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Installing the package in Delphi 5..


1. Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack

each new version to the same path, so it would not produce extra folders with
older versions
2. Folder with components must be registered in Delphi (Tools->Environment
Options->Library->Library Path)

3. Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.dpk file, X - version of

4. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the
"Build" menu item

5. Open the design-time package project file (acntX.dpk file)*

6. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the
"Install" menu item

7. AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main

AlphaControls package

* If package should be installed in the Delphi and C++Builder at the same time, then
on steps 3 and 5 open the "Output - C/C++" page in "Project options" window and set
"Generate all C++Builder files (including package libs)" in the "C/C++ Output file
generation" field. Full sources of the package are needed.
Installing the package in C++ Builder 6..XE3

1. Unpack all files in the AlphaControls directory. It is very advisable to unpack

each new version to the same path, not to produce extra folders with old versions
of files
2. Folder with components must be registered in С+ Builder (Tools->Environment
Options->C++ Options->Paths and Directories->Library Path)
3. Open the run-time package project file (acntX_r.cbproj file, X - version of С+
4. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the
"Make" menu item. If full sources of the package are not exist then do not click
the "Build" menu item!
5. Open the design-time package project file (acntX.cbproj file)*
6. In the "Project manager" window click the right mouse button and choose the
"Install" menu item

7. AlphaDB and AlphaExtra packages may be installed like the main

AlphaControls package

Using of the 64-bit units under Delphi XE2/XE3

1. Install the package in 32-bit mode as described above. Delphi supports

installation of 32-bit packages only
2. If full sources of the package are available then additional actions are not
required. 64-bit units are generated automatically when project is compiling in
x64 mode.

Otherwise, additional precompiled 64-bit units should be downloaded and

unpacked to separate folder. And add this folder in the "Tools->Environment
Options->Library->Library Path" field for x64 mode.

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