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Future Perfect


FORM will + have + p.p. will + have + been + -ing verb

(Use a simple present verb (Use a simple present verb

in the dependent clause.) in the dependent clause.)

USE The first future action will finish The first future action will continue
before the second future action. until the second future action.

TIME MARKERS • by the time • by the time

• when • when
• before • before

Note: The typical future markers Note: The typical future markers
Next, Tomorrow, and From Now are Next, Tomorrow, and From Now are
often additionally used. often additionally used.

EX AMPLES • I will have finished dinner by the • I will have been studying for two
time she calls me tonight. hours by the time she calls me
• By the time my teacher quizzes us
tomorrow, I will have memorized • By the time she comes over, my kids
all the facts. will have been sleeping for an hour.

• That student will have graduated • When I move to Vancouver next July,

before he gets his essay back next my best friend will have been living
week. there for two years already.

• You will have already left when he • They will have been hanging out at
gets home from his trip. the bar for hours before I join them.

Copyright 2014, Red River Press Inc. 1

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