CPU Interconnection

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United States Patent 19 11 Patent Number: 5,734,872

Kelly 45 Date of Patent: Mar. 31, 1998
54 CPU INTERCONNECTSYSTEM FOR A 4.967,346 10/1990 Freidin .................................... 395/500
COMPUTER 5,321,827 6/1994 Lu et al. 395/SOO
5,408,611 4/1995 Kim ....... ... 395/500
76 Inventor: Michael Kelly, 45 Lakeside Ave., 5,615.344 3/1997 Corder .................................... 395/832
Marlboro, Mass. O1752 Primary Examiner-Jack B. Harvey
Assistant Examiner-David A. Wiley
21 Appl. No.:725,061 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.
22 Filed: Oct. 2, 1996 57 ABSTRACT
Related U.S. Application Data A CPU interconnect system permits swapping of different
CPUs in a computer without requiring that the different
(63) Continuation of Ser. No.308,815, Sep.19, 1994, abandoned. CPUs each be adapted to conform to a standard input/output
6 bus. Translation between CPU input/output lines and a
(S1) int. Cl. ..................................................... G06F 13/00 system bus is accomplished by a programmable logic cir
52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 395/500; 395/284; 395/309; cuit. A memory containing a configuration program for the
395/882 programmable logic circuit is associated with each CPU
58) Field of Search .................................... 395/882, 500, desired to be swapped. Thus, when a CPU is swapped or
395/284,309 upon the occurrence of any other convenient event, the
programmable logic circuit may be loaded with the program
56 References Cited to configure the programmable logic circuit to perform the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS translation required by a current CPU.
4,885,482 12/1989 Sharp et al. ............................ 307/465 16 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets


U.S. Patent Mar. 31, 1998 Sheet 1 of 2 5,734,872

U.S. Patent 5,734,872
1 2
CPU INTERCONNECTSYSTEM FOR A a common system bus. Another goal of the present invention
COMPUTER is to reduce the number of parts included on the
daughterboard, thereby reducing the cost of CPU daughter
This application is a continuation, of application Ser. No. boards for connection to a common motherboard. These
08/308,815, filed Sep.19, 1994 now abandoned. 5 goals, and such others as will become clear to those skilled
in the art, have been achieved in the present invention which
Background is now summarized.
1. Field of the Invention According to one aspect of the present invention, there is
The present invention relates to computer sub-system provided a CPU interconnect system for a computer, the
interconnect systems. More particularly, the present inven
10 computer including a CPU having input/output lines and the
tion relates to such interconnect systems adapted for use in computer further including a system bus. The interconnect
computers wherein the computer design permits an system comprises a programmable logic circuit having a first
application-specific choice among several different central set of input/output lines connected to the input/output lines
processing units (CPUs), not all of which are installed in the of the CPU and a second set of input/output lines connected
computer at any one time, independent of the design of the
15 to the system bus; and a memory containing a configuration
balance of the computer system. program including instructions to the programmable logic
2. Background circuit to map the input/output lines of the CPU to the
system bus and connected to program the programmable
A single-board computer (SBC) is one in which all the logic circuit each time a predetermined event occurs.
essential computer components required to perform the According to another aspect of the invention, there is
desired computer function are substantially contained on a provided a single-board computer including a motherboard
single printed wiring module or board. The heart of such a having a connector electrically connected to a program
machine is a central processing unit (CPU). The CPU mable logic circuit, the programmable logic circuit further
controls the operation of the machine and performs various being electrically connected to a system bus having system
types of input/output (I/O) operations, calculations and 25
bus lines, and the single-board computer further including a
logical operations in accordance with computer program CPU daughterboard. The CPU daughterboard comprises a
instructions. In order to do so, the CPU is generally sup daughterboard connector adapted to mate with the connector
ported by memory and I/O circuits on the printed wiring included on the motherboard; a CPU having CPU input/
module. output lines electrically connected to the daughterboard
Single-board computers are often adapted for specific connector; and a non-volatile memory containing a configu
functions. For example, they may be used as controllers for ration program for the programmable logic circuit; wherein
other machines or large systems, and SBCs are often loading the configuration program configures the program
designed with this flexibility in mind. Included in the mable logic circuit to map between the CPU input/output
memory is a portion which is typically read-only, and which 35
lines and the system bus.
