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Selling Skills - Evaluation

Role Play - I
Brief for Relationship manager – Role play I
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. You have been given a lead of Mr. Anup Mehta (age 30 years)
by your colleague (through a campaign) for savings bank account.

Call the customer, take an appointment and then you have to go and meet him.

Demonstrate your ability to handle the situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play I

You are Anup Mehta. You had given your name to a marketing officer of ICICI Bank during your last
visit to a mall for opening of a savings bank a/c.

You get a phone call from a sales person of the ICICI bank. You give him an appointment for 7 p.m.
same day at your residence (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).

Your profile is as below:

Age: 30 years
Marital Status: Married, spouse also working, 2 children 3 and 1 year old.
Profession: Salaried with a public limited co earning Rs.45000/- p.m, working since last 5 years.
Assets: 2 BHK (bedroom hall kitchen) flat in a posh locality inherited from father (staying since birth),
has a four wheeler.
Dependents: Children and parents (living in native place).
Goal in Life – You want to save for your children future and want to buy a car
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Have a Savings Bank account with a Cooperative Bank held jointly with spouse. Other
investments: Fixed Deposits of Rs.6, 00,000/-, LIC policies of Rs.3, 00,000/-, Balance in Public Provident
Fund account Rs.50, 000/-.
Other Sources of Income: Spouse earning Rs.20, 000/-pm.
Other Details: Wife loves shopping, you do not like taking a lot of risks, you are very detail oriented
and cost conscious
Selling Skills – Evaluation
Role Play - II
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play II
You are a senior officer with ICICI bank. You have a lead from phone banking to go and meet Mrs. Aditi
Sinha (age 30 years) for opening a current account. Call the customer, take an appointment and then
you have to go and meet her.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play II

You are Mrs. Aditi Sinha. You want to open a current account with ICICI bank. You called ICICI phone
banking and requested for a sales person to come and see you. You get a phone call from a sales
person of the ICICI bank. You give him an appointment for 11.00 am at your shop (check if he confirms
the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: 30 years
Marital Status: Married, spouse also working, No kids
Profession: Self-employed, proprietorship
Business details: Boutique selling designer sarees in a posh locality since 2 years , only one shop,
Annual Turnover – Rs.50,00,000/-.
No of Employees 3, Yearly profit – 7,00,000/-.IT Returns filed for both years.
She buys the sarees locally, then designs them herself.
Assets: 3 BHK (bedroom hall kitchen) flat in a posh locality has 2 four wheelers and a two Dependents:
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Have a Savings Bank account with a PSU Bank.
Other investments: FDs worth Rs.2, 00,000/-, Insurance policies of Rs.1, 00,000/-, SIPs of Rs.8, 000/-
monthly in Equity mutual funds
Other Sources of Income: Spouse earning Rs.30, 00,000/- p.a.
Goal in life - You want to expand boutique business and open branches across the city.
Other Details: You are fond of traveling, you are very friendly in nature. You hate false commitments
Dependents: None
Other Sources of Income: Spouse earning Rs.30, 00,000/- p.a.
Other Details: You are fond of traveling, you are very friendly in nature.
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - III
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play III
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. You generated a lead for life insurance while you were at the
cashier’s desk yesterday. Mr. ArunAsrani is an existing customer. Call the customer, take an
appointment and then you have to go and meet him.
Details of the customer as available with you:
Date of Birth: 12/08/1985
Profession: Salaried working with Nestle Ltd in a senior position.
Relationship Details: Silver Savings Account - Average balance maintained in the last six months is over
Rs.1, 00,000/-.
Fixed Deposits: Rs.5, 00,000 in Tax Saver FD.
Has a ICICI Credit card, had taken an auto loan 5 years back for Rs.10,00,000/- repaid without default.
Customer resides in an upper middle class locality.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the sales situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play III

You are Mr. ArunAsrani. You have been planning to take life insurance for your wife. Last time you
visited ICICI bank for depositing cash, the cashier there told you about LI policies for which you showed
You get a phone call from the same person. You give him an appointment for 3.30 pm at your office
(check if he confirms the address before closing the call).

Your profile is as below:

Age: Your DOB is 12/08/1985.
Marital Status: Married, spouse not working, 1 child six months old.
Goal in life – Save money for your child’s future. You would like to have the benefit of both long term
insurance cover and a lump sum amount on the maturity of insurance policy for this purpose.
Profession: Salaried working with Nestle Ltd in a senior position earning Rs. 3, 00, 000/- pm.
Assets: 2 BHK (bedroom hall kitchen) rented flat, have a four wheeler
Dependents: Wife and child
Investments and other details:
Relationship details of ICICI Bank: Silver Savings Account where an average balance maintained by
you in the last six months is over Rs.1, 00,000/-.
Fixed Deposits of Rs.5, 00,000 in Tax Saver FD. Have an ICICI Credit card, you had taken an auto loan
5 years back for Rs.10, 00,000/- repaid without default.
Accounts: Have another Savings Bank Account with a PSU bank.
Other investments: Have Fixed Deposits of Rs.3, 00,000/- in a Cooperative Bank, National Savings
Certificates worth Rs. 60,000/-, you do not have Public Provident Fund account, You have an Life
Insurance for self for Rs.4,00,000/-.
Other Sources of Income: None
Household Expenses: Rs.15, 00,000/- p.a.
Other Details: You want to own a house, you believe in proper planning (wealth as well as tax) and
like to take only calculated risks. .
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - IV
Brief for Banker – Role play IV
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. Your colleague generated a lead for mutual fund and passed
it to you. Mr.Varun Ahuja is an existing customer. Call the customer, take an appointment and then
you have to go and meet him.
Details of the customer as available with you:
Date of Birth: 15/11/1988.
Profession: Salaried working with KPMG.
Relationship details: Silver Savings Bank Account - Average balance maintained in the last six months
is over Rs.1, 00,000/-.
Fixed Deposits: Rs.15, 00,000.
Has an ICICI Credit Card, has just taken a home loan for Rs.60, 00,000/-.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the sales situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play IV

You are Mr. Varun Ahuja. You are interested in investing in mutual funds. You had told your
relationship manager about this when you took the home loan recently.
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 4.30 pm at
your office (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: Your DOB is 15/11/1988.
Marital Status: Unmarried, living with parents (both retired and drawing pensions).
Profession: Salaried working with KPMG with yearly salary of Rs.8, 00,000/-
Assets: 3 BHK (bedroom hall kitchen) flat, no vehicle owned.
Dependents: None
Investments and other details:
Relationship details of ICICI Bank: Silver Savings Bank Account where an average balance maintained
by you in the last six months is over Rs.1, 00,000/- Fixed Deposits of Rs.15, 00,000 /-. Have an ICICI
Credit Card and have just taken a home loan for Rs.60, 00,000/- .
Accounts: Only one Savings Bank Account with ICICI Bank.
Other investments: Have just opened a Public Provident Fund Account with SBI.
Need – You Want to invest in mutual fund to get market returns and also want to save tax
Other Sources of Income: None
Household Expenses: Rs.5, 00,000/- p.a.
Other Details: You want to own a car. You are very time conscious and like things to happen fast.
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - V
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play V
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. You have got a lead from one of your current account holders
Mr. Singh about a friend of his Mr. Ramesh Aggarwal (age 26 years) who might be interested in
opening a current account with you. Call the customer, take an appointment and then you have to go
and meet him.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the sales situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play V

You are Mr.Ramesh Aggarwal. You are interested in opening a current account. You had told your
friend Mr. Singh about this who has a current account with ICICI Bank.
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 4.30 pm at
your office.
Your profile is as below:
Age: 26 yrs.
Marital Status: Unmarried, living with parents.
Profession: Self Employed with annual income of Rs.6, 00,000/-.
Business details: He is a Chartered Accountant and has started his own firm last year. He normally
helps individuals and others in filing IT Returns and advises them about tax saving.
Assets: 1 BHK (Bedroom Hall Kitchen) flat, no vehicle owned.
Dependents: Parents
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Savings account with PSU Bank
Other investments: Have just opened a Public Provident Fund Account with SBI.
Other Sources of Income: None
Immediate Need – You want to buy a car
Other Details: You are risk averse and very knowledgeable about financial products. You like to argue
and understand everything in depth.
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - VI
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play VI
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank You have got a lead from phone banking to go and meet Mr.
Milind Shirodkar (age 18 years) for opening a savings bank account. Call the customer, take an
appointment and then you have to go and meet him.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the sales situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play VI

You are Mr Milind Shirodkar. You had called ICICI Bank’s call centre and requested them that you are
interested in opening a savings bank account with ICICI Bank.
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 9.30 am at
your residence (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: 18 years
Marital Status: Unmarried, living with parents
Profession: Student, graduating in Commerce
Other Details: Father is a government employee, mother is a housewife, 2 sisters married, staying in
government quarters. You are very curious and ask a lot of questions.
Goal in life – You want to prepare for Civil Service examination after completing graduation.
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - VII
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play VII
You are senior officer with ICICI bank. You were given reference of Mrs. Radha Shane (age 55 years)
by an existing customer Mr. Ravi Kumar as she is in need of a loan because her daughter is getting
married. Call the customer, take an appointment and then you have to go and meet her.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the sales situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play VII

