APSGreenwoodetal Intake Effic Behav 2014

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New ways of measuring intake, efficiency and behaviour of grazing livestock

Article  in  Animal Production Science · September 2014

DOI: 10.1071/AN14409


45 2,053

5 authors, including:

Paul L Greenwood Philip Valencia

New South Wales Department of Primary Industries Armidale The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Leslie Overs David Robert Paull

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Efficiency at Pasture View project

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Animal Production Science, 2014, 54, 1796–1804

New ways of measuring intake, efficiency and behaviour

of grazing livestock

Paul L. Greenwood A,B,D, Philip Valencia C, Leslie Overs C, David R. Paull B and Ian W. Purvis B
NSW Department of Primary Industries Beef Industry Centre, University of New England, Armidale,
NSW 2351, Australia.
CSIRO Animal Food and Health Sciences, Armidale, NSW 2350, Australia.
CSIRO Computational Informatics, Pullenvale, Qld 4069, Australia.
Corresponding author. Email: paul.greenwood@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Abstract. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) offer a novel method for measuring important livestock phenotypes in
commercial grazing environments. This information can then be used to inform genetic parameter estimation and improve
precision livestock management. Arguably, these technologies are well suited for such tasks due to their small, non-intrusive
form, which does not constrain the animals from expressing the genetic drivers for traits of interest. There are many technical
challenges to be met in developing WSN technologies that can function on animals in commercial grazing environments.
This paper discusses the challenges of the software development required for the collection of data from multiple types of
sensors, the management and analyses of the very large volumes of data, determination of which sensing modalities are
sufficient and/or necessary, and the management of the constrained power source. Assuming such challenges can be met
however, validation of the sensor accuracy against benchmark data for specific traits must be performed before such a sensor
can be confidently adopted. To achieve this, a pasture intake research platform is being established to provide detailed
estimates of pasture intake by individual animals through chemical markers and biomass disappearance, augmented with
highly annotated video recordings of animal behaviours. This provides a benchmark against which any novel sensor can be
validated, with a high degree of flexibility to allow experiments to be designed and conducted under continually differing
environmental conditions. This paper also discusses issues underlying the need for new and novel phenotyping methods and
in the establishment of the WSN and pasture intake research platforms to enable prediction of feed intake and feed efficiency
of individual grazing animals.

Additional keywords: alkanes, cattle, chromic oxide, goats, phenomics, sheep.

Received 16 March 2014, accepted 28 June 2014, published online 19 August 2014

Introduction individuals, has been the evaluation of young animals in a feedlot

Improved productivity and production efficiency through both environment where test animals are maintained in group pens and
genetic improvement and precision livestock management fed grain-based high energy concentrate diets ad libitum (Arthur
are becoming increasingly important as resources become and Herd 2005). Within pasture systems, chemical markers such
more constrained and environmental concerns increase in as chromic oxide (Barlow et al. 1988) and n-alkanes (Dove and
importance (Reynolds et al. 2011; Scollan et al. 2011). In Mayes 2006) have been used to estimate intake, selectivity and/or
Australia the major cost of livestock production is associated digestibility of the pasture. However, marker methods have
with the maternal-offspring unit. It has been estimated that the limitations, and are difficult to apply for the lengthy periods
feed costs of the breeding female and her offspring can represent that may be needed for robust estimates of an animal’s underlying
60–70% of the total herd or flock feed costs (Bell and Greenwood intake of pasture. The development of a practical measure of
2013), and as much as 90%, when the rearing of replacement feed intake for all classes of animals maintained in a pasture-based
females are included. As such, this is a critical component of the environment remains a serious challenge (Cottle 2013) and
input costs of the meat production enterprise; genetic variation in would provide a means of estimating the heritability and
the amount of feed required to rear offspring and its association genetic correlations necessary to evaluate the utility of direct
with production efficiency should be key targets of the breeding and indirect selection criteria for a range of breeding objectives
objectives of breeders of meat sires. (Pollak et al. 2012) and for more precise livestock management.
To date, the focus for determining variation in efficiency WSN offer the opportunity to develop new phenotypes for
of livestock, calculated as either feed conversion efficiency or livestock measured in the commercial grazing environment
net feed intake and which require estimates of feed intake of (Greenwood and Bell 2014). These phenotypes would enable

