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Object pronouns

Initial activities
1. a No texto: “Where’s the inner conflict? Or the outer conflict, for that matter?”
2. c Lev Grossman é o autor da resenha sobre o filme Superman Returns.
3. d Like = como

Let’s talk grammar

1. d
2. a) us
b) her
3. a
4. e
5. e
6. b
7. a) May I take it to them?
b) Give her yours!
8. a

Additional activities
1. c No texto: “... is able to put together a clear picture of Austen herself.”
2. d No texto: “This biography helped me gain a new perspective on the works I have read...”

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Reflexive pronouns

Initial activities
1. b No texto: “I used to think I could quit checking my e-mail any time I wanted to, but I stopped
kidding myself years ago.”
2. c Tradução literal do trecho: “... horas inteiras podem sumir.”
3. a No texto: “There was nothing in her queue but junk mail and other spam...”
4. e No texto: “... but she thought the trip was worth it.”

Let’s talk grammar

1. d
2. c
3. She herself – itself

Additional activities
3. e No texto: “... could our children’s imagination be at risk?”
4. d At risk = em risco
In danger = em perigo
5. a No texto: “... recent research shows they [high tech toys and video action games] benefit kids by
honing their reflexes and visual skills...”
“... could have a negative impact on children’s intellectual development and even adversely
affect their creative thinking as adults.”
6. c No texto: “While high tech toys and video action games have their defenders – recent research
shows they [high tech toys and video action games] benefit kids by honing their reflexes and
visual skills...”
7. b O texto apresenta dois pontos de vista, um positivo e um negativo, sobre o uso de
tecnologias e videogames.
No texto: “There are no simple answers and not a lot of data.”

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Reading comprehension I

Initial activities
1. b No texto: “According to him [Zuurbier], the notion often held by NGO’s that sugarcane is
displacing cattle and soybean production into the Amazon is inaccurate. ‘The real problem lies
in illegal deforestation and lack of property rights, as around 50 percent of the Amazon region
has disputed titles and this is an invitation for timber companies’, he says.”
2. d No texto: “Well organized groups and corporations with questionable land titles, but also
official land owners began to chop down large acreages of forest to trade timber (...). Usually,
after the empty strips of land were abandoned, cattle owners would move into these cheap
lands. (...) Soybean farmers meanwhile replace the livestock in these areas, recognizing the
opportunity to fertilize the area for soybean production.”
3. e Lies = encontra-se / consists = consiste
Lack = falta de / deficiency = deficiência, carência
4. c O segundo espaço a ser preenchido se refere a “the cause”, que requer a forma singular
“was”. O terceiro espaço se refere a “deforestation”, que requer o pronome reflexivo “itself”.
Dessa forma, a alternativa c se torna a única opção possível.
5. e No texto: “... few countries are greener than Brazil. (...) It ranks 34th of 149 nations in Yale and
Columbia’s Environmental Performance Index – greener than Ireland (35th) and the United
States (39th).”
6. a No texto: “... 5,850 square kilometers of forest (...) disappeared from August 2007 to April 2008
(...) ‘Brazil has a fantastic endowment from nature but is failing when it comes to managing it’, (...)
Four fifths of its electric power comes from hydroelectric plants.”
7. c Largely = mostly = em sua maior parte
Hinges on = depends on = depende de
8. e No texto: “... [Brazil] ranks 34th of 149 nations (...) greener than Ireland (35th) and the United
States (39th).”

Additional activities
8. d No texto 1: “According to him, the fact that Brazil still has questionable land titles (...) the
Amazon rainforest is in danger.”
No texto 2: “Brazil has a fantastic endowment from nature but is failing when it comes to
managing it...”
9. b No texto 1: “The real problem lies in illegal deforestation...”
No texto 2: “Brazil is the fourth biggest contributor of greenhouse gases globally, of which 75
percent comes from the felling and burning of forests.”

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Continuous tenses I

Initial activities
1. c No texto: “... Cohen to teach his student how to paint, (...) Cohen’s student, AARON, is a computer
2. e No texto: “Now a company aims to bring AARON to computer monitors across the land as a
software ($19.95; available from for Windows PCs.”
3. b No texto: “But, says Cohen, AARON will never draw the same picture twice.”