contains a set of customized program instructions directing According to yet another aspect of the invention, there is
the CPU to perform the specific task for which the SBC is provided in a single-board computer including a daughter
adapted. However, the flexibility afforded by reprogram board having a CPU with CPU input/output lines connected
ming may not be adequate to adapt current SBCs to all the to a daughtertboard connector and a non-volatile memory
tasks to which they may otherwise be successfully applied, containing a configuration program for a programmable
because for sufficiently different tasks, different CPUs may logic circuit, a motherboard. The motherboard comprises a
be desirable. Yet, designers ordinarily cannot readily swap connector adapted to mate with the daughterboard connec
one CPU for another CPU better suited to a specific appli tor; and a programmable logic circuit having input lines
cation or needs of a user. electrically connected to the motherboard connector and
Therefore, one solution to this problem has been to locate 45 output lines connected to a system bus; wherein loading the
the memory and I/O circuits on a motherboard and the CPU configuration program configures the programmable logic
on a very small daughterboard. In order to interconnect circuit to map between the CPU signals and the system bus
daughterboards carrying different CPUs to a common moth signals.
erboard design, prior art technology requires that a standard According to yet another aspect of the invention, there is
CPU bus be designed and implemented. Central processing 50 provided a CPU interconnect system for a computer, the
units having other than the standard CPU bus as their native computer including a CPU having input/output lines dis
interconnection scheme would be adapted by logic on the posed on a first module and the computer further including
daughterboard to interface with the signals of the standard a system bus disposed on a second module. The interconnect
CPU bus. However, this approach has the disadvantage of system may include elements for connecting the input/
requiring a sometimes significant amount of logic circuits to 55 outputlines of the CPU to the system busin accordance with
be present on the daughterboard to perform the adaptation a mapping not fixed in the elements for connecting, disposed
and service the standard CPU bus interface. on the second module; and elements for loading the mapping
It should be noted that the above-described problem in the into the elements for connecting, the elements For loading
prior art may also arise in computer systems other than SBCs operative upon the occurrence of a predetermined event. The
wherein a flexible system is desired which includes the elements for connecting may include such conductors and
capability of swapping CPUs among CPUs of different connectors or sockets as may be required to electrically
types. connect signals from their sources to their destinations.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTON Further in accordance with this aspect of the invention, the
elements For loading may comprise an element for holding
Therefore, it is one general goal of the present invention 65 the mapping, disposed on the first module.
to provide an interconnection system for adapting a variety Variations on each of the above aspects of the invention
of CPUs having different native interconnection schemes to are possible. For example, the elements for holding or
3 4
memory may be any of a variety of types of non-volatile by a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) 113. An FPGA
memory, such as read-only memory (ROM), electrically is one type of programmable logic circuit device including
alterable read-only memory (EAROM), non-volatile ran a collection of general logic devices which may be con
dom access memory (NVRAM) or battery backed up ran nected together to form a desired logic function by program
dom access memory. The CPU may further be one of a ming. Programming usually involves loading a map of
plurality of CPU types. For example, the CPU types sup interconnections between the general logic devices into the
ported may include processors of various data and address FPGA. The general logic devices are usually serial logic
elements, such as gates, but may also include parallel and
bus widths made by Intel, Motorola, AMD, DBM, etc. The clocked elements in some versions. The logic function
mapping held by the elements for holding or memory embodied in a programmed FPGA may be as simple as a
corresponds to the CPU type. The programmable logic O
routing of signals, such as might be performed by a switch.
