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Quality improvement in the seismie process!

George Steef and Mike Wolë

This paper addresses the issue of quality improvement in credited with the transformation of Japanese industry
genera I terms and how HGS, in particular, is working after Warld War 11.
towards quality improvements which wil! benefit The key points ofthe Derning approach to continuous
company performance and customer satisfaction. quality improvement are:
'Quality' is a word which is wel! known to geophy-
• Constancy af purpose:
sicists and geologists. The search for ever-better quality
• Teamwork and cooperation;
in seismie data has led to bath gradual and break-
• Leadership;
through improvements in the seismie process and has
• System for improverneut.
alsa led ta cast reductian; far example, to make 30
seismie exploration an effective taal. His teachings focus on the long term and a constancy

Fig. 1. Production viewed as a system

Whot exactly do we mean by 'quality' and 'quality of purpose. He emphasizes the critical need for team-
improvement '? work and cooperation between work groups and the need
The first part of th is paper wil! describe several points af for management to provide leaders hip and to constantly
theory while the secend part will illustrate the theory by imprave systems for better quality and lower cast.
the use of real, practical exarnples. Brief remarks wil! be Central to his philosophy is a systems approach to
made on the increasingly popular International Standards. any work. His model of the organization viewed as a
system is shown in Fig. I.
Theory First, the purpose af the organization needs to be
Continuous quality improvement is based on a whole established and communicated.
theory af management which is mast closely assaciated Secondly, the organization needs to be viewed as a
with Dr W. Edwards Deming. Dr Derning is generally linkage or netwerk of interdependent processes, the aim af
which is the satisfaction, even the delight, of the customers.
I Presented at the 54th EAEG Meeting, Paris. Thirdly, the system needs to identify opportunities to
"l+alliburton Geophysical Services, PO Box 36306, Houston, Texas better match customers' needs.
77236-6306, USA. The fourth activity is to plan for improvement.
JR. Michae1 Wolf Associatcs, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
The fifth activity is to manage individual and team

plan/do/check/act sequence as a learning and improve-

ment cycle as shown in Fig. 2. Contrast this structured
approach with what happens more frequently-a fire-
fighting approach; a little bit of planning, and much
frantic activity.
One of the camponents of Deming's profaund knawledge
was a deep understanding of variation. Deming says, "If
] had to reduce my message for management 10 just a few
words, I'd say it all had to do with reducing variation."
There are a number of simp Ie but aften pawerful toals
available 10 measure and understand variation and its
causes. These include Pareto charts and control charts.
Pareto charts illustrate in a simple way the few critica I
components of data contributing to a system of causes
or symptoms. Control charts show us patterns of
Fig. 2. Planning for improvement variation in processes and enable us to analyse and
react to varia ti on more appropriately. They may exhibit
activities, in other words to carry out improvements, 'cornmon-cause' or slabie varia ti on or 'special cause' or
with the aid of theory. The concept is extended to any unstable variation. This concept ua I model for manage-
process or system, simple or complex. ment and leadership for continuous improvement must,
Deming describes a "systern ofprofound knowledge". of course, be put into practice if it is to be useful.
Wouldn't we alllike to have such a system! He identifies
four key components: Practical ex am pies
• The understanding of a system and the importance of In marine data acquisition, a compclling issue is the
optimizing the whole system rather than sub- improvement of dient satisfaction through more
optimizing. The value of the whole is more than the consistent and predictable processes. A worldwide
value of the pieces. quality improvement team, or QIT as we call them,
• A knowledge of statistical theory ",. and a deep was formed. This team carefully considered the mission
understanding of variation. and purpose of their organization, described their
• A theory of knowiedge. Ta readers of First Break, the linkage of processes, and prioritized them for improve-
idea of a theory of knowledge is probably not a ment. As aresult, efforts were spawned in the processes
difficult one. Without theary there can be na learning. relating to training, maintenance, introduetion of new
• A knawledge of psychalagy. equipment, the bidding of projects, and reducing
streamer failures.
The faurth and fifth activities referred to in Deming's Shawn here in Fig. 3 is a simplified version of the
model refer to planning for improvement. He proposes a linkage of processes diagram far the training QIT. The

