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Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, August 3, 2022 – 11:00 a.m. Virtual via Zoom
1. Call to order, Michelle Lane

2. Introductions

3. Public comment and announcements

4. Approval of the minutes of the May 4, and March 2, 2022 meetings Action Item

5. Financial report – Tori Decker Action Item

6. Clean and Safe Updates

7. Marketing and Branding Updates

8. Other

9. Next meeting date: October 6, 2022

10. Adjournment

Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prior to a regular
meeting. The Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of
the agenda are available from the Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with
disabilities. If you require special assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting


388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122  LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  
Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association & Downtown Oakland Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 - 10:00 A.M.
Virtual via Zoom and in-person 300 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza

Present: Deborah Boyer, Ruth Simon(V), Sara de la Riva, Nicole Price(V), Michelle Nash(V), Don
Rogers,(V) Yvette McCoy(V), Chris Kwei(V), Allison Davis(V), Greg Pasquali(V), Mike
Guerra, Tanicia Jackson, Jamie Flaherty-Evans, Carmen Benjamin, Durell Coleman,
Tamira Twilie, Mark Morell, Michelle Lane, Terry Wood, Kim Bardakian
(11 in person 9 virtual)

Absent: Matt Klimerman, Tori Decker, Jamie Choy, Tederal Glover, Alisa Orris, Courtney
Belanger, Adam Chall, Simon Gibson, Felicia Scruggs, Ke Norman, Ramsey Wright

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Tamiko Garner, Charles Taylor, Mauton Akran

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht

Guests: Jerry Van Atta (V)

Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 10:02a.m.
Public comments and
Minutes of the March 2, 2022 The minutes of the March 2, 2022 Board Meeting Action to be taken at next
meeting (for informational were presented for review. meeting
purposes only, will be approved
at next meetings).
Financial Report (For The financial report review by Andrew Jones Action to be taken at next
informational purposes only will meeting
be approved at next meetings) Everything is tracking as anticipated. Assessment
funds came in on target except for a few City

Assessment income and prior year carry forward
YTD actuals is $1,375,206.84 Versus budget of
$2,152,091.15 leaving us with a YTD unfavorable
variance of ($776,884.31) as our January


388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  
disbursement came in over budget, but April
disbursement has yet to be.
Less our budgeted Reserve of $120,000.00 we have
a YTD total cash available of $1,255,206.84.
Our YTD actual Marketing & Branding expenses
total $12,151.19 versus budget of $35,288.25
leaving a temporary favorable variance of
$23,137.06 due in part to strategic projects such as
public space activation pending implementation.
Includes sponsorship of Bike to Work Day and Black
Joy Parade.
Our YTD actual Administrative expenses total
$56,461.58 versus budget of $67,092.84, leaving a
favorable temporary variance of $10,631.06 due to
a percentage of projected end of year bonus in
monthly allocation for staffing line items.
Our YTD actual Clean & Safe expenses total
$238,453.72 versus budget of $275,006.74 leaving
a temporary favorable variance of $36,553.02. due
to a percentage of projected end of year bonus in
monthly allocation for staffing line items.
Our total expenses equal $307,066.49versus budget
of $377,387.63 leaving us with a temporary
favorable variance of $70,321.14 and cash
remaining of $948,149.35.
We currently have $17,331.20 of available non-
assessment funds.

Clean and Safe Updates • Ambassador hours tracking

• Block By Block has had a restructuring
within the Northern and Southern
California regions. Porsche has been hired
as Assistant Regional Manager.
• The team is now able to start moving into
relationships with the Oakland Police
Department as the new Captain, Clay
Burch, understands the value of the
• Staff shared the good news in the success
and progress in solving some of the crime in
the area.

