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The Human Brain Project: Responsible

Brain Research for the Benefit of Society
Arleen Salles,1,2,* Jan G. Bjaalie,3 Kathinka Evers,1 Michele Farisco,1,4 B. Tyr Fothergill,5 Manuel Guerrero,1,6,7
Hannah Maslen,8 Jeffrey Muller,9 Tony Prescott,10 Bernd C. Stahl,5 Henrik Walter,11 Karl Zilles,12 and Katrin Amunts12,13,*
1Centre for Research Ethics and Bioethics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2Centro de Investigaciones Filosóficas (CIF), Buenos Aires, Argentina
3Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
4Science and Society Unit, Biogem, Biology and Molecular Genetics Institute, Via Camporeale, Ariano Irpino (AV), Italy
5Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
6Division of Neurogeriatrics, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
7Department of Bioethics and Medical Humanities, University of Chile, Chile
8The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
9Human Brain Project, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Campus Biotech, Batiment B1, Chemin des Mines 9, CH-1202

Geneva, Switzerland
10Department of Computer Science and Sheffield Robotics, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
11Division of Mind and Brain Research, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy CCM, Charité - Universita €tsmedizin Berlin, corporate
member of Freie Universita €t Berlin, Humboldt-Universita €t zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany
12Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine, INM-1, Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain, Forschungszentrum Juelich, GmbH D,

52425 Juelich, Germany

13Cecile und Oskar Vogt Institute for Brain Research, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, University Hospital Duesseldorf, Germany

*Correspondence: arleen.salles@crb.uu.se (A.S.), k.amunts@fz-juelich.de (K.A.)


Recognizing that its research may raise various ethical, social, and philosophical issues, the HBP has made
the identification, examination, and management of those issues a top priority. The Ethics and Society sub-
project is part of the core research project.

Background biological basis of humankind embedded the HBP has set up a roadmap to combine
The Human Brain Project (HBP) is one of into the evolution of our species. Such empirical and theoretical neuroscience
two European flagship projects with a 10- knowledge has important practical appli- with brain-inspired development in com-
year horizon. It aims to contribute to an in- cations, for example, the development of puting, data science, and robotics. Simu-
tegrated understanding of the human brain novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools lation is considered a central strategy to
by providing a European brain research and even the prevention of brain diseases. test models which are constrained by
infrastructure that is intended for both The human brain and human behavior experimental data and to predict features
neuroscience and neuro-inspired research have developed during evolution by muta- that could then be tested again in the
as well as intense data sharing and collab- tion, selection, and adaptive introgression, lab. Simulation alone, however, is not
oration on one of the most demanding sci- and they change structurally and function- capable of decoding human brain
entific challenges of the 21st century. The ally at each of the different developmental complexity, since the models and the out-
human brain is an exceptional organ—it stages—from the embryonic and fetal comes of simulation have to be con-
is the basis of our cognition, emotion, abil- periods through childhood, adulthood, strained, sometimes going beyond wet
ity to act, language, memory, conscious- and old age by progressive and regressive lab research. Therefore, the HBP supple-
ness, and self-consciousness. Further- processes. The brain has reacted and will ments simulation with big-data analysis,
more, due to its complexity, knowledge react to constantly changing physical, relying on sophisticated workflows and
of the brain requires an integrative, multi- social, and cultural conditions by ‘‘cultural tools of analysis including deep and ma-
modal, and multiscale approach—from recycling’’ (Dehaene and Cohen 2007), chine learning methods as well as statisti-
signal molecules and genes, neuronal ‘‘synaptic epigenesis’’ (Changeux, 2017) cal tools, image analysis, and processing.
and glial cells, and microcircuits up to large and ‘‘bio-cultural feedback’’ (D’Ambrosio This requires considerable computing
networks with numerous, interconnected and Colagè, 2017). All these conditions resources, sometimes exceeding those
brain regions. The fact that approximately and biological mechanisms enable us to available in the fastest supercomputers.
86 billion nerve cells, each with approxi- adapt to changing environments in a Data safety and security become increas-
mately 10,000 synapses, interact in a dy- globalized world and highlight the ‘‘history ingly important when large amounts of
namic manner with each other illustrates of the brain.’’ data from healthy subjects and patients
the challenge that the project faces. Facing the extraordinary complexity of are processed. To provide and share
The analysis of the human brain will pro- the human brain and the various perspec- data, to combine data from different
vide new insights into the uniqueness of tives ranging from basic, natural science sources, and to avoid acquiring the same
each human being and into the common to ethical and philosophical questions, data because of missing information are

