalty throughout their first year of

operation. They are, however, nevertheless open to receiving input or ideas from their consumers

in order to improve the way they operate their own micro-enterprises.

2. In terms of de-motivators, there are various factors such as personal and business-related

problems or challenges those young entrepreneurs experienced, and most of the participants

became hesitant in engaging in micro-businesses at first because they are afraid that the

products/services they are going to offer will not create demand or customers will simply ignore

them due to their age and lack of entrepreneurship experience. However, all of the participants

surpassed those negative ideas and continue learning and improving their marketing strategies and

skills in order to sustain and enhance their micro-businesses.

3. All of the participants agreed that the City of San Fernando, Pampanga is an excellent

location for distribution and investment. Young entrepreneurs took risks to establish and launch

their microbusinesses because they saw a chance to expand their operations and optimize their

revenues. Young entrepreneurs are risk-takers, since they are willing to enter the business with the

Page | 50
possibility of failure. Every firm has a unique approach for marketing and advertising their

products, which distinguishes them from one another.


Based on the study's results and conclusions, the following recommendations were made:

1. The results and findings of this study about the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs

in their first year of operating their micro-businesses will shed light on the Educators of

entrepreneurship, which were they can provide strategies on how to handle these challenges and

provide learning methods by providing data that will help and lead the future young entrepreneurs

to think and act strategically and effectively in the market. It is also recommended that future

young entrepreneurs be taught how to overcome personal and business problems and that they

attend seminars and programs that motivate them.

2. For the future young entrepreneurs, it is recommended that they should lay a solid

foundation and be well-versed in what product they will sell, who their target market will be, when

and where they will launch their business, and most importantly, be open-minded in receiving and

handling constructive criticism from their employees, suppliers, and customers in order improve

their good marketing strategies that can generate and sustain the stakeholders. Furthermore, the

help of consistent business ideas development and product or service innovation is highly

recommended to young entrepreneurs who have great challenges, have different life statuses and

priorities. Time management and managing personal and professional issues alter as a result of

continuous business development.

3. In accordance with the findings of the study, investing in a micro-business in a city like

San Fernando is clearly a good idea. It could be accomplished by allowing local governments to

Page | 51
conduct investment seminars and programs for young entrepreneurs so that they can learn more

about how to work and expand their investments in the city. Moreover, the City of San Fernando

has become the center of business although the government must continue to provide services and

encourage small business owners, especially the young entrepreneurs whose businesses are still

not yet registered. The help of the government by giving a trade fair is also recommended. They

may have various requirements and difficulties obtaining, but it may still be beneficial in

showcasing, demonstrating, and promoting their product.

4. It is highly suggested for future marketers to develop and start a business in San

Fernando, Pampanga because the location is ideal for promoting and selling their goods because

there are many target customers and various establishments in the region. San Fernando,

Pampanga, was recognized as the province's business hub.

5. This research might be used as a foundation or reference by future researchers, and it

could be used to analyze all of the issues that the young entrepreneur faced while managing a

micro-business during the year. This study can also assist future researchers in having a direction

and concept for their work as well as fulfilling their objective.

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Appendix A
Informed Consent Letter
Title: The Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced by Young Entrepreneurs in the
City of San Fernando, Pampanga.
Student Researchers: Eunice F. Lingad, Lyka G. Maitem, Olayza Ross R. Parungao, Russel Q.
Rivera, Christine Mae D. Sagum, Aizle Anne C. Sibug
Contact Information: 09063519770, 09755044578, 09202750252, 09654690784, 09551202096,
Purpose of the Study:
We are students of Don Honorio Ventura State University under the Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration Major in Marketing. This semester, we are conducting our thesis about
The Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced by Young Entrepreneurs in the
City of San Fernando, Pampanga. We are working with our adviser, Rowina M. Twaño, DBA,
who is an instructor at the university. We would like to know if you would be willing to take part
in this research. You will be asked to participate in an in-depth interview that will ask you about
some personal information and some details concerning your life and current situation as a young
entrepreneur. Included also in the interview are questions about your current life situations, your
challenges as an entrepreneur, and your motivators and de- motivators in starting your micro-
business. The researcher will also ask you about the changes that have happened in your life since
the day you start your business here in San Fernando, Pampanga.
I would also like to ask for your permission to allow us to record our conversation using a phone
recorder. Recording the conversation will be a very big help in writing our transcriptions and will
help the researchers to have a detailed copy of the conversation containing all the information you
provided for the study. The recorded conversation will serve as a pure source of data that will be
needed for data analysis.

All the information you provide will be strictly confidential and your name will not appear on the
responses you have given instead, your responses will contain an identification number. This

identification number is used to note that you have participated in the interview and will not be
attached to the general interview itself.
Your participation is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or may discontinue your
participation at any time during the interview. While we cannot compensate you for your time,
your participation will be invaluable to our research. You will have the opportunity to ask, and to
have answered, all your questions about this research, by calling the student concerned in the
research, whose contact information is listed at the top of this letter. All inquiries are confidential.

Page | 58
Thank you and May God bless you!
Student Researchers:

Eunice F. Lingad
Lyka G. Maitem
Olayza Ross R. Parungao
Russel Q. Rivera
Christine Mae D. Sagum
Aizle Anne C. Sibug

Page | 59
Appendix B

Interview Guide Validation Form

Validated by:
Ms. Mharree Joie Shynne P. Gomez (MBA)
Mrs. Florabel T. Tongol (PhD)
Ms. Kimberly Anne S. Fajardo (LPT major in English)
Mr. Gabriel M, Aquino (Young Entrepreneur)


A blessed day! We are 4th year students from Don Honorio Ventura State University (Main
Campus), College of Business Studies taking up Business Administration Major in Marketing. We
are currently conducting Qualitative research entitled “The Prospect and challenges in Micro
business faced by Young Entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando Pampanga.” We are asking
for your time and kindness to conduct an interview with you on this subject. The responses and
information gathered will only be utilized for this study, so rest assured that they will be kept fully
confidential. Thank you and God bless!
Name (Optional): ______________________ Age: _______

Address: _________________________

I. Demographic profile

1. What is your age range?

• 20-23

• 24-27

• 28-30

2. Sex

• Male

• Female

• Others

3. What is your educational attainment?

• Elementary graduate

Page | 60
• High school graduate

• College level

• College graduate

• Other’s please specify_________

4. What is your relationship status?

• Single

• Married

• Widowed

• Separated

• Others:

II. Research Questions

1. Type of Micro-Business

• Food

• Service

• Retailing

• Other: _____________

2. Years of operation in your business

• 1 to 2 years

• 3 to 4 years

• 5 years and above

3. How many employees do you currently employ?

• None

• 1-2 employees

Page | 61
• 3-4 employees

• 5 and above employees

4. Do you think your age has an advantage compared to the other entrepreneurs ages 31 and


5. If yes, what do you think is your advantage?

6. Do you think investing in a micro-business in San Fernando, Pampanga is a good idea for

young entrepreneurs like you?

7. As an entrepreneur, did you get any support or benefits from the government? If yes, what

are these?

8. Who or what has encouraged you to start up a business and why?

9. What are the de-motivators (fears) for you to engage in a micro-business and why?

10. What challenges do young entrepreneurs in San Fernando, Pampanga experienced in their

first year of running and operating their micro-business?

