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Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Ministry Of Higher Education

and Scientific Research
Koya University
Faculty of Science and Health
Mathematics Department

Aboodh Transform Method for Solving Partial

Integro-Differential Equations

A Project Submitted to the Council of the Mathematics Department at

Koya University-Erbil


Kanar Abbas Rasool and Laveen Nasr Rahman

Supervised by

Mr. Najem A.Mohammad

1443AH 2022AD 2722k


Dedicated to:

 We dedicate this work to every person who loves science and

knowledge in order to increase the level of knowledge.

 A special dedication to my cherished parents who have shown me

so much love, care and patience

 A special commitment for our teacher and supervisor for his effort
and support for us.

 Also, special dedications to my dear friends and colleagues.

With love and Respect.

Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours,

Kanar Abbas Rasool Laveen Nasr Rahman

41.04.2022 41.04.2022

Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


First and foremost, praises and thanks to Allah who has allowed us with
His grace to complete this project. We would like to express our special
thanks and appreciation to our supervisor (Mr. Najem A.Mohammad

), he has been a tremendous mentor to us throughout this project. We would

also like to thank him for his advices, encouragement and guidance;
especially for acquainting us with the field of "Integral Equations". This
project could not have been carried out without his support and we could
not have imagined having a better supervisor and mentor for our project.

We would also like to express our thankfulness to the head and the
members of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Mathematics
who assisted us performing this project, and to all the staff members of the
Department of Mathematics for their assistance and offering the facilities.

Finally, we thank all the teachers who have taught us during the years
of our B.Sc. degrees. Additionally, we would like to thank everyone who
was helping us in performing this project.

Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours,

Kanar Abbas Rasool Laveen Nasr Rahman

17.04.2022 41.04.2022

Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Erbil, Kurdistan Region-Iraq


Partial integro- differential equations occur in several fields of sciences

and mathematics. The main purpose of this project to study how to solve
partial integro- differential equation by using Aboodh Transform method to
solve Partial integro- differential equations, first convert proposed partial
integro- differential equation to an ordinary differential equation then
solving this ordinary differential equation by applying inverse Aboodh
Transform we get an exact solution of the problem. This method is useful
tools for the solution of the differential and integral equation and linear
system of differential and integral equation.




1 Introduction and Basic Concepts 1

1.1 Definitions on Aboodh Transforms 1-2

1.2 Aboodh Transform of the some Functions 2-7

1.3 Theorem on Aboodh Transforms 8-9

2 Application of Aboodh Transform of Ordinary Differential

2.1 The first –order ordinary differential equation 10-11

2.2 The Second –Order Ordinary Differential Eequation 11-12

2.3 Examples 12-16

3 Solving Partial Integro-Differential Equations By Aboodh

Transform Method
3.1 Theorems on the Aboodh transform 17-20

3.2 Solving Partial Integro-Differential Equations (PIDEs) using

Aboodh Transform Method

3.3 Examples 22-23

Conclusion 24

References R25-26

Chapter one

Introduction and Basic Concepts

1 Introduction
Aboodh transform is derived from the classical Fourier integral. Based on
the mathematical simplicity of the Aboodh transform and it is fundamental
properties. Aboodh transform was introduced by Khalid Aboodh to
facilitate the process of solving ordinary and partial differential equations
in the time domain. Typically, Fourier, Laplace, ELzaki and Sumudu
transforms are the convenient mathematical tools for solving differential
equations, also Aboodh transform and some of it is fundamental properties
are used to solve differential equations, and in the last few years theory and
application of partial integro- differential equations play an important role
in the various fields of many problems of mathematical fields, engineering
physics, biology, and social sciences [1-5].This explains a growing interest
in the mathematics community to integro-differential equations and in
particular to partial integro- differential equations. Therefore, it is very
important to know various methods to solve such partial differential
equations [6, 7]. One tool for solving linear partial integro-differential
equations is Aboodh Transform method. It is one of the useful tools for
solution of the differential, integral equation and linear system of
differential and integral equation [6].

1.1 Definition of Aboodh transform

Definition 1.1.
Aboodh transform can be defined for function of exponential order, and we
consider functions in the set A defined by

* ( ) | ( )| + ( )

For a given function in the set, the constant must be finite number,
may be finite or infinite.

Definition 1.2.
The Aboodh transform denoted by the operator ( ) defined by the
integral equations

, ( )- ( ) ∫ ( ) ( )

The variable in this transform is used to factor the variable in the

argument of the function[8-9].

1.2. Aboodh Transform of the some Functions

For any function ( ), we assume that the integral equation (2) exists. The
Sufficient Conditions for the existence of Aboodh transform are that
( ) for be piecewise continuous and of exponential order,
Otherwise Aboodh transform may or may not exist. In this section we find
Aboodh transform of simple functions[1-3].

(i) et ( )

, ( )- ( ) ∫ ( )

( ) ∫

( )| ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

Then ( ) .

(ii) et ( ) then

( ) ∫

( )| [( ) ( )]


( ) .