380 Neuron 101, February 6, 2019 ª 2019 Elsevier Inc.



ining key neuroscientific and philosoph-

ical notions (e.g., consciousness, or hu-
man versus artificial intelligence),
thereby also contributing to the under-
standing of HBP research itself. The
underlying idea is that, in addition to
normative issues, other concerns such
as the role of neuroscientific research in
assessing fundamental topics (e.g., what
makes us human) need to be addressed.
In this respect, conceptual analysis of
key scientific notions and a focus on the
epistemic and ontological aspects (beliefs
about knowledge and reality) embedded
in the research process (e.g., in the
framing of scientific questions) facilitate
a more integrated picture of, and a more
informed link between, neuroscientific
Figure 1. HBP Ethics Structures and Roles
findings and philosophical notions and
questions (Salles et al., 2018).
challenges that require a dedicated infra- Society Subproject is not external to the
structure such as the HBP Joint Platform. HBP but embedded in it: it is part of the Data Protection and Privacy
core research project itself, funded with HBP’s IT-based strategy to integrate
Ethics Structures and Roles in approximately 4.5% of the overall budget. neuroscientific data from around the world
the HBP It is structured around a number of inter- requires not only compliance with the rele-
The significance given to neuroethics related activities; these range from early vant data protection legislation but also
within the HBP responds to two factors. identification of the ethical, social, and the design and development of mecha-
First, from the start, the HBP has recog- philosophical concerns raised both by nisms and infrastructure to manage the
nized that its research may raise various potential HBP research developments issues raised by each phase of data
ethical, social, and philosophical issues. and their implications to engagement collection, storage, access, curation,
Thus, identifying, examining, and ad- with public and private stakeholders in retention, destruction, security, process-
dressing them has always been a top an attempt to strengthen public dialogue ing, and analysis. The challenges posed
priority. Second, the project is funded by and empower those likely to be affected are partly due to a massive increase in
the European Commission in the frame- by HBP research via organization of citi- the volume, modality, and dimensionality
work of the EU’s Horizon2020 program, zens meetings and stakeholder dialogs of data generated by novel neuroscientific
which actively promotes responsible (Figure 1) (http://www.tekno.dk/project/ instruments for imaging and activity re-
research and innovation (RRI). RRI is human-brain-project/?lang=en). Ethics cordings and by increased reliance on
generally understood as an interactive Support carries out applied ethics novel technical and analytical approaches
process that engages multiple stake- research (for example, research ethics) to exploiting neuroscience data. In addi-
holders who must be mutually and jointly and—together with the external Ethics tion, data about the brain raise particularly
responsive and work toward the ethical Advisory Board, the Ethics Rapporteur strong concerns in many people.
permissibility of both research and its Programme, and the Point of Registration The Data Protection and Privacy Opinion
products. RRI calls for aligning science (PORE) for ethics, regulatory and social has shaped the project-wide approach to
and technology with societal needs and concerns—provides the tools to ensure data governance (https://sos-ch-dk-2.
for addressing the legal, ethical, and so- that the issues raised by HBP research exo.io/public-website-production/filer_
cial dimensions of research and innova- subprojects are transparently communi- public/24/0e/240e2eaa-8a10-4a17-87bc-
tion by focusing not just on outcomes, cated and managed and that HBP re- b056a3f0cc8c/opinion_on_data_protection_
but also on the examination of the values searchers comply with ethical codes and and_privacy_done_01.pdf). The Opinion
that inform the trajectory of the scientific legal statutes. Lastly, the Ethics and Soci- draws on the expertise of the researchers
work and that feed into the research ety Subproject includes an area devoted in the social sciences and the humanities
agenda itself. specifically to neuroethical and philo- involved in the HBP ethics and society
The HBP’s Ethics and Society Subproj- sophical reflection and research. Within work, including members of the Ethics
ect is tasked with carrying out ethical, the HBP, neuroethical reflection is also in- Advisory Board (EAB), the Ethics Rappor-
social, and philosophical analyses and tended to open up a different, productive teurs, and members of the Foresight Lab,
with developing, broadening, and space for carrying out theoretical analysis the Neuroethics and Philosophy Group,
enhancing RRI into all HBP research and to offer distinctive and possibly com- Public Engagement, and Ethics Support
(https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/ plementary approaches to the issues in the Ethics and Society Subproject. This
social-ethical-reflective/). The Ethics and investigated by empirical science, exam- document identifies some of the main

