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Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

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Effects of adding sugarcane bagasse ash on the properties

and durability of concrete
José da Silva Andrade Neto a, Mavisson Júlio Santos de França a, Nilson Santana de Amorim Júnior b,
Daniel Véras Ribeiro c,⇑
Laboratory of Testing on Materials Durability (LEDMa)/Federal University of Bahia, Rua Aristides Novis, 02. Federação, 40210-630 Salvador, BA, Brazil
Post-Graduate Program in Civil Engineering (PPEC)/Federal University of Bahia, Rua Aristides Novis, 02. Federação, 40210-630 Salvador, BA, Brazil
Department of Materials Science and Technology/Federal University of Bahia, Rua Aristides Novis, 02. Federação, 40210-630 Salvador, BA, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 Effects of adding SCBA on the concrete properties and durability were investigated.
 The durability in terms of chloride migration, carbonation and ASR was evaluated.
 SCBA reduced the porosity and sorptivity and increased the strength of concrete.
 SCBA increased the carbonation rates and reduced the diffusion coefficients.
 Addition of 5% SCBA mitigated the alkali–silica reaction of reactive aggregates.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ashes from biomass burning, such as from sugarcane bagasse, have great potential as supplementary
Received 5 June 2020 cementitious materials. The sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) possesses high pozzolanicity. However, lim-
Received in revised form 25 August 2020 ited studies have investigated the influence of SCBA on the durability of concrete. A knowledge gap exists
Accepted 12 September 2020
regarding the influence of these ashes on the lifetime of reinforced concrete in terms of chloride migra-
Available online 1 October 2020
tion and carbonation. Moreover, additional studies on the effects of SCBA on the alkali–silica reaction
(ASR) are essential because this ash generally has a high alkali content. In this study, the effects of adding
5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA on the properties and durability (chloride migration, carbonation, and alkali-
Sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA)
aggregate reaction) of concrete were investigated. Furthermore, the SCBA pozzolanicity was evaluated
Concrete and lifetime estimations in terms of chloride ingress and carbonation were performed. The studied ash
Durability demonstrated high pozzolanic activity, which reduced the porosity and water absorption by capillarity
Lifetime and increased the mechanical strength of the concrete. However, because the alkaline reserve was
reduced, the concrete with SCBA exhibited a higher carbonation rate (up to 69%) and a shorter lifetime
regarding carbonation. Nevertheless, all concrete specimens had a lifetime of more than 50 years in an
industrial environment, except for that with 15% SCBA. Adding SCBA also reduced the chloride diffusion
coefficients, increasing the lifetime by up to 97.3%. SCBA addition of up to 5% mitigated the ASR owing to
the pozzolanic reaction and additional C-S-H formation.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Abbreviations: ASR, Alkali–silica reaction; COD, Crystallography Open Database; Cement production has a huge environmental impact because it
C-S-H, Calcium silicate hydrate; SCB, Sugarcane bagasse; SCBA, Sugarcane bagasse contributes approximately 9% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions [1].
ash; SCM, Supplementary cementitious materials; SEM, Scanning electron micro-
Using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) to decrease
scopy; w/c, Water to cement ratio; XR, X-ray diffractometry; XRF, X-ray fluores-
cence spectrometry. the clinker content is a major countermeasure for reducing CO2
⇑ Corresponding author. emissions from cement production [2]. Among the SCMs, fly ash
E-mail addresses: (J.S. Andrade Neto), and blast furnace slag are the most prominent as they are already (M.J.S. de França), (N.S.d. used in large quantities by the cement industry [2,3]. However, the
Amorim Júnior), (D.V. Ribeiro).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

