2019 - IEEE PESGM - Dual Hybrid Energy Storage

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Energy Management of a Dual Hybrid Energy Storage System of PV Microgrids in

Grid-connected Mode Based on Adaptive PQ Control

Conference Paper · August 2019

DOI: 10.1109/PESGM40551.2019.8973616


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3 authors:

Xibeng Zhang Don Gamage

University of Auckland University of Auckland


Abhisek Ukil
University of Auckland


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Energy Management of a Dual Hybrid Energy
Storage System of PV Microgrids in Grid-connected
Mode Based on Adaptive PQ Control
Xibeng Zhang, Don Gamage, Abhisek Ukil,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Emails: xzha639@aucklanduni.ac.nz, dgam963@aucklanduni.ac.nz a.ukil@auckland.ac.nz

Abstract—In PV microgrids, batteries are used to balance the and supercapacitor (SC) to support the load demand with RES,
power between the generation and loads side. In this paper, a the average power demand is met by the battery and the SC
Dual Hybrid Energy Storage System (DHESS) in microgrids is deal with the transient power since SC has high energy density
proposed to reduce the batteries life loss. the duel HESS can
work3 on two modes, one is responsible for charging, and another but low power density.
for discharging. The working mode changing is decided by the
state of charging (SOC) of each battery. An adaptive PQ control Many researches focus on increasing the lifespan of bat-
method in the three-phase inverter is presented to ensure the teries and operating batteries economically. Reference [13]
SOC in the safe range. The proposed system is developed in presented a control strategy for AC-DC microgrids to limit
MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and tested for the results. the charging and discharging rate of batteries optimally. Works
[14], [15] presented an approach to keep the SOC of batteries
I. I NTRODUCTION in a safe range. The authors in [16] adopted a dual BESS to
meet the load demand, one BESS is charging by RES, and
Comparing with the traditional energy source, the renewable another one is discharging to support loads, which can use
energy source (RES) such as the wind and polar source is batteries fully, and work mode of two can interchange based on
more suitable to satisfy the power need in the remote area. To the situation of SOC. Due to the various weather condition, the
integrate distributed generators (DGs), energy storage system state of interchange is difficult to catch, so it uses three-hourly
(ESS) and loads as a subsystem, the concept of microgrids indices to forecast the performance of RES, but it is much
were presented in [1], which can work in islanding mode and complex. Reference [17] established an optimization model
grid-connected mode. The energy management of microgrids to minimize the battery operation cost based on the battery
is aim to operate microgrids economically and keep the power lifetime algorithm.
reliable [2], [3]. The basic control methods of microgrids can
This paper proposes a dual HESS in PV microgrids working
be classified into grid-side control (inverter output control) and
with the adaptive PQ controller. One HESS is charging, and
power sharing control [2]. In inverter output control, stationary
another is discharging when the power is mismatching, and the
reference frame control is widely used, it can measure ac
adaptive PQ controller can sharing the power between main
current and voltage as the reference frame to regulate the
grid and the dual HESS to ensure the condition of working
DC magnitudes in DGs side. The authors in [4] presented
mode interchange can be met, all controller is local controllers
a stationary reference frame control based on PR controller
and the charge/discharge cycle is decreasing. This paper is
to reduce the stable state error. Reference [5] introduced a
organized as follows. In section II, the structure and control
double synchronous reference frame current controller to trade
strategy of normal HESS is introduced. In Section III, the
of the current oscillation. Droop control is a mature method
working mode of dual HESS is presented. In Section IV, the
for sharing the power in microgrids [6]. In [7], [8],authors
adaptive PQ control is presented, and The simulation result is
used droop control to manage power among multiple RESs.
shown in Section V, followed by conclusions in section VI.
PQ controller is used to controlling the output of active and
reactive power of the three-phase inverter [7].
ESS plays an important role in microgrids to supply or
absorb power when power imbalance caused by the instability The structure of a PV microgrid with HESS is shown in
and intermittent of RES. Studies [9] and [10] proposed the Fig. 1.
structure of ESS based on batteries to keep the power balance,
however, the high rate of charge and discharge cycle would Where, iP V , ib1 and iSC1 are the current of the PV, battery
damage the battery since the power density of batteries is low, and SC. VP V , Vb1 , VSC1 and VO are the voltage of the PV,
hence, [11] and [12] proposed HESS that is consist of a battery battery, SC and DC bus. SW 1 to SW 5 are the switches of DC-

The control method described in section II aims to balance

the intermittent power generated by RES between the changing
power requirement of shifting loads. But the SOC of the
battery can not be controlled. SOC represents the capacity
situation of energy storage equipment, and it can be calculated
by Coulombs Counting Method [14]:
SOC b = SOC 0 b − ∗ ib ∗ dt, (5)

0 1
SOC sc = SOC sc − ∗ isc ∗ dt, (6)
Fig. 1: The structure of HESS.
where SoCb0 , SoC 0 sc , Cnb and Cnsc are the initial SOC and
capacity of the battery and SC. Because the SC is only dealing
DC converters of PV, battery, and SC. If the power requirement with the transient power, so in this paper, the SOC of SC is
is greater than the output power of PV, HESS would discharge neglected.
to supply additional power, and if the output power is greater
According to [18], the effective discharge of batteries is
than load demand, HESS will absorb the rest of the power to
equal to the product of effective weighting factor and ampere-
keep the voltage of DC bus stable.
hours delivered, and the effective weighting factor is decided
The normal control method of HESS based on PI controllers by SOC, which can be seen in Fig. 3. It shows that if SOC
is presented in [12]. The control scheme is shown in Fig. 2. less than 0.5, delivering 1 Ah would lead to 1.3 Ah to the
The error between the Vref and VO is fed to a PI controller to lifetime. To avoid the battery is operated at a low SOC range,
generate the total current reference of HESS iT . The output the structure of DHESS and the control scheme are proposed
of the lower pass filter is, in this section.

fLP F (iT ) = iavg , (1)

So the transient part of iT is,

itrans = iT − iavg , (2)

Because battery has high energy density and SC has a high

power density, so the battery deals with the average current
and the SC handles the transient current:
irefb = iavg , (3)
irefsc = itrans , (4)

The duty cycle of DC-DC converters of battery and SC can

be controlled based on irefb and irefsc f .
Fig. 3: Relationship between SOC and effecitive weighting
factor [18].