Neuron 101, February 6, 2019 381



privacy-related concerns within HBP, un- tion tracking will encourage researchers ethical standards of biological material
dertakes a conceptual and neuroethical not only to publish reports but also to and data collection, and how do local
analysis of some of the more contested no- share data, improve study reproducibility, standards compare with those of global
tions—e.g., brain privacy—articulates the and increase transparency. To apply the collaborators?), was discussed above.
basic ethical principles that should guide key FAIR principles (findable, accessible, But additional fields of inquiry within the
examination of the issues, presents a brief interoperable, and re-usable [https:// HBP are relevant to addressing the other
overview of the public’s view of privacy www.go-fair.org/], the HBP developed questions identified in the article as well,
and the HBP, and provides a review of the and operates the HBP Knowledge Graph particularly those about the moral signifi-
history of data protection and regulation (KG), which stores curated metadata for cance of engineered neural circuitry;
in Europe. Finally, it offers recommenda- all HBP published data. But while FAIR about the potential of brain interventions
tions intended to minimize potential risks is generally positive, there are cases to affect autonomy; about the potential
while securing the public benefit antici- where its application must be limited to impact of a biological model or neurosci-
pated from HBP research. fulfil ethical and legal imperatives (e.g., entific account of disease on individuals,
In order to facilitate the development anonymization of personal data). Secure communities, and societies; and about
and implementation of responsible data analytics systems to query federated da- possible uses and misuses of neurosci-
governance in the HBP, interconnected tabases of human clinical and research ence. These are outlined below.
structures and roles have been created. data without access to personal informa-
They respond to the challenges of innova- tion (e.g., as conceptualized for the HBP NEQN 3: What Is the Moral
tive neuro-ICT research in an international, Medical Informatics Platform) are de- Significance of Neural Systems
collaborative context while contributing to signed in part to address some privacy That Are under Development in the
the open science agenda and supporting and data protection concerns. Neuroscience Research Lab?
data protection (Stahl et al., 2018). The In summary, the HBP attempts to Consciousness Studies in the HBP
Data Protection Officer supports Data Pro- manage data governance responsibly Studies on consciousness are central
tection Impact Assessments; for support- through collaborative project-wide policy within the HBP efforts to describe and
ing legislative compliance, the Compli- development and the cultivation of key understand the human brain and to further
ance Manager ensures project-wide roles, groups, and dialogues at multiple enhance our knowledge of human beings.
compliance with the relevant European project levels, reflecting the interests of They are also central to addressing
(Horizon 2020) ethics requirements; and stakeholders while supporting open sci- questions about moral significance (of
internal data type experts evaluate and ence. Considering that the different brain humans, animals, and even potentially
ensure that aspects of study documenta- initiatives have recognized the importance machines). Empirical, theoretical, clinical,
tion align with the requisite legal frame- of data stewardship and data protection and conceptual research is carried out by
works. Lastly, the Data Governance Work- (for example, the Canberra Declaration; different HBP research groups, from sys-
ing Group develops project-specific data https://brainalliance.org.au/learn/media- tems and cognitive neuroscience and
policy, processes, and workflows and releases/worlds-brain-initiatives-move- theoretical neuroscience to neuroethics
supports the development of an infrastruc- forward-together/), we expect to foster and philosophy.
ture for each step of the data life cycle. and support intensive international collab- New ways to measure consciousness
In addressing the relevant concerns oration centering on the identification of levels, presently being tested by empirical
pragmatically, the HBP categorizes data high-priority data related issues and the neuroscientists, are potentially very help-
to identify and clarify the ethical issues development of infrastructure and the ful in clinical contexts: for example, in
raised. Specific ethics review processes appropriate policies. the diagnosis and treatment of patients
and controls have been developed for with disorders of consciousness such as
each type: human research data, human Neuroethical Themes in the HBP unresponsive wakefulness syndrome
clinical data, non-human animal data, In a recently published article, a group of and minimally conscious state. Such
and model data. This is necessary both neuroscientists, neuroethicists, and policy research might also impact how some
to prevent potential harm caused by the makers identify five key neuroethics ques- psychiatric disorders are understood.
data generated, analyzed, or shared and tions and additional subquestions that can In collaboration with empirical scientists,
to clearly define the conditions that apply be usefully addressed across all national- philosophers from the HBP are developing
to the use of the data. level brain initiatives (Rommelfanger a new conceptual model, i.e., intrinsic con-
The considerations above are balanced et al., 2018). The article is the result of the sciousness theory (Farisco et al., 2017),
against the societal benefits of open sci- first meeting of the Global Neuroethics and investigating its clinical and ethical
ence, including the need for increased Summit last year in South Korea; the goal implications, specifically with respect to
credibility of published scientific literature of the questions is to promote a culturally people unable to communicate verbally
and accelerated discovery, which re- aware discussion of some of the main is- like infants and people with disorders of
quires extensive data sharing. While in- sues (ethical and conceptual) raised by consciousness (Evers 2016). Moreover,
centives for data sharing are not well es- research in the different brain projects. attention is given to the impact of computer
tablished in neuroscience communities, There are several topics in the HBP science on consciousness. The question of
the HBP’s perspective is that implement- research agenda that engage those ques- whether artificial systems have the poten-
ing systems for data citation and contribu- tions. One of them (NEQN 2: what are the tial to develop consciousness and how