Fig. 3. Marine training QIT -simplified linkage of processes diagram


results and importance of which may take some time to

become apparent. The results of quality improvement
are not always known or seen irnmediatelyl Same of the
early outcomes and improvements from the training QIT
included: creatian of a ruil-time training coordinator;
publication of a catalogue of training courses; the publica-
tion of a new Quality Assurance Manual; and the develop-
ment of a feedback system for evaluation of courses. While
these may seem somewhat sirnple and obvious, there is
now a system in place which can be continuously improved.
The Pareto chart, shown in Fig. 4, is a simple but
effective tooi for displaying data. By organizing the data,
in this case percent downtime on the y-axis and the different
types of down time along the x-axis, we are abJe to corn-
municate c1early the greatest opport uni ties for improve-
ment, hopefully identifying the critical few symptoms
Fig. 4. EAME marine acquisition---controllable downtime all vessels
or causes. In this case we can see that the biggest reason
for down time on our vessels was code 32, the code for
down time due to st rea mer failure. The first two reasons
process chosen for initial concentration of effen was the together account for 40% plus of all downtime. This
process of defining training. needs. Through collection and leads us naturally to discussion af the work of another
analysis of data from their intemal and extemal customers, of these QlTs.
they formulated theories about how positive change might The streamer reliability team was fonned in 1990, and
be created. The team has made a number of changes, the its mission is ta detennine the causes for failure of

Fig. 5. Causejeffect diagram-st rea mer team


Fig. 6. St reu mer reliability QIT Parcto Chart of factory repairs Fig. 7. Streamer reliability QIT -Pareto Chart of symptoms of failure

Fig. 8. Strearner reliability QIT-mean time befare failure Fig. 9. HGS land EAME acquisition 1991-Losl time accidents/
million man hours: control chan

Fig. 10. HGS Land EAME acquisition-Lost time accidenlsfmillion Fig. 11. Middle East crew-c-daily production rate
man hours: control chart

marine streamers and to prioritize improvements. A control chart, which in th is case has varia bie lirnits, we
clear definition of the mission of a team is an important must draw the conclusion that none of these countries is
part of the improvement process, really different from the ethers, because na country is
In brainstorming the potential causes for failure, the outside the upper control limit. In other words, each of
team made use of another tooi, the 'cause-and-effect" or these results came from the same family of causes. The
Ishakawa diagram, like the one pictured in Fig. 5. This real work is in looking at the system of causes that is
tooi, with causes shown on the arrows and the effects in common to all of these countries,
the boxes, is an essential part of the documentation of Sirnilarly, a control chart on historical accident
current knowledge of a given phenomenon and its frequency since 1990 shown in Fig. 10 exhibits a stabie
possible causes. systern. The variation about the mean is quite evenly
Several improvemcnt cycles were initiated, using the distributed, and no points fall outside the computed
technique described earlier, the PDCA or plan-do- limits. Previously, the datum for June 1991 would
check-act cycle. This is activity 5 of Deming's model. almost certainly have resulted in instructions to the field
One such cyele for example is summarized as follows: employees to explain their performance. Now we can see
that this datum is not different from the rest of the chart
• Planning how to collect the data;
and, most importantly, we now understand that only
• Collecting the data;
management can change the system in which our
• Checking the symptoms with repairs;
employees are operaring. Management is now concen-
• Acting on the information obtained.
trating on lowering the limits and the mean.
Figures 6 and 7 are two Pareto charts; Fig. 6 shows Con trol charts are now becoming a routine tooi of
symptoms offailure (A through J) and Fig. 7 a Pareto of management. Figure II shows the performance of a
causes of repair (K through Q) for the same st rea mer Middle-East crew over a 4-month time period. The
sectien. These (WO Pareto charts were used to provide y-axis is VPs (vibrator points) per day. Productivity was
easy identification of thc critical few causes or symptoms varia bie and much lower than expected at the start of
of problems, though the data pointed out an interesting the survey. After investigation and planning for
anomaly. It became apparent that the symptoms of improvement, several changes we re made by manage-
failure on board the vessel (A through J) did not ment, and a considerable change to the system was seen.
correlate at all with the actual cause of failure as The average daily production increased from 130 VPs
dctermined by the factory (K through Q). This was a per day to 298 per day. The special cause point at I May
very important finding which had considerable impact was due to a swap-out of instrumentation.
on procedures onboard the vessels. It is important to note again that control limits are
Time does not allowan in-depth discussion of the computcd mathematically frorn the natural variation of
positive results of the work of this team to date, though the data, relating to the standard deviation and the
it is possible to show by thc control chart shown in Fig. range of successivc data points.
8 that a significant improvement in mean time before One of the important issues for seismie companies and
failure has been observed. Mean time before failure is their clients today is the time taken to complete 3D surveys.
measured in days and is on the y-axis. Average time HGS is addressing the issue with several QIT teams.
befare failure was seen to improve from 90 days to 160 A linkage of processes diagram shown in Fig. 12 helps
days. Upper and lower controllimits are computed from to picture the complex system which exists to process 3D
the data points and are approximately 3.0 standard seismie data. This chart is actually a simplified version,
deviations from the mean. However, there is still much but at this point we can begin to establish a system to
to do as the limits of variation are still toa wide apart identify opportunities to better match the needs of1our
and we would like to see more improvement of the clients. One of the ways we can do this, of course, is to
mean. Thus the work of the streamer QIT continnes. gather data to analyse some of the important outputs of
One aspect of almast any company's operations that the present system, such as time to deliver displays/tapes.
is rich in opportunity for improvement is the area of safety. Figures 13 and 14 show measurements of cyc1e time in
While our use of quality improvement models and weeks. The control chart in Fig. 13, showing cycle time
methods in the safety arena is still very much in its early from receipt of last field tape to production of the SEG
days, it has begun to change the way in which we look at Y tapes, is an example of a system which is not sta bie,
safety performance data and in the way we react to them. and in fact exhibits considerable change over the period
Figure 9 shows the lost-time accident frequency on 1985 to 1992. In the early time period, 1985 to 1988,
the y-axis in each of the 11 countries in which we almost all the points are below the mean. In the middle
operated in 1991. Clearly the number of accidents per period, 1988 to 1991, the data points show large
million man hours is different from one country to variation, mainly about the rnean. In the most recent
another, and in the past we rnight have taken aetion by period, 1991 to 1992, the points are above the mean. So
special interrogation of those managers whose opera- this is certainly not a sta bie system, and thus not a
tions we re highest in accident frequency. But using the prcJictable onc.

