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Peregil, Prince De Marco N.


A. Why did the Catholic Church actively oppose the passing of the Rizal Bill?
-Rizal has always been known to attack some of the beliefs and the practices of
Catholic Church. The Catholic Church rejects the Rizal Law because of its content and
truth. The truth about the Catholic Church's terrible past and that it does not act for the
current Church, therefore they theorized that the Rizal Law could create confusion or be

B. What provision from the Rizal Bill allowed the government to approve it that answers the
arguments provided by the Catholic Church?
- The Rizal Law only became implemented when the church and the
government/legislators talked briefly about the Rizal Law. Both parties
convinced each other to reduce Rizal’s offensive writing on morality that
might infuse confusion thus it was implemented.

C. Did the Church's views on the study of Jose Rizal's life and works change over the years?
Why or why not?
- No, because you can almost say Rizal believed that there is a God but his views
on religion and God that’s what set him apart from the Church’s views and beliefs. And
because the Church’s past is still encrypted in Rizal’s novels.
A. What is the Rizal Law all about?
-The Rizal Law (Republic Act 1425) is a required rule to study and educate the
youth about the Life, Writings, and Works of Rizal. Mainly his major works the El
Filibusterismo & Noli Me Tangere.

B. Why do we need to study the Rizal Law?

-To know how our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal fought for our people, for our
country, and for our freedom and rights by using his perception and knowledge. That if
Rizal can fight for the Philippines without bloodshed anyone can do it as well. To know
Rizal and the other heroes how devoted they are that they made a sacrifice and why they
gave their lives for their country.

C. What can you benefit from studying Jose Rizal's life and works?
-A background and understanding of why the patriots fought hard for our country.
Mark a sense of nationalism and patriotism by seeing how our heroes fought so hard for
our freedom. That you can either be a slave or be a fighter for your freedom.
3. Why did Rizal consider Cervantes "the best writer of art and virtue" in his literary piece, "The
Council of the Gods (El Consejo del los Dioses)?"
-By the Council of the Gods considered Cervantes a man of art and virtue. Cervantes
consistently served the Gods amidst unpleasant circumstances. Even Apollo appreciated
Cervantes to be of more value than his chariot. Cervantes gained victory as he used both pen and
sword which is the best embodiment of art and virtue.
4. What drove the Filipinos to actively pursue Rizal's literary works in their quest for national
-To rekindle the fire and love for our country. To never forget the forgotten sacrifices and
hardships of our heroes which is to never mock or make light of what we currently have and do.
It is to wake the Filipinos to be united, never forget history and mostly learn from it.

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