382 Neuron 101, February 6, 2019



this could be determined, as well as the or self-awareness? At what point of ma- also be used for additional civilian and
relevance that consciousness might have chine complexity would it be better to err military applications. Dual use, a term
for (natural or artificial) ‘‘intelligence’’ on the side of assuming that the machine used to address this possibility, raises
(topics we address next), attracts a broad has some degree of moral status? And conceptual, ethical, societal, and regu-
audience. what degree of moral status should be pre- latory concerns. To address them,
On the Moral Significance of sumptively ascribed to a machine under the Ethics and Society subproject has
Engineered Neural Circuitry such circumstances? written the Opinion on Responsible
The HBP neurorobotics platform connects Dual Use. The Opinion https://sos-ch-
spiking neural networks to virtual and real NeQN 4: How Could Brain dk-2.exo.io/public-website-production/
robots. It links brain research to informa- Interventions Impact or Reduce filer_public/f8/f0/f8f09276-d370-4758-
tion technology by using research data Autonomy? ad03-679fa1c57e95/hbp-ethics-society-
and models of cognition and behavior. Potential Impact of Brain 2018-opinion-on-dual-use.pdf is intended
While some basic types of behavior (i.e., Interventions and Manipulation on to clarify operative terms (emphasizing
visual-motor control) are understood in Autonomy and on What Makes the importance of focusing on possible
reasonable detail and their transfer to neu- Us Human domains, types, and developments of
rorobotics is increasingly within reach, the An explicit goal of the Human Brain Project brain research that could be used for
biological basis of others, including com- is to further our understanding of what political, military, and/or warfare pur-
plex patterns of behavior, consciousness, ‘‘makes us human.’’ Additional expected poses of concern), address emerging
and sentience is less clear. The neurosci- consequences of brain research are the neuroscientific research that could have
entific notion of sentience, key for under- development and applications of neuro- dual-use capabilities, identify the ethical
standing the moral significance of engi- technology to alleviate symptoms or issues raised, examine ethical ap-
neered neural circuitry, is difficult to enhance the human brain. But those neuro- proaches employed to assess and guide
define and measure given its primarily interventions may also change our cogni- dual-use brain science, and analyze inter-
experiential, first-person nature (the ‘‘other tive and emotional faculties, eventually national frameworks for regulating and
minds’’ problem). The HBP is progressing impact our freedom and autonomy, and governing both research and use of
research to understand it, including the even change our views of what human be- weaponizable brain science. It also
possibility of ‘‘islands of consciousness’’ ings are. Within neuroethics, there is a lively develops recommendations regarding
in damaged brains (Storm et al., 2017). debate on how manipulating the brain can engagement, scope, and conduct of
These islands are important with respect affect and maybe threaten human auton- dual-use brain science that are both
to sentience because they might suggest omy and identity. In practice, expressions directly applicable to the HBP and that
the possibility of creating consciousness, of fear regarding the potentially auton- may serve as a basis for wider applica-
or some form of sentience, in AI or robots omy-reducing or dehumanizing aspect of tion and use within the international
that embody only a partial or simplified brain machine interfaces, robotics, or neuroscientific and regulatory policy
model of the brain (Prescott 2017). even deep brain stimulation procedures communities.