Let’s talk grammar

1. is running
2. am standing
3. am doing
4. is dropping
5. are losing
6. are helping
7. is telling
8. are starting
9. am planning
10. are investing
11. am going
12. is coming
13. is managing
14. is reading
15. is investigating
16. is deteriorating

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Additional activities
10. c No texto: “The role of women in Spanish society has changed...”
11. b No texto: “He [General Franco] had swept away liberal reforms introduced in the 1930s, when
Spain was a republic.”
12. e No texto: “But after it the new regime, for the most part applauded by church, put them
(women) back in the home as wives and mothers, with divorce forbidden...”
13. d No texto: “Change began in the 1960s when Spain opened up to tourists. Faced with competition
from sexually liberated north Europeans, Spanish women ‘declared war on them, on men and
on their elders’...”
14. a No texto: “... in the 1960s (...) Lucia Graves, author of A Woman Unknown, which recounts her
life as an Englishwoman married to a Spaniard at the time.”
15. d No texto: “At universities, women students now outnumber men.”

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Continuous tenses II

Initial activities
1. d No texto: “Happily married people tend to have lower blood pressure than their single peers,
but being single may be healthier than being unhappily married...”
2. b No texto: “The study (...) sampled 303 generally healthy men and women, 204 married and
99 single. (...) Then each subject wore a portable blood pressure monitor for 24 hours while
performing their normal activities.”
3. e No texto: “... 204 married and 99 single. (...) The groups [the married and the single] had little
difference in waking blood pressure...”

Let’s talk grammar

1. am getting married
2. is watching
3. is getting the party started
4. am getting rid of
5. are interviewing
6. am traveling
7. is donating
8. is giving

Additional activities
16. a) Uma empresa de cigarros está usando os habitantes da grande Indianápolis como pacientes
voluntários para um novo tipo de cigarro com menos toxinas.
b) O alerta é que toxinas, em maior ou menor quantidade, são sempre prejudiciais.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Continuous tenses III

Initial activities
1. b No texto: “... the middle class (...) has increased from 44% to 52%.”
2. e No texto: “... the proportion of the population that fits this description has increased from 44%
to 52%. (...) This social climbing is a feature mainly of the country’s cities...”
3. a No texto: “The first is education. (...) The second is a migration of jobs from the informal ‘black’
economy to the formal economy.”
4. a No texto: “Past polling suggests people in this income bracket would tend to favour the
centre-left Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB) of former president Fernando Henrique
Cardoso over Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Workers’ Party (PT). Yet according to Mauro Paulino of
Datafolha, a pollster, Lula’s personal popularity and his government’s social programmes have
disturbed this equation. ‘Those who have moved up from class D to C and experienced help from
the government along the way, are likely to stick with the PT’, he says.”
5. e No texto: “The middle class has meanwhile reshaped the PT in its own image: the party’s wilder
economic rhetoric is now muted.”

Let’s talk grammar

1. e
2. a
3. was smoking
4. was multitasking
5. was making
6. was taking
7. was trying

Additional activities
17. were warning
18. was working
19. was running errands
20. was facing
21. was blocking
22. was thinking
23. was memorizing

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Continuous tenses IV

Initial activities
1. e No texto: “It [Hemopure] was universally compatible and had a three-year shelf life
2. c No texto: “Turns out, the fake bloods scavenge nitric oxide, causing vasoconstriction”.
3. a Gory = sangrento, violento
Scary = assustador

Let’s talk grammar

1. was looking forward to
2. was trying
3. was having
4. was enjoying
5. was talking
6. were welcoming
7. was earning
8. was giving

Additional activities
24. a) Ellen é professora e de início sentiu que a vida na escola seria desanimadora e vazia.
b) Ellen descobriu que os desgostos dos pequeninos magoam mais, mas são mais simples.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


Gerunds and infinitives

Initial activities
1. c No texto: “The Japanese suit maker Konaka is manufacturing a suit...”
2. d I. pressed for = pressionado por
II. hang it up = pendurá-lo
III. small holes at the bottom = pequenos furos no fundo
IV. thanks to its superior ventilation = graças à sua ventilação superior

Let’s talk grammar

1. c
2. arriving – being – to see
3. b
4. a) going to visit
b) drinking
5. to buy – selling

Additional activities
25. A política deliberada, por parte dos países cuja língua oficial é o inglês, de proteção e promoção
de seus interesses econômicos e políticos.
26. O inglês também restringe o acesso a posições de riqueza e prestígio dentro de cada país e no
cenário global.

Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês – 1ª Série – Módulo 5 – Resolução


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