circuit may be a field programmable logic array (FPGA) or However, the logic function may include such processing of
other similar programmable circuit. For example, the pro signals as changing timing or polarity, or may produce
grammable logic circuit could be programmable array logic output signals not found among the input signals, but which
(PAL), an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC), or
other circuit including programmable and reprogrammable 5 are logical combinations of the input signals. In use in
logic. The predetermined event may be any convenient embodiments of the present invention, the FPGA may be
event, such as power up or some form of operator interven
programmed to act as a cross-bar switch, or to perform one
of the more complex logical signal processing tasks noted
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING After programming in accordance with this aspect of the
In the drawing, like reference designations indicate like necessary to the FPGA 113 performs the overall logic function
map the collection of functions represented by
elements, and in which: the CPU input/output lines 107a to the analogous collection
FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of one aspect of an of functions represented by the system bus 111. For
embodiment of the present invention; and 25 example, a particular CPU 105 may issue memory read and
FIG. 2 is a block diagram of another aspect of an write requests using one set of signals transmitted over the
embodiment of the present invention. CPU input/output lines 107a, whereas the system bus 111
may include a different set of signals to perform read and
write functions in an attached memory (not shown). The
The present invention will be better understood when the 30 FPGA logic function is thus designed to map between the
following description is read in connection with the draw two distinct representations of the same function. A person
1ngs. of ordinary skill in this art is capable of designing such a
The block diagram of FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of mapping, given the various signal functions and timing
the invention wherein there is provided a computer moth requirements. It should also be evident that although this
erboard 101 including substantially all necessary computer 35 embodiment employs an FPGA, any similar programmable
functions for a particular application, except for the central logic circuit may be used, without regard to whether that
processing functions. The central processing functions circuit resides in a single package or multiple packages.
required by a particular application are supplied by plugging A further feature of this embodiment of the present
a daughterboard 103, including a central processing unit invention is the presence of a read-only memory (ROM) 115
(CPU) 105, into a connector 109 on the motherboard. The on the CPU daughterboard 103. One purpose for this ROM
interconnection between the CPU daughterboard 103 and 115 is to hold the program for the FPGA113. Each CPU 105
the motherboard 101 is now described in greater detail. may be accompanied by a ROM 115 containing a program
The CPU 105 communicates with other components of which properly maps the CPU input/output lines 107a for
the computer via signals sent over a plurality of input/output that CPU 105 to the system bus 111. Thus, in the case of the
lines 197a and 107b. However, as noted above, different 45 illustrated embodiment of the invention, when different CPU
daughterboards 103 including different CPUs 105 are
CPUs are defined to have one or more different input/output plugged
lines. Therefore, at least some of the connections between into the motherboard 101, the FPGA 113 may be
loaded via program signal lines 117 with different programs
the CPU input/output lines and the motherboard are pro corresponding
grammable (e.g. input/output lines 107a). In the illustrated to the mapping required for the different
embodiment, the CPU input/output lines are connected to 50 CPUs 105.
the motherboard through an interface including connectors The memory 115 provided on the CPU daughterboard 103
109. Although in conventional interconnect systems the need not be strictly read-only, but should be a non-volatile
individual conductors of such connectors would be defined memory type. Any suitable type of memory which retains its
to correspond to specific ones of the CPU input/output lines contents while power is not applied to the daughterboard
197a and 107, in this embodiment of the invention the CPU 55 103 may be employed. Thus, although the program for the
input/output lines 107a of each different CPU may be FPGA 113 is retained during intervals of power being off.
associated with the conductors of the connector in any the CPU daughterboard 103 could be reprogrammed, when
convenient fashion. For example, if the system is imple improvements are made to the FPGA program correspond
mented using conventional printed circuit techniques, con ing to the CPU 105 contained on a particular daughterboard
siderations of run length, cross-talk between adjacent signal 103. Electrically alterable read-only (EAROM) is an
runs, etc. may be permitted to take precedence over forcing example of a memory which is non-volatile, and hence used
particular signals to appear on particular connector conduc primarily in a read-only mode, but whose contents may be
tors. Thus, if CPU input/output lines 107a appear in different changed from time to time, as required.