One long-standing issue is the distinc- can, at least partially, be explained by the In particular, the Opinion proposes
tion between simulation and emulation, prevalence of different, often muddled that the identification of which uses
and the question of whether and under conceptions. Thus, the plausibility of the are of concern be based on the applica-
what circumstances simulated minds discussion itself about neuroscience’s tions of the principles of responsible
could have experiential properties. and neuro-technologies’ potential impact research and innovation that allow for a
Another is biocentrism, the view that all on human agency in particular and on distinction between responsible and irre-
living things have inherent value by virtue what makes us human in general rests on sponsible research and technological
of their biological nature. While bio- notions such as ‘‘agency,’’ ‘‘humanity,’’ development.
centrism brings a greater range of organ- and ‘‘identity’’ that require a careful con-
isms into the scope of moral consideration, ceptual examination. Taking recent neuro- Conclusion
as a result of the sufficiency of ‘‘biology’’ scientific research on cultural imprinting on Recognizing the important implications of
for moral value, any evidence that leads brain architecture as a starting point HBP research, the project has given
us to ascribe sentience to machines would (Changeux, 2017), philosophers in the ethical, social, and philosophical reflection
present a challenge to the assumption that HBP are revisiting the main questions and a key role. From its beginning, the HBP
only living systems are subjects of moral conceptually analyzing the relevant philo- has introduced a set of structures and
consideration. sophical and scientific notions. mechanisms intended to make sure
If a machine instantiated the properties that neuroscience, neuro-medicine, and
sufficient for some degree of moral status, NeQN 5: In Which Contexts Might a neuro-inspired technology are carried out
how we treat it would matter (i.e., it could Neuroscientific Technology or in a responsible way for the benefit of
be harmed and/or wronged) even if we Innovation Be Used or Deployed? individuals as well as societies. For this
were unable to know that it instantiated Uses and Misuses of Neuroscience goal to be achieved, we need a dynamic
those properties. So, how should we and Neurotechnology and interdisciplinary collaboration. Many
proceed given epistemic uncertainty While much HBP neuroscientific research of the research disciplines involved (e.g.,
regarding machine sentience, sapience, is directed toward medical use, it can computing, big-data analytics, simulation,

Neuron 101, February 6, 2019 383



and AI) develop rapidly and pose novel their useful comments on a previous version of Farisco, M., Laureys, S., and Evers, K. (2017). The
this article. intrinsic activity of the brain and its relation to levels
challenges. We must make sure that our and disorders of consciousness. Mind Matter 15,
theoretical concepts —whether scientific, 197–219.
ethical, or philosophical—are informed
Prescott, J.P. (2017). Robots are not just tools.
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are relevant to understanding and T.P., B.C.S., and K.Z. are researchers in the
Human Brain Project. H.M. and H.W. are members Rommelfanger, K.S., Jeong, S.J., Ema, A.,
managing its actual and potential direc- Fukushi, T., Kasai, K., Ramos, K.M., Salles, A.,
of the Ethics Advisory Board.
tions. With such conceptual tools, we and Singh, I.; Global Neuroethics Summit
can proceed to identify and safeguard Delegates (2018). Neuroethics questions to guide
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384 Neuron 101, February 6, 2019

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