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628 FE gQwon ogwbiaOsqQo “e8Qbes gQuomadt Ext SB od odd” “Co@o” Gusto wOOsigese - 2022 medOEd Agel emir o/BOO wo Bwsrdod gene G90 odyS egGied Byes aqm owed Beno - 2022 EXAMINATION FOR GRADE FIVE STUDENTS FOR SELECTION TO SCHOOLS AND FOR THE AWARD OF BURSARIES - 2022 mee O19 | Bish 15 Bm00d oo8 Bom 880 coegs 828 Be gona uD emgo NE MH His 9d Om Bavinn. QuiOrS Qed o8 que ddrmed ¢ G89 Bm gona Garin. gn Baded © BEQC; 088 Yao eyed © evasin. BER Gam ecw cHeged % a8 genOCd Bal 96 Om BEQd, sarin. B8Qd0 ada} gdxt QRatn” aiB coegs 7 mH sdmOe HOY SEQd emtds 00 aBet adet gio. mg O10 BBO agin OYE aoay cred. esia6 09 cBalendsyst ogm COG, r ache ond gxtem m2 soartn gore wEgOm Salen cag {eo 2de0 49 esind 030 41088 me aD enfia 908. | V/IVS ecm etaless Begon ciate 35 G18 71088 Boyde ao ania 208. e088 CRE sr0Qcr S0O etsiea O88 md gene me CAG ow OmQd BOs 20 VAI/S/EMF ena 908. gam oSstem @080 m9e8. dad BO @. VAWS/CH e818 8go acsin. L. cam qdeda odie Badsin. “ e 20209 eeBGOB. Qvod Bdi ¢ BK ¢ COD a8. ‘eomeds gued ememgeds 688, agy good Borne aBq08. i : quod (Gs evlecsa 20H. gv 68 QBs 990 8GO ows} €9 oomdDes queds wdeds seniedass BD e@am emrady Qn. QAO EHO ¢ Oa Has eG OS. Omixt GO eda} Oyj © Bek dewgd GOD djEHO OoO20EO ¢ GOD M8.” - Bae - © eee quaBat BBacr Basin. (i). qved emomgodt Osios} addy ¢? ... (i), combs By adm e®enas Euston, (iil). 90m odcoust quled> yaras min Cod DOKS BBxt ¢) (iv). edcod aenat Ay DOD east md ocast enki Gaxin. (¥). “GGOaio Baa ogzin” a2 edaxtosd Rox ¢? (vi). 05 ge HEE aH CBE BECDES oc gH DOG enter Basin. 02, ame aqui Osmvde OE euisd Somes 8m dds ads gost a1, 9 DOD BOL 26 Bx gS Om Basin. (i). e@mdred B89 dome M800 BOmeds o9Ba w. Gi). 365 gOCCO gemd 5,0 DdaB Bar gw. - 03. com equal Omsde exina Ay BONsd wdds, GSD ass Garin. (i). corBer BOBeast AIO Aedes. BwOCe gD ened on Hess. 04, own eemed BO OES? GUD Ouasas Easter @. 02/ w28E/ eEGEs/OQeed o/e18/—B/e0es/On/emeng mle og fo. Gan OGe 80) emrgoed aeetar. 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Pax ho f 3 8 . 2 i oa Se a & © gor 30 BO 59 ons GG Oat Ost Qdnad SOR GEQdY MB Bad eadst emis ad gost g@zin. 30. vy Deed ag aBo am ope ROT G? (), @=f0:8-0 (2), mOext0 @). agercag 31 ageionst armdcd Om avons Oxlext Bui Ost ¢? (), qo2d CA OBO 0). Od shoes (3). BOR ax BO 32. 089 cumdea min On nborwine ROS ¢? (), 288g sborsine 2). exetiey ebOrxIne (@). ROE DbOrxIma 33, enatg® cargo om Cdstesd RO OEe ¢? (), end BRO @. 0), ©0825 ARO. ©), eax 61899 «. 5 a8: 890 Beste. 34. is Grxined Bow Gusas cextadd mdzient QO ¢? (D, Bore 828. 0), £80008. ©). 68 m Bandy dna’. 35. Saded 8 mane Wiest S880 coaWd Om osldead Ovex ag ¢? (). o@8e9 Q). €9 @). Agee . Gade % m® Ogos Or QOD esioa BY @? (), mgesess Q). gm @). aceax» |. BB BO edindde gm 0 BB gig 3D cvson Obes eosrined Oba NOs! ¢? W). dep Q). oe 0). ome . “Bes Og Gast Boost C¢ds FaK....” om Bde aqued guide Ouiess, (. geo8ae Q). eC12O ead (). BB Odeo 0d guOdst leeds Bde entisty. @. @@ 2). ¢@ ©). 888 289 Baiecous Hxiwaa Ouvlext g0x ¢? 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Be vee ¢Q a. @). que 80 ened vec 80 «. . dp edGia eraaat emOsioss, (). onde Q), B.08388e (3). emremx® BeEBx Ondo Om Adak emdstest Qos ¢? ©), ©8808 @. ab @). em8e . “Oman Sass O san8..,.” 288 Osinsds! ymo Oslod AOD asdaed oot Bere ¢? (1). mod 2). GBarod 3). Oghed 59, § Gem00d MeOEm cdooan Ostost mQ ¢? (), coed Qedeso @). ©¢ge00s (). 8825 aeE2 60, @8 68965 Bess Smoeas gm QUE CQEST CH CoD dagQues 2dB. G20 coga® afm SoBe wrsGDd GOO qodO C1088, OBJ 29 0B gman coeds! Bs BOO goustus ade o¢ daw Qo8S Basin. : Oxf Oram OO Ow OO) GQ emBa gy &. cold MAD wBdsids HOC Sa ga a.

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