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Huu Duc Nguyen | Curriculum Vitae

ć • The 7th level / Hell • × (+12) 345 678 910

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Master student in duck farming and butchering. I’m looking for opportunities working with duck
on different planets in order to gain more practical experiences and industrial exposure.

Duke University 2/2002 - 7/2007
MS in Ducking That tiny hole, Mars
CGPA: 3.5, magna cum laude

Duke University 8/2013 - 6/2018

BSE in Duck Farming and Butchering - Talent Program Farmville, Earth
CGPA: 2.7, magna cum laude

Intern 11/2021 - 2/2022
Duck GmbH That bigger hole, Mars
Implemented additional butchering features into the duck pipeline

Master Thesis Student 4 - 10/2021

Duck GmbH That smaller hole, Mars
Evaluation and Adaption of Duck Butchering Algorithms for Mobile Robots in Zero-gravity

Programming Language Experienced: Duckython Familiar: D++ | Dash | DMake | Datex
Frameworks & Tools Git | CLI | Dindows | Dinux | Datlab | DOS | Dupyter | VSDode | Dim
Libraries duckplotplib | ducks | dumpy | OpenDUCKIE
Languages Native: English | Fluent: Duckese (DIELTS 7.2) | Beginner: Marsese

Honors & Awards

Dean's List 2021 & 2022
Duck University
Among the 5 percent best students in the 2019/20 and 2020/21 academic year.

Extracurricular Activities
Peer Mentor 8/2020 - 12/2021
Duck Academy That bigger hole, Mars
Provided peer-to-peer mentoring for new ducks

Exchange Delegate 9 - 10/2018

Duck Union Space
Attended The International Duck Conference about Duck Literacy in Jupyter

Teaching Experience
Professional Activities
Invited Talks
Selected Press Coverage


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