generation of these byproducts is expected to decrease in the sub- As highlighted by Martirena and Monzó [4] and Yadav et al.
sequent years; this inability to cope with the increase in cement [27], further studies are required concerning the durability of
production [3] has led to the search for new sources of SCMs [2]. cementitious materials containing SCBA to enable their use and
One alternative is the use of vegetable ashes, which typically determine their influence on the lifetime of concrete structures,
have amorphous and reactive silica when calcined at low temper- particularly in relation to chloride migration, carbonation, and ASR.
atures (600 °C–700 °C) [4]. Recent investigations [5–13] have This study aims to evaluate the effects of adding 5%, 10%, and
shown that the use of vegetable ashes as replacement or addition 15% SCBA (relative to the cement weight) to cement on chloride
to cement can increase the performance of concrete, besides migration (by determining the chloride diffusion coefficients and
decreasing the cement content. Vegetable ashes generally increase other parameters), carbonation, and ASR. The lifetimes of concrete
the mechanical performance and decrease the permeability of con- specimens containing different amounts of SCBA in relation to
crete owing to pore refinement, when used at optimal quantities chloride migration and carbonation were estimated. Furthermore,
[5–7]. These ashes have been successfully applied in self- the physicochemical and pozzolanic characterization of the ashes
compacting concrete [8,9,12,13], high-strength concrete [5,6,10], as well as the physicomechanical characterization of the concrete
and lightweight concrete [7,11]. Among the vegetable ashes, ashes were carried out.
from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and rice husk are the most com-
monly used [4]. SCB is the main residue of the sugar and alcohol
industry, corresponding to approximately 25%–30% of the amount 2. Materials and methods
of sugar produced [14]. The combustion of bagasse produces elec-
tric energy [4,15], resulting in residual ash that is usually disposed 2.1. Materials
of in landfills [14].
The world production of sugarcane in 2018 was 1.9 billion tons SCB was supplied by Agrovale, a sugar and alcohol company in
[16]. Brazil, being the world’s largest producer of sugarcane, was the municipality of Juazeiro BA, Brazil. To produce concrete, CP V
responsible for approximately 746.8 million tons (39%), followed ARI-RS cement (with high initial strength, resistant to sulfates,
by India (20%), China (6%), and Thailand (5%) [16]. Considering that and free from pozzolanic materials) was supplied by Mizu Cimen-
1 ton of sugarcane results in 6.6 kg of ash [17], it is estimated that tos. Natural sand from granite deposits and gravel were purchased
approximately 12.6 million tons of SCB ash (SCBA) was generated in the metropolitan region of Salvador/BA, Brazil. Potable water
worldwide in 2018 and approximately 4.9 million tons in Brazil. was used to mix the concrete. A superplasticizer additive with no
When calcined at temperatures between 600 °C and 700 °C, chlorides (CEMIX 2000) was supplied by Vedacit. For the poz-
SCBA exhibits high pozzolanic activity, which is generally associ- zolanicity test using the Fratini method, CP II-F cement, supplied
ated with the formation of large quantities of amorphous silica by Votorantim Cimentos, was used. For the modified Chapelle
[15,18,19]. Therefore, SCBA reacts with the portlandite produced method, 99% pure calcium carbonate p.a. was supplied by Sigma-
during cement hydration, resulting in the formation of more C-S- Aldrich.
H [18].
Adding SCBA delays the initial hydration [20,21], which
2.2. Methods
increases the setting time [13,22], probably because of its P2O5
and SO3 contents. Regarding rheology, the presence of ash
2.2.1. Bagasse calcination
decreases concrete workability [13], increasing the water demand
Initially, SCB was subjected to a washing process under running
[22]. This behavior is associated with high surface area of ash.
water to eliminate impurities, such as sand, which can impair the
Owing to the pozzolanic reaction and improved packing, using
reactivity of ash [29–31]. The SCB was dried at 25 °C to 30 °C for
the optimum SCBA content increases mechanical strength and
24 h and then calcined in a Linn Elektro Therm oven, model KK-
reduces water permeability [14,22]. The optimum content varies
220. A heating rate of 10 °C/min was applied up to 600 °C and this
with the SCBA characteristics, but is generally between 10% and
temperature was maintained for 8 h, followed by cooling at 10 °C/
20% of the cement weight [14,21,22]. According to Bahurudeen
min until room temperature (25 °C). The calcination temperature
et al. [21], up to 25% SCBA can be used without impairing the
was defined based on the work of Ribeiro and Morelli [15] and Cor-
mechanical performance. Replacing cement with SCBA reduces
deiro et al. [19], who observed that the ash obtained in these con-
the associated CO2 emissions during production of concrete and
ditions have the highest pozzolanic activity.
mortar [23], in addition to being an environmentally friendly ash
disposal option.
Regarding durability, studies have shown that adding SCBA 2.2.2. Raw material characterization
increases the resistance to sulfate attack [13,24] and high temper- Portland cement. The physicochemical characterization of
atures [8]. Moreover, it reduces the permeability to carbon dioxide the cement was performed using a semi-automatic air permeabil-
[21] with no change in the resistance to acid attack [25]. Further- ity instrument model BSA1 for the Blaine surface area, a laser gran-
more, some studies revealed that SCBA increases the resistance ulometer (CILAS 2000) for particle size distribution, a helium gas
to chloride penetration [17,21,22]. However, the tests used in those pycnometer (Micromeritics AccuPyC II 1340) for the specific grav-
studies were considerably straightforward with no evaluation of ity, and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF; Shimadzu model
the diffusion coefficients. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge XRF 1800) for the chemical composition.
regarding the influence of SCBA on the carbonation resistance, and
there is no study analyzing the effect of carbonation on the lifetime
of concrete with SCBA. Aggregates (sand and gravel). Following the procedures
Kazmi et al. [26] observed a reduction in the alkali–silica reac- described in NBR NM 248:2003 [32], the granulometric distribu-
tion (ASR) when incorporating SCBA, owing to its pozzolanic effect. tion, maximum diameter, and fineness modulus of the aggregates
The SCBA used by Kazmi et al. [26] had a low alkali content (lower (sand and gravel) used were measured via mechanical sieving. In
than the alkali content of cement used by the authors). However, addition, the specific gravity was obtained according to the proce-
SCBA normally has high alkali concentrations [21,27,28], which dures established by NBR NM 52:2009 [33] and NBR NM 53:2009
might enhance the ASR and increase the expansion rate. Therefore, [34], and the powdery materials content was determined accord-
the effect of alkali-rich SCBA on ASR needs to be examined. ing to the procedure described by NBR NM 46:2003 [35].
J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959 SCBA. The physicochemical characterization of the SCBA cement and SCBA at later stages, which also affects the concrete
was performed using the same methods as those for the character- performance.
ization of cement. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique was used Therefore, for the concrete with added SCBA, a polycarboxylate-
for the mineralogical characterization of SCBA. For this, a Bruker D2 based superplasticizer admixture was used to reach the pre-
Phaser diffractometer, which has a CuKa tube, a wavelength of established slump value. The superplasticizer content increases
1.54060 Å, and operates at a current of 10 mA and voltage of 30 with the increase in the added SCBA content, as presented in
kVA, was used. The diffraction spectra were obtained in the range Table 1.
of 5°–90° (2h) in a continuous mode at 0.02°/s. The phases were Varying the superplasticizer content, although a common tech-
identified using Bruker’s Diffrac Plus EVA software and quantified nique for maintaining similar workability between concretes with
by the Rietveld method using the DIFFRAC SUITE TOPAS software different contents of SCMs [8,42–44], could influence the concrete
with a database from the Crystallography Open Database (COD) behavior as it delays the initial hydration and increases the setting
system. time [45,46]. However, using the same amount of superplasticizer
The amorphous content from XRD data was quantified by calcu- for all mixtures would result in concrete specimens with different
lating the areas with reference to the crystalline (sharp XRD peaks) fluidity values. The concrete specimens containing SCBA would
and non-crystalline phases (smooth background). To separate the have lower fluidity values and more agglomerates, thus compro-
amorphous contribution from the background, the amorphous mising the analysis of the mechanical and durability-related
content was fitted by a split pseudo-Voigt peak, using the TOPAS properties.
software. The amorphous content is given by the related intensity The formulation obtained from the set parameters was
between the area of the crystalline and amorphous phases over the 1:1.68:2.26:x:0.53 (cement:sand:gravel:SCBA:water) with  being
whole pattern. Details regarding this method can be found in the the amount added (0.00, 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15). Table 1 lists the con-
studies by Riello [36] and Calligaris et al. [37]. sumption of materials per cubic meter of concrete for the different
To analyze the morphology of the SCBA particles, a scanning formulations considered.
electron microscope (SEM; Phenom, model Pro-X) with a voltage Cylindrical specimens (/ = 100 mm, h = 200 mm) were molded
of 10 kV and a secondary electron detector was used. to perform the tests for physicomechanical characterization of con-
The pozzolanic activity of SCBA was assessed using the chemical crete and to evaluate chloride migration and carbonation. These
titration test proposed by Fratini and described in British Standard specimens remained immersed in water saturated with lime until
BS EN 196–5 [38]. In this study, the SCBA pozzolanicity was evalu- the tests were conducted.
ated by determining the amount of excess calcium hydroxide in For the accelerated ASR test, prismatic specimens
aqueous solutions containing cement and SCBA after 14 days in (25 mm  25 mm  285 mm) of mortar were molded. For this test,
an oven at 40 °C ± 2 °C by titration with a hydrochloric acid and the w/c ratio was maintained at 0.47 with a cement aggregate ratio
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution. Additionally, the modi- of 1:2.25. A highly reactive aggregate was used to observe the abil-
fied Chapelle test was carried out by following the procedures ity of SCBA to mitigate the ASR. This aggregate was milled, washed,
standardized by NBR 15895:2010 [39]. The method consisted of and dried in an oven and then sieved to meet the granulometric
boiling a mixture with 1 g of CaO, 1 g of the studied material, distribution required by NBR 15577:2018 [47] (similar to ASTM C
and 250 g of CO2-free water for 16 h. The result is expressed by 1260 [48]).
the amount of fixed CaO per gram of pozzolanic material. The
greater the CaO fixation, the more reactive the material. 2.2.4. Physicomechanical characterization of concrete
The porosity and density of the reference concrete and the con-
crete specimens with different contents of SCBA at 28 days were
2.2.3. Dosage of concrete and molding of specimens determined by measuring the dry, immersed, and saturated
In the present study, four concrete specimens were evaluated, weights of three specimens per mix. The dry weights were
namely the reference (without adding SCBA) and those with SCBA obtained after drying the specimens in an oven at 105 °C ± 2 °C
additions of 5%, 10%, and 15% relative to the cement weight. The for 48 h. The immersed and saturated weights were determined
addition of SCBA was limited to 15% based on previous exploratory after 72 h of immersion in water.
tests, which showed that a higher SCBA content resulted in a The values of capillary absorption (sorptivity) of three speci-
reduction in the mechanical performance and a significant loss of mens per formulation after 28 days of curing were obtained
workability. according to the procedure described in NBR 9779:2012 [49]. The
For the dosage of the evaluated concrete, a procedure based on specimens were previously dried in an oven at 105 °C and posi-
the requirements of strength, durability, and workability, which tioned vertically on supports in a water slide 5 mm above the bot-
was adapted from the method proposed by the American Concrete tom face. The weights of the specimens were monitored for 3, 6,
Institute, was used considering an environmental aggressiveness of 24, 48, and 72 h from contact with water. The sorptivity (S), which
class III (high aggressiveness, marine, urban zone, or industrial), is the volume of water penetrating per unit of area and time (kg/
according to NBR 6118:2014 [40]. The slump value in the slump m2∙min0.5), was obtained empirically from the slope of the cumu-
test (performed according to the procedure described in NBR NM lative volume of water absorbed per unit of area of the inflow sur-
67:1998 [41]) was fixed at 140 mm ± 20 mm as indicated for the face versus the square root of time, as indicated in Eq. (1).
class of concrete applied to structural elements.
The water to cement (w/c) ratio was set as 0.53 and defined V w =Ac ¼ S t þ So ð1Þ
after correcting the slump value for the reference concrete. Adding
SCBA reduces the workability of concrete owing to the high surface where Vw is the weight of water absorbed (kg), Ac is the cross-
area of SCBA, as also observed by Ganesan et al. [22] and Le et al. sectional area of each specimen (m2), and t is the time of exposure
[13]. The lower workability of concrete containing SCBA could (min).
result in more voids during molding of the specimens, which The compressive strength was obtained in three specimens of
would result in a higher porosity in the hardened state, decreasing each formulation after 3, 7, and 28 days of curing according to
the mechanical performance and durability-related properties. the guidelines of NBR 5739:2018 [50]. The tests were performed
Furthermore, adding SCBA without a superplasticizer would result in a hydraulic testing machine with a load capacity of 120 ton-
in agglomerates that increase the percentage of the unreacted force using a loading rate of 0.45 MPa/s.
J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