11. What strategies you apply to overcome the challenges you’ve encountered?

12. What are your recommendations/suggestions for those who want to build their own

business at a young age? Or to those who are having difficulties in managing or operating

their micro business?

Page | 62
Appendix C
Hello, I’m Alend… 23 years old na ako… actually tapos na akong mag aral and happily married na rin

*laughs*… Oh yes naman,.. Ah… siguro ano our advantages to the other entrepreneurs especially who

are much older sa amin is the technology. As for my experience, I always look or research sa ano, sa

mga trending ngayon. Like for cakes na binebenta ko, people tend to buy yung mga ano minimalist

cakes which is trending right now… Ay oo naman, yes it is. Masasabi ko talaga na super daming

opportunities dito sa SF, bakit kamo? Ang daming tao, pamilya, mga kabataan ganyan kaya magandang

mag-business. And dahil busy ang lugar ng San Fernando you always need to be a multitasker. Because

if your target customers are teenagers o mga millenials ganyan. You need to know talaga yung mga

klase or yung type of product na makakapag-caught sa eyes nila to buy sa product mong binebenta

diba… No, especially when you just starting to open your business… Ahm siguro since we started our

own business last 2020 and its pandemic na kasi noon e. We saw a lot of business that are booming

that time like food business ganyan, so then I just encourage my mom to do a food business na rin since

I am into baking… Syempre bilang isang ano ahm young entrepreneur marami din akong takot sa puso

ko *laughs*. Ah siguro una na dito is the pandemic itself. Because we started this business on our own

so we do it on our own lang talaga. Everytime, I do the errands like yung pagbili ng mga ingredients,

doing the delivery of the products ganyan. I’m afraid na baka I might get the virus. And also, sa product

na binebenta ko which is cakes ganyan, its difficult to find an ingredient because we don’t have any

suppliers… Ah ako ahm personally ah, una is yung Delivering the products. Because you need to be

careful para hindi masira yung design ng cake ganyan and the distance that I go to just to ano to send

the product. Tas siguro ikalawa, yung ano lack of supplies ng mga ingredients and materials that we

need that time. We always got the “Out of Stock” word *laughs*. And lastly siguro, syempre yung

Page | 63
pressure na nanggagaling sa mga customers that they are putting on us especially when they review

your product and sometimes pag di sila nasatisfy sa Product ko, iniispi ko pano kung di na sila mag

purchase uli ganon… Ahhhm, Noon we limited the area that we delivers, tska we also limit yung araw

ng mismong delivery and we became more resourceful when it comes to the ingredients… Yung

maipapayo ko… uhm siguro ano You need to be very attentive when it comes to opening a business at

you need to have a lot pf options if you want your business to run very very very smoothly.


Uhm…First name Gabriel… Uhm Dolores San Fernando Pampanga. Kung sa street naman

Guadalupe… 21 years old… Oo third year, Bachelor of Science computer science... ah saakin,

agricultural… ahh sa mga suppliers ko… sa bacolor lang siya… Madami akong binebenta eh, minsan

sa ano… bigas ganyan, tas plants, yung mga hayop tulad ng manok ganyan… ah mga 2 years na…

Uhm ako lang yung e, ako lang tas minsan tinutulungan ako ng papa ko ganon…uhm hindi naman…ah

kung meron sa mga techy yung mga, techcy kasi yung mga student ngayon kaya nakakapag business

sila kahit anong gusto nilang gawin. Pero para sa akin pare-parehas lang siya kumbaga kahit sino naman

pwede mag business, Kumbaga lahat may paraan…ahh, maganda siya dahil habang bata pa lang ay

natututo tayo kung pano matutong mag invest ganyan. Tska matuto sa buhay kung paano kumita, kung

paano rin mamaraan…. uhm oo sa ano, sa agriculture. Nakaka-ano naman, nag kakaroon naman kahit

pa-paano.”…“uhm ano mga fertilizer tsaka mga pera rin nagbibigay sila, every year din ata yon

e…uhm sarili ko lang *tawa*…uhm oo dahil… actually kailangan mo talaga mag-invest pag nag

b’business ka e. ah first problem ko doon yung paano mo maibabalik yung pera mo at kung paano mo

rin mapapadagdag. Minsan natatakot ako na baka minsan wala ng customer na bumili sa akin ganon,

parang kinakabahan ako pero… pero sa business uhm palakasan lang siya ng loob kung gaano ka ka-

deter… kadeterminasyon yung ano mo, yung faith mo, na kailangan talaga na dapat talaga sundin mo

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yung nasa puso mo… Uhm ano… siguro yung mag hanap ng mga customer ganon tska kung paano ko

mapapalawak yung business ko. tska isa pa sa mga challenge ko yung sa nag hahanap din ng maayos

na supplier para mas makamura kapag mag iinvest.…kung ma-agapan naman, ma-aagapan naman.

Pero kung wala na talaga uhm move on nalang kasi, ah kasi natuto ako sa ganong bagay na nagkamali

ka dun sa ganun na start, kailangan mo naman i-change yung pag b-business mo or yung strategy.

Kailangan lagi kang nag c-change ng strategy dahil madami ka ding kalaban pag nag b-business ka.

Uhm tsaka… yun lang pala *tawa*…uhm… magtiwala lang sila sa sarili nila na, na lahat ng bagay ay

kakayanin basta’t may paraan. kung ano talaga wag na e, pero kung kaya gawin tsaka pag talaga may

experience na ganyang bagay mas magandang ipagpatuloy lalo na sa mga student ngayon, lalo na

ngayon pandemic. Uhm ngayong pandemic din kasi ako natuto kung paano magkaroon ng pera ganyan,

mag invest at matuto rin sa pag palakad ng business…


Ako pala si beatrice….yes taga sa….Del Pilar San Fernando Pampanga …..20 years old …...

umm…currently po….. umm.. 2nd year po ….. educational therapy… single…. Asian

princess beauty po… lip gloss at the moment more on cosmetics po….. umm.. 1 to 2 ayy.. more than

a year na po niyan ……..wala po …….medyo mahirap po nung una pero umm… kakayanin

para may kikitahin…..advantage? Ahh currently po small business at young age is um… mas madami

po opportunities na pwede ma open sayo and um.. siguro po ah mas madami din time when it comes

to learning po on strategies about business….Umm..opo. opo naman umm.. lalo na po if opportunities

to a start your small business at a young age mas better po na umm.. mag open ng small business…..