Veterans Memorial update: Vincent Williams,

founder of Urban Compassion Project, is working
with Staff on a case-by-case basis to assist the

unhouse with obtaining services they need. He
works to build the connection to their family and
Marketing and Branding Updates • Activations of Frank H. Ogawa Plaza is
underway with a vision to build a robust
vendor incubation with The Market at
Pablo’s Alley series starting May 3 through
the end of July. Developing a great
partnership with Sara de la Riva with the
Rubicon team has been instrumental in
developing these activations.
o July 23 African American music
event regarding the history of
African American music

• 13th Street: Efforts for crime prevention at

the 13th Street have begun with
environmental design for positive

• Website updates – AMP Oakland and

Pablo’s Alley projects are now available on
the website via Events drop down menu.

• The CBD team won the IDA Downtown

Achievement Award – Public Space
Management for the StoryWindows

• Staff is building a relationship with AAPI

community with plans to incorporate
Chinatown Pretty as an extension of the
StoryWindows project.

Next Meeting Date August 3, 2022
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko Garner, Administrative & Marketing Coordinator

Downtown Oakland Association Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – 11:00 a.m.
Virtual via Zoom

Present: Courtney Belanger, Greg Pasquali, Mike Guerra, Matt Klimerman,

Tanicia Jackson, Jamie Flaherty-Evans, Carmen Benjamin, Durell Coleman,
Adam Chall, Simon Gibson, Tamira Twilie, Mark Morell

Absent: Michelle Lane, Felicia Scruggs

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker, Tamiko Garner, Mauton Akran,
Charles Taylor

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht

Guests: Robert Chan (Franklin 88), Fuad Sweiss (property owner)

Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

Call to order The meeting was called to order at 11:02a.m.
Introductions • Wine Noir, a wine shop, is opening in the Atlas
• Fivetran is back in the office at 1221 Broadway
• Twitter is starting the build out at 1330
Broadway for a fall move in.

Approval of the minutes of the The minutes of the December 1, 2021, Board Meeting Tanicia Jackson moved,
December 1, 2021, meeting were presented for review. and Mike Guerra
seconded the motion to
approve the minutes of
the December 1, 2021
meeting as presented.
The motion was
approved unanimously.
Financial Report: Operations The financial report was presented to the board for Courtney Belanger
Director review. moved, and Greg
Pasquali seconded the
Assessment income YTD actuals is $1,375,206.84 motion to approve DOA
Versus budget of $1,304,982.35 leaving us with a financial report. The
favorable YTD variance of $70,224.49 as the January motion was approved
disbursement came in greater than budget. unanimously.
Less our budgeted Reserve of $120,000 we have a YTD
total cash available of $1,255,206.84.


388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

Phone 510.238.1122  Fax 510.452.4530  
YTD actual Marketing & Branding expenses total
$12,151.19 versus budget of $35,288.25 leaving a
significant and Favorable YTD variance of $23,137.06
as a result of strategic projects such as public space
activation pending implementation. Includes
sponsorship of Bike to Work Day and Black Joy
YTD actual administrative expenses total $56.461.58
versus budget of $67,092.64, leaving a Favorable YTD
variance of $10,631.06 includes percentage projected
end of year bonus in monthly allocation for staffing
line items.
YTD actual Clean & Safe expenses total $236,453.72
versus budget of $275,006.74 leaving a Favorable YTD
variance of $36,553.02 due to strategic projects, such
as Latham Square management. Includes percentage
of projected end of year bonuses included in monthly
allocation for staff related line items.
Total expenses total $307,066.49 versus budget of
$377,387.63 leaving us with a sizable and Favorable
YTD variance of $70,321.14, and cash remaining of
We currently have $22,230.81 of available non-
assessment funds.
The variance report is included on page 8 for