Fig. 12. HGS EAME-marine 3D data processing: linkage of processes

The ehart in Fig. 14 showing the proeess from the and whieh lead to the colleetion of ether data whieh may
'navigation complete' to SEG Y is a very different chart, help in understanding this eause systern. Achart which
and, except perhaps for the special eause data point in shows a sta bIe system allows prediction that this pattern
the last quarter of 1989, is a sta bIe system. There are of variation wilt continue into the future, unless the
important messages in these charts which give rise to system is changed in sorne way, which of course is the
many questions about the underlying system of causes, job of management under the Deming philosophy.

Fig. 13. HGS EAME-marine 3D data processing: last field tape in Fig. 14. HGS EAME-marine 30 data processing: navigation
to SEGY complete to SEGY

The implementation of quality standards, including the Deming method focuses on "improvement forever";
the international standard IS09000 amongst others, is on the need for astrong understanding of statistics and
also important. a strong element of leadership of people.
These standards are relatively well-known in manu- HGS considers that the two approaches can success-
facturing industries, but are only now coming into use fully complement each other in certain areas and will be
in the service industries. They are quite new to the seeking accreditation to IS09000 in each of its main
seismie business. product Iines.
The standards lay a foundation for a quality manage-
ment system. Under the standard, a company's quality Conclusions
system is defined and work procedures are outlined. The HGS and Halliburton company have committed to the
procedures can be as detailed or as simple as the company philosophy and teachings of Dr W. Edwards Deming.
chooses, as long as all the minimum requirements of the His teachings contain a balance of:
standard are met. For this reason, different companies
• A long term outlook with short-term improvements;
will have different quality systems. An accredited company
• Science with philosophy;
is committing to documenting a quality system which
• A reduction of waste while adding value.
satisfies the standard and to carry out the procedures it
has laid down within that system, no more, no less. His methods call for a deep understanding of variation and
How do standards and continuo us quality improve- strongly focus on satisfying, even delighting, the customer.
ment differ? Table I summarizes key components of the Quality improvement has no shortcuts. It is a never-
two approaches. ending journey full of obstacles. But we are confident
that along the way we will see more consistent processes,
Table 1. Standards and continuous qua/ity improvement
better products and services, lower costs, and more
Standards Deming Approach successful seismie and exploration industries.
1 Prevents nonconformity Improve forever
2 Convenient package, Pro vides understanding; Acknowledgements
instantly usa bIe never ending
The authors would Iike to express their appreciauon
3 Statistics as necessary Statistics essential
4 People not astrong Leadership of people
to Halliburton Geophysical for permission to give this
ingredient paper and most importantly, for the fundamental con-
tribution to quality improvement made by Dr Deming.
While the standards approach highlights conformanee
to a standard, and thus has a 'zero defects' approach, Received 30 January 1993; accepted 25 February 1993

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