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Diary Entry

Class Work
(Write any two samples in your notebook)

You are Raju/Ranjana of Salwan Public School, New Delhi. You are motivated by the
‘Clean India Campaign’ of the Prime Minister and participated in it in your own way in
your colony. Taking help from the input write a diary entry on the subject.

Hints: • PM’s ‘Swachha Bharat Abhiyan’ • motivated millions of youngmen like me •

called a meeting of all young boys and girls • volunteers • started removing dirt •
bought new bins • distributed pamphlets • enlightened public • good results •
appreciable change in the mindsets • things in die right direction • I feel proud of
myself and my companions.
Friday 7:00 pm
12th October, 20XX

Dear Diary ( optional)

It seems that our Prime Minister has felt the real pulse of the nation. His ‘Swachha
Bharat Abhiyan’ or ‘Clean India Campaign’ has inspired and motivated millions of
students, young men and women of India. I was highly impressed and motivated and
wanted to be a part of the campaign. I started talking to my friends and it didn’t take
long to convince them. So we had a volunteer army of fifty dedicated young boys
and girls. First of all, we started removing garbage and dirt from those comers in the
area which had not been touched for months. We bought a few bins for garbage
from the money we collected from the residents. In the beginning, the residents were
not amused but gradually their indifference disappeared. We launched a public
awakening campaign. We prepared posters and distributed pamphlets urging the
residents to make ‘Clean India Campaign’ a real success. Gradually our labour
started showing positive results. There was an appreciable change in the mindset of
the residents. Even housewives came out openly in our support. I felt proud of
myself and the dedicated band of volunteers who helped me in this campaign. Such
things arouse patriotic feelings and sense of unity among the people.

You are Raghu/Ragini of Swan Public School, Karnal. You were a witness of a
ghastly fire in the market. The firemen showed an exceptional bravery and saved the
life of woman who was trapped inside a room on the first floor. Taking help from the
input, make a diary entry narrating the whole ghastly incident and the bravery of the
Hints: • Mandi area • highly crowded and congested • narrow lanes • godowns of
inflammable articles • a devastating fire • short circuit • fire brigade reached within
minutes • firemen showed exceptional heroism • a lady trapped inside a room on the
first floor • two firemen jumped into flames • saved the woman • real heroes • huge
loss • heroism of firemen saved a precious life • I still remember their selfless
sacrifice and heroism.
Thursday 8:00 pm
10th June, 20XX

Dear Diary,
Kamal Mandi is the nerve-centre of the city. But it is a highly crowded and congested
place. It is a commercial place with narrow lanes. There are many godowns and
warehouses which store some highly inflammable articles. When I was standing in a
shop, I could see a huge cloud of smoke rising from the other end of the market.
Soon there was a lot of commotion and people ran towards the site with buckets of
water and sand in their hands. I could see flames rising higher in the sky. The wind
aggravated the situation. The firebrigade was on the scene within a few minutes.
And at once the dedicated firemen were on their toes to do their job. A woman was
trapped in the flames on the first floor of a building. Two brave firemen mounted on
a ladder and jumped into the flames. We were amazed at their bravery. Soon they
came out with the woman and received loud cheers from the crowds below. The loss
of property was in crores but a precious life was saved. The exceptional bravery and
heroism of the firemen has made an indelible impression on my mind for ever.

lt was the happiest day of your life when the Principal of your school informed you
and your parents that you topped the list of successful candidates in your zone.
Then started the endless ringing of telephone bells. Congratulatory messages
started pouring in from friends and relatives. All the neighbours came to
congratulate you on your grand success. At the end of the day, you were so much
overwhelmed by happiness and excitement that you made a diary entry of the
sequence of events on that fateful day. Reproduce that entry here inventing your own
Monday 6:00 pm
10th March, 20XX

Dear Diary,
Life is full of surprises. I couldn’t sleep the previous night. The next morning the
results of the Board were to be announced. Then suddenly at 9 am, we heard a
telephone ring. I ran to receive it. My Principal was on the line. “Congratulations my
boy! You have topped the list of successful candidates in the Ambala Zone. We are
proud of you!” He also congratulated my parents.Then started the non-stop
congratulatory messages from my teachers, class fellows, friends and relatives. My
parents were busy in distributing ‘laddoos’. I felt like a celebrity. And a celebrity I
was. Two correspondents of leading news channels came to interview me. I only felt
that nothing succeeds like success and thanked my stars.

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