Table 1
Mix designs (by weight) of the different concrete specimens evaluated.

Mix Percentage of SCBA addition (wt% cement) Material Consumption (kg/m3 of concrete)
Portland cement SCBA Sand Gravel Water Admixture
REF 0 438.95 0.00 737.44 992.03 232.64 0.00
C5 5 436.42 21.82 733.18 986.30 231.30 0.44
C10 10 433.91 43.39 728.97 980.64 229.97 1.30
C15 15 431.43 64.72 724.81 975.04 228.66 2.16

2.2.5. Concrete durability assessment the volume fraction by counting points was used. The method Chloride migration. For the chloride migration tests, an makes it possible to estimate the percentage of a phase of interest
equipment based on ASTM C 1202:2019 [51] and UNE (coarse aggregate in this work) from the overlap of a reference grid
83987:2014 [52] (Fig. 1a), proposed by Ribeiro [53] in 2010, was and the number of nodes located in the middle or at the edges of
used. Fig. 1b shows an illustration of the equipment used. Four the phase of interest, as illustrated in Fig. 2. After this procedure,
specimens of each formulation were tested. These specimens, with four of eight specimens with the most similar mortar contents
a thickness of 40 mm, were extracted from cylindrical specimens were selected.
(/ = 100 mm, h = 200 mm). After 28 days of curing in a lime-saturated solution, the speci-
Owing to the diversity of the concrete components and varia- mens were immersed in distilled water for 24 h before conducting
tions in the molding procedure, the selection of representative the chloride migration tests. The electrical conductivity of the ano-
specimens is a complex process. For this, an adaptation of the stan- dic cell was monitored daily with a portable digital conductivity
dard test method of ASTM E 562:2019 [54], proposed by Ribeiro meter (Homis model 42). The chloride concentration was esti-
et al. [55] and used by Amorim Júnior et al. [56], to determine mated using the equation y ¼ 132:89x (R2 = 0.997), where  is

Fig. 1. (a) Apparatus used in the present study. (b) Schematic of the apparatus used in the chloride migration test.