locations on different CPUs 105, they may be routed to Furthermore, holding the program for the FPGA 113 need
different conductors of the connector 109a. 65 not be the only function of a ROM or similar memory 115
In this embodiment of the invention, the CPU input/ on the CPU daughterboard 103. For example, the ROM 115
output lines 107a are then mapped onto the system bus 111 may include instructions for programming other devices,
5 6
additional configuration data for use by the CPU 105, or to cause the timing to coincide. Thus, by providing on the
program instructions for one or more CPU functions. Other CPU daughterboard 103 a speed selection connection 211
applications of that space in the ROM 115 which is not used the system bus 111 may be provided with a clock output
by the FPGA program will become apparent to those design signal which is equal to, one-half of, or twice the speed of
ing specific applications. the sync in signal. By employing this aspect of the present
The FPGA 113 may be loaded with the configuration invention, the clock signal 201 of the CPU daughterboard
program contained in the ROM 115 upon the occurrence of 103 is mapped onto the clockoutput signal 209 required by
any convenient event. For example, the FPGA 113 may be the motherboard 101. Moreover, the mapping is program
loaded at system power up, upon issuance of a reset signal mable over a wide range, by use of the speed selection
as a result of operator intervention, or upon a “hot swap” of connection 211, which is in essence a read-only memory. By
CPU daughterboards 103 wherein power is maintained on altering the source of the feedback signal 207, the phase
the motherboard 101. Other automatic and operator inter locked loop circuit 205 is reprogrammed to run at the
vention events which may be appropriate times to load the required rate for different CPU daughterboards 103.
FPGA 113 will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art The invention has now been shown and described in
who may be developing any particular application. 5 connection with several embodiments, but is not intended to
It will be readily apparent to those skilled in this art that be limited thereto. A number of modifications should now be
the invention may be practiced using technologies other than obvious to those skilled in the art, and are contemplated as
the conventional printed wiring technology involving con falling within the scope of the invention, which is limited
ventional motherboards and daughterboards in connection only by the claims appended hereto.
with which the invention has been illustrated. For example, What is claimed is:
the circuitry described above as being associated with a 1. A CPU interconnect system for a computer, the com
daughterboard may be included in some type of hybrid or puter including a CPU module carrying a CPUselected from
other integrated module, including integration onto a single a plurality of CPU types and having input/output lines and
component. The FPGA 113 and connector 109 technologies the computer further including on a system module a system
25 bus, the interconnect system comprising:
may be similarly varied, in accordance with generally
accepted design techniques. For example, the connectors a connector set connecting signal lines of the CPU module
109 may simply be a socket into which all hybrid CPU to signal lines of the system module;
modules 103 may be designed to fit. Therefore, it is intended a reprogrammable logic circuit disposed on the system
that the terms motherboard 101, daughterboard 103 and module, and having a first set of input/output lines
related terms in this application be broadly construed to connected through the connector set to the input/output
include any technology by which the separation of function lines of the CPU and a second set of input/output lines
and connections between those functions discussed above connected to the system bus, and having a logic func
may be accomplished. tion programmed by a configuration program including
Other variations are contemplated as within the scope of 35 instructions defining the logic function; and
this invention. Read-only memory 115 may, for example, a memory disclosed on the CPU module, containing a
contain nothing more than an identification of the type of configuration program including instructions to the
CPU 105 included on daughterboard 103. The correspond reprogrammable logic circuit to map the input/output
ing programmable logic circuits 113 would contain a storage lines of the CPU to the system bus and the memory
element containing configurations for a plurality of sup connected through the connector set to the reprogram
ported CPU types. Upon receipt of a CPU type identification mable logic circuit to program the reprogrammable
from ROM 115, the programmable logic circuits 113 would logic circuit in accordance with the configuration pro
then self-configure. In this arrangement, ROM 115 may be gram each time a predetermined event occurs, whereby
no more than a series of wire jumpers, while the program the reprogrammable logic circuit is programmed to
mable logic circuits 113 may include a ROM element. 45 perform the logic function.
Another aspect of the present invention, in accordance 2. The CPU interconnect system of claim 1, wherein the
with the block diagram of FIG. 2, adapts the system clock of computer includes a daughterboard having the CPU and the
a computer in accordance with this invention to different memory thereon and a motherboard, the system further
CPUs. Operations performed by computers are coordinated comprising:
in time by a clock signal which gives timing information to 50 means for detachably connecting the input/output lines of
each of the various components of the system. Different the CPU and the first set of input/output lines of the
CPUs generate clock signals using different circuits, as well programmable logic circuit;
as requiring clock signals having different timing or speed the means for connecting including a plurality of
characteristics. For example, some CPUs generate clock conductors, each connected to one of the input/output
signals internally, while others simply receive a clock signal 55 lines of the CPU and not having a fixed functional
from an external oscillator circuit; and some CPUs run at an correspondence with functions of the input/output lines
external clock rate of 25 MHz, while others run at 33 MHz, of a particular CPU type.