Discussion and approval of Per City Council Resolution 87323 dated July 24, Mike Guerra moved,
Joint Board recommendation to 2018 and the DCBD and LCBD Management and Jamie seconded the
include a 5% annual District Plans provide that the Board of Directors motion to approve Joint
assessment increase, as has the option to increase assessments annually Board recommendation
allowable in both District up to 5% from the previous year’s assessment. We to include a 5% annual
Management Plans, in the need to first agree that we want to trigger the assessment increase
Annual Report to the City increase and then notify affected stakeholders of allowable in both
that intention along with offering the ability to District management
participate in a public meeting to discuss, before Plans in the Annual
we include the intent to increase in the Annual Report to the City. The
Report due on March 15th. That opportunity for motion was approved
public comment would occur at our March 2nd unanimously. Adam
board meetings, The request for this increase, if Chall abstained.
approved, will be included in the 2019 Annual
Report and Budget to the City. This increase
requires the approval of the City Council. This was
discussed and recommended for approval by the
Executive Committee at our January 12 Joint ORG
Clean and Safe Updates • Ambassador program is going well, good
retention, met contracted hours of 1016 hours
per week.

• Events are starting come back. Black Joy
Parade paid for extra ambassador services to
clean up after the parade.
• The landscaping team is in place for the annual
install of hanging planters and other spring
beautification activities.
o A quarter of a million dollars invested
in 128 hanging plants, 5k linear feet of
medians and 50 street level planters
• Staff is getting ready for the reopening of
public spaces and hosting weekly special
• Safe City Video network is growing
• Staff is looking to install new public restrooms
Marketing and Branding • Staff presented the Season of Events
Updates sponsorship deck:
o Crime prevention through
environmental design.
o Tuesday at lunch and weekends -
Pablo’s Alley
o AMP Oakland will pull funds from the
Marketing budget
o Visit Oakland will work to get the ice
rink back during the winter holiday
• Bandaloop – the districts will provide some
maintenance and security for the events in
• Partnering with Red Bull for the Dance Your
Style May 6 at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
• Art & Soul partnership for a music
retrospective on July 23, 2022
• StoryWindows documentary was released on
Friday, February 25
• Staff applying for the IDA Downtown
Achievement Award
Next Meeting Date May 4, 2022
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 12:12p.m.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko Garner, Administrative & Marketing Coordinator

Downtown Oakland Association
YTD Cash Summary - July 2022

Perm/Temp Variance Comments

Cash Available YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance (For variance amounts of 10% and $10K)
Assessment Income and Prior Year Carry Forward $2,299,587.71 $2,237,772.00 $61,815.71 Favorable PV - August disbursement was received early
and exceeded budget.
Less Reserve $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $0.00 Reserve reflects 5% of budgeted income.

Total Cash Available $2,179,587.71 $2,117,772.00 $61,815.71 See comment above

Marketing and Branding $108,637.27 $123,508.85 $14,871.58 Favorable TV, as a result of strategic projects such as
public space activation pending implementation. Includes
sponsorship of Bike to Work Day, Black Joy Parade, and
Art + Soul.

Administrative (ORG) $195,955.71 $224,595.44 $28,639.73 Favorable TV - includes percentage of projected end of
year bonus in monthly allocation in staffing line items.
Clean and Safe $903,075.74 $962,523.66 $59,447.92 Favorable TV - due to strategic projects, such as Latham
Square management pending implementation. Includes
percentage of projected end of year bonus in monthly
allocation in staffing line items.

Total Expenses $1,207,668.72 $1,310,627.95 $102,959.23 See comments above and expense detail attached.
Cash Remaining $971,918.99 $807,144.05 $164,774.94

Non-Assessment Funds - Contracted Services Current Current District Profit to Notes

Contract Amount Date
Amount Invoiced

1111 Broadway $118,572.33 $35,640.56 $3,185.81

EBALDC $39,266.86 $9,467.20 $839.90

Rotunda Building and Garage $84,864.00 $21,205.02 $1,243.12

Total Available Non-Assessment Funds as of 7/30/2022 $72,237.05
*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.

