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Human-computer interaction is known as HCI. It is a discipline of research that focuses on how people
use technology. This can range from the study of how people use technology in their daily lives to the
design of user interfaces.


HCI is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates ideas from numerous other fields of study. This includes
engineering, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Researchers in HCI use this information to
comprehend how people use technology and to design better user interfaces.

Usability is one of the focal points of HCI research. This research examines how simple it is for users to
operate a specific system. Usability is significant because it can determine whether a user enjoys using a
system or becomes discouraged and gives up.

Accessibility is a significant area of HCI research. This research examines how effectively people with
various disabilities can use a given system. Accessibility is crucial because it guarantees that anyone,
regardless of ability, can use a system.


HCI is a crucial area of research that aids in our comprehension of how people use technology. It can aid
in the creation of better user interfaces and the guarantee that any system can be used by anyone,
regardless of skill level.

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