J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

v¼ ð3Þ

J Cl RTl
Ds ¼ ð4Þ
zFC Cl cDU
where l is the thickness of the sample (cm), s is the time lag (s), z is
the valence of the ions (equal to  1), e is the electric charge of an
electron (1.6  1019C), DU is the voltage (V), k is the Boltzmann
constant (1.38  1023 J/K), T is the temperature (K), JCl is the ion
flux (mol/(s∙cm2)), R is a constant (1.9872 cal/(mol∙K)), F corre-
sponds to the Faraday constant (23063 cal/(volteq)), CCl is the chlo-
ride concentration in the cathode cell (mol/cm3), and c is a constant
(0.657 for Cl).
With the parameters obtained in the chloride migration test,
the DURACON software was used to estimate the lifetime
in a probabilistic way. The software is based on a Monte Carlo
simulation of Fick’s second diffusion law [58,59], according to
Eqs. (5)–(7).
" !#
Cðx; tÞ ¼ C S 1  erf pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
2 DðtÞt

Fig. 2. Process of sample selection and component quantification for the chloride where C(x,t) is the chloride concentration at depth Xc after time t, Cs
migration tests (in gray, the ‘‘gravel phase”) (grid nodes inside the phase (in white) is the chloride concentration on the concrete surface, D is the
correspond to 1, while boundary intersection points (in black) correspond to 0.5). diffusion coefficient of chlorides, and erf is a mathematical function
(error function or Gaussian curve).
the conductivity in mS/cm and y is the concentration of Cl in " 0 1a  0 1a # a
mol/L. This equation was determined empirically with solutions D0 t t t0
DðtÞ ¼ 1þ  ke ð6Þ
of NaCl and deionized water at 20 °C. 1a t t t
At the commencement of the test, the concentration of chlo-
rides in the anodic cell was low. Then, it increased gradually, char- where D0 is the diffusion coefficient after the reference time t0, and
acterizing the transient or non-stationary state of the diffusion of t0 is the age of concrete at the time of exposure to chlorine ions. The
chlorides in the specimen. After this period, the ionic flux became parameter a represents the influence of age on the diffusion coeffi-
constant, characterizing the stationary state. The time lag (s), as cient, while ke is a parameter that considers the effect of
defined by Castellote et al. [57], is the time required for the chlo- temperature.
ride to establish a constant flow through the specimen in migration   
EA 1 1
or diffusion tests. The time lag was obtained through the intersec- ke ¼ exp  ð7Þ
R 293 293 þ T
tion between the extension of the line that characterizes the sta-
tionary regime and the axis of the abscissa (time), as depicted in where exp is an exponential function, EA is the activation of energy
Fig. 3. for the diffusion of chlorides, R is a constant (1.9872 cal/(mol∙K)),
The diffusion coefficient in the non-steady state (Dns), in cm2/s, and T is the temperature.
can be determined based on migration tests using Eqs. (2) and (3), When the concentration of chlorides, C(x), is equal to the critical
as proposed by Castellote et al. [57]. The steady state diffusion concentration of chlorides in concrete (CCR), depassivation and cor-
coefficient (Ds), in cm2/s, was calculated by applying the modified rosion start, as indicated in Eq. (8).
Nernst–Planck equation (Eq. (4)).
CðxÞ ¼ C CR ð8Þ
2l h v i
Dns ¼ v  coth 2 ð2Þ To estimate the lifetime, based on the studies conducted by
sv 2 2 Ribeiro et al. [55] and Amorim Júnior et al. [56], the concentration
of chlorides on the surface (Cs) was fixed at 1.80% ± 0.60% in rela-
tion to the cement weight (corresponding to approximately 0.32%
± 0.11% of the concrete weight).
The critical chloride concentration (CCr) adopted was 0.40% ±
0.10% in relation to the cement weight. The SCBA weight corre-
sponded to approximately 0.07% ± 0.02% of the concrete weight,
according to the studies by Ribeiro et al. [55], Amorim Júnior
et al. [56], and Medeiros and Helene [60]. The cover (Xc) adopted
was 50 mm ± 5 mm, the analysis time (t) ranges from 0 to 100
yrs, the temperature (T) was 20 °C, and the age of the concrete
when tested (t0) and when exposed to chlorides (te) was equal to
28 days. The age influence coefficient (a) was 0.40 ± 0.08, as indi-
cated for conventional Portland cement concrete [61]. Finally, a
10% corrosion probability value was chosen for the lifetime esti-
mate, following the recommendations of the fib Model Code [62].

Fig. 3. Experimental determination of the time lag (s), onset (D), and end (s) of the Accelerated carbonation. The carbonated depth assessment
steady state diffusion stage. was performed using an accelerated method by exposing the
J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