(iii) et ( ) then

( ) ∫

Integrating by part

et and

( ) ( | ) ∫ ( )

0. / . /1 ∫ ( )

We integrate this term ∫

et ( )

( )| ∫ ( ( ) )

( )
∫ ( ) ,

By integration the last term

et ( )

( )| ∫ ( )

( )( )
∫ ( )

( )( )
∫ ( )

Substitution ,… is an integer numbers ,

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

By continuous by this way, we get

( )

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
∫ ( ) ( )|

( ) then
( )

( ) .

v) ( )

( ( )) ∫ ( ( ) ) ,

and ( ( )) ∫ )

∫ * ( )+

∫ ( )( ) ∫ ( )

( ) ( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
[ ]|
( ) ( )

[ ] [ ]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Therefore ( ) .
( )

vii) ( )

( ( )) ∫ ( ( ) )

( ) ∫

∫ * ( )+

∫ (( )( ))

∫ ( )

( ) ( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
[ ]|
( ) ( )

[ ] [ ]
( ) ( ) ( )


( )

viii) ( )

( ) ∫

∫ 0 . /1

∫ , ( )- ∫ ( )

( ) ( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
[ ]|
( ) ( )

0 1,
( ) ( )


( ) .
( )

ix) ( )

( ( )) ∫ ( )

∫ * ( )+ ∫ , ( )-

( ) ( )
∫ , - ∫ [ ]

) ( )
[ ]| [ ]
( ) ( )


( ) .

1.3. Theorem on Aboodh Transforms

In this section we prove theorem of the Aboodh transform to find the first
and second derivative of functions [8].

Theorem 1

Let ( ) is the Aboodh transform of , ( ( )) ( )- .then the new

integral transform “Aboodh Transform”

) ( ( )) ∫ ( )

) ( ( )) ∫ ( ) .


To prove ( ( )) ∫ ( )

We integrating by parts:

( ) ( )

( ( )) ( ( ))| ∫ ( )( )

, ( ) ∫ ( ( ) ) -

( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ,

we get
( )
( ( )) ( ) .

By the same way we can prove (ii)

( ( )) ∫ ( ) ,

Integration by parts

( ) ( )

| ∫ , we have

( ( )) ( ( ))| ∫ ( )

( )
( ),

Now integration ∫ ( ) by parts

( ) ( ),

( ( ))| ∫ ( ) ( ) ∫ ( )

( )
( ) ∫ ( ) .

We obtain
( )
( ( )) ( ) ( ).

Chapter Two
2. Application of Aboodh Transform of Ordinary Differential

We use the Aboodh Transform to solving certain initial value problems

described by ordinary differential equation and the purpose of this study in
this chapter is to show the applicability of this interesting new transform
and it is efficiency in solving the linear differential equations[5-8].

2.1. The first –order ordinary differential equation:

( ) ( )

( ) , then

( ) ( ( )) ( ) ( ) ( ( ))


̅ ( ) (̅ ) ̅ ̅ (̅ ),

This implies

( ) ( )
( ) ̅ (̅ ) ̅( ) ̅ (̅ )

By simplify

̅( ) ̅ (̅ ) ̅( ) ̅ (̅ )

we get

̅ ( )( ) (̅ ) ̅( ) ( (̅ ))


(̅ )
̅( )
( )

taking inverse of Aboodh transform

(̅ )
( ̅ ( )) ( )
( )

we get the solution

(̅ )
( ) ( )
( )

2.2. The Second –Order Ordinary Differential Eequation:

In this part we construct the formula of Aboodh transform to solve the

second –order ordinary differential equation by consider

( )

( ) ( )

Take Aboodh transform for to this given equation:

( ) ( ( ))

( ) ( ) ( ) (̅ )

( ) ( )
̅( ) ( ) ̅( ) ̅( ) (̅ )

̅( ) ̅( ) ̅( ) (̅ )


̅( )( ) (̅ )

̅( )( ) (̅ )

(̅ ) ( (̅ ) ) ( )
̅( ) ̅( )
( ) ( )

we get

( (̅ ) )
̅( )
( ) ( )

The inverse Aboodh transform

( (̅ ) )
( ̅( )) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )


( ̅( ) )
( ) .( / .( /
) )

2.3. Examples

In this section, we solve some order ordinary differential equations by

using Aboodh transform.

Example 1. Consider the differential equation:

( )

We have , and by taking the Aboodh transform to this

equation gives:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

by simplify

( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )

( )


( )
( )

Take the inverse Aboodh transform of this equation:

( ( )) ( )
( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

Therefore the solution is

( ) (√ )
( )

Example 2:

Consider the initial value problem

( ) ( ) ,

we take the Aboodh transform

( )


( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )

We get

( )
( )

Take the inverse Aboodh transform of this equation:

( ( )) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )


is the solution of the given initial value


Example 3: Using Aboodh transform to solve the initial value problem

cos cos , ( ) . /

Let ( ) by taking Aboodh transform to this equation given

( ) ( ),


( ) ( ) ( )

( )
( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )( )

( )
( )( ) ( )

we get

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

By taking the inverse Aboodh transform of the above equation:

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

( )

and the solution is ( )

Example 4: Using Aboodh transform to solve the initial value problem

( ) ( )

Take Aboodh transform of the given equation

( ) ( )


( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )

( )( ) ( ) * +
( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

Take inverse Aboodh transform of this equation:

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )

and the solution is ( )

Chapter Three

3. Solving Partial Integro-Differential Equations By Aboodh Transform


In this chapter we will define and solving partial integro-differential

equations by Aboodh transform method[8-10].

