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Good morning teacher, today I will show you a little bit of one of the things I do best,
apart from sleeping, so today we will talk about movies :D

The good thing about cinema is that for two hours the problems are someone else's
problems. - Pedro Ruiz.

Love stories have never been my favorite, I find them a bit boring and also I feel that
they have stained our heads as a generation that love is not worked, that love comes, that
love is something that one day appears out of nowhere with Smiths music in the
background (yes I'm talking about 500 days with Summer), where chance will play
everything, that is to say, where we forget and are taken away the affective responsibility,
which is really bad, but leaving that aside because they are just movies, a bit overrated, but
they are movies and there are some that I enjoy watching, like "A Matter of Time" and
"A Ghost Story" which are absolutely recommended.

On the other hand, although I enjoy comedy movies like superbad or black comedy like
"The voices" or "Birdman", I prefer suspense movies, especially psychological thrillers,
despite there are many movies I would like to name, I have decided for three of them:
"Enemy", "The butterfly effect" and "Memento". I have chosen these three movies because
they were the first ones that came to my mind, just kidding, I chose them because I saw
them at specific moments in my life so they have a sentimental value, besides they are
very good.

Finally, I will talk about the series that I could watch over and over again without
getting tired, for this I have made a top, in third place is "Mindhunter", this series is a
crime thriller set in the late 70's, where two FBI agents meet with incarcerated murderers
and rapists to develop psychological profiles of criminals, it is quite entertaining and
leaves you thinking, in second place we have "teen wolf" which deals with mystical beings
the truth is not much to say, you do not want me to ruin the experience, do you?. Before
naming the first place of this top, we have some honorable mentions and those are:
Hannibal, Doctor House, Breaking Bad, Sherlock and The Walking Dead. Well, the first
place goes to Game of Thrones, it is the favorite of my favorite series because of its scenery,
dialogues, etc., it is full of plot twists, and even though it is set in the Middle Ages, you
could easily identify with some of the situations that the characters live.

And well, that's all for my presentation, I hope you liked it and that if you have not seen the
movies or series mentioned see them and recommend me some.

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