specimens to an atmosphere rich in CO2 inside a chamber with Finally, Eq. (11) was used to estimate the lifetime (Lt) of the
constant moisture and temperature, according to the parameters concrete specimens with different contents of SCBA in the four dif-
established by ISO 1920–12:2015 [63]. ferent environments considered, where cov is the concrete cover
After 28 days of curing in a lime saturated solution, six speci- (50 mm).
mens of each formulation with a thickness of 60 mm were cut from The lifetime was considered to be equal to the moment when
cylindrical specimens (/ = 100 mm, h = 200 mm). For uniformity of the carbonation depth reaches the reinforcement, depassivating
the humidity before the beginning of the tests, the specimens it and leaving it susceptible to corrosion. The estimate is only for
remained for 24 h in an oven at 50 °C and were then sealed later- the chamber environment, with a relative humidity of 65% ± 5%
ally with the use of paraffin to ensure that carbonation would not and a temperature of 27 °C ± 2 °C, and therefore, variations in
occur on the side faces. Finally, the specimens were placed in a the real environment were not considered. The lifetime estimated
Quimis carbonation chamber (model Q316C), with a CO2 concen- here is conservative, with the consideration that the environment
tration of 3.0% ± 0.5%, relative humidity of 65% ± 5%, and tempera- keeps the humidity and temperature constant and favorable to car-
ture of 27 °C ± 2 °C. bonation, neglecting the period of corrosion propagation with loss
After exposure to the carbonation chamber for 3, 9, and of section.
12 weeks, the specimens were removed from the chamber and  2
ruptured by diametrical compression. To measure the carbonated cov
Lt ¼ ð11Þ
depth, an aquo-alcoholic solution with a 1% phenolphthalein indi- knat
cator was sprayed. This solution had a turning pH of approximately
9, exhibited a reddish color for values above 9, and showed itself ASR. The evaluation of the accelerated ASR in the mortar
transparent at lower values. The carbonated depth was determined
bars was conducted using the method proposed by NBR
from the analysis of images in AutoCAD software.
15577:2018 [47] (similar to ASTM C 1260 [48]). In this test, pris-
Finally, the lifetimes of the concrete specimens with different
matic specimens (25 mm  25 mm  285 mm), which were
SCBA contents were estimated. For this, the accelerated carbona-
demolded after 24 h, were used. Their initial lengths were mea-
tion coefficients (Kacel) of the concrete were calculated from
sured and then, they were immersed in an aqueous NaOH solution
Eq. (9), which is a simplification of Fick’s first diffusion law.
(1 M) at 80 °C ± 2 °C. The dimensional variations of the specimens
x were monitored daily until after 30 d, using a comparator clock
kacel ¼ pffiffi ð9Þ
t (extensometer) with an accuracy of 0.001 mm.

where x is the depth of carbonation determined by the phenolph-

3. Results
thalein spray and t is the time at which the measurements were
3.1. Materials characterization
The Global Monitoring Laboratory [64] reported that the aver-
age concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere in May of 2020 was
Table 3 presents the results of the physical characterization
413.6 ppm (0.0414%), according to the values collected in remote
while Fig. 4 shows the particle size distribution of the raw materi-
locations at sea level such as Mauna Loa in Hawaii (United States)
als used in this study. It is observed that the SCBA has a larger sur-
and Wisconsin in the Great Lakes region (United States). Nonethe-
face area than the cement but a much larger median diameter (D50)
less, CO2 concentrations in rural, urban, and industrial environ-
of particles. These differences are due to the angular shape of the
ments are reasonably higher than the average global value,
ash particles, as illustrated in Fig. 5, which can lead to an increased
owing to anthropogenic emissions and natural sources.
demand for water and/or admixture in concrete to maintain
Table 2 presents the average values of CO2 concentrations
obtained in four different environments, including several cities
Table 4 lists the chemical compositions of the SCBA and cement
in the United States, United Kingdom, China, Italy, Poland, Japan,
in terms of oxides, as determined by X-ray fluorescence. The chem-
and Kuwait [65]. Mai-Nhu et al. [66] concluded that in industrial-
ical composition of the cement used meets the limits of NBR
ized cities or cities with extremely high density, these values could
16697:2018 [70] with respect to the amounts of SO3 (<4.50%)
reach 0.30%.
and MgO (<6.50%), and loss on ignition (<12.50%).
Eq. (10) [67–69] was used to estimate the useful life and car-
The ashes primarily comprised silica and most of the require-
bonation coefficients in four different environments with different
ments of NBR 12653:2014 [71] and ASTM C618-19 [72] were sat-
concentrations of CO2, as listed in Table 2.
isfied. These standards require the pozzolanic material to have the
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sum of the percentages of silica, alumina, and iron oxide greater
knat ¼ kacel ð10Þ than 70%, a SO3 content of less than 4%, and loss on ignition of less
than 10%. However, the SCBA had an equivalent alkali content (%
where knat is the estimate of the natural carbonation coefficient in a Na2O + 0.658%K2O) of 4.81%, which is approximately thrice the
given environment with a CO2 concentration equal to cnat, and cacel limit established by the Brazilian standard (1.5%).
is the CO2 concentration in the accelerated test (3.0%). The high alkali content of SCBA was also observed by Bahu-
rudeen et al. [21] and Setayesh Gar et al. [28]. Such high content
represents a greater risk of ASR occurrence in concrete and mortar
Table 2 containing SCBA as a pozzolanic addition.
Average concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and in dense Fig. 6 presents the SCBA X-ray diffractogram, with phase identi-
urban, mild urban, and rural environments [64–66].
fication and quantification. It can be observed that the ash has a
Environment CO2 Concentration (%) high content of amorphous phases (87.90%), which is an important
World average (2020) 0.04 characteristic for pozzolanic activity. Among the crystalline phases,
Rural <0.04 there are quartz (COD: 1011097) and calcite (COD: 9000095)
Urban 0.04–0.06 phases, which were also identified by Zareei et al. [7].
Intense Urban 0.06–0.08
To evaluate the pozzolanicity of the SCBA, chemical titration
Industrial 0.08–0.30
tests were performed using the Fratini method. The results are dis-
J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

Table 3
Physical properties of the raw materials used.

Properties SCBA Cement Sand Gravel

D50 (mm) 36.68 mm 12.59 mm 0.25 mm 6.20 mm
Blaine surface area (cm2/g) 4946 4255 – –
Specific gravity 3.78 3.13 2.62 2.87
Fineness modulus – – 1.32 5.72
Powdered material content (%) – – 0.53 0.40
Maximum diameter (mm) – – 1.18 9.50