The DHESS can work on two modes, which is shown in

Fig. 4. In mode 1, HESS1 is responsible for supply power
to DC load when the output power of RES is less, and the
HESS2 would charging if RES provide more power than the
requirement. Once the HESS1 runs out of energy (SOCb1<L),
Fig. 2: Control scheme of HESS. and the HESSb is full (SOCb2>H), the working mode is
changing to mode 2 to exchange the duty of HESS2 and
HESS1, which can avoid batteries keep working in low SOC dual HESS:
• In mode 1, SOCb1 <L SOCb2 <H, but PHESS > 0; or
SOCb1 >L SOCb2 >H, but PHESS < 0.
• In mode 2, SOCb1 <H SOCb2 <L, but PHESS > 0; or
SOCb1 <L SOCb2 <H, but PHESS < 0.

In these cases, the SOC of DHESS does not catch the critical
condition to change the work mode, but the SOC of one of
the batteries is too low or high to discharging and charging.
To address this issue, an adaptive PQ control is presented in
this section to manage the power between the PV microgrid
and the main grid. The Fig. 6 shows a PV microgrid with
a DHESS in grid-connected mode under the control of PQ

Fig. 4: The working mode of dual HESS.

The control structure of DHESS is shown in Fig. 5.

The working mode decision can select the working mode

by generating the enable signal based on detecting the SOC,
current of batteries and power of HESS:
PHESS = Pload − PRES , (7)
Fig. 6: PQ control on the inverter.
Where, PHESS , PRES and Pload are the power of HESS, RES
and load demand.
PV provides power to DC and AC bus:
The enable signal selection is shown in Table I. In mode 1 PP V = PP V 1 + PP V 2 , (8)
when DHESS is discharging to supply the load demand, the
enable signal is 1, which results in HESS1 working and the
current of HESS2 equal to 0. Then when HESS is charging to Where, PP V 1 is the power supplied to DC bus, the power
absorb the power, the enable signal is 0, hence, HESS1 stops requirement of DC load is:
working and HESS2 is charging to meet the demand. For the PDCLOAD = PP V 1 + PHESS , (9)
same reason, in mode 2, the enable signal under discharging
and charging behaviors are 0,1 respectively. and PP V 2 is the output power of the three phase inverter. The
active power on PCC is:
PACload = PP V 2 + ∆P, (10)
PP V 2 can be controlled by PQ controller, idref and iqref are
calculated by P2ref and QP V ref , then two PI controllers are
used to eliminate steady state error between id,qref and id,q ,
then using SPWM to control the inverter based on ud,qref to
output the active and reactive power as the set up points. P2ref
should be adjusted to meet the requirement, the flowchart of
P2ref calculator is shown in Fig. 7.

When the DHESS should discharge (PHESS > 0), but the
Fig. 5: Dual HESS control scheme battery is out of power (SOC< L), P2ref is negative so that the
main grid can supply the additional power to DC loads instead
IV. A DAPTIVE PQ CONTROL IN GRID - CONNECTED MODE of the battery until PHESS < 0 or the DHESS changes the
working mode. Conversely, if the dual HESS should absorb
Because of the variable situation of RES and load demand, power but the battery is full (SOC> H), P2ref would increase
there are four special circumstance during the operation of the to ensure the rest of power go through to the main grid.
Enable signal Working mode
M ode1 M ode2
Discharging 1 0
charging 0 1
TABLE I: Enable signal selection

At t3 , SOCb1 >H and SOCb2 <L, the DHESS is changing to

mode 1 again, so the power is supplies by HESS1. The output
power is regulated to 48 V.

Fig. 8: The battery current of HESS1, HESS2 and the output

voltage on DC bus in case 1 .
Fig. 7: The flowchart of P2ref calculation.

B. Case 2: Performance of the adaptive PQ controller
The voltage on DC bus is regulated to 48V, and the
frequency of main grid is 50HZ, the system parameters is Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the simulation result. The initial
shown in Table II. working mode of DHESS is mode 1. During t0 to t1 , PHESS
TABLE II: System Parameters < 0, HESS2 is charging. At t1 , SOCb1 >L but SOCb2 >H,
so the P2ref increase to transfer more power from PV to
Parameter Value AC bus. After t1 , HESS2 take a few time to stop charging
VP V and IP V in MPP 24 V, 3 A due to the increasing of PP V 2 , the PP V 1 is decreasing which
DC bus Voltage (VO ) 48 V make HESS1 discharge. At t2 , PHESS > 0, so the charging
SC Voltage (VSC1 ) 32 V behaviour stops, and the P2ref back to the normal value,
Battery Voltage (Vb1 ) 24 V HESS1 continues discharging to keep power balance. At t3 ,
DC-DC Converters LP V =20 mH, SOCb1 <L and SOCb2 >H and PHESS is still greater than
LB =3 mH, LS =3 mH 0, the working mode change to mode 2, and HESS2 starts to
discharge instead of HESS1.

A. Case 1: Changing working mode under different situation VI. C ONCLUSIONS

about SOC

The simulation result is shown in Fig. 8. During t0 to t2 , A new control structure of DHESS in DC microgrids and
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