At this moment. at the moment po nilalakad po namin ung mga papers po umm.. sa small business ko

kaya ngayon po wala pa pong nabibigay na benefits…… Umm.. nag start po kasi nung last pandemic

as in walang po ginagawa pag isipan ko po gumawa ng umm..lip gloss mag halo nag research

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po ako paano gumawa ng umm… celine lip gloss and then eventually na isipan ko po na umm.. bakit

hindi mag open ng umm.. business mag start ganun po………. Umm..siguro ung pinaka ka una umm..

pumasok na kinakatakutan ko nung nag start palang po mag open business is ung umm.. mag

gugustuhan po kaya ng mga tao ng ung pink na ibibigay ko po dun sa business ko kase as of now po

ung pink lip gloss po namin is about anime so umm.. yun po parang iniisip ko po if ahh.. magugustuhan

po kaya nila or baka nag ooverthink na rin po siyempre umm.. tinitignan rin po ung mag possible

mangyari if ever baka mawala lang ung pinag hirapan ko parang ganun po…Umm.. challenges siguro

umm..siyempre as a college student po nagsasabay po ung small business at ung umm..paglalakad

sa business ko time management sobra hirap po kasing pag sabayin pag minsan umm.. biglang

inexpected may pinapagawa sa school and biglang may problem sa business so medyo mahirap po I

balance……… Ayun umm..i got this time management nga po parang umm.. or next month if ever

mas better may plano na ko or next month para sa business ko para if ever din ahh.. umm.. may

sisingit na mga ibang activity sa school konting adjustment nalang compare sa biglaang umm..

biglaang changes and yun po…….. Umm.. Masasabi ko opening small business is a search

responsibility umm..kailangan talaga mag insert ng sobra dami effort para umm.. matuloy and maging

successful ung umm.. goal mo pero umm.. if ever na sabi ko nga may opportunities na dumating sayo

mag open ka ng small business mo educate mag take ng risk kase hindi naman natin malalaman if

umm..magugustuhan ng mga tao until hindi mo siya introduce sa kanila so ayun lang umm.. if you

want it talaga na ma achieve yung goal mo no one can stop you man yun lang po.


Ah my name is charlotte… taga San Fernando Pampanga taga San Fernando din ba kayo?... kasi dalawa

yung hawak naming business… kaka 27 ko lang tatlo na yung anak… ah I graduated bachelor of science

in tourism management. Relationship status single with three dependent.. yung San Fernando Live

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Bagsakan Seeafoods tsaka yung Green Minded Healthy Options. No.. ibat iba which ever cheaper kailangan

kunin natin kung saan tayo kikita tsaka kung saan yung customer na kaya nilang bilhin yung kaya sa bulsa

diba… Yung Green Minded Healthy Options 3 years na yata and yung San Fernando Live Bagsakan this

year lang siya. Sa seafoods dalawa lang tsaka ako sa green minded parang tatlo ata two to three… Hindi

naman basta e maximize yung time tsaka routine lang naman ang kailangan kase kapag may routine na

alam mo yung… alam mo yung pag sunod-sunod yung. Okay ahh siguro nakikita kong advantage ko like

for me 27 years old mas mas madami akong idea for me ahh compare sakanila na 31 and above sa social

media marketing diba.. kasi kapag ganyan age na katulad ninyo mahilig mag explore sa social media.

Actually yung ano mga market ko nangaling lang iyan sa social media so feeling ko yun din yun din yung

advantage ko rin and kasi ako like ako yung kapag nakausap ko yung isang tao ano yan ehh spontaneous

na diba.. hindi siya yung kung ano lang yung tinatanong like kung ano lang yung tinatanong iyon lang

sasagutin hindi hindi ako gannon uhm madaldal ako ehh kunyare for example pag nakausap kita the next

time na mag meet ulit tayo itutuloy ko yung last nating pinagusapan ganoon siya and ako kasi lagi ah

finofocus din yung after sales pinaka importante yun hindi lang siya for example ahh customer mo siya

ngayon after niyang bumili bahala na wala ka ng pakiealam, dito lagi akong may after sale non na feel nila

yung costumer may after sale ahh malaki yung percentage na oorder sila oras. Yes perfect na perfect

location alam mo kung bakit ang daming establishments sa San Fernando ibig sabihin mataas ang

competition diba.. ahh demanding yung yung business for example ahh paglabas mo lang ng ano, kahit

saan ditto mayroong mall so ibig sabihin niyan maraming mga mamimili, ibig sabihin maraming kang

customer marami kang target market. Mas okay mag invest ng business sa San Fernando kase maraming

tao din, tapos napansin ko yung mga tao na taga San Fernando to Angeles mahilig din silang mag try ng

bago so feeling ko mas okay talaga sa San Fernando. Yes, ah like last year ahh noong December tinawagan

ako ng local government and then may binigay sila ng ano na pandagdag sa business sa puhunan tapos aside

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pa doon everytime na may exhibit or trade fare ahh lagi nila lagi nila akong tinatawagan ohh baka gusto

mo bang mag join sa walter mart, sa sm Pampanga iyon yung maganda kapag registered yung business mo

yung mga local government unit anytime puwede kanila tawagan basta may exhibit and trade fare. Actually

yung green minded ano lang iyon hobby ko lang iyan sa green minded healthy option yung product naming

doon we offer pro and services, our products are ahh like detox juices, organic food, organic meal, na

makakatulong sa health ganiyan. So iyon ang nangyari doon, hobby ko ibig sabihin iyon kasi yung hilig

kong kainin for example ang hilig ko sa salad, ang hilig ko sa granola oats, kung gumawa ng smoothies

para sa baby, kasi ano ako parang health conscious ganyan, tapos some of my friends talaga na inuudyok

nila ako na bakit hindi mo e business iyan ahh papatok iyan lalo na mga tao ngayon health conscious

samething with the San Fernando live bagsakan seafood since iyong mga tao mahilig sila bumili ng pagkain

and hindi mahirap e benta ang pagkain especially sa San Fernando live bagsakan kahit sino may bibili and

everyday may niluluto and mga tao ng ulam so oorder at oorder sila. Ah ano ba parang wala naman kasi

akong ano hindi naman kinatakutan siguro parang challenge lang din... First came kase iisipin mo may

bibili kaya sa product mo like for example yung green minded siyempre hindi lahat ng tao kakain ng

healthy, hindi naman lahat ng tao magugustuhan iyong lasa lalo na pag nasa Pampanga tayo, ang mga

kapampangan meat lovers mga iyan iyon yung ano yung naisip kong challenge sa business ko ahh tapos

pangalawa they are perishable pagkain iyan ehh masisira at masisira diba.. So baka pag deliver sa customer

hindi kaagad na comsumed ni customer pag nasira ikaw ang sisihin ma masira iyon, iyon iyung mga

challenges pero ahh ang kagandahan naman doon is number one kasi na pupush mo yung business mo

pinaka una sa lahat mag tiwala ka sa product mo kung ikaw mismo hindi ka tiwala sa product mo wala rin

maniniwala sayo. ah siguro for me number one maging open minded ka after mo sa delivery mo sa mga

customer hihingi ka ng feedback nila whether is negative and positive ahh kailangan open minded ka kapag

negative ang sinabi ni customer kailangan open ka doon, para ikaw din ma improve mo ng maayos ang