3.2. Physicomechanical characterization of concrete

The apparent porosity, density, and sorptivity at 28 d, including

the compressive strength at 3, 7, and 28 days of the concrete spec-
imens are summarized in Table 5.
The addition of 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA resulted in reductions of
14.11%, 19.65%, and 36.45%, respectively, in the apparent porosity
of the concrete, and reductions of 66.67%, 76.19%, and 80.95% in
the sorptivity, respectively. Similar observations were reported
by Ganesan et al. [22]. In addition, enhancements in compressive
strength were observed, especially at 7 and 28 d, with the addition
of ash, as also observed by Amin [14], Bahurudeen et al. [21], and
Ganesan et al. [22].
When adding SCBA, the empty spaces in the cementitious
matrix are filled with fine particles of ash, reducing the porosity
Fig. 4. Particle size distribution of the raw materials. of the matrix (filler effect) and increasing the mechanical strength
[73]. Moreover, as observed in the Fratini and modified Chapelle
tests, SCBA has a high pozzolanic activity; thus, its amorphous sil-
played in Fig. 7. Owing to the fixation of OH and CaO ions in the ica and alumina react with portlandite from cement hydration,
pozzolanic reaction, the SCBA has points below the saturation especially at later ages, forming C-(A)-S-H, which fills the pores
curve and is therefore characterized as a pozzolanic material. The formed during hydration, reducing the porosity and increasing
CP II-F 32 cement has points above the characterization curve, the compressive strength.
being classified as a non-pozzolanic material. This was expected Finally, the combination of physical and pozzolanic effects con-
because only a limestone filler, which had no pozzolanic activity, tributed to the reduction in pore interconnectivity, reducing the
was added to it. sorptivity. This parameter is fundamentally important in studying
In the modified Chapelle test, a fixed 1023.96 mg Ca(OH)2/g of the durability of concrete because the entry of aggressive agents
SCBA was obtained. This is more than twice the minimum limit (such as chlorides and sulfates) dissolved in water occurs through
established to classify an addition as pozzolanic (436 mg Ca the pore network of concrete. With a reduction in the interconnec-
(OH)2/g [39]), showing the high reactivity of the ash. tivity of these pores, less aggressive agents are expected to enter.

Fig. 5. Scanning electron microscopy micrographs of SCBA particles.

J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

Table 4 3.3. Assessment of concrete durability

Chemical composition (in terms of oxides) of the cement and SCBA (% by weight)
determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
3.3.1. Chloride migration
Oxide Cement SCBA Fig. 8 depicts the evolution of the concentration of chlorides in
SiO2 19.10 63.10 the anodic cell as a function of time. This is the result of the chlo-
Al2O3 4.80 7.56 ride migration test, in which D represents the beginning of the
Fe2O3 3.20 4.59 steady state and s the end.
CaO 61.10 8.28
MgO 2.70 4.54
The profile of the curves of ion concentration in the anodic cell
SO3 3.40 1.92 over time was the same for all mixtures. In the initial hours of test-
Na2O 0.24 1.24 ing, low concentrations of chlorides were observed in the anodic
K2O 0.70 5.43 cell, indicating that these had not yet crossed the specimen, which
P2O5 – 2.13
characterizes the non-stationary state. In this state, according to
Others 4.76 0.90
LOI* 4.10 3.10 Talero et al. [74], chlorine ions are fixed to the matrix by adsorp-
Na2Oequiv.** 0.70 4.81 tion on the pore walls and by reacting with the aluminates present
in the cement and in aluminum-containing SCMs (such as SCBA),
* Loss on ignition at 1000 °C.
** %Na2O + 0,658%K2O.
with the formation of Friedel’s salt. Then, an increase in the con-
centration of chlorides was observed at a constant rate, which
characterizes the steady state, until stabilization was reached, cor-
responding to the limit concentration of chlorides.
The increase in SCBA amount added to the concrete causes a
shift in the curve to the right. This represents a delay in the pene-
tration of chlorine ions, that is, an increase in the time required to
start the stationary diffusion regime and consequently, an increase
in durability. This behavior is related to the changes in physical
properties (reduction in porosity and sorptivity) and microstruc-
tural characteristics (refinement of the porous network) caused
by the addition of SCBA to concrete. Such changes, together with
the minute increase in the content of aluminates provided by the
addition of SCBA, are responsible for the higher chloride fixation
in the steady state.
From these results, the time lag, ion flow (JCl), and diffusion
coefficients in steady (Ds) and non-steady (Dns) states were calcu-
lated for the evaluated concrete specimens, as listed in Table 6.
Fig. 6. X-ray diffractogram of the SCBA with identification and quantification of
All specimens showed a high resistance to chloride ingress accord-
ing to the classification proposed by Nilsson et al. as cited by Gjørv,
that is, their Dns varied between 2.5 and 5.0  108 cm2/s [61].

Fig. 8. Chloride concentration in the anodic cell solution as a function of time for
Fig. 7. Diagram for determining the SCBA pozzolanicity according to the NP EN the concrete specimens with 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA (D = beginning of steady
196-5 standard. state and s = end of steady state).

Table 5
Physicomechanical properties of concrete specimens with different amounts of SCBA.

Property Age (days) Mix

REF A5 A10 A15
Apparent porosity (%) 28 9.27 ± 0.25 7.96 ± 0.26 7.45 ± 0.12 5.89 ± 0.08
Density (g/cm3) 28 2.31 ± 0.01 2.38 ± 0.01 2.38 ± 0.01 2.37 ± 0.01
Sorptivity (kg/m2/min1/2) 28 0.21 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.01 0.05 ± 0.01 0.04 ± 0.01
Compressive strength (MPa) 3 22.21 ± 0.53 25.44 ± 1.32 24.97 ± 2.10 22.27 ± 2.18
7 26.50 ± 1.14 29.82 ± 1.22 32.38 ± 2.76 36.06 ± 0.59
28 30.62 ± 0.97 31.76 ± 2.75 34.16 ± 3.06 36.99 ± 0.93

J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

Table 6
Durability parameters and estimated lifetimes with respect to chloride ingress in concrete specimens with different amounts of SCBA.