Journal compilation  CSIRO 2014 www.publish.csiro.au/journals/an

Pasture intake by ruminants Animal Production Science 1797

genetic parameter estimation and allow for development of there have been considerable advances in miniaturisation and
applications to improve precision livestock management reduction of power use in electronic devices, such as
(Houle et al. 2010; Hocquette et al. 2012; Purvis et al. 2013). microcontrollers, Global Positioning System (GPS) chips and
Furthermore, these technologies offer the opportunity to record digital radio technologies. This has allowed ecologists and
information without constraining animals from expressing the environmental scientists to collect high quality traces of the
genetic drivers for traits of interest and offer a broad range of movements of free-ranging animal often over lengthy time
applications to develop phenotypes relating to productivity, frames (Anthony et al. 2012).
efficiency, health and welfare (Rushen et al. 2012; Rutter Recent technical advances in digital radio communications
2013; Swain et al. 2013). For example, the development of a and microcontrollers has led to the evolution of WSN,
catalogue of behaviours of grazing livestock using sensor which offers the potential for developing lightweight, small
data would allow for deeper phenotyping of factors that sensing devices for measuring a wider variety of traits relevant
regulate intake of pasture, and behavioural signatures to grazing livestock (Handcock et al. 2009). However, the
associated with normal behaviour and with aberrant behaviour constraints imposed by a device that can be practically
associated with compromised welfare status or the onset of deployed on livestock introduce limitations on local storage
specific diseases to be established. and communications throughput, which in turn, makes
In addition to technical issues relating to WSN, successful transmission of high-temporal, low-level sensory information
development and application of these technologies requires difficult, particularly as the system is scaled up to a larger
generation of benchmark data for traits against which to number of devices. This limitation has motivated the
develop methodologies and prediction algorithms. Specific development of classifiers on the WSN nodes which translate
challenges in the establishment of these phenotyping methods the signal data collected at high frequencies into data that are
also lie in development of software to enable collection of data indicative of certain animal behaviours and are less frequently
from multiple types of sensors, the management and analyses of transmitted. Such an approach can produce a significant
the very large volumes of data that are an integral part of this reduction of information while retaining enough information to
methodology, and the design and management of the power still accurately classify phenotypic behaviours. This reduction of
source (Kwong et al. 2012). information saves bandwidth and energy, allowing large numbers
To achieve the objective of accurate and precise estimation of of livestock to be measured over long periods.
intake by individual grazing animals, highly annotated data for The intersection of the capability to have accurate knowledge
specific behaviours associated with intake of pasture such as head of behaviour in the animals’ commercial grazing environments,
lowering, biting or ripping, chewing, drinking, ruminating, lying over long periods on large numbers of animals, provides the
and walking, and development of a pasture intake platform to novel methodology for phenotyping livestock in a practical and
provide benchmark individual animal intake data is required. economically viable way. However, it is essential that reliable
Currently available methods allow such a platform to be based phenotypic data is generated against which metrics associated
on the use of chemical markers (Barlow et al. 1988) and/or with specific behaviours and algorithms can be developed and
biomass disappearance (Penning 2004) to estimate individual validated using sensing devices. A particular challenge associated
animal intake. However, a pasture intake platform also requires a with developing a robust and precise method of measuring
high degree of flexibility to allow the design of experiments feed intake in grazing animals is the absence of an existing
conducted under continually differing environmental and pasture methodology to use as a high quality benchmark against which to
conditions. train the predictive algorithms developed from the sensor data.
This paper discusses development of novel phenotyping
methods using WSN, including the establishment and Identification of sensors and hardware, and software
optimisation of a pasture intake platform for generation of development
benchmark data to allow prediction of feed intake and efficiency
of individual animals on pasture using WSN. Subsequent papers Sensors
will report results on the optimisation of our WSN and pasture The first step in developing an economical means of
intake platforms and on the development of predictive algorithms estimating feed intake en masse is to identify a suite of sensors
for pasture intake. that are likely to exhibit information that correlates with pasture
intake and to determine where these sensors are best located in and
Concepts in developing new ways of measuring intake, on the animal. A study jointly initiated by CSIRO and the NSW
efficiency and behaviour of grazing livestock Department of Primary Industries at Armidale in NSW is testing a
range of sensors, from the perspective of size, cost, weight, energy
Overview of the approach to developing applications usage, sensor longevity and impact of the sensor on the pasture
for sensing technologies intake of the animal. Two locations on the animal have initially
The development of electronic sensing capability has the been tested to assess likely longevity of the device and sensor
potential to allow the measurement of traits of economic signal quality with respect to behaviours of interest. One approach
importance that previously had not been measurable in the was to mount a suite of sensors on an eartag and the other as a
commercial grazing environment. Historically, on-animal device attached to a halter, adjacent to the mouth of the animal or
logging devices for sensors used for phenotyping were bulky, on the back of the head.
and often heavy enough to raise concerns that animals may not Two sensing modalities are being initially employed. An
have exhibited normal behaviours. However, over recent decades Inertial Measurement Unit, comprised of 3-axis accelerometers,
1798 Animal Production Science P. L. Greenwood et al.

3-axis magnetometers and a pressure sensor for gross-height the mouth of the animal where it was anticipated that the audio
change detection, which were selected on the basis that the signals necessary for discerning biting from chewing would be the
animal needs to move its head (and mouth) in order for feed clearest. While the ultimate aim is to classify such behaviours on a
intake to occur (Oudshoorn et al. 2012; Tani et al. 2013). low cost eartag device, it was felt prudent to collect audio signals
Similarly, the ripping and chewing of feed matter (and drinking) from as close to the source as possible, so that the signal to noise
will necessarily produce sounds that can potentially be used characteristics at the eartag could be quantified. The Pheno-Halter
to estimate feed intake (Galli et al. 2011; Navon et al. 2013; is shown in Fig. 2a, b and has a total assembled weight of 46.1 g.
Tani et al. 2013). Hence an audio recording capability has also Initially, the halter tag was based on the PACP Salus platform.
been included. However, switching to the PACP Camazotz incurred little loss of
functionality while gaining the GPS functionality.
Signal sampling The rich suite of sensors is sampled at the corresponding
sample rates shown in Table 1. It is hypothesised that the suite of
The second step in developing a practical and economic means
sensors could be used to detect various behaviours such as
of estimating pasture intake is the development of algorithms to
the distance travelled, orientation and posture of the animal
classify the low-level, high-sample-rate input sensor data into
and whether the animal was grazing as a proxy to phenotypic
output behaviours such as foraging, biting, chewing, ripping,
characteristics such as the energetics and the intake of the animal.
ruminating, drinking, and sleeping.
However, before behavioural classifiers can be developed,
Mapping the sensor signals directly to pasture intake is
raw data from the suite of sensors must be obtained and
deemed impractical as this would require measuring the
precisely aligned with video and/or annotations of the animals’
pasture intake at a frequency similar to input sample rate
phenotypic characteristics in order to generate the training
(faster than 1 Hz). The input features (values for every
dataset. Representative synchronised multi-modal sensor data
accelerometer and magnetometer axis and the pressure sensor
traces showing biting and chewing events, extracted from a
as well as several audio statistics over various window sizes)
continuous 24-h dataset, are presented in Fig. 3.
inherently provide different levels of predictive power and so
Currently only engineering data are wirelessly transmitted
need to be scaled and weighted. However, to determine the
from the tags and received by static nodes and ultimately
appropriate predictive power of any feature using a
forwarded to the base. The base comprises a PACP Camazotz
supervised learning approach requires the compilation of a
connected via serial (RS232) to a small embedded Linux
training dataset which includes the potential input features and
operating system computer (BeagleBone Black), which has a
outputs (behaviours/traits). Therefore, multi-day, multi-animal
3G or 4G internet connection. The base also contains a custom
experiments recording the raw data (Inertial Measurement Unit
energy management circuit board for managing the solar charging
and audio) are required with simultaneous use of benchmark
of the Li-ion batteries, which allow the base nodes to be deployed
methods of measuring feed intake and animal behaviour.
in remote locations.
WSN hardware and annotation evaluation: development
of behavioural annotation platform for evaluating the
in-field performance of the sensing devices and WSN Establishment of a pasture intake facility to produce
benchmark data on individual animal intake at pasture
The PervAsive Computing Platform (PACP) Camazotz device
has been adopted as the sensing platform for annotation Overview of the intake facility and methods
experiments due to its rich sensing capability that is The pasture intake facility we are establishing comprises
constructed within a light weight, small form factor (Jurdak individual ryegrass (Lolium spp.) monoculture grazing plots
et al. 2013). All PACP devices utilise a MSP430 (Fig. 4). Within each plot one animal grazes for a defined
microcontroller with a CC1101 digital radio enabling seamless adaptation and pasture intake period (typically 7 days for
communications and code reuse between all PACP devices. adaptation and 5–12 days for intake) to estimate individual
The device has been assembled into an eartag form so that it animal intake while collecting the sensor data. Electric fencing
could be readily attached using a standard industry eartag is used to define each grazing plot, which can be a maximum of
applicator. Additionally, a second 300-mAhr battery was 0.5 ha, in which case 10 plots are available. The number of plots
connected for improved longevity and a 16-GB micro Secure can be increased and the amount of biomass available to each
Digital (SD) card used to record the continuous high sample rate grazing animal can be varied by altering the size of the plots by
data expected to be generated by the device. The components relocating the electric fencing within the plots (Fig. 4: Lukuyu
comprising the Pheno-Eartag are shown in Fig. 1c, with the et al. 2014) and/or by altering the amount of pasture biomass
assembled device and its size shown in Fig. 2a. The mounting available per unit area using grazing management, mowing and/or
location on the animal ear is visible in Fig. 2b. The total weight of the soil fertility of each plot.
the assembled eartag was 39.9 g. This is lighter than its Estimates of intake by each animal within each plot are
predecessor, the Veles eartag (shown in Fig. 1b) used in the generated using chromic oxide (Barlow et al. 1988) and/or
initial intake experiments and incurs little loss of functionality but alkane (Dove and Mayes 2006) chemical markers and using a
has the addition of the GPS module. range of devices to estimate pasture biomass disappearance.
A second sensing device, also based on the PACP Camazotz Apart from the associations between chemical marker and
for annotation experiments, has been designed to be fixed to a biomass disappearance methods as a means of validation, if
halter. This allows the microphone to be situated much closer to necessary, marker-based estimates of intake can be validated
Pasture intake by ruminants Animal Production Science 1799

(a) (b)

(c) PACP Camazotz wireless

sensing platform

2 × 300 mAhr
Li-ion batteries


Custom 3D-printed
223 mW solar panel eartag enclosure

Fig. 1. (a) PervAsive Computing Platform (PACP) Camazotz wireless sensor network (WSN) device featuring inertial,
pressure, temperature, audio and GPS sensors, with micro SDHC data storage (up to 64 GB), digital radio, and power
management circuitry for solar charging and monitoring of the Li-ion battery power source. (b) The first generation PACP
Veles eartag protoype with similar functionality to the Camazotz, however, has a NLIS-compatible RFID chip and multi-
channel light sensor, but does not have GPS capability. Images are not to scale. (c) The exploded view of the new Camazotz-
based eartag assembly shows how the circuit board, batteries and solar panel fit into the custom 3D-printed enclosure.
Note that the enclosure is then bolted through a standard industry eartag for easy application to the animal ear, however if
other mounting locations are desired, a new custom 3D-printed enclosure can be quickly prototyped as needed.

using cut and carry of pasture from the plots fed to animals in measurement method (C-Dax XC-1, C-DAX Ltd, Palmerston
individual pens. North, New Zealand); (iv) a Normalised Difference Vegetation
Index method (Crop Circle, Holland Scientific Inc., Lincoln, NE,
Estimation of pasture biomass and pasture disappearance To estimate pasture intake using biomass disappearance,
to estimate intake daily estimates of pasture biomass are made for each plot,
Estimates of biomass under varying environmental and, starting before commencement (typically 2–3 days) and
hence, pasture conditions have been made using one or more continuing until completion of the intake measurement period.
of four methods: (i) an electronic capacitance meter (Grassmaster Biomass disappearance for each plot is then determined by
II, Novel Ways Ltd, Hamilton, New Zealand); (ii) an difference from regression equations fitted to pasture biomass
electronic rising-plate meter (Farmtracker, FARMWORKS measurements for each plot made using one or more of the pasture
Precision Farming Systems, Feilding, New Zealand); (iii) a measurement devices depending upon, and calibrated for, the
vehicle mounted light emitting and sensing pasture height prevailing conditions, given that the electronic capacitance meter
1800 Animal Production Science P. L. Greenwood et al.

(a) (b)


Fig. 2. PervAsive Computing Platform (PACP) Camazotz board assembled into the 3D-printed eartag (a, LEFT) and halter (a, RIGHT) enclosures with
scale shown. The halter and ear mounting locations on the animal are visible in (b). Note that the eartag device was mounted on the back of the ear to
maximise solar energy.

Table 1. Sensor characteristics and sample rates prepared for each animal. Alkanes are extracted from subsamples
of ground faeces and their concentrations measured as described
Sensor Resolution Accuracy Max. Selected by Dove and Mayes (2006). Representative pasture samples from
(typical) (typical) sample sample each plot, and composite samples of green stem, green leaf and
rate (Hz) rate (Hz) dead pasture material, obtained at the start and the end of the
3-axis accelerometer 1 mg 20 mg 1000 98
intake period, are also analysed for their alkane content. Initial
3-axis magnetometer ~1 mGauss 8 mGauss 75 15 results from our studies have shown a higher degree of variability
Audio 12 bit 12 bit ~150 k 22.4 k in alkane estimates of intake of pasture using the twice-daily
Pressure 0.01 hPa 2.5 hPa 133 46 dosing method compared with the chromic oxide method below
Temperature 0.1C 1.5C 133 46 in steers dosed using a controlled release device (CRD),
GPS ~1 cm 2–8 m 4 1 a representative graph of which is presented in Fig. 5.
Power 12 bit 12 bit ~150 k 0.0083 (1 min) Chromic oxide, delivered using a CRD prepared in our
laboratory, is also used to obtain estimates of pasture intake.
The delivery rate and duration of linear delivery rate is determined
for the CRD using fistulated animals. The CRD are administered
and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index methods are less to each experimental animal 1 week before the start of experiment.
reliable when there is incomplete pasture cover. Pasture exclusion The concentration of chromium in ground faeces, collected as
cages and assessments of the extent of faecal contamination are described above, is measured and intake of pasture determined,
also used to enable adjustments to estimates of pasture intake essentially as described by Barlow et al. (1988).
if necessary.
Analyses of pasture samples
Chemical marker estimates of pasture intake Representative pasture samples obtained from each plot at the
In our work to date, alkanes have been delivered to the rumen commencement and the conclusion of intake experiments are
morning and afternoon each day by oral dosing with gelatin analysed for their n-alkanes, dry matter (DM), acid detergent
capsules containing measured amounts of C32 and C36 alkanes fibre, neutral detergent fibre, crude protein, ash, DM digestibility,
from 1 week prior (equilibration period) until completion of dry organic matter digestibility, metabolisable energy, green
the intake measurement period. Each morning and afternoon leaf, green stem and dead plant material content.
during the intake period, fresh faecal samples are obtained
directly from pasture using a tray and scraper taking care to Preliminary results comparing pasture intake methods
avoid contamination with soil and vegetative matter, and/or per Our initial pasture intake experiment compared average daily
rectum. Samples from each collection period are pooled to obtain intake using biomass disappearance determined using the
as close as possible to a pooled sample from a total faecal capacitance meter with the n-alkane methods over a 5-day
collection from individual animals for the desired period, and intake period under conditions of complete pasture cover and
a combined pooled sample from all collection periods is also initial pasture availability ranging from 1 to 3.5 tonnes of DM per
Pasture intake by ruminants Animal Production Science 1801

Synchronised multi-modal sensor data

0.5 X

Acceleration (g)



0.1 X
magnetometer (ADC)

0 Z


Audio (ADC)





10 000
spectrogram (Hz)





80 85 90 95 100 105


Fig. 3. Approximately 30 s of a typical synchronised multi-modal sensor data traces extracted from a continuous 24-h
dataset. The sensors sampled are 3-axis acceleration, 3-axis magnetometers and 21-kHz audio. Pressure, temperature, GPS
and engineering data such as battery voltage and solar charge were also obtained (not shown). Numerous individual biting
and chewing events are visually discernible from the accelerometer and magnetometer traces, the colour keys for which are
included in the on-line version. Fifteen chew/bite events occur before the animal pauses for ~5 s before resuming eating. The
spectrogram (bottom trace) reveals that each chew/bite event contains components across a large spectra of frequencies,
however the pattern across the window of time for a chew appears to be unique enough to be used for classifying chewing
events (see colour on-line version).

hectare. Under these more ideal pasture conditions and a wide estimates of intake were 0.77 and 0.70, and the correlations
range of pasture availability and intake, the correlations between between the rankings of animals for intake based on these
the biomass disappearance and C32/C31 and C32/C33 n-alkane methods were 0.78 and 0.77, respectively (all P < 0.05).
1802 Animal Production Science P. L. Greenwood et al.



Intake (kg DM)



1 am
1 pm
2 am
2 pm
3 am
3 pm
4 am
4 pm
5 am
5 pm
6 am
6 pm
7 am
7 pm
8 am
8 pm
9 am
9 pm
10 am
10 pm
11 am
11 pm
Fig. 4. Arial photographic images of pasture intake plots used to assess
Fig. 5. Representative graph showing variation between single sample
pasture biomass measurement devices and estimate individual animal intake
estimates of intake of pasture by a steer using the chromic oxide (solid
of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum cv. Surge) pasture. Each plot has a
line) and n-alkanes (C32/C33, dashed line) methods over the duration of the
holding pen and crush for deployment of sensing devices, dosing with
pasture intake period of the experiment described in Fig. 4. The regression
chemical markers, and sample collection. In this photograph, the plots are
lines for the estimates for the two methods are also shown. Chromic oxide was
configured to compare intake of cattle on low (0.2-ha plot), medium (0.3-ha
delivered orally into the rumen using a controlled release device, and C32 and
plot) or high (0.4-ha plot) biomass availability, achieved by varying plot sizes
C36 alkanes were delivered orally into the rumen using twice-daily dosing in
using electric fencing (Lukuyu et al. 2014). (a) The aerial photograph was
gelatin capsules. Faecal samples, which were as representative as possible of a
taken at conclusion of the study 11 days after commencement of the intake
total faecal collection, were collected twice daily as described in the subsection
period, and the areas above each grazed plot had not been grazed for 18 days.
on Chemical marker estimates of pasture intake. The SD between intake
Pasture biomass availability per unit area within all plots was similar
estimates for the chromic oxide method was 1.52 kg DM, and for the n-alkanes
(~1000 kg/DM.ha) at commencement of the 7-day adaptation period.
method was 2.12 kg DM. The results are for the steer in Plot 1 in Fig. 4.
(b) The photographic image transformed using densitometry highlights the
variation between plots in green plant material remaining at the conclusion of
the pasture intake grazing period. Within grazed pasture plots, the lighter pasture intake data against which to establish and validate
areas correspond with green plant material which is more visible in the on-line prediction algorithms.
colour version. Average densitometry values (arbitrary units) for each plot Obtaining multi-sensor, multi-device, multi-animal, multi-
were correlated with the estimates of pasture biomass in each plot made using a day datasets from animals in the field faces many technical
Grassmaster II capacitance meter (r = 0.89) and a Farmtracker rising plate
challenges, from designing the hardware, to robustly being
meter (r = 0.71) meter on the day the image was taken.
able to sample sensors of interest, to development of reliable
software capable of recording continuous high sample rate data,
Our second pasture intake experiment compared average and finally to the retrieval, decoding and storage of the data. This
daily intake using biomass disappearance determined using the capability also extends to the need for sensors placed on animals
capacitance and plate meters, and the n-alkane and chromic to transmit data from intra-ruminal measurement devices
oxide methods, over an 11-day intake period under conditions (McSweeney 2008). However, gathering this information is
of incomplete pasture cover and initial pasture availability just the first step. The data must then be curated by checking
<1 tonne of DM per hectare (Fig. 4). Under these more marginal that it is sensible and synchronised with video and ultimately
pasture conditions, the capacitance and plate meter methods annotated with precision. More intuitive interfaces for performing
(r = 0.58) and the chromic oxide and plate meter methods annotation, both in the field and post-processing are also required.
(r = 0.43) were significantly correlated (P < 0.05), whereas the The development of newer technologies to estimate pasture
n-alkane methods were not correlated or tended to be negatively biomass with a high degree of reliability and repeatability
correlated with the chromic oxide and pasture disappearance and, ideally, with high efficiency provides the opportunity to
methods. The chromic oxide method also appeared to provide use disappearance of pasture as a way of producing individual
more realistic results for the amount of pasture eaten than the animal intake data within our pasture intake test facility.
other methods based on the liveweight of the steers and pasture However, the reliability of these devices will vary according to
availability. More detailed results from this experiment are prevailing environmental and, hence, pasture conditions. As a
presented by Lukuyu et al. (2014). result, it is necessary to understand the limitations of these
methods depending upon prevailing field conditions, and to
Discussion recalibrate the devices between and, potentially, within each
Successful application of sensing technologies to measure experiment as pasture biomass and sward characteristics
individual animal intake of pasture requires methods to change with environment and consumption by animals
accurately and precisely generate metrics associated with (Lukuyu et al. 2014). The pasture intake platform we have
behaviours from the sensor signals coupled with benchmark devised will also allow for the calibration and testing of the
Pasture intake by ruminants Animal Production Science 1803

precision and repeatability of new technologies for measurement of estimating individual grazing animal intake, optimisation of
of pasture biomass as they become available. our methods is required. Particular challenges in developing this
The application of pasture disappearance as a method to sensor-based phenotyping approach to estimating pasture intake
measure individual animal intake will be limited to the initial by individuals also lie in the management of the very large
algorithm development and validation stage of estimating pasture volumes of data integral to this methodology, the design and
intake, and is not applicable to scaling up the validation of management of the power source, in addition to generation of
prediction equations using groups of animals grazing together benchmark pasture intake data with adequate accuracy and
in paddocks. Hence, the use of chemical markers to estimate precision to allow for the development of predictive algorithms.
individual animal intake of pasture within our pasture intake test
facility not only provides comparative data when one animal Acknowledgements
grazes per pasture plot, but will also allow us to estimate pasture This research was supported by CSIRO Animal Food and Health Sciences,
intake in groups of animals grazing together within paddocks. NSW Department of Primary Industries, CSIRO Computational Informatics,
The need to collect faecal samples and the need for extractions and the University of New England. The authors thank Dominic Neymeyer,
or digests of the markers and measurements in the laboratory, and Jessica McLeod, Margaret Lukuyu, Keith Ellis, Joseph Miller, Ryan Steindl,
regulations regarding dosing with chemical markers, are serious Stephen Brosnan, John Whitham, Ross Dungavell, Bill Johns, Linda Cafe,
limitations to more complex application of these methods. In Clare Edwards, Suzanne Boschma, Lester McCormick, Robin Dobos, Mark
our experimental circumstances aimed at establishing the sensor- Trotter, Darryl Savage, Nick Andronicos, Scott McDonald and Hugh Dove
for their contributions to various aspects of this research.
based methods, these limitations are less of an issue. Furthermore,
within our system, faecal sampling of smaller groups of animals
can be achieved without handling and restraint, by dosing with
inert markers such as colour-coded beads, which enable fresh Anthony D, Bennett WP, Vuran MC, Dwyer MB, Elbaum S, Lacy A, Engels
faecal samples identifiable from specific animals be obtained M, Wehtje W (2012) Sensing through the continent: towards monitoring
from the paddock. migratory birds using cellular sensor networks. In ‘Proceedings of the 11th
international conference on information processing in sensor networks’.
It will be instructive to assess in more detail the consistency
pp. 329–340. (Association for Computing Machinery: New York)
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n-alkane and the chromic oxide dosing techniques from our implications and benefits of genetic improvement. Canadian Journal of
pasture intake studies. It will also be necessary to make more Animal Science 85, 281–290. doi:10.4141/A04-062
detailed assessment of the consistency of the two marker methods Barlow R, Ellis KJ, Williamson PJ, Costigan P, Stephenson PD, Rose G,
over the duration of the pasture intake periods. In this regard, we Mears PT (1988) Dry-matter intake of Hereford and first-cross cows
have the capacity to prepare CRD for alkanes to try and minimise measured by controlled release of chromic oxide on three pasture systems.
variation due to dosing method. We are also aware of the The Journal of Agricultural Science 110, 217–231. doi:10.1017/
possibility that our experimental designs, in which we vary the S0021859600081247
available pasture biomass and/or plot sizes, may result in different Bell AW, Greenwood PL (2013) Optimising maternal cow, grower and
finisher performance in beef production systems. In ‘Optimisation of
grazing behaviour of the animals in different treatments. Hence it
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