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business mo ma overcome. Yung mayroon kang customer na ma memeet na kahit na bigyan mo siya ng

hundred percent service mayroong customer na sobra reklamador or maraming objections ang importante

doon mag pakatotoo ka lang. Mayroon isang customer tinatanong what are the macros of your granola oats

siyempre hindi ko alam iyon diba.. malay ko sa macros na sinasabi niya niya ang gianwa ko is nag reseach

ako siguro may mga tao na super dupper conciuos nila sa pag intake nia ng food sa katawan for like example

may tao, mayroon pala mayroon palang tao na ahh na yung sugar content ng isang product kinocomputte

kasi meron pala siyang tracker. Ang sagot ko sa kanya sir good thing naitanong mo saamin iyan kase this

is our first time that we encounter this kind of question, basta mag pakatotoo ka lang na actually sir we are

not certified nutritionist and we are not certified dietician, we are just offering healthy options ahh tapos

sabi ko I’ll get back to you pag may nakausap na akong professional nutritionist. Siguro pinaka una iyon

nga magtiwala ka sa product mo, magtiwala ka sa sarili mo kase alam mo iyon kapag tiwala ka sa sarili mo

kahit sino man tao napaka may mga tao perssimistic diba yung lahat lang nalang ng negative doon siya nag

fofocus para lang ma down ka, para lang manyung loob mo so dapat pinaka una kaylangan magtiwala sa

sarili natin tapos pangalawa magtiwal tayo sa product natin kasi pag siyempre we give fully satisfaction for

the client para bumalik ang mga iyan and then pangatlo huwag silang matakot kasi yung business naman

kasi ups and downs iyan ehh for example hindi kasi pag business ka ngayon ngayon din aani ka diba.. pero

mostly hindi ganoon ang mangyayri puro ka invest ng invest kailangan matuto tayong magpaikot tapos

number one pala talaga bukod sa tiwala sa sarili is yung kasipagan kung may tiwala ka sa sarili mo and

may tiwala ka sa product mo kung hindi ka masipag wala rin mangayayarin basta try and try mas okay na

yung take risker ba iyon.


“oo, uhm… dati ang pangalan ng shop ko ay pero pinalitan ko na ngayon, kasi madami

nagrereklamo na mahirap tandaan…so pinalitan ko siya ng nabi.wear..syempre alam niyo yung word

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na nabi diba…marupok.redflag…madami akong ibang suppliers kasi yung ukay di siya permanent

nabultuhan na nakukuha mo sa isang supplier, hindi kasi minsan pangit yung unang supplier mo, I mean

pangit yung mga bulto niya yung mga laman kasi di mo malalaman yun, gagawin ko mag tiktok muna

ako, tamang sipag lang, kapag Nakita kong maganda dito ako mag oorder ganyan, take risk din. …

more than one year, diko rin expect na magtatagal, kasi inaano ko lang na wala lang personal income

ko lang pangbili ng kineme-kineme *laughs* ay mag oone year na pala ako sa, kinareer ko na

talaga”…wala kasi ano kulang pa kita ko *laughs* pero kailangan ko, pero may mga friends ako na

tinutulungan ako na wala naman in return tas minsan may partner din ako sa pag bubusiness ko, kunyari

sa short if gusto ng kaibigan ko ng uhm kahati..sige go naman ako pero ayun wala talaga akong

employee.” ...“syempre tayong mga bagets, di lang naman ako bagets dito alam natin lahat yung mga

trends lalo na yung shop ko is clothing…clothing siya. So, advantage yun sakin na alam ko yung mga

trending ngayon mga uso sa mga bagets kahit di sa age natin kahit sa mga matatanda, naano natin- ay

eto pangmatanda, observant pag younger ka. Yun yung satingin kong advantage ko sa mga

nakakatanda…. “Oo naman kasi marami rin yung population dito diba, napansin ko rin kasi na kahit

nasa probinsya tayo yung mga tao dito maporma…yan mapoporma mga Kapampangan..siga siga sila

tuwing wash day diba…so yun.”… “ay wala, wala silang kwenta chatrot. *laughs* oo, nagtatago pa

po ako *laughs*”…“sino kasi meron akong kaibigan, yung kaibigan ko, kaschool mate din namin nun

sa PHS, ewan ko kung kilala mo si Emiel Sanchez…oo yun, nagbubusiness kasi siya same kami ng

shop hindi naming tinuturing yung isa’t isa na competitors kasi naglolook forward lagi ako sakanya na

“uy anong magandang ibusiness” sabi kong ganyan kasi naiingit ako sakanya tas sabi niya ako eto ukay

tapos tinuruan niya ako about sa shopee about sa pag sship, lahat siya talaga nagturo sakin tapos naisip

ko nun mag benta ng pre-loved triny ko sa personal account ko ewan ko kung napansin niyo yun sa

mga personal account ko, naka two thousand ako sa pre-loved ko lang ha, pre-loved ko lang yun tapos

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bandang mga ano, nagkaroon ako ng scholarship kay mayor, yung scholarship na yun, inisip ko kung

pano ko siya papalaguin, so triny kong mag ukay, ka try ko syet okay naman, nakapag ano naman ako

kaagad, nakapag bumalik naman yung kita ko kaagad ganon. Oo, alam ko diko pa nasasabi sa kanya,

para sakin siya talaga nag inspire sakin, ang sipag niya sobra.”… “yung maloko ulit ako, hahaha char

*laughs*, kalokohan ko talaga ano, hinde ano hindi natatanggal yung takot ko simulat sapul na unang

nag start ako hanggang ngayon pare pareho lang takot ko, bakit? Kasi every collection every ilalabas

ko yung collection ko hindi naman kada collection massold out ka expect mo na yun, hindi every items

mo mabebenta lahat ng hindi naka sale, so kailangan lagi ka nag iisip ng strategy, dapat tinitingnan mo

mga kasama mong nagbebenta kasi kung dimo sila tiningnan kung ano uso nga ganyan, wala mapag

iiwanan ka, kaya ako ang lagi kong kinakatakutan walang makakapansin ng post ko kaya ginagawa ko,

post lang nang post araw araw post lang nang post, okay lang makulitan post ko lang, kasi di araw araw

nakikita lahat ng mga tao yung pinopost mo”… “challenges na ano, siguro yung ano kasi nga bata diba

bata nga lang ako diba so nag aaral pako ang pinaka peak na naranasan ko is yung ano ang dami ko ng

ginagawa sa school, naiifraud kapa tas na stress ka minsan ginagawa ko nun uhm icchat nang icchat ko

yung nag mine bwiset ka *laughs* sabi ko ano ba kailan ka magbabayad? Two weeks na yung binibigay

ko sayo baka naman baka gusto mong magbayad, sa lahat ng seller ako yung naghihintay so ayun

dalawang beses nakong ganun nangyari sakin, buti naman hindi sampu kung hindi yaw kuna

hahahaha.”…“ginagawa ko sinasapak ko char hahahaha ano nag popost ako na ah awareness sa mga

katulad kong nag bubusiness kami nag-uusap usap kami kaming mga nag bubusiness ouh ito fraudmer

toh block mo toh ganon yung ginagawa namin nag bloblock blakan kami ng mga fraudmer kungwari

sasabihin ouh ito block mo toh baka mamaya fraud kasi nga bastos sila ewan ko kung bakit ang galling

nga eh kunyari sfraud yung nag fraud sakin inifraud niya si emiel busit siya diba taray niya tapos na

open siya tas sinasabi niya sakin na uy ano ana kapag nag popost ako ng ganto ganyan kung sino yung