You are Mrs. Radha Shane. Your daughter is getting married in 6 months. You are facing a cash crunch
and need some money. You had told this to a friend Mr. Ravi Kumar who is an ICICI Bank customer.
He said he will refer you to his relationship manager in ICICI Bank.
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 10.00 am at
your residence (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: 55 years.
Marital Status: Married, living with spouse and daughter.
Profession: Housewife
Assets: 3 BHK (Bedroom Hall Kitchen) flat (in husband’s name), one four wheeler.
Dependents: She is dependent on her husband who is a Doctor. Daughter is also a doctor.
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Savings Bank Account with PSU Bank held jointly with spouse. Other investments: Have gold
jewellery worth Rs. 15, 00,000/-.
Immediate need – Loan of Rs.10 lacs for her daughter’s marriage
Other Sources of Income: Rental Income from ancestral property of Rs. 20000/- pm.
Other Details: You are very excited about the daughter’s marriage, you are not a very confident person
and like to consult your husband for all decisions. You are very proud of the fact that you have saved
a lot of money over the years and bought all this jewellery.
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - VIII
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play VIII
You are senior officer with ICICI bank. Mr Ram is your mapped customer. You verified in Iview that he
is maintaining a Silver Savings account with your branch and maintaining average balance of around
Rs.45000/- He is also eligible for a Prequalified Credit card. Demonstrate your ability to take an
appointment and then you have to go and meet him.
Details of the customer as available with you
Account relationship – Silver savings account with average balance of Rs.45000/-
Profession – Working in TCS as a Software developer with monthly salary of Rs.70000/-
PQ offer in I view – Credit card
Fixed Deposits: Rs.3,00,000/-.

Brief for the Customer – Role play VIII

You are Mr. Ram, existing customer of ICICI Bank. You are working in TCS earning monthly salary of
Expenses per month is around Rs.60000/-
Your profile is as below:
Marital Status: Married, living with spouse and son. Son is aged 12 years and is studying in a reputed
school in the city
Goal in Life – You want to save adequate money to educate your son abroad
Immediate need – You want to open an account for your son to give him financial independence and
manage banking operation by himself
Investments and other details:
Relationship details of ICICI Bank:
Fixed Deposits of Rs.3, 00,000/-.
Accounts: Only one Savings Bank Account with ICICI Bank. Every month you are investing Rs.10000/-
in PPF account opened with post office
Other investments: No other investments.
Other Sources of Income: None
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - IX
Brief for Relationship Manager – Role play IX
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. You have got a lead of Mr. Pravin Shetty (age 70 years) from
your colleague for savings bank account. Call the customer, take an appointment and then you have
to go and meet him.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play IX

You are Mr. Pravin Shetty. You want to open savings bank with ICICI Bank. You had told this to a staff
of ICICI Bank whom you met at a social function. He said he will ask someone to call you regarding
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 11.00 am at
your residence (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: 70 years
Marital Status: Married, living with spouse and son and daughter in law. Son and daughter in law are
working in Wipro
Profession: Retired, no pension
Assets: 3 BHK (Bedroom Hall Kitchen) flat, one four wheeler.
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Had a bank account, but closed it recently since the service was very bad.
Other investments: Life Insurance Policy of Rs.20, 00,000/- and a Medical Insurance of Rs.5, 00,000/-
Immediate need – You want to have an account with a bank where the service quality is good. You
cannot stand in the queue for long time because of your age.
Other Sources of Income: Rental Income from ancestral property of Rs. 45000/- pm.
Other Details: You want people to listen and give full attention to you. You dislike too much
Selling Skills - Evaluation
Role Play - X
Brief for Relationship Manager– Role play X
You are a senior officer with ICICI Bank. You have got a lead from your existing current account
customer Mr. Abhijeet. His neighbour, Mr. Raman Gupta (age 42 years) wants to open a current
account. Call the customer, take an appointment, and then you have to go and meet him.
Demonstrate your ability to handle the situation effectively.

Brief for the Customer – Role play X

You are Mr. Raman Gupta. You had told your neighbour Mr. Abhijeet that you wish to explore the
possibility of opening a current account in ICICI Bank where he has an account.
You get a phone call from a senior officer of ICICI Bank. You give him an appointment for 11.00 am at
your residence (check if he confirms the address before closing the call).
Your profile is as below:
Age: 42 years
Marital Status: Married, spouse not working, 2 young children aged 15 and 10 years.
Profession: You have a chain of general stores in your city in the name Raman Dry Fruits. It’s a
partnership firm and you and your wife are the partners.
Business Details: Your firm buys spices and some dry fruits from Kerala, walnuts from Kashmir etc.
You need to make payments as and when required. Collections are generally in the form of cash.
Cheques from all your stores in the city have to be deposited in your current account without any
You are finding it difficult to manage your funds. You are always facing liquidity crunch.
Assets: 3 BHK (Bedroom Hall Kitchen) flat, 2 four wheeler
Dependents: Wife and 2 children
Investments and other details:
Accounts: Have a Savings as well as a Current bank account with a PSU bank.
Other investments: Fixed Deposits of Rs.35,00,000/-.
Other Sources of Income: None
Goals in life: You would like to grow even bigger in your business so you attend all business
conferences and part of business networks.

You want to make one of your children do MBA for the same reason. You want to open a current
account in ICICI Bank as you are not satisfied with your current bank.

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