50 MHz, etc. 3. The CPU interconnect system of claim 2, wherein the
Whether the clock signal 201 is developed within the programmable logic circuit is a field-programmable gate
CPU itself, or simply supplied from an external oscillator 60 array.
circuit 203 to the CPU, it should be considered to be one of 4. The CPU interconnect system of claim 2, wherein the
the CPU input/output signals 107b. Thus, the clock signal programmable logic circuit is an application-specific inte
201 is also connected via a connector 109 to the mother grated circuit.
board 101. On the motherboard 101, there resides a phase 5. The CPU interconnect system of claim 2, wherein the
locked loop circuit 205. The phase-locked loop circuit 205 65 memory includes a non-volatile memory.
compares the timing of the clock signal 201 to the timing of 6. The CPU interconnect system of claim 5, wherein the
a feedback signal 207, and adjusts a clock output signal 209 non-volatile memory is read-only memory.
7 8
7. The CPU interconnect system of claim 5, wherein the the non-volatile memory is further electrically connected
non-volatile memory is electrically alterable read-only to the reprogrammable logic circuit through the daugh
memory. terboard connector when mated with the connector
8. For use in a computer including a motherboard having included on the motherboard; and
a connector electrically connected to a reprogrammable loading in the reprogrammable logic circuit the configu
logic circuit, the reprogrammable logic circuit further being ration program contained in the non-statewide memory
electrically connected to a system bus having system bus configures the reprogrammable logic circuit to map
signal lines, a CPU daughterboard comprising: between the CPU signal lines and the system bus signal
a daughterboard connector adapted to mate with the 10
connector included on the motherboard; 12. The CPU motherboard of claim 11, wherein the
a CPU having CPU signal lines electrically connected to programmable logic circuit is a field-programmable gate
the daughterboard connector; and array.
a non-volatile memory containing a configuration pro 13. The CPU motherboard of claim 11, wherein the
gram for the reprogrammable logic circuit, electrically 15 programmable logic circuit is an application-specific inte
connected to the reprogrammable logic circuit through grated circuit.
the daughterboard connector when mated with the 14. A CPU interconnect system for a computer, the
connected included on the motherboard; wherein computer including a CPU having input/output lines, the
loading in the reprogrammable logic circuit the configu CPU physically located on a first module and the computer
ration program contained in the non-statewide memory 20 further including a system bus, the system bus physically
configures the reprogrammable logic circuit to map located on a second module, the interconnect system com
between the CPU signal lines and the system bus signal prising:
lines. means for connecting the input/output lines of the CPU to
9. The CPU daughterboard of claim 8, wherein the the system bus in accordance with a mapping not fixed
non-volatile memory is read-only memory. 25
in the means for connecting, the mapping of the means
10. The CPU daughterboard of claim 8, wherein the for connecting reprogrammable and the means for
non-volatile memory is electrically alterable read-only connecting physically located on the second module;
11. For use in a single-board computer including a daugh means for loading the mapping into the means for
terboard having on the daughterboard a CPU with CPU 30 connecting, the means for loading operative upon each
signal lines connected to a daughterboard connector and occurrence of a predetermined event; and
further having on the daughterboard a non-volatile memory means for holding the mapping, the means for holding
containing a configuration program for a reprogrammable physically located on the first module.
logic circuit of a predetermined type, a motherboard com 15. The CPU interconnect system of claim 14, wherein the
prising: 35 CPU physically located on the first module is one of a
a connector adapted to mate with the daughterboard plurality of CPU types, and the mapping held by the means
connector; and for holding corresponds to the CPU type.
a logic circuit of the predetermined type having input 16. The CPU interconnect system of claim 14 wherein the
signal lines electrically connected to the motherboard predetermined event is power up.
connector and output signal lines connected to a system ck k >k -k sk
bus having system bus signal lines; wherein

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