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sinabi kong fraud I block mo na din kung yun yung mga ginagawa namin”…“unang una sa lahat dapat

sipag dapat masipag sila bakit kasi lalo na yung akin ka ka dating ng item mo ay sis mag laba kana

habang may araw laban mo na yan pag nalabhan muna yan kung may stain yan yung stain na yon dapat

tinatanggal mo para mag mukhang bago tapos kapag ka nasampay muna edi patutuyuin muna diba tas

plaplantsahin mo pa yan para maging desente kapag na ano muna ready muna para mag photoshoot

ouh dapat sexyhan ni seller kasi nga kailangan hahahaha maganda jusko yung tiyan ko dun sa mga ano

ko di ko na alam pano ko itatago diba masipag dapat matiyaga din sila kasi nga may mga araw naman

matumal may mga araw na hindi talaga wala talagang pera ang mga tao lalo na ngayon pandemic hindi

mo aasahan na 100 percent na bibili sila sayo lalo na yung mga kaibigan mo post lang post araw-araw

hanggang sa ma sold out tapos yun na tapos ulit ulit uli wag kalang susuko kapag kapag kunyari di

bumalik yung kita nila ok lang yon ilabas padin nila palaguin parin nila wag sila agad gigive up kasi

masyado pang maaga para gumive up bata pa tayo hahahaha”


…. “skin essential by kcm retailing business and ano po online para siyang ano ah wala pa po soon

palang pero may permit na oo yung ginawa ko po kasi ay parang ano parang gumawa ako ng one one

stop shop na ano mga cosmetic and beauty product so nag apply ako ng mga distributor sa mga iba’t

ibang brand pinagsama sama ko sila so depende sa position ko may mga downline akong distributor

yung iba naman sa mga ibang brand sellers ganon …more than a year na po…currently ako lang

po…“since so yun nga 21 years old ako and maagang nakapag start compare sa iba I think maraming

time to build their brand and by the time 31 na ko or above most likely established na yung business

lalo na yung mga ka age yung mga age natin ngayon alam nating trendy and may merong mag keep up

sa changes dahil sa online nga yon pero ano naman uhm overall feeling ko naman hindi naman nag ma

matter kung what age mo sisimulan as long as may opportunity I grab mo yung opportunity basta kahit

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anong age mo” …“yes po actually yung ano uhm marami akong kakilala na from ano guagua, lubao

ganon, sasmuan na nag invest dito dito sa ano san Fernando siguro malaking factor yung ano capial ng

province natin at makikita na ano talaga parang business center yung san Fernando kaya dumadayo

yung mga business owners”… “as of now wala pa and understood naman yon since online business

nga yon”…“ako lang talaga ever since kasi gusto ko mag business eh feeling ko naman sa mga young

entrepreneurs yun yung ano nila mindset na matagal na sila pero ano nag hahanap lang sila ng

opportunity para masimulan nila ang business nila”…“siguro po yung ano lahat ng ano time, money,

lalo na effort is mapunta sa wala kasi ng yun nga ah yung mga funds na ginamit ko is inipon ko siya

for two years feeling ko yun yung pinaka ano don uhmm fears ng mga young entrepreneurs bago sila

mag simula”…“most likely advertising and promotion since ako nga lang nakaka challenge na pano

mo siya mapasikat lalo na ako talaga yung nag established wala akong stuff and all tapos way back a

year ago physic knowledge sa social media marketing kaya yon”…“para sa akin always be open to

learning and major factors siguro yung ano kaya medjo natuto na ko inanalyze ko ang mga strategy ng

mga co competitors ko hindi naman siya mahirap I analyze since online lang siya and marami akong

kakilala mga sikat na parang yung ganto din yung mga ginagawa so ayon yung mga natutunan ko is

inapply ko siya sa small business ko” …“ano uhm don’t be afraid to take calculated risk kasi di ka

matututo kasi kung nasa comfort zone kalang and be ano concious in promoting your business tapos

importante din mag keep up sa trends yun”


“ahhh...I'm Dyann. Ahm...currently I, we are residing at San Fernando but before Pandemic, QC based

kami. So, I am 30. I graduated as BS Architecture in Far Eastern University sa Manila. Ahh...I'm single.

Ahh so ngayon nagstart kami ng Water Refilling Station...Hydrodan Water Refilling Station dito sa

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Magliman. Ahh yeah... we're running for one year and a half. Ahh sa ngayon I have two, isang washer

at isang delivery boy. Sa status ngayon, which is... well kapag nagbubusiness syempre ichecheck mo.

Well, based sa capacity ng clients or customers is nagtutugma sa expenses mo, So ngayon ang kaya ko

pa lang bayaran ay dalawa. ahhh sa mga oldies? Well, actually masasabi ko, Siguro if I started na mas

younger or mas bata, ang advantage ko ay iyong Fresh ideas, creativity na pwede mong i-install or

instill sa business ko. Hindi ko naman sinasabi na Hindi creative ang mga oldies, hindi ko pwede

sabihin kasi yung younger generation ay mas exposed sa mga technology, sa mga bagong marketing

strategies, so I guess mas iyon ang nagiging advantage ng mas bata nyayon kumpara sa mga unang

business owners. I can say lalo sa situation natin ngayon, na Pandemic, so yung mga, iyon nga since

katulad namin galing kaming Q.C so nandun ang work namin so ngayon is medyo talagang mataas

iyong anxiety na nabigay ng pandemic, so we decided to resigned, iwan ang work, so ngayon we have

two established rafting, para sa financial stability. So, I guess yung mga tao sa QC, nagbalikan na sila

o siguro nagbalikan na sila sa mga localities nila, so ngayon sa tingin mas dumadami na iyong mga tao,

iyong mga tao na excess sa Metro Manila bumalik na sa dati nilang lugar. So, I guess mas tataas iyong

marketing or iyong competition sa business dito sa mga local/urban areas. Well, sa ngayon, I am not

aware na may ganoon pala. So ngayon wala, hindi rin naman ako nagseek ng help sa Government.

Pero siguro meron din sa mga... lalo na sa mga kapos sa budget or iyong mga kailangan talaga ng

financial assistance, pero ako wala sa business ko. Ayy... sa ngayon kaya pa, kaya pa (laughs).

*Hmmmm...actually mga ilang years na rin syang nasa mind ng father ko, pero since nagpandemic,

doon lang sya na- execute. So chaka iyong ano rin, ano tawag dito... bali, iyong pangangailangan din,

na ayon nga kailangan magkaroon ng stable income, kailangan magkaroon ng additional...kumbaga

kailangan ng financial stability, so kailangan mo talagang magbusiness. So, sabihin natin iyong mga

kaba ko bago ako magstart, or during start, pwede na rin sabihin no? So isa... hindi lang siguro sa

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business ko, iyong —tawag dito...—kung paano mo ma earn yung trust and respects ng mga clients,

kasi kung mas younger ka medyo alanganin, nandun tayo sa society na kapag mas matanda, mas

maraming alam, mas magaling ka or mas experienced ka. Iyon nga, so kailangan medyo itaas ang

standard mo para mapansin ka ng clients, customers, ganun. Uhmmm So ngayon, iyong challenges...

ayun nga is yung pag-earn ng clients and isa pa 'dun yung paghandle ng tao. Iyong mga tao kasi, lalo

na ngayon, sa panahon ngayon, kapit ko yung mga tao, kailangan ng work so kung may mag-offer ng

mas mataas iiwanan ka na, so isa iyon sa medyo mabigat, iyong mga workers, kung paano mo

imamanage yung mga wokers mo, paano mo sila mapapa-stay. Hmm...okay...So, currently yung mga

tao ko medyo matagal na, medyo nagtagal naman kasi sila, may nauna pa kasi sa kanila. Siguro iyong

ano lang proper management, pagiging open sa tao ko and then giving incentives lalo na kung maganda

naman yung work, and then ayun nga siguro iyong iyong ano din... by helping them, ipinapakita mo na

you help them and ipapakita mo na may tutulong sa kanila na employer. Iyong mga workers ko ngayon

is younger than me, So ayun pero may mga family sila so yung binibigay kong suporta sa kanila ay

para sa family nila. *Siguro ano lang, siguro dapat sa ngayon you start young sa business, kasi tinuro

sa school, dapat mag-aral ka, galingan mo mag-aral and then maghanap ka ng trabaho. Pero walang

nagturo na dapat magbusiness ka, So I guess isa iyon sa mga dapat i-level up ng mga younger ones

ngayon na hindi lang employment ang magiging source ng financial stability, pwede ka rin

magbusiness, kailangan lang ng courage sa business.