10:27 AM Downtown Oakland Association
Cash Basis July 2022 Expenses

DOA YTD Variance Report - July 2022

*PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
*TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
Curr. Actual Curr.Bud. Curr. Var. % Var. Permanent Variance Comments Temporary Variance Comments
Operating Expenses Variance - 10% and $10,000 - Summary Line Items

Marketing and Economic

Marketing and Branding
Marketing & Communications 12,456.54 26,250.00 13,793.46 53% Favorable TV, as a result of strategic projects such as marketing collateral creation and
production pending implementation (Big Bellys, banners).
Digital Media Coordinator 24,284.05 25,388.16 1,104.11 4%
Public Space Programming 71,896.68 71,870.69 -25.99 0% Unavorable TV - includes activation of Frank Ogawa Plaza for the Pablo's Alley event series,
Art & Soul sponsorship, and Flex Street activation.
Total Marketing and Branding 108,637.27 123,508.85 14,871.58 12% Favorable TV in overall category - please see notes above.
Administrative Expenses
Accounting Expenses 0.00 2,333.35 2,333.35 100% Filed an extension for tax filing - to be completed this month.
Computer Service & Support 77.03 1,750.00 1,672.97 96%
Consulting & Legal Expenses 0.00 875.00 875.00 100%
Fees & Permits 3,238.77 2,916.65 -322.12 -11%
Directors & Officers 600.00 700.08 100.08 14%
General Liability 2,555.00 3,391.44 836.44 25% Favorable PV - due to adjustments made to annual premium.
Misc. 2,815.76 2,916.65 100.89 3%
Rent 39,777.93 41,416.65 1,638.72 4%
Office Furniture & Equipment 1,260.79 5,833.35 4,572.56 78% Favorable TV - still negotiating with landlord about flooring replacement.
Postage, Shipping & Delivery 157.16 583.35 426.19 73%

Printing & Copying 1,603.97 1,750.00 146.03 8%

Supplies 926.26 1,750.00 823.74 47%
Telephone & Telecommunications 1,682.25 1,750.00 67.75 4%
Annual Stakeholder Event 0.00 3,062.50 3,062.50 100% Favorable TV - It's likely we will do an end-of-year event again this year for staff and boards
and then look to resume our traditional event next year looping in the larger stakeholder
Staff Personnel 137,317.24 148,899.77 11,582.53 8%
Staff and Board Development 3,943.55 4,666.65 723.10 15%
Total Marketing and Administrative 304,592.98 348,104.29 43,511.31 12% Favorable TV in overall category - see notes above.
Clean and Safe Enhancements
Clean and Safe 767,686.65 775,283.35 7,596.70 1%
Misc. 2,880.55 2,916.65 36.10 1%
Program Director 43,767.78 48,737.79 4,970.01 10%
Program Coordinator 28,941.12 36,397.86 7,456.74 20% Favorable TV - payments for this position have shifted to another vendor and billing is one
month in arrears.
PROW Maintenance 59,799.64 99,188.01 39,388.37 40% Favorable TV- as a result of strategic projects, such as Latham Square Management, CCTV
expansion, and ongoing median and landscaping maintenance pending implementation.

Total Clean and Safe 903,075.74 962,523.66 59,447.92 6%

TOTAL EXPENSE 1,207,668.72 1,310,627.95 102,959.23 8% Favorable TV in overall category - see notes above.

Thank you for your invaluable contribution as representatives on the LMU or DOA Board! One
of the obligations of board representation is participation on one of our standing committees:
Clean & Safe, Marketing & Branding, and Joint Organization (Executive). If you are not
currently participating on the committee level, we ask that you choose one that is of interest to
you. Joint Organization Committee participation by officers of the board counts towards that

Below is information on the purpose of each committee:

Marketing & Branding (Committee Chair: Kim Bardakian) - promote the identity of the
districts, encourage economic development, and create a vibrant downtown through public
relations, marketing, and special events.