Parameter Mix
REF A5 A10 A15
Time lag (h) 440 ± 43 457 ± 53 526 ± 20 704 ± 57
JCl (1010 mol/s.cm2) 4.62 ± 0.01 3.99 ± 0.04 3.16 ± 0.09 2.29 ± 0.02
Ds (108 cm2/s) 1.18 ± 0.03 1.00 ± 0.14 0.79 ± 0.06 0.57 ± 0.02
Dns (108 cm2/s) 4.42 ± 0.21 4.13 ± 0.08 3.60 ± 0.16 2.77 ± 0.05
Lifetime (years) 23.2 ± 1.7 25.4 ± 0.7 30.9 ± 2.0 45.4 ± 1.2

Increases of 3.86%, 19.55%, and 60% were observed in the con- The reference concrete and concrete specimens with 5% and
crete time lags by adding 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA, respectively. 10% SCBA presented an estimated lifetime well below 50 yrs and
The higher the SCBA content, the longer the time required for the exhibited a high resistance to chloride ingress according to the
chlorine ions to diffuse in the steady state. This is reflected by
the reduction in the values of the diffusion coefficients of the
non-steady state (Dns) by 6.56%, 18.55%, and 37.33% for the con-
crete specimens added with 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA, respectively.
Reductions of 13.64%, 31.60%, and 50.43% in the chlorine ion
flow (JCl) for mixtures with 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA were also
observed. These reductions showed that the ash, besides delaying
the initiation of stationary diffusion, delayed the passage of chlo-
rides after initiation, which occurred because of the lower porosity
of the matrix. The reduction in the chloride ion flow (JCl) led to
reductions of 15.25%, 33.05%, and 51.69% in the diffusion coeffi-
cients of the steady state (Ds) for the concrete specimens with SCBA
additions of 5%, 10%, and 15%, respectively.
The greater resistance of concrete with SCBA to chloride pene-
tration was also observed by Cordeiro et al. [17], Bahurudeen
et al. [21], and Ganesan et al. [22], who assessed chloride penetra-
tion using the ASTM C1202-19 [51] test.
The reduction in diffusion coefficients and the consequent
greater resistance to chloride penetration from the addition of
SCBA are related to the reduction in pore interconnectivity owing
to the physical effect of the addition and the pozzolanic reaction
[21]. The reduction in porosity is even more evident in the interfa-
cial transition zone of the concrete, which has a higher w/c ratio
owing to the water adsorbed by the aggregates in the mixture,
resulting in greater formation of long portlandite crystals. When
SCBA is added, portlandite is consumed to form C-S-H. This reduces
the porosity of this zone, which is primarily responsible for the
entry of chlorine ions.
Fig. 9 illustrates the probability of corrosion as a function of
time for the different evaluated compositions obtained with the
aid of the DURACON software. In Table 6, the estimated lifetimes
for the concrete specimens are highlighted considering a corrosion
probability of 10%.

Fig. 9. Probability of corrosion as a function of time for the concrete specimens Fig. 10. Carbonated specimens (after spraying the phenolphthalein solution)
with 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA, according to the results of the chloride migration exposed to (A) 3 wk, (B) 9 wk, and (C) 12 wk in the accelerated carbonation
tests. chamber.

J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

classification by Nilsson et al. as cited by Gjørv [61], demonstrating rate; this phenomenon is similar to that observed when the w/c
the limitation of deterministic methods. The lifetimes of such types ratio is reduced [69]. However, the pozzolanic reaction fixes the
of concrete can be improved by increasing the thickness of the cov- Ca(OH)2 (portlandite), forming hydrated compounds such as C-S-
ering layer [75] to reduce the water/cement ratio [56] and/or H and reducing the alkaline reserve, which increases the carbona-
changing the type of cement used [76]. However, comparatively, tion rate [81].
the addition of SCBA decreases the probability of corrosion as Although the addition of SCBA results in an increase in the car-
shown in Fig. 9. At any specific time (below 50 yrs), a lower prob- bonation rate and therefore a reduction in the concrete lifetime,
ability of corrosion is attained by adding a higher SCBA content. the studied concrete specimens had lifetimes of more than 50 yrs
Consequently, considering the lifetime as the time in which the in all considered environments, except for the specimen with
probability of corrosion reaches 10%, the larger the SCBA content, 15% SCBA exposed to the industrial environment.
the higher the estimated lifetime. Increases of 9.6%, 33.4%, and
95.7% in the estimated lifetimes were observed with the addition
3.3.3. ASR
of 5%, 10%, and 15% SCBA, respectively, demonstrating the poten-
Fig. 12 displays the results of expansion of the mortar bars used
tial of using this ash. The decrease in probability of corrosion and
in the reactivity analysis of the SCBA, with evaluation of the poten-
the increase in lifetime are attributed to the refinement of the
tial ASR of the concrete specimens using these ashes. Despite the
pores and the consequent reductions in the diffusion coefficients, high alkali content present in the SCBA (see Table 4), the addition
making it difficult for chlorides to enter into the concrete.
of 5% SCBA mitigated the ASR and reduced the expansion of the
bars, which was below 0.20% after 30 days of testing. However,
3.3.2. Accelerated carbonation for higher contents of SCBA (10% and 15%), a gradual increase in
In Fig. 10, the carbonated depth in the specimens just after ASR was observed and the concrete containing 15% SCBA showed
spraying the solution containing phenolphthalein can be observed. a behavior similar to that of the reference mixture. The mixture
AutoCAD software was used to increase the accuracy of the car- with 5% SCBA was the only one that met the limits of ASTM
bonation depth measurements. The measurements were treated C1260-14 [48], that is, expansion below 0.1% and 0.2% at 14 and
and are presented in Fig. 11, where increases in the carbonation 28 d, respectively.
depth due to the increase in the SCBA content can be observed. The above results show that there is an optimum SCBA content
Table 7 presents the results of the carbonation coefficients in for mitigating the ASR, in which the positive effect of the poz-
the accelerated test (Kacel) and the estimated lifetimes for the dif- zolanic reactions (pore refinement) surpasses the negative effect
ferent environments considered. The Kacel values increased by (increase in the alkali content in the mixture). A similar behavior
16%, 19%, and 69% with SCBA additions of 5%, 10%, and 15%, respec- was observed by Zerbino et al. [82] when studying ground rice
tively; therefore, reductions in the estimated lifetimes are husk ash.
expected in all considered scenarios. According to Thomas [83], some pozzolanic materials promote
An increase in the carbonation rate was observed owing to the a reduction in the alkalis available in the solution, despite having
increase in SCBA content in the concrete. This behavior is common alkali contents higher than those observed in the cement, such as
in concretes with pozzolanic additions, such as fly ash [69,77,78], with SCBA. This occurs because of the consumption of portlandite
calcined clays [69], silica fume [79], and blast furnace slag [69,80]. in pozzolanic reactions, reducing the amount of hydroxyls avail-
The addition of SCM, analogous to SCBA addition, generally able for ASR and leading to greater formation of C-S-H, which
results in a reduction in capillary pores due to the formation of absorbs part of these alkalis [83,84].
C-S-H, which reduces both gas permeability [21] and carbonation

Fig. 11. Carbonation depth of the concrete specimens with different amounts of
SCBA after 3, 9, and 12 wk. Fig. 12. Expansion of mortar bars with different amounts of SCBA.