Ako nga pala si Clarisse....yes…taga sa ano.... sa San Fernando, Pampanga…ahh currently ano tayo

graduating student tayo ngayon 4 year college na…civil engineering..yeah.. relationship hmm single

padin may boyfriend lang *laughs*..uhh pag anong oras?..*laughs* hindi ayan.. ahh naka ano tayo

ngayon naka anong tawag dito.. expose ata tayo ngayon sa online business parang Fashion Botique.

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Pero ano, part owner din tayo ng isang car wash at Korean restaurant….Sana true *laughs*…. Atsaka

yung ano, yung Korean restaurant…. actually lately lang sya eh, Nasa ilang months palang siya kase

before yun, ano lang sya basta ahh pre-order lang tayo online ganon pero never tayong nagput up talaga

ng shop..lately lang siya nag ano.. ahh meron tayong ano lang staff lang talaga na na nagaasikaso asa 2

lang.. actually monthsary namin ngayon first month palang po…yeah *laughs*.. actually sa staff namin

ngayon nasa 10 to 12 parang ganun kase mayroon tayong relieving at merong tayong mga permanent

talaga na daily sila pumasok..ganun po.. atsaka unlimited sya kaya kailangan mabilis service natin Sis

*….okay, so ahh…di ko masabing experience e kase syempre nga mas nauna sila sa industry. Pero,

syempre tayo more on technology na tayo, diba? more on social ahh, parang social aspect talagang

ahh.. parang very ano tayo e ano.. anung tawag dito?....parang very outrageous tayo..talagang try lang

ng try eh ganon.. and then yung sa aspect naman ng social, parang gusto talaga natin mareach yung

mga tao ganon diba?.. and then through technology sabi ko nga sa unang sagot ko na technology na

mas maalam tayo sa ngayon dun, so ginagamit natin siyang parang pinaka medium diba? para mareach

natin talaga target ahh clients or audience natin…ahh oo…ahh yes, sobra sobra magandang maginvest

talaga sa san Fernando ngayon… kase ahh, yung mga malalaking business owners diba ahh

sobra…anong tawag dito, sobrang prospect na nila ang san Fernando, diba? ang Pampanga kase parang

bukod sa malapit sa Manila, diba? Tapos yung mga…very ano na sya very… ang lakas kase ng growth

kase ng san fernando kaya very ano sya ahh sa future madami pa sya maooffer sabi nga nila, kaya invest

lang ng invest sa san Fernando talaga…ahhh… hmm siguro maano ko padin macoconsider ko padin

yung scholarship as support parin sa government kase instead of gastusin ko sya sa pagaaral ko, which

is actually wala naman talagang malaking gastos sa pagaaral, yung scholarship na natatanggap

ko…Somehow, pwede ko rin syang diba inaadd sa extra puhunan ko diba? Pwede mo syang magamit

sa ganon kaya hindi ko padin naman sinasabi na totally wala talagang contribution ang government

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saakin as a young entrepreneur diba?...hmm kailangan e diba ano ako e..ahh hindi kami well off e diba?

Although may, although scholar ka ng bayan sabi nga wala ka naman gastos sa pagaaral mo and

everything, yun lang ba ang gagastusin mo? Diba? May gusto Kadin bilhin e may gusto Kadin ma ano

e.. maipundar e sa sarili mo, sa family mo, and everything diba? So hindi.. Ayan..ayan.. so hndi

magiging enough yung ahh wait lang baka biglang mamatay, nandito din naman yung

charger… yun…hindi magiging ano, enough yung mga nabibigay ng gobyerno at yun nga mga

parent natin sa mga kailangan natin at at yung gusto natin kaya kailangan ko talaga syang gawin. Parang

ganun yun yung nag ano sakin… maano ako e ma-marami pa akong gusto e diba? marami akong

gustong gawin at bilhin at.. ahh diba? iprovide para sa sarili ko atsaka sa ibang tao kaya…*ayan…sorry

sorry… okay na? meron ba akong hindi… okay naman?okay naman?....kinatakutang mangyare?

*laughs* syempre sa totoo tayo ayaw atin matalo, ayaw natin mabankrupt, ayaw nating ma-ma-

masayang lahat ng pagod at investment natin diba? andon na tayo e diba?so kahit sino naman na

magiistart ng business e matatakot sa ganung diba? Sa mga downfall sabi nga nila. Pero di naman sya

yung totally nagaano satin e.. yung parang takot ka talaga e, kase accept mo yung fact na diba, sugal

yan e mananalo or matatalo ka talaga, diba? yon… *challenges? Wala masyado *giggles* wala

masyado, Ay! nung umpisa syempre maghahanap ka ng ano.. ng ahh ng buyers mo, ng suki mo, wala

ka naman masusuki kaagad e diba? So yun kailangan mo talagang mag extra effort para diba, makilala

ka muna yun yung pinaka mahirap na step yun yung pinaka challenging dun and then the rest, very

smooth nalang yun kapag nakuha mo na yung diba? Yung namaster mo na kung ano man yung dapat

mong gawin....* Ayun, ahh kase kami mag, actually kasi kaming magboyfriend, nakakapagsalita kami

sa tao e, pero hindi talagang yung parang mag ano ka e…ahh nagstudent council kase kami, para

mashare ko lang, so yun, purong service talaga, kahit wala kang matanggap after non, may merit o

wala, gagalaw ka or mageeffort ka, pero sa business, gagalaw ka dahil kailangan mong may makuha

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ka return diba? So, ahh kailangan mo mag ano, mag anong tawag dito? kailangan mong ibring up yung

sarili mo, yung identity mo, yung product mo, sa mga cliente at sa mga buyers mo, diba? So, ang pinaka

ginawa namin is ahh iadjust yung ganong set up na kaya mong mageffort at magbigay kahit walang

tanggapin papunta sa set up na kailangan mong mageffort, magpagod, magpuyat and everything, at

makiusap sa tao, diba? para may makuha ka naman. So ahh ano character development talaga, yun

yung inano- inimprove namin and ginawan naming way para ahh pumatok kami sa tao. Kase yung

nangyare sa live selling- ay sorry napakwento yata ako *laughs*kungware sa live selling diba, so, ang

first live selling ko bilang ko lang ang piraso ko ng nabenta ko- yung bestfriend ko pa at ewan ko kung

pinsan ko yun- o ate ko yung bumili, diba? Di kaba- ma maano maawawalan ng kompyansa na o di

para sakin to? Diba? Tigil ko na to, wala akong makukuha dito. Walang pumapansin e, diba?... Pero

kalaunan, after few days na or few times na maglilive selling ka, mabubuild up mo confidence mo na

yun e, yung character mo na- itwitwist mo yung mindset mo na ganun e na di para sayo yun na hindi-

galingan mo para maging para sayo yun… parang ganun…so yung character development talaga yung

naging naging ano namin- naging sagot namin dun sa ganun challenges na kinaharap namin especially

samin, especially ako, as a business owner…. *oo, ahh ano…wag matakot, diba? Kahit- kahit walang

susuporta sayo, diba? Kahit walang tutulong sayo at walang maniniwala sayo, sarili mo muna, diba?