3.1 Theorems on the Aboodh transform.

We give an important theorems of the Aboodh transform of some partial

derivatives and convolution theorem which is useful for solving partial
integro-differential equations[10-11]

Theorem 3.1:

Let ( ) be function of two variables, and the Aboodh transform of

( ) is defined as
, ( )- ( )

then the Aboodh transform of partial derivatives of , ( )- is given as


( ) ( )
() [ ] ( )

( ) ( )
( ) * + ( ) ( )

( ) , ( )-
( ) [ ] ( )

( ) , ( )-
( ) * + ( )

proof (i) we apply the Aboodh transform of ( ) as

( ( )) ∫ ( ) integration by parts


( ) ( )

∫ ( ) , ( )-| ∫ ( )

( ) ∫ ( )

( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
[ ] ( )

Now we will proof (ii),by taking the Aboodh transform of ( ) as

( ( )) ∫ ( ) ,integration by parts

} ∫
( ) ( )

, ( )-| ∫ ( )

( ) ∫ ( ) , by integration

} ∫
( ) ( )

∫ ( ) , ( )-| ∫ ( )

( ) ∫ ( )

( ) ∫ ( )

( ) ( ) ∫ ( )

( ) ( )
∫ ( )

( ) ( )
* + ( ) ( )

(iii) To prove ( ( ))
we use the definition of Aboodh transform we obtain

, ( )- ∫ ( )

( ) , ( )-

(iv) The Aboodh transform ( ) is prove as following

From (iii),we have

, ( )- ( )

then , ( )- ∫ ( )

( )

, ( )-

Theorem 3.2 (convolution on Aboodh transform)

Let ( ) and ( ) having Aboodh transform ( ) and ( ) , then Aboodh

transform of the convolution of and ,

( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ( ) is given by :

( ) ( ) ∫ ( ) ( )

∫ ( ) ( )

, ( ) ( )- ( ) ( )

3.4 Solving Partial Integro-Differential Equations (PIDEs) using Aboodh

Transform Method:

In this section we will solve the partial integro-differential equations by

using the Aboodh Transform [7-9].

Consider general linear PIDE,

( )
∑ ∑ ∑ ∫ ( ) ( )

( )

Where ( ) and ( ) are known functions , s , and are

constants or the functions of .

Taking Abdoolh transform on both sides of PIDE (1) with respect to

we get ,

∑ , - ∑ , - * +

( )
∑ ,∫ ( ) - * ( )+

Using Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2 for Aboodh transform, we get:

( ) ( )
∑ 0 ( ) ∑ ( )1 ∑
( )
( ) ∑ ( ) ( )
( )


( ) , ( )- ( ) , ( )- ( ) , ( )-

Equation (2) is an ordinary differential equation in ( ).

Solving this ODE and taking inverse Aboodh transform of ( ) , we

get solution ( ) of Eq.(1)


In this section, we solve some Partial integro differential equations by

using Aboodh transform.

Example1 :

Consider the PIDE,

∫( ) ( ) ( )

With initial conditions

( ) ( ) ( )

And boundary condition

( ) ( )


Taking double Aboodh transform of equation (3):

̅( ) ( ) ( ) ̅ ( ̅)

̅ ̅ ̅

( )̅ ( ) ( )

Therefore the solution of (6) is,

. /
̅ ( )

From boundary condition (5),

̅( ) * ( )+ * + ( )

Using (7) and (8) to get: C=0.

Then equation (7) becomes,

̅( ) ( )

Applying the inverse of Aboodh transform on both sides of (9),we obtain

( ) * ( )+ { }

( )

Example2 :

Consider the PIDE,

∫ ( ) ( ) ( )

With initial conditions

( ) ( ) ( )

And boundary condition

( ) ( )


Taking double Aboodh transform of equation (10):

̅ ̅( ) ( ) ( ) (sin( ))
(sin( )) ̅( )

̅ ̅ ( ) ( )̅
( ) ( )

̅ ̅ ̅ ( )
( )

̅ ( )̅ ( )
( )

̅ ( )̅ ( )
( )

( )̅ ( )
( )

By taking inverse of Aboodh transform.

We get the solution:

( )


The definition and application of the new transform " Aboodh transform
" to the solution of ordinary differential equations and linear partial integro
–differential equations have been demonstrated. The methods of Aboodh
Transforms is successfully used to solve a general linear PIDE's, and in the
proposed method the general linear PIDE's are solve by using convolution
kernel. Finally, we get exact solutions of such PIDE after a few steps of

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