Table 7
Carbonation rate and estimated lifetimes for concrete specimens with different amounts of SCBA.

Environment (%CO2) Parameter Mix

REF A5 A10 A15
Accelerated Test (3.00) Kacel (mm/week0.5) 2.52 ± 0.13 2.94 ± 0.09 3.01 ± 0.17 4.26 ± 0.11
Rural or Small City (<0.04) Lifetime (years) 566 ± 65 418 ± 26 397 ± 45 199 ± 10
Urban (0.04–0.06) Lifetime (years) 377 ± 43 279 ± 17 265 ± 30 132 ± 7
Intense Urban (0.06–0.08) Lifetime (years) 283 ± 33 209 ± 13 199 ± 22 99 ± 5
Industrial (0.08–0.30) Lifetime (years) 75 ± 9 56 ± 3 53 ± 6 26 ± 1

J.S. Andrade Neto et al. Construction and Building Materials 266 (2021) 120959

In addition, the C-S-H formed in the pozzolanic reaction has a of portlandite), reducing its lifetime. However, except for the
lower Ca/Si ratio. According to Hong and Glasser [85], when the concrete specimen with 15% SCBA exposed to the industrial
Ca/Si ratio of C-S-H is reduced, its capacity to absorb alkalis environment, all specimens had a lifetime of more than 50 yrs
increases owing to a change in the electrical charge on the C-S-H in all environments considered.
surface. The C-S-H surface charge with high Ca/Si ratios is positive,  The addition of 5% SCBA mitigated the ASR because of the poz-
which repels cations (Na+ and K+). By reducing the Ca/Si ratio, the zolanic reaction that leads to higher C-S-H formation and pore
surface will have excess electrons (negative charge), increasing the refinement. However, for larger SCBA amounts (10% and 15%),
capacity to absorb cations (with a positive charge), especially alka- there was a gradual increase in ASR owing to the increasing
lis [83,85]. alkali content of the added SCBA.
Moreover, the refinement in the pore structure of the concrete
and the consequent reduction in sorptivity when adding the SCBA The feasibility of using SCBA as an SCM for concrete manifests
contribute to the reduction in the diffusion of alkalis through the great potential in terms of concrete durability. However, further
concrete, thereby reducing the expansion due to ASR. investigations are necessary, including analysis of the corrosion
With the increase in the added SCBA content, a reduction in the process in concrete containing SCBA by half-cell measurements
mitigation effect was observed, owing to an increase in the alkali and impedance spectroscopy.
content in the mixture and the formation of SCBA agglomerates, Investigations regarding the durability of concrete containing
which can act as reactive aggregates, aggravating the ASR, as SCBA with different w/c ratios and/or different cement types, are
observed in concrete containing silica fume [86]. also recommended. Moreover, in the present investigation, the
Kazmi et al. [26] also observed reductions in expansion caused superplasticizer content varied with the amount of SCBA to main-
by ASR when using SCBA. However, different from what was tain similar workability. However, the superplasticizer could influ-
observed in the present study, the higher the amount added (up ence several properties of concrete. Therefore, studies evaluating
to 40%), the smaller the expansion observed. The difference in concrete containing SCBA with the same superplasticizer content
behavior is presumably because the SCBA used by Kazmi et al. as the reference concrete should be carried out.
[26] exhibited a considerably lower amount of alkali equivalent Because the addition of SCBA showed promising results in
(%Na2Oequiv. = 0.77%) than that in the present study (% terms of mechanical and durability performance, studies regarding
Na2Oequiv. = 4.81%). the durability of concrete with partial replacement of cement by
SCBA are encouraged to further decrease the cement content.
Finally, lifecycle analyses of the use of SCBA in concrete, consider-
4. Conclusions ing the entire production chain and changes in the lifetime of con-
crete, are extremely important to verify the environmental impact
SCBA is a promising SCM that generally shows a high pozzolanic of the use of SCBA as an SCM.
activity. However, to enable its use, it is crucial to thoroughly
understand its effect on the durability of concrete. Therefore, in
CRediT authorship contribution statement
the present study, the effect of SCBA on the lifetime of concrete
in terms of chloride ingress and carbonation was evaluated for
José da Silva Andrade Neto: Conceptualization, Methodology,
the first time. Furthermore, the effect of an alkali rich SCBA on
Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Mavisson Júlio
the ASR was examined for the first time. Based on the experimental
Santos de França: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology.
results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
Nilson Santana de Amorim Júnior: Investigation, Methodology,
Writing - review & editing. Daniel Véras Ribeiro: Supervision,
 SCBA, calcined at 600 °C, has a high pozzolanic activity owing to
Writing - review & editing, Funding acquisition.
the presence of amorphous silica and alumina.
 The addition of up to 15% SCBA resulted in reductions in the
porosity and sorptivity and enhancements in the compressive Declaration of Competing Interest
strength, owing to the physical effect, better packing, and poz-
zolanic reaction. The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
 Increasing the content of SCBA delays the time required for the cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
chlorine ions to diffuse in the steady state, which is demon- to influence the work reported in this paper.
strated by the reduction in the values of the non-steady state
diffusion coefficients (Dns). This behavior is attributed to the Acknowledgments
changes in the physical properties and microstructural charac-
teristics by the addition of SCBA to concrete, which, together The authors would like to thank the Coordenação de Aper-
with the small increase in the content of aluminates provided feiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior for the scholarship
by the addition of SCBA, are responsible for the higher chloride granted to José da Silva Andrade Neto and Nilson Santana Amorim
fixation in the steady state. Júnior during the period of this study.
 Increasing the SCBA content also resulted in reduced chloride
flow (JCl) and steady state diffusion coefficient (Ds), indicating
that the presence of this ash, besides delaying the onset of sta- References
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