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John Rawls’ concept of ‘original actor’ acting under the ‘veil of ignorance’ is the method in which
John Rawls tried to formulate principles which should govern a just society. Discuss and explain.

As a starting point, Rawls encourages you to put yourself in a position where you are completely
ignorant. You don't know who you are or where you fit in the world behind this curtain. You
have no idea about your gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, or personal preferences.

Rawls says that you should picture yourself in an original position behind a veil of ignorance.
Behind this veil, you don't know anything about yourself, your natural abilities, or your place in
society. You also don't know how you fit into the world. It's not clear to you what your sex is or
what your race, nationality, or tastes are.

2. Rawls's conceptions of citizens and society are quite abstract, and some might think innocuous.
Hence, the original position aims to move from these abstract conceptions to determinate
principles of social justice. Discuss and explain.

Are instrumentally rational and mutually disinterested.

3. Discuss and explain the Theory of Justice and give example.

The theory of justice by John Rawls talks about “justice is fairness” on how people follow a set of rules
to determine who has basic rights and responsibilities known as equal basic liberties. It depicts how
people share maximum benefits to the people working together and cost disadvantage to the members
of the society when inequalities occur. The rights and responsibilities of society are within us.

As a part of the society, we are given a chance to enjoy our basic liberties. We have a freedom to think,
express our thoughts and emotions as long as we do not harm others. Freedom is not just being “free”
but it is being a “responsible” citizen to think clearly before we make a move.

Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive basic liberty compatible with a similar liberty
of others. B) Social and economics inequalities are to be arranged so they are both TO THE GREATEST
BENEFIT OF THE LEAST ADVANTAGED and attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions
of fair equality of opportunity.

The difference principle is the second part of the second principle of John Rawls's theory of justice. The
first principle requires that citizens enjoy equal basic liberties. The first part of the second principle
requires fair equality of opportunity.

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