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It is better to live in a dormitory than with your own family while you are at the

University is the first step into an independent and thoughtful life. Every student thinks about his
choice of profession and university. Most of the students go abroad to study; however some
students stay in their country. The students do not have their family abroad. This is the first
reason why they live in a dormitory. Never the less those who stay in their country also can live
in a dormitory. There are some reasons why they prefer dormitory rather than family home:
Being in a dormitory is the second step to independent life. You will have to survive on your
own and pay for the bills. You will have to solve your problems yourself, and not seek help from
your parents. There are situations where parents are powerless and you need to find a way out,
and not cry in the corner. Despite this, you will have new friends who, from their experience, can
give advice and help and support you. Because of them, you will practice the language, soft
skills, you will be able to study harder and be able to survive. You will be focused on your
studies, but at home you will be distracted. But there are also advantages to living at home.
You will not be paying the bills, miss your family and friends. You will receive support from
your parents. But there are also disadvantages. The road will take longer and you will not have
that sense of independence.
Each student chooses where he will live during his studies, it also depends on his financial
situation, whether he went abroad or stayed in their country. But I would rather live in a
dormitory. There will be less parental control, confidence and a sense of independence will be

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