Punzalan MHK4

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Domains of
and an example

MHK #4 situaton
Domains of Emotional Intelligence

There's a movie called "Enchanted" and the main female character is a
happy-go-lucky princess named Giselle. Giselle is new in this world
because she came from the Cartoonify/Disney world. She got mad for
the first time and she was confused at first and was amazed that she
got to experience a new emotion or feeling. I can say that this is an
example of Self-Awareness because she doesn't have a clue on what
she's feeling and it was a whole new experience within herself knowing
now that a certain circumstance can cause such feeling.


Mae gets overwhelm easily in terms of doing school works
especially if it's abundant so she procrastinates to stop the feeling
of being afraid to start and when her tasks are already overdue or
almost on the due, she'll get stress and cram everything so it all
would turn into chaos. So then she learned from that and never
repeated it again so she tries to do everything one by one and
managed to rest if needed. This is an example of Self-Regulation
because Mae took her time to reflect and control the problem.
Domains of Emotional Intelligence
Motivating Oneself

The situation I'll be giving would actually be about myself because I
tend to procrastinate a lot and it's a habit I'm not really proud of so
when the tasks are already piled up, I would start my computer and
most of the time it takes a long amount of time when starting the
device so I would just motivate myself by these exact words:
Alam mo madali
Okay so breathe Wag na kasi
lang yan it's okay So bale ano ba
magp- mga gagawin? Positive + Positive
ka, aiz. Process mo procrastinate wag mastress kase = Positive Outcome
muna everything ah? baka wala ka Jusko kering keri kaya go ate ghurl!
matapos mamsh mo yan mamsh!


Your friend, Lisa, called you and asked if you have the time to talk
because she was having a problem in their house. You came over to
meet with her and even brought her favorite snacks. She then
opened about her parents planning to divorce and even if you
haven't experienced it, you know how hard it is to not have a
parent because you grew up without one. So you listened to what
she's feeling said that you'll be there for her no matter what
happen and it's hard right now so you understand how she feels.
She's struggling so you truly connected with her.
Domains of Emotional Intelligence
Another example of Motivating Oneself

Linda is a very friendly girl and friends with everyone because not only
she's open to everyone but also gives the best hugs. One time Elizabeth,
her friend, came to her saying that she's nervous about the upcoming
event in their school. Elizabeth will sing and said she can't make it. Linda
had an idea to help encourage her. She let Elizabeth sing in front of her
and Linda was amazed by how good she sang so Elizabeth was then
happy to hear what she has to say and rock on the show, giving her
best performance ever.


Domains of
and an example

MHK #4 situaton

Trina hasn’t been feeling herself lately because

she’s experiencing tough times because of the
pandemic. She was diagnosed with a major
depressive disorder and it hasn’t been easy for
her. Drake, her father cleans her room because
it always looks like a mess for she doesnt
have a motivation to do so. Her brother, Allen,
gives her food every single morning because
she doesn’t have a courage to wake up and get
off bed. Her mother and younger brother
always go to her room to talk to her and so
Trina got better and they were closer than ever
because then she doesn’t think that she’s alone
in her battle.

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