Ikaw muna sa sarili mo.. umpisahan mo lang sya, umpisahan mo lang siya and then improve mo ng

improve bawat araw na dumaan. And then, makikita mo nalang na- uy, eto na pala yun….diba?..dati

lang akong kumukuha ng order na “Maam- ay Sister, aneng kasanting ing short ayni, balu mo, bage

me, makanyan makanyan, makasexy ne pin ing-.”… Oh nakakuha ka ng order, dati lang talaga ako ng

ganun alok ng alok ng order, may bagong lumabas na relo, “O Sis, baka wala ka pang regalo sa jowa

mo, magvavalentines, o eto nalang regalo mo.” As in kailangan ko silang pilitin para makakuha ng

order- dati ganun, and then now nag ka shop tayo, nagkaboutique tayo, nagkaresellers tayo, nakakapag

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live selling tayo. Dati, ahh nagshoshop ako ng manok, honestly ahh- eto ha, nagshop ako ng manok,

nangilo kami ng manok, ahh, tumutubo kami ng 18 to 20 pesos per kilo ng boyfriend ko nung pandemic,

kase wala talaga- di kami makakuha ng supplies ng damit, di kami makabenta, di kami makakuhang

order, dahil bawal transportation ahh nagbenta kaming manok, as in dumudugo, frozen sila- ichochop

naming kikilohin naming isa isa. Tapos now, nagka-samgyhan kami, nag ka restaurant kami-

diba? parang di mo talaga sya maeexpect, di mo talaga sya aakalaing na yung mga stepping stone na

ganun na sobrang hirap nila, na sobrang sukong suko ka na, dun mo ano- mahuhugot lahat hanggang

heto kana pala agad. Kaya sa kanila wag nilang anuhin- wag silang padiscourage, and then wag sila

matakot, kase kung kaya namin, kung kinaya ko, kaya nyo din, I’m sure.

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Appendix D

ID Keypoint Coding

“Masasabi ko talaga na super daming opportunities dito sa Business Opportunity

“una is yung Delivering the products” Product distribution

We always got the “Out of Stock” word. Shortage of supplies

“syempre yung pressure na nanggagaling sa mga Customer feedback


“that they are putting on us especially when they review Customer feedback

your product”

“pag di sila nasatisfy sa Product ko, iniisip ko like pano Customer feedback

kung di na sila mag purchase uli ganon.”

A “it’s difficult to find an ingredients” Shortage of Supplies

”because we don’t have many suppliers” Shortage of Supplies
“ahh, maganda siya dahil habang bata pa lang”
Invested person
“ natututo tayo kung pano matutong mag invest.”
Invested person
“Tska matuto sa buhay”
Invested person
“ kung paano kumita, kung paano rin mamaraan”.
Invested person
"maghanap ng mga customers"
Difficulties in

customer loyalty

Business expansion
" Paano mapapalawak business ko"

Page | 80
Difficulties in
"Tska nag hahanap din ng maayos na supplier para mas
searching potential

Return on investment
“paano mo maibabalik yung pera”
“natatakot ako na baka minsan wala ng customer”
in customers loyalty

“Lalo na po if opportunities to start your small business”

P3 Divided attention
“siyempre as a college student po”
“nagsasabay po ung small business at ung Divided attention
umm..paglalakad sa business”
Divided attention
“sobra hirap po kasing pag sabayin pag minsan”
Divided attention
“biglang unexpected may pinapagawa sa school”
“biglang may problem sa business so medyo mahirap po I Divided attention

P4 Uncertainty
“mag gugustuhan po kaya mga tao”
“magugustuhan po kaya nila”
“baka nag ooverthink na rin po siyempre” Risk averse

“baka mawala lang ung pinag hirapan ko” Locational

“ang daming establishments sa san Fernando” Opportunities
“mataas ang competition” Locational
“ demanding yung business” Opportunities
“Kahit saan may mall” Business center

Page | 81
“maraming kang target market” Locational


P5 “may bibili kaya sa product mo” Uncertainty

“feedback nila” Potential buyer

“lahat nalang ng negative doon siya nag fofocus” Customer feedback

“para lang ma-down ka” Pessimistic people

“para lang manghina yung loob mo” Pessimistic people

“Oo naman kasi marami rin yung population dito” Locational


“bata diba bata nga lang ako” Age discrimination

“nag aaral pako” Divided attention

“yung maloko ulit ako” Fraud

“hindi natatanggal yung takot ko” Fraud

“nag invest dito, dito sa ano san Fernando” Locational
“business center yung san Fernando kaya dumadayo yung Opportunities

mga business owners” Locational

“most likely advertising and promotion since ako nga lang” Difficulties in social

media marketing

P6 “wala akong stuff and all” Difficulties in social

media marketing

Difficulties in social
“physic knowledge sa social media marketing kaya yon”
media marketing

Page | 82
“siguro po yung ano lahat ng ano time, money, lalo na effort
Risk averse
is mapunta sa wala”


“So ngayon sa tingin mas dumadami na iyong mga tao” Locational

“mas tataas iyong marketing or iyong competition sa
business dito sa mga local/urban areas.”

“pag-earn ng clients” Difficulties Customer

“ isa pa 'dun yung paghandle ng tao.”
“kung may mag-offer ng mas mataas iiwanan ka na” Employee Retention

“kung paano mo imamanage yung mga wokers mo, paano Employee Retention
mo sila mapapa-stay.”

“kung paano mo ma earn yung trust and respects ng mga Difficulties Customer

P8 Age Discrimination
“kasi kung mas younger ka medyo alanganin”
“mga malalaking business owners”

“ang lakas kase ng growth kase ng san Fernando”

“sa future madami pa sya maooffer”

Page | 83
“nung umpisa syempre maghahanap ka ng ano.. ng ahh ng Difficulties in

buyers mo, ng suki mo” customer loyalty

“wala ka naman masusuki kaagad e diba?” Difficulties in

customer loyalty

“ahh nagstudent council kase kami” Cultural Adjustment

“so yun, purong service talaga, kahit wala kang matanggap Cultural Adjustment

after non”
Cultural Adjustment
“may merit o wala, gagalaw ka or mageeffort ka”

“pero sa business, gagalaw ka dahil kailangan mong may Cultural Adjustment

makuha ka return diba?” Cultural Adjustment

“ahh iadjust yung ganong set up” Cultural Adjustment

“iadjust yung ganong set up na kaya mong mageffort at Uncertainty

magbigay kahit walang tanggapin papunta sa set up na

kailangan mong mageffort, magpagod, magpuyat and


“bilang ko lang ang piraso ko ng nabenta ko” Uncertainty

“yung bestfriend ko pa at ewan ko kung pinsan ko yun- o

ate ko yung bumili, diba?”