Clean & Safe (Committee Chair: Mike Guerra) - responsible for all beautification projects, as
well as the implementation of our Clean and Safe program. With the help of the Program
Director, this committee oversees all service providers and employees involved in the
maintenance and improvement of the public rights of way.

Joint ORG (Executive) - oversee general administrative functions to ensure effective

operations of the board and to act as the coordinating framework through which the other
committees function effectively.

We understand and acknowledge that participation and engagement outside of meetings can be
just as or even more impactful than attending standing committee meetings and we thank those
of you that work with staff to advance and support critical district initiatives. Staff will be reaching
out to each of you individually to continue this conversation and make recommendations, as to
which committee would be the best fit, based on skill set and need. We look forward to ending
2022 strong and with deeper engagement and connection with all of you.

Upcoming Meetings:

Clean & Safe

August 17, 2022
October 19, 2022
December 21 or 14, 2022
Marketing & Branding
August 25, 2022
November 17, 2022

Operations Report
June 2022

June 2022 Staff Highlights
June Star Award Winning Ambassadors
Perfect Attendance:

Team Lead Cory Frazier

Cory consistently comes to work on time for every shift. He does his work as well as assisting ambassadors anytime
he is needed. Cory’s communications always end with the words ‘putting the team first’.

Superb Detail in Duty and Team Work:

Cleaning Ambassadors Savuth Heng & Eddie Williams

Savuth continues to perform her job with an eye to detail. She is willing to help out in any areas when needed.

Eddie always completes his assigned work orders as well as addressing any graffiti he sees along his planned route.
As a new painter and graffiti ambassador Eddie is a great example of dedication and ehthusiasm.

Above and Beyond the Call of Duty:

Cleaning Ambassador Levan Turner
Levan is always aware of safety and reports any potential dangers. Whether it suspicious behavior or snakes on the
sidewalk Levan does his part to keep the district safe.

June New Hires!

Cleaning Ambassador Shawn Wyatt
Shawn comes to the program with lots of experience and enthusiasm. He has shown an interest and talent for
learning since his first day.

Cleaning Ambassador Lamar Landry

Lamar brings a well-rounded background and enthusiasm to the program. He is excited to learn more about the
district as he learns new skills.

Equipment Operator Treneisha McIntyre

Treneisha come is us with power washing, general cleaning and security experience. She is excited to become an
important part of the program.

Welcome to the Uptown Downtown District!

Shawn Wyatt Treneisha McIntyre Lamar Landry

Page 2 of 13
Contracted Hours - June 2022
Contracted Hours Update
Year to Date Hours Recap:

January 2022 – over 75

February 2022 - over 16 (includes billable OT)

March 2022 - over 80 (includes billable OT)

April 2022 - (-39)

May 2022 - (-69)

June 2022 - (-224)

In June actual hours worked were down due to the Juneteenth Holiday.

Billed Hours vs Contracted Hours 2022

26,353 have been billed YTD (January thru June)

Contracted hours for the same period were 26,270.

That's a difference of +83.

Page 3 of 13
June 2022 Special Projects and Highlights
June Special Projects - Highlights
- Pablo's Market Lunch & Listen Tuesday in May (28 hours)

- Pablo's Market Happy Hour every Thursday in May (28 hours)

- 6/6: Tree Trimming on Webster (3.5 hours)

- 6/16: Port a Potty fence removal (4 hours) Pablo's Market Happy Hour

June Happenings in the District

Pablo's Market at the Rotunda presented fun and fellowship on
Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout June. Vendors, live and DJ music
entertained both lunch time and happy hour quest.

The 2022 Queer Pub Crawl returned on 6/12. Warriors' Watch Party

On 6/16 Pablo's Alley hosted a Watch Party for the Warriors and Celtic
game. We're sure that the enthusiasm of the crowd had something to
do with the Warriors’ 103 to 90 victory!

The Friday Farmers Market was alive with music and shoppers in June.

The Wednesday Civic Center Live Music series is back!

