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Department: Agriculture & Agribusiness Management

Name: Rida Adil
Class : 4th year (morning)
Course: Human Recourses Management (Agr-622)
Assignment: Submitted date: 28 -9- 2022 Submitted to:
Ma’am Ayesha Zafer

1. Recruiting companies in Pakistan , Training
companies in Pakistan and Abroad.
2. Balance score card and how to use it.
3. Differences between mentoring, counseling and
4. C factor testing its uses and sample questions.
5. Psycometric testing (Detail and Different).
6. Construct, Content and Criterian validity with
TOPIC 1 ; Recruiting Companies In Pakistan , Training Companies in Pakistan and One Abroad

Recruiting Companies:

1. Ghazi overseas employment in Pakistan.

2. Dahlawi manpower recruiting agency.
3. HR ways company.
4. Y.A.H International manpower recruiting agency Pakistan.
6. Staffront Pakistan.
7. Esquare services (PVT) Ltd .
8. Allied services International (PVT) Limited.
9. Fulcrum Group of companies .
10. Hussain International services Pvt .Ltd
11. N Recruitment consulting Pvt .Ltd
12. The recruiters.

Training Companies :

1. Pakistan society for training and development.

2. UL learning computer and digital marketing institute.
3. Octara.
4. Training and consultancy services.
5. Timelenders Pakistan.
6. Zeal International training centre.
7. National institute of skilled training.
8. Skill mate group.
9. Skill development council.
10. Appxone Training centre.
11. Institute of digital marketing and training.
12. Digitalize training.
13. You excel.

Abroad Companies ( Recruiting ):

1. 360 degree human capital solution.

2. Easy 2 employee, LLC
3. Humanity INC.
4. Adecco.
5. Robert half.
6. Hays.
7. Manpower.
8. Kelly services
TOPIC 2 ; Balance Scorecard:

The balanced scorecard is a strategy performance management tool. The scorecard lists financials
goals, customer goals, internal business goals, and innovation & learning goals. These four goals give a
good overview of what the company tries to achieve, i.e. the company strategy .

How to use It:

1. By improve organizational performance by measuring what matters.

2. Increase focus on strategy and results.
3. By line up the organization strategy with workers on a day-to-day basis.
4. Focus on the drivers key to future performance.
5. Improve communication of the organization’s Vision and Strategy.
6. Prioritize Projects / Initiatives.
TOPIC 3 : Difference Between Mentoring , Counseling and Coaching

Coaching Mentoring Counseling

Goal Improve behavior Support and guide Improve performance

performance for personal or personal or professional below standard.
professional goal success growth.

Results Goal achievement Succession Performance


Approach Help individual or group self Transfer formal Confront , correct and
discover and take ownership knowledge, skills, best instruct of attitudinal or
to achieve desire goal. practices, behavioral change
experience ,wisdom and

Relationship Collaborate Advisory Management

Communication Ask questions, listen and give Give advice Tell , Advice and give
style feed back question.
TOPIC 4: C Factor Testing :

The C Factor game is a turnkey solution that harnesses the power of neuroscience and
artificial intelligence to reduce bias from the recruitment processes, providing each
candidate an equal opportunity to land their dream job and offering companies a
chance to strengthen their employer brand.


1. It strength your employer brand

2. By using C-Factor test for recruitment, HR leaders provide applicants a stress-free and
fun environment, allowing them to display their true potential. This, in turn, enables them
to evaluate each candidate’s true abilities.

3. C-Factor game presents itself as the ultimate state-of-the-art solution to attract and
source the top millennial talent.

4. It reduce bias and provide a level playing field.

5. It enhance the candidate experience.

6. Reach a large talent pool.

Sample Question:


TOPIC 5 : Psychometric Testing :

Psychometric tests are used by employers to assess intelligence, abilities, potential and personality.

They also provide an overview of how the person might perform in the workplace. This all helps
employers streamline the hiring process by finding the right candidates more quickly.

A psychometric test is any activity or assessment that is conducted in order to evaluate a candidate
performance and includes, but is not limited to, skills, knowledge, abilities, personality traits, attitudes
and job/academic potential.