“ Di kaba- ma maano maawawalan ng kompyansa”

“di para sakin to?”
“Tigil ko na to, wala akong makukuha dito”

Page | 84
“Walang pumapansin e, diba?” Difficulties in

customer loyalty

“dati lang akong kumukuha ng order” Difficulties in

customer loyalty

“aneng kasanting ing short ayni, balu mo, bage me” Difficulties in

Customer Persuasion

“dati lang talaga ako ng ganun alok ng alok ng order” Difficulties in

Customer Persuasion

“baka wala ka pang regalo sa jowa mo” Difficulties in

Customer Persuasion

“eto nalang regalo mo” Difficulties in

Customer Persuasion

“kailangan ko silang pilitin” Difficulties in

Customer Persuasion

“ayaw natin matalo” Fear of Failure

“ayaw natin mabankrupt” Financial distress

“ayaw nating ma-ma-masayang lahat ng pagod” Risk averse

Deduction of Concepts

Keypoint Code ID
Business opportunity YECSFP1

Business center YECSFP 4

Business expansion YECSFP 2

Page | 85
Locational Opportunities YECSFP 3, YECSFP 4, YECSFP 5, YECSFP 6,
Product Distribution YECSFP 1,

Shortage Supplies YECSFP 1

Difficulties in Searching Potential YECSFP 2


Difficulties in Social Media YECSFP 6


Potential buyer YECSFP 4

Customer feedback YECSFP 1, YECSFP 4,

Difficulties in customer loyalty YECSFP 2, YECSFP 3, YECSFP 7, YECSFP 8

Customer Persuasion YECSFP 8

Employee Retention YECSFP 7

Divided attention YECSFP 3, YECSFP 5

Cultural Adjustment YECSFP 8

Employee Poaching YECSFP 7

Return on investment YECSFP 2

Grow investment YECSFP 2, YECSFP 3. YECSFP 4

Uncertainty YECSFP 3, YECSFP 8

Pessimistic people YECSFP 4

Fraud YECSFP 5

Risk averse YECSFP 6, YECSFP 8

Age Discrimination YECSFP 4, YECSFP 7

Fear of Failure YECSFP 8

Page | 86
Financial distress YECSFP 8

Conceptualization and Theorizing

Concepts Themes
Business Opportunity Locational Opportunities
Business center
Business expansion

Product distribution Product Delivery

Difficulties in social media marketing
Shortage of supplies Distributors
Difficulties in searching potential suppliers
Customer feedback Satisfying Customer
Difficulties in customer loyalty
Customer Persuasion
Potential buyer

Divided attention Time management

Cultural Adjustment
Employee Retention Employee Satisfaction
Employee Poaching
Return on investment Investments
Grow investment
Fear of Failure Business and Personal Challenges
Financial distress
Pessimistic people
Risk averse
Age Discrimination

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Appendix E
Curriculum Vitae
Eunice F. Lingad
#213 San Roque, Floridablanca, Pampanga
Mobile No: 09063519770
Email Address:

Date of Birth : October 19, 2000
Place of Birth : Guagua, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Christian
Language Spoken : Filipino, English
Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
:Poblacion, Floridablanca Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
:Poblacion, Floridablanca Pampnga
: 2012-1016
Elementary school:
:Marifer School of Divine Mercy
: San Roque Floridablnca, Pampanga
: 2006-2008
: St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga
:Poblacion, Floridablanca Pampnga
: 2008-2012

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Curriculum Vitae
Maitem, Lyka G.
422 4th ave. Unisite Subdivision Del Pilar City of San Fernando Pampanga
Mobile No: 09755044578
Email Address:

Date of Birth : June 07, 2000
Place of Birth : San Fernando, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Methodist
Language Spoken : English, Tagalog, Kapampangan

Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : Lyndale Academy Inc.
: 11th ave. Unisite Subdivision Del Pilar City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : Nuestra Seniora Del Pilar Integrated School
: Paralaya Del Pilar City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2012-2016
Elementary : San Fernando Elementary School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2006-2012

Page | 89
Curriculum Vitae
Olayza Ross R. Parungao
Villa Isabel Phase 4 Calulut, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Mobile No: 09202750252
Email Address:

Date of Birth : October 28, 1999
Place of Birth : San Fernando, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Born Again, Christian
Language Spoken : Filipino, English
Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : Our Lady of Fatima University
: Dela Paz, City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : Pampanga High School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2012-2016
Elementary : Sindalan Elementary School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2006-2012

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Curriculum Vitae
Russel Q. Rivera
Zone 5 Cabetican Bacolor, Pampanga
Mobile No: 09488586869
Email Address:

Date of Birth : May 31, 2000
Place of Birth : San Fernando, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Language Spoken : Filipino, English, Kapampangan
Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : Mary the Queen College Pampanga Inc.
: Jose Abad Santos Ave., San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : Betis National High School
: San Nicolas II, Betis Guagua, Pampanga
: 2012-2016
Elementary : San Miguel Elementary School
: San Miguel Betis Guagua, Pampanga
: 2006-2012

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Curriculum Vitae
Christine Mae D. Sagum
Zone 5 Cabalantian Bacolor, Pampanga
Mobile No: 0955-120-12096
Email Address:

Date of Birth : February 28, 2000
Place of Birth : San Fernando, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Language Spoken : Filipino, English
Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : Pampanga High School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : Pampanga High School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2012-2016
Elementary : Magliman Integrated School
: City of San Fernando Pampanga
: 2006-2012

Page | 92
Curriculum Vitae
Aizle Anne C. Sibug
Madapdap, Mabalacat City, Pampanga
Mobile No: 09254796148
Email Address:

Date of Birth : July 19, 1999
Place of Birth : Mabalacat, Pampanga
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic
Language Spoken : Filipino, Kapampangan, English

Tertiary : Don Honorio Ventura State University
: Villa de Bacolor, Bacolor Pampanga
: 2018- Present
Senior High School : Bestow Emmanuel College Foundation
:Sitio Baluarte, Pampanga
: 2016-2018
Junior High school : Tinajero National High School
:Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga
: 2012-2016
:Bacolor Elementary School - Madapdap
: Madapdap, Mabalacat, Pampanga
: 2006-2008

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Appendix F

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Appendix G


This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through all the pages of the

research paper entiled, “Prospects and Challenges in Micro-businesses Faced by Young

Entrepreneurs in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga” by Lingad, Eunice F., Maitem,

Lyka G., Parungao, Olayza Ross R., Rivera, Russel Q., Sagum, Christine Mae D., and Sibug,

Aizle Anne C., aligned with the set of structural rules that govern the composition of sentences,

phrases, and words in the English language.

Signed this 20th day of January in the year of our Lord, 2022 at Don Honorio Ventura

State University of Bacolor, Pampanga.




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