Civic Center Live Music

Queer Pub Crawl Farmers Market Live Music

Page 4 of 13
Overall Cleaning Stats - June 2022
January 2022 through June 2022

ATLV - Bags of Trash '22 284 276 250 242 270 258 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1580

Bags - Big Belly '22 198 206 162 146 174 149 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1035

Bags - Non Big Belly '22 633 849 1275 1258 1414 1445 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6874

Broken Auto Glass - Reported '22 330 350 417 481 433 429 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2440

Graffiti '22 2689 2624 3806 5193 6777 7886 -- -- -- -- -- -- 28975

Hazardous Waste Clean Up '22 6478 5068 5275 4599 5070 5131 -- -- -- -- -- -- 31621

Illegal Dumping '22 328 352 470 464 409 431 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2454

Power Washing '22 1009 1596 1219 963 1054 1752 -- -- -- -- -- -- 7593

Cost of Services in Hours and Dollars

Illegal Dumping: June = 431: 4.6 hours a day or 144 hours per month (estimated time 20 minutes per)
$185 per day x 30 = $5,721 per month

Power Washing: Overnight and Day Shift Combined: June = 1,752: 18.8 hours per 24 hour period (estimated time
20 minutes per
$837 per day x 30 = $25,941 per month

Hazardous Waste Clean-up: June = 5,131 incidences: 13.8 hours a day or 428 hours per month (estimated
clean/sanitize time 5 minutes per
$549 per day x 30 = $17,026 per month

Graffiti: June = 7,886: 42.4 hours a day or 1,314 hours per month (estimated time average 10 minutes)
$1,688 per day x 30 = $52,337 per month

1. Over 57,075 pounds of trash (just under 1 ton per day) were removed from the District in June. This is the 5th
MOM increase (average daily pounds). Increased trash removal was driven by event cleanup, special projects and
increased activity in the District.

2. Hazardous Waste Clean-up was up 1% MOM. Increased activity by businesses (nightlife), residents and the
unsheltered continued the 2022 trend of bustle in the District.

3. Power Washing was up slightly with a 66% increase over June. New power washing ambassadors along with
better maintenance request management are the main reasons for the increased performance.

4. Illegal Dumping was up again after a slight decline in May. Our attention to recording illegal dumping is most
likely cause as opposed to an actual increase in incidents.

5. Graffiti Removal was up by 16% MOM, on top of the large increase in June. A rotation in ambassadors
performing the removal along with better maintenance request management account for most of the improved

Page 5 of 13
Cleaning Ambassador Maps Stats - June 2022

149 Bags - Big Belly 1445 Bags - Non Big Belly 5131 Hazardous Waste Clean Up

7886 Graffiti 1752 Power Washing

Page 6 of 13
Cleaning Highlights - Before and After 1

Illegal Dumping - Before Illegal Dumping - After

Illegal Dumping - Before Illegal Dumping - After

Illegal Dumping - Before Illegal Dumping - After

Illegal Dumping - Before Illegal Dumping - After

Page 7 of 13
Cleaning Highlights - Before and After 2

Graffiti - Before Graffiti - After

Graffiti - Before Graffiti - After

Graffiti - Before Graffiti - After

Graffiti - Before Graffiti - After

Page 8 of 13
Cleaning Highlights - Before and After 3

De Weed - Before De Weed - After

De Weed - Before De Weed - After

Other - Before Other - During

Tree Trim - During Tree Trim - After

Page 9 of 13
Safety Ambassador Highlights - June 2022
Accomplishments & Challenges

1. The Safety team led by Team Lead Mactar Dia helped in the apprehension of a suspect starting multiple fires.
The team was able to follow and report to OPD the suspects description and location as he moved through the
district. The surveillance also prevented the suspect from starting more trash can fires.

2. Safety Ambassadors were dedicated to Pablo’s Market Lunch & Listen and Happy Hour each Tuesday afternoon
and Thursday evening. They provided 28 hours of service for the events in June.

