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Senator Michaelia Cash

Senator for Western Australia Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Immigration Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Status of Women

Media Release
Labors Unnecessary and Costly $9 Billion Tax Will Hit WA Families in Brand Hard
11 July 2011 The Labor/Greens carbon tax will drive up prices, threaten jobs and do nothing for the environment, WA Senator Michaelia Cash said today. Australias forgotten families are already struggling and the carbon tax will make a bad situation worse with a $515 a year hit on their cost of living. And thats just for starters. The people of Western Australia will pay more for everything under Julia Gillards carbon tax the biggest and most punitive carbon tax in the world, Senator Cash said. The carbon tax means: a $9 billion a year new tax; a 10% hike in electricity bills in the first year alone; a 9% percent hike in gas bills in the first year alone; higher marginal tax rates for low and middle income earners; and a $4.3 billion hit on the budget bottom line.

Millions of middle income families will be worse off under Julia Gillards carbon tax. For example, a policeman and a nurse each earning $70,000 a year with one dependent child will be on average $230 a year worse off even after compensation. Should this couple do some extra shifts and each earn an extra $5000 a year, that bill will increase to $528. These parents, trying to get

ahead and provide for their families, will be penalised by Julia Gillards carbon tax, Senator Cash said. Western Australia will be hit hard by Julia Gillards carbon tax. The tax is designed to push up the price of everything from electricity and gas to food and petrol. The people of Western Australia are already struggling under increasing cost of living pressures and under Julia Gillards carbon tax, electricity prices in WA will go up further. Western Australia is already bearing the brunt of Labors mining tax and an unfair GST share. The carbon tax will hurt WAs mining, resource processing and manufacturing industries further, Senator Cash said. Julia Gillard has betrayed the Australian people. Six days prior to the last election, she said there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead. The day before the election she said I rule out a carbon tax. The Australian people deserve a say on the carbon tax. It should not be introduced before the next election. There is a better way. The Coalitions Direct Action plan is a strong and effective policy that will reduce carbon emissions by 5% by 2020 without a new tax. Our Direct Action plan is costed, capped and fully funded from savings to the budget. Direct Action means no costs to households, no new taxes, and no increase in electricity prices as a result of the policy. The Coalitions commitment to the Australian people is that we will do everything in our power to fight this toxic tax. The Coalition will oppose it in opposition and rescind it in government. There must be no carbon tax without a mandate, Senator Cash said.

Athanae Lucev 0439 962 284

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