1. Emotional Quotient (EQ):

The Emotional Quotient (EQ) Test is a scientifically validated psychometric test which is designed to
measure and analyze the important aspects of personality and behavior that are instrumental in
determining the emotional quotient of an individual.

The Emotional Quotient Test is commonly used by companies and hiring managers for analyzing
important aspects of emotional behavior. The Emotional Quotient Test is widely acknowledged to be an
effective tool for building motivated and compatible teams, while helping to reduce employee attrition.

2. Intelligence Quotient (IQ):

IQ is an overall score obtained from a series of standardized measures or subtests

designed to measure individual intelligence.
IQ is short for intelligence quotient and is "a type of standard score that indicates
how far above, or how far below, his/her peer group an individual stands in mental

IQ tests can be used for a wide range of purposes, including:

 Educational assessment and placement

 Assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disability
 Cognitive research
 Job candidate evaluation
 Assessing cognitive abilities including memory, speed, and attention.

IQ tests measure your ability to solve problems, use logic, and grasp or communicate complex ideas. EQ
tests measure your ability to recognize emotion in yourself and others, and to use that awareness to
guide your decisions

TOPIC 6 ; Types Of Validity With Examples :

1. Criterion Validity:

A type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are related to job performance


It means demonstrating that those who do well on the test also do well on the job, and that those who
do poorly on the test do poorly on the job. The test has validity to the extent that the people with higher
test scores perform better on the job. In psychological measurement, a predictor is the measurement (in
this case, the test score) that you are trying to relate to a criterion, such as performance on the job.

2. Construct Validity:

A test that is Construct valid is one that demonstrates that a selection procedure measures a construct
and that construct is important for successful job performance.


 If a researcher develops a new questionnaire to evaluate respondents' levels of aggression.

3. Content Validity :

A test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for
the job in question.

A mathematics teacher develops an end-of-semester algebra test for her class. The test should cover
every form of algebra that was taught in the class. If some types of algebra are left out, then the results
may not be an accurate indication of students’ understanding of the subject. Similarly, if she includes
questions that are not related to algebra, the results are no longer a valid measure of algebra

TOPIC 7 ; Human Resources And Management


Human resource management is the strategic approach to the effective and efficient management of
people in a company or organization such that they help their business gain a competitive
advantage.Human resource management (HRM) is the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying and
managing an organization's employees. Organization does not only consist of building, machines or
inventories. It is people they manage and staff the organization .Aims at integrated decision making and
decisions on different aspects of employees are consistent with other HR decisions.HR Decisions must
influence effectiveness of the organization leading to better service to customer and high quality
product and services at reasonable price. It is not confined to business establishment only, HRM is
applicable also to the non business organization, like government department, education, health care
etc. Focuses on people within the organization.


The process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their
labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

Human Resource Management deals with the human side of management. All organizations are made
up of people, so obtaining services, developing skills, motivating them to achieve higher levels of
performance, and maintaining their commitment to the organization are the keys to achieving
organizational goals is essential. This is true regardless of the type of organization, whether government,
business, education, health, leisure or social activism.
-David Desenzo and Stephen P. Robbins
Human Resources Management Activities:

1 HR analytics: It is a data-driven approach toward Human Resources Management.The best-

known scientific HR analytics definition is by Heuvel & Bondarouk. According to them, HR
analytics is the systematic identification and quantification of the people drivers of business

The HR analyst is responsible for gathering, arranging, evaluating, and reporting on HR procedures and

2 Compensation and Benefits:

Compensation and benefits (C&B) is a branch of human resources that deals with the payment of
employees and the provision of benefits. It includes the process of determining how much an employee
should be paid and deciding what benefits should be offered.

3 Training and Development:

Training and development initiatives are educational activities within an organization that are designed
to improve the job performance of an individual or group. These programs typically involve advancing a
worker's knowledge and skill sets and instilling greater motivation to enhance job performance.


Labor relations professionals analyze and handle labor contracts concerning pay and compensation,
healthcare, pensions, and union and management activities. Another responsibility of HR is to
maintain and cultivate ties with labor unions and other collectives, as well as their members.

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