3. Safety Ambassadors provided service to three VIP Tours for the district’s property owner. Their presence helped
ensure a positive perception of the Uptown Downtown CBD organization and the overall safety of the district.

4. Ambassadors performed 6,766 Business Contact and Hospitality Engagement in June. Down from May due to
employee illness and separation.

Page 10 of 13
Safety Ambassador Stats - June 2022
January 2022 through June 2022

1300 Block Loitering Count '22 201 224 226 202 273 160 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1286

Business Contact '22 3097 3290 4082 3083 3046 2990 -- -- -- -- -- -- 19588

F.O.P. Loitering Count '22 1286 1215 1593 1314 1632 1688 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8728

Hospitality Engagement '22 3606 3730 4640 4125 4030 3776 -- -- -- -- -- -- 23907

Latham Square Count '22 19 13 34 16 49 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- 151

Problematic Behavior Engagement '22 11 5 11 7 10 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 51

Public Drug/Alcohol Use '22 6 14 26 3 3 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- 60

Public Gambling '22 1 5 2 -- 29 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 44

Suspected Drug Sales '22 1 9 6 4 4 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25

1. There was 3 reported Shootings in June. An increase over May but less that the year high in April of 5

2. Illegal Parking had a dramatic decrease from May to June. An increase in ‘reasonable’ illegal parking due to
construction and workers led to a decrease in reporting. Illegal Parking continues to be highest around the 13th
Street Commons, 15th Street and F.O.P. Ambassadors are reporting these incidents to the appropriate city

3. Actual Auto Break Ins were back down in June, from the YTD high in April. Broken Auto Glass was down slightly
as well. This is the third month in a row that the two measures correlate directionally. Note that Broken Auto
Glass reported is generally after the fact and represents presumed Auto Break Ins while Auto Break Ins are
confirmed and often involve an engagement with the vehicle owner.

4. Problematic Behavior reports were up slightly MOM.

5. Suspicious Behavior and Public Disturbance reports were down MOM.

6. Reports of Vandalism were up sharply MOM.

Reported Crime Related Incidents in June

Page 11 of 13
Safety Ambassador Maps Stats - June 2022

All Incidents Broken Glass

Crime Related Incidents

Page 12 of 13
All Statistics for June 2022
January 2022 through June 2022

1300 Block Loitering Count '22 201 224 226 202 273 160 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1286

ATLV - Bags of Trash '22 284 276 250 242 270 258 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1580

Bags - Big Belly '22 198 206 162 146 174 149 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1035

Bags - Non Big Belly '22 633 849 1275 1258 1414 1445 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6874

Broken Auto Glass - Reported '22 330 350 417 481 433 429 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2440

Business Contact '22 3097 3290 4082 3083 3046 2990 -- -- -- -- -- -- 19588

Call for Service Received - Team Lead '22 49 68 42 33 22 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 240


F.O.P. Loitering Count '22 1286 1215 1593 1314 1632 1688 -- -- -- -- -- -- 8728

Graffiti '22 2689 2624 3806 5193 6777 7886 -- -- -- -- -- -- 28975

Hazardous Waste Clean Up '22 6478 5068 5275 4599 5070 5131 -- -- -- -- -- -- 31621

Hospitality Engagement '22 3606 3730 4640 4125 4030 3776 -- -- -- -- -- -- 23907

Illegal Dumping '22 328 352 470 464 409 431 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2454

Latham Square Count '22 19 13 34 16 49 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- 151

Power Washing '22 1009 1596 1219 963 1054 1752 -- -- -- -- -- -- 7593

Problematic Behavior Engagement '22 11 5 11 7 10 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 51

Public Drug/Alcohol Use '22 6 14 26 3 3 8 -- -- -- -- -- -- 60

Public Gambling '22 1 5 2 -- 29 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 44

Suspected Drug Sales '22 1 9 6 4 4 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 25

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