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English Today is Monday October 4th , 2021.

I. Some personal information.

Name = Nombre _______________________________________
School =Escuela ______Prof. Marcelina Emilia Muñoz Colón.____
Principal = Directora ______Reyna Yesenia Cruz_____________
Grade= Curso ____________ 7th ________________________
Subject = Materia ________English______________________
Teacher = Maestro __José Ceballo (Profe Ceballo) Mr. C______
Scholar year _________2021 – 2022_______________________

Preschool - Nursery School – Pre-Primary School – Play-school

Daycare – Pre-K - Kindergarten -
Primary School – Elementary School - Grade School

Secondary School: Middle School. (7th grade, 8th grade and in some
schools 9th grade) / Junior High School
Junior High School (7th – 8th – 9th grades)
Senior High School. (10th – 11th – 12th .

English Today is Thursday September 30th , 2021

English Today is Thursday October 1st , 2021.
True or false = Verdadero o Falso.
Marcelina Emilia Muñoz Colón is a …
a. Preschool _________________
b. Elementary School. __________
c. Daycare School _____________
d. Pre-Primary School __________
e. Senior High School ___________
f. Primary School ______________
g. Secondary School ____________
h. Middle School _______________
i. Junior High School ___________
English Today is Monday October 4th, 2021.
II. People who work at this school = Personas que trabajan aquí.

The Board of Education. = La junta directiva.

. ...
1. Principal = Directora. 2. Counselors = Orientadoras
Reyna Yesenia Cruz. Zulay López / Diana Cárdenas
3. Coordinator = Coordinadora: Sujeidy
4. Secretary = Secretaria : Érika Batista and Julio

5. Teachers = Profesores: Darvin, Emmanuel, Miguelina, José

Alberto, Jancarlos, Cándida, Griselis, Juana, Pamela and Mr. C

6. Janitors = Conserjes:

Josefina = School Custodian.

Juan = Gatekeeper
Diana y Olga = Cleaner
English Today is Thursday October 7th , 2021

Match people working at school and what they do.

Parea las personas con lo que ellos hacen en la escuela. Usa solo los números.

People = Personas What they do = Lo que hacen.

1. Yesenia Cruz ________ Gatekeeper
2. Sujeidy ______ Janitor. School Custodian.
3. Rita ______ Art Teacher
4. Diana Cárdenas _______ Counselor.
5. Zulay _______ Secretary.
6. Juana Álvarez _______ Counselor
7. Cándida 1 Principal
8. Enmanuel _______ English Teacher
9. José Alberto _______ Math Teacher
10. José Ceballo ________ Math Teacher
11. Jancarlos ________ P. E. Teacher
12. Miguelina _______ French Teacher
13. Pamela _______ Spanish Teacher.
14. Griselis ________ Science Teacher
15. Darvin _______ Social Studies Teacher
16. Erika ________ Coordinator
17. Juan _________ Counselor
18. Josefina ________ Religious Teacher.
19. Diana 19 Janitor - Cleaner
English Today is Thursday October 7th , 2021
III. Titles = Títulos.
· Mr   Mister (señor)

· Se usa habitualmente para hombres,  

independientemente de que estén casados o no.

Ms.   Miss (señora, señorita)

· Se utiliza cuando nos referimos a una mujer e  

ignoramos su estado civil (si está casada o no)

Mrs.   Mistress (señora)

· Se utiliza cuando nos referimos a una  

mujer casada.

Miss   Señorita

Se utiliza cuando nos referimos a una mujer soltera.

Póngale un título a estas personas. (Mr. – Mrs. - Ms. – Miss –)

Mr. Bean Mr. And Mrs Smith Miss DR

*Usa los títulos con estos apellidos nativos de USA.

English Today is Thursday October 7th, 2021

(Escuchar el sonido de los apellidos)

Write a title to these popular last names.

Ex. Mr. Smith = El señor Smith
Mrs Smith = La señora Smith.
Ms. Smith = Señora o señorita Smith
Miss Smith = La señorita Smith.

Jones =
Miller =
Davis =
Wilson =
Thomas =
Taylor =
Moore =
Jackson =
Lee =
Thompson =
White =
Harris =
Walker =
Young =
Allen =
King =

Scott =
Green =
Baker =
Hall =
Campbell =
Carter =
Turner =
Parker =
Collins =
IV. Greet your friends. (Use titles when you need

1. Hello! _________________________________________
2. Greetings! _____________________________________
3. Hi! ___________________________________________
4. Hey! Good to see you! ___________________________
(Hola, me alegra verte!)
5. Nice to see you! ________________________________
(Me alegra verte)
6. Lovely to see you! _______________________________
(Encantado de verte)
7. Great to see you! _______________________________
(Encantado de verte)
8. Good morning! _________________________________
(Buenos días)
9. Good afternoon! ________________________________
(Buenas tardes)
10. Good evening! __________________________________
(Buenas noches, hola!)
V. Titles: Sir and Madam (ma’am)
*Sir = significa señor y se usa sin el apellido.
a. Yes, sir! = Sí, señor.
b. No, sir! = No, señor.
c. Hello, sir! = Hola señor.
*Madam (ma’am) = Señora. Al igual que ‘’sir’’ este título se usa
sin el apellido.
a. Good morning, ma’am! = Buenos días señora!
b. How do you do, ma’am = Cómo está señora?

A - Use titles to greet these people. Usa los títulos para
saludar a estas personas.





B- Greetings using questions. = Saludos con preguntas.
Termina la pregunta-saludo y dale una respuesta.
1. How are you, _________________? _____________
(Cómo está usted, _____________? _____________
2. How are you doing, ___________? _____________
(Cómo le va, _________________? _____________
3. How you doing? ______________? _____________
(Cómo le está yendo, ___________? _____________
4. How is it going, ________________? _____________
(Cómo va eso, _________________? _____________
5. How is your day going, __________? ____________
(Qué tal su día, ________________? _____________
6. How do you feel, _______________? ____________
(Cómo se siente, _______________? _____________
7. How you feeling? _______________? ____________
(Cómo se siente, ________________? _____________
8. How’ve you been, _______________? _____________
(Cómo has estado, ______________? ____________
9. How you been, _________________? _____________
(Cómo has estado, _______________? _____________
10.How do you do, _________________? _____________

 Some answers = Algunas respuestas.

1. Good = Bien
2. Very well, thank you. = Muy bien, gracias
3. Great! = Fantástico
4. Pretty good! = Muy bien
5. Not bad, and you? = No me va mal y a ti?
6. Not too bad. = No muy mal.
7. Not so well = No muy bien
8. Can’t complain = No puedo quejarme.
9. Couldn’t be better. No podría estar mejor
10